Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lime Sorbet

Beat The Heat With Lime Sorbet!

Please stop over at Daisy Pink Cupcake, and vote for your favorite pink post. I was chosen to be a contestant! I am not telling you who to vote for~ they are all beautiful and I feel so thrilled to be in such good company. If, however you wish to vote for me, please make sure you vote in SECTION 1. There are 2 sections. Click HERE to go to Daisy Pink Cupcake and vote. Thanks bunches and bunches!!!

Ready for a cool and frosty treat? Something that is sweet and gives you a bit of a pucker?  Something summery and fresh?  Lime Sorbet  is a great way to beat the summer heat!

This lime infused treat is bound to get a delightful reaction!  Little bits of grated lime zest give big bursts of flavor. So good!

Lime Sorbet
2 cups sugar
2 cups water
1 cup lime juice
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 1/2 TBS lime zest

Combine sugar and water in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer sugar mixture until all the sugar disolves making a simple syrup, about 4 minutes. Cool completely!

Ream juice from limes and lemons. Limes are sometimes stingy about their juice. Roll the limes and lemons between a hard surface and your hand. Press firmly to release the juices. Cut in half and use a reamer to squeeze out all the juice. No seeds!!!!! I strain the juice before I use it!

Combine simple syrup, lime/lemon juice and lime zest. Stir.

Pour into the freezer bowl of an ice cream maker. I have a Cuisinart brand Frozen Yogurt, Ice Cream and Sorbet Maker. Very easy machine!  Well priced, too! Turn on machine and mix for 30 minutes.

Sorbet will be "loose". Put sorbet in a sealed plastic container and freeze.

A little goes a long way because it is sweet and tangy. I serve it in a little bowl or piled high in egg cups. Instead of mint as a garnish I use lemon balm.

Bon Appetit!


  1. so refreshing! We love sorbets here Yvonne and this looks just lovely as always. Have a wonderful weekend!
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Beautiful and delicious...who could ask for anything more? Such a treat!


  3. Oh my, does this ever sound fabulous!!! I am so in love with limes - can't get enough!

    Stunning photos, as usual :).


  4. Yvonne, this looks so refreshing. thank you for sharing this recipe. laurie

  5. Oh, YUM!! I LOVE all things lime!


  6. My Cuisineart gadget didn't work last time I used it, but I may have to try it out again--this looks fabulous and I love anything lemon or lime. (How's that for a runon sentence?) Delicious and delightful! Also looks refreshing in this AWFUL heat!

  7. What a great alternative to icecream! My kids are going to love this!!

  8. I feel cooler just looking at the pictures. I bet this is so refreshing. It looks so pretty in the egg cups and what a great alternate way to use those egg cups.

  9. Wow, this looks great and I know it's yummy-thanks! The shot of the "spent" lime conga train is too fun!

  10. Yvonne, your lime sorbet looks so refreshing and lovely. I have made sorbets before but never lime. I know my family will love this. Joni

  11. Yumm! This looks so refreshing! I love sorbets!:) Tati

  12. cheeks are all puckered up just thinking about it! I love things like this in the summertime, can't get enough! Thank you :D

  13. I sure will try the lime sorbet, wow does it look great...yes of course I had to look at all the pink entrees and yes of course yours is just so beautiful I just had to give you a vote, hope you win, come on over for a visit...

  14. What a delicious sounding/looking treat. There's nothing better than a refreshing sorbet to help with the torrid heat we are having. Thanks for another timely recipe from StoneGable.


  15. This looks so cool and refreshing! I love the limes all in a row!


  16. Oliver says he cannot wait for the dog biscuit post. In the meantime, he has asked his mistress to please purchase a bone-shapped biscuit cutter and have it at the ready.

    He says he wishes you a "dog-like" day. One of resting in the shade, having lots of cool water, a tasty treat or two and lots of love.


  17. I am having the ladies over Tuesday and debated over which dessert to serve. I think with all the heat, I will do this one since I have a Cuisinart freezer. What do you think of Giada's Lemon ricotta cookies as an accompaniment?

    You definitely got my vote!

  18. Good Morning Yvonne ~

    Oh how wonderfully refreshing. This is a lovely post. Thank you for sharing. I have really enjoyed my visit to your delightful blog and will stop by again and again.

    Have a wonderful weekend and now I am off to buy limes!!!

    Smiles ~ Ramona

  19. What a refreshing sorbet that would be perfect after a spicy Thai dinner. I'm having such fun using my new ice cream freezer. This will be next on my list.

  20. Yvonne:

    This looks terrific! I can't wait to try it. So simple, but so refreshing.

    Perhaps you'll submit it to "Summer Sundays" this Sunday?

    - The Tablescaper

  21. Love the lime shell pic!
    Looks delicious, and Limes are so much cheaper than lemons right now!

  22. Yummmmmmm....I love anything with LIMES...I will make this for sure! thank you for the list of magazines...I do adore the one BEAUIFUL but have not seen the new issue yet. Victoria is lovely! Have a great weekend. oxxoox

  23. I feel like I'm on Animal mouth literally just starting watering and I had to close my mouth!

  24. Oh! Delicious, great shots!


  25. That looks so good! Especially about now when its only 10 am and almost 100 degrees already! Gorgeous photos of limes Yvonne!


  26. Yum! This will be perfect for our after the pool snack. It will be so refreshing on those super hot days :)

  27. I do love coming here and enjoying the pictures, you have a real talent in the kitchen and with the camera. Wishing you a lovely weekend.

  28. I know I will find myself saying this over and over, but you should publish a book! A cook book, a book of your pretty pictures, a book of how-tos, etc..this lime sorbet makes me want to run out right now and buy some limes...I think I will! I like that it is simple! You are not old enough to be my mom, but I tell everyone that I need to check and see what my 'blog mom at StoneGable' will teach me today! It is a treat for me to sit down and look at your blog...I yearn for more time to look at your past posts! If I had a book, I could carry it in the car on long trips! :) Christie at

  29. I will definitely try this lime sorbet. Talk about perfect for hot weather! We make a lot of sorbets with our ice cream maker. Our favorite is Concord grape sorbet from our arbor in the wine country.

  30. What a wonderful summer sorbet recipe! Beautiful photos as well :)

  31. Hi Yvonne, Your sorbet sounds like the perfect treat for a hot summer day. I love lime-ade and I'm sure I'll have to try this. I've just got a regular ice cream maker. I wonder if that might work. If not, I may just have to buy one like yours. This would be so nice for the kids as well, and I'm sure we could come up with several different flavors. Serving in your egg cups is so cute! I've never actually used egg cups for eggs!

    Have a nice weekend,


  32. Hi Yvonne, These sorbet looks wonderful. It was 101 degrees here in Richmond today and this would have been wonderful.

    Thanks so much for your vote for my family room at This Photographers Life. I truly appreciate your support!

    I am on my way to look at your pink goodness and to vote. Best of luck to you.
    Hugs, Sherry

  33. oh dear heavens,
    my mouth is just drooling. such a refreshing post.

    your photography skills are just amazing.

    have a wonderful weekend.

  34. This looks SO refreshing! Your blog is always like a mini vacation.

    I will head over and take a peek at Daisy Pink Cupcake.

  35. Summer blessings to you.
    Absolutely delicious looking drink and am gonna have to try this treat!!!

    Great post.

    God bless,
    d from homehaven

  36. This is making my mouth pucker just from reading it, Yvonne! Beautiful photos & I got a kick out of the empty lime shells...very creative. :-)

    I just voted for you!!!

  37. Lime is divine! This recipe is easy and looks delicious. Thanks Yvonne!
