Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer Wreath Tutorial

Summer Wreath from Odds and Ends:

The mantra of this summery wreath should be reuse...restore...repurpose! Everything on it either had another life, another purpose or was disgarded.

I wanted to make a wreath with things I already have at hand. A challenge of sorts.

The wreath itself was deep in the bowels of my basement still adorned~ a past summer wreath. I literally ripped off the geraniums, bows, American flags and other sundry flowers and salvaged them for a future time.

It is my custom to wire 2 wreaths together. I learned this wonderful trick at an interior designer's shop that I admire. All the wreaths are fabulous and lush... and horribly expensive. I noticed that the arranged wreaths were all doubled. So, I do the same. And it makes a HUGE difference!! This wreath was already doubled~ ready to be decorated!

The color theme picked me, not the other way around. I recently did  2 wreaths for a country farm wedding (upcoming post) and had some bits and pieces left over. The bright yellow ranunculus, stylized white cone flowers and white bead buds became part of my summer wreath.

I had all the rest of the pieces on hand!

I am by no means a floral designer, I just start playing and it falls into place. Trust yourself and your eye. You can do it too... really! Let your own style shine!

Start by setting the bounderies of the wreath. I used the white bead bud sprays to give me perameters because if left to my own devices I would embellish it to death!

Place the anchor flower in postion on the wreath. Glue it liberally! Start by working around this flower.

Add the large flowers first. Position them and when you like the way they look glue them liberally.

Fill in with other larger elements. I really could have used 1 more gerber and 3 more ranunculus, but I was only using what I had on hand.

When all of the larger elements are glued tightly onto the wreath, start adding the "froof". I wanted my wreath to look a little wild and twiggy and a little "brambley".

Stick frilly, twiggy, fluffy elements in layer after layer. When you are happy with each layer, glue liberally.

Pay attention to the inside rim of the wreath. It is noticeable when the wreath is hung. I added some frilly greens to add pizazz to the inside edge of the wreath.

Just keep working the design, adding and editing until you are happy with the wreath.

When the wreath is done, give it a very good shake. Reglue any loose pieces. Get rid of all glue spiders.

Tie a ribbon through the two wreaths and hang.

From trash to treasure!


  1. Very nice wreath! I like the natural way it looks. Great tips, thank you.


  2. Sending a sweet hello from Frog Hollow Farm. Yvonne, I'm so impressed with this wreath. You make everything seem so calming and simple. I'm going to dig around the farm and see what I can come up with to design a wreath of my own! Ciao, bella!

  3. It is so pretty! Thank you for sharing ;0)

  4. It's absolutely beautiful! Such a great wreath, thanks for sharing this. Lidy

  5. I just love it..I have always liked this kind of wreath and it is so Summer-ie..good job! :D

  6. I love how "the color theme picked you" and that you used what was already available to you :) Beautiful job!

  7. Your wreath turned out great, I love the colors-very summery! And ya can't beat the price!
    I'm having a patriotic give-away if you'd like to stop by.

  8. Lovely Yvonne! Doubling the wreaths is something I've done for years- I double (or triple) Christmas garland too! Love the colors- great post
    xoxo Pattie

  9. You were lucky to have been picked by such pretty colors. The wreath is the perfect summer touch right down to the yellow and white ribbon. I hope you are well.


  10. So pretty and very, very summery. Great color selection and I just love ranunculus. What a wonderful tip to double up your wreath. I'm trying that for sure. Thanks for the visit. How fun that you judge at the State Fair level. I did some 4-H judging in our small county in MN...mostly home arts. I always loved the food revue and all the baking entries.


  11. Beautiful wreath! Thanks for all the how-to's.:)

  12. Very pretty, but you make it looks so easy! Have a blessed week. Sandi

  13. That is so pretty! I still have my spring wreath up but it seems to be working for summer too. I just don't have as much energy as you do!

    Hoping that things are settling down here some and I can start visiting more often!

  14. Hi Yvonne - you have a perfect eye for design!!! Do you realize how much one of these wreaths would sell for? Stunning!


  15. Love it! I have a wreath like yours without the embelishments. I just hung it up bare, but yours is so much better. You have good eye for design. Marla

  16. I love your tutorials. You should write a book!

  17. What a nice airy the colors.

  18. Lovely! Nice and summery! I can't give up my hydrangea wreath for the front door though...I just love them!

  19. Love this! Do you do anything talented girl;)?

    I am going to see if I can copy! I may need some help;)!


  20. Yvonne your wreath is beautiful! I love the color combo you summery! And you are too sweet...I've been a fan of your wonderful blog for quite awhile now!

    Kat :)

  21. Beautiful wreath. Love the colors you used.

  22. Very pretty and I love yellow and green together!

    Thanks for the tip about doubling the wreath. I usually "hunt" for a fat wreath but with your idea I snap up a couple and make one large wreath :-)

    I so enjoy your blog. I can hop over here to Stone Gable where I know I will find all kinds of new things.

  23. I love it! The colors are perfect for summer! Carla

  24. That's a beauty Yvonne -- never thought of using fresh flowers for a wreath. You put all us slackers to shame. Thanks for stopping by. Jane F.

  25. Perfectly inspire me!

  26. Thank you for visiting me the other day and for your lovely comment...I love this wreath..I need to so freshen up inspired me. Have a great rest of your week. xoxo

  27. How pretty, I love it! What cheery colors, too!
    Heather @

  28. How pretty, I love it! What cheery colors, too!
    Heather @

  29. I love your wreath...just beautiful! Congrats on winning the pink contest at Daisy Pink Cupcake! You definitely deserve it! Have a great 4th of July!

    Laura at Sugar Rose Cottage

  30. You amaze me more everyday. This is gorgeous! The colors are perfection!

  31. Great tutorial! Wow, so beautiful. Thanks for sharing your tips. Can't wait to use them.

  32. I love the colors of this wreath, it is pretty and summery. Love it.

    Flowers are my weakest link, thanks for the tutorial, I'll bookmark this and give it a try.

  33. WOW! Your wreath is just stunning! I love the colors you picked and I love the tutorial too.
    You are very talented!

  34. That lovely wreath would have probably cost around $300 at PB. A light sprinkling of spray-on glitter (the almost invisible kind)might tone down the brightness of the flowers. Just a thought. Jackie

  35. This is gorgeous! I love how simple it is and yet still so luch. I never would have thought about putting two wreaths together. What a wonderful idea!

  36. Beautiful redo. Love the color combinations!!!

  37. This is beautiful! LOVE it!

