Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Breakfast And Sweet Peas

Sweet Pea Tablescape In The Garden:

Please stop over at Daisy Pink Cupcake, and vote for your favorite pink post. I was chosen to be a contestant! I am not telling you who to vote for~ they are all beautiful and I feel so thrilled to be in such good company. If, however you wish to vote for me, please make sure you vote in SECTION 1. There are 2 sections. Click HERE to go to Daisy Pink Cupcake and vote. Thanks bunches and bunches!!!

Sweet Peas are the most girly of flowers. They are delicate, pretty, romantic and they smell beautifully sweet!

I have 2 wonderful twin friends that are my gardening mentors. When they called and told me that their sweet peas were in bloom I headed right over! Their garden is a wonderous sight to see and when the sweet peas are in all their glory their garden is magnificent.

I had originally intended to post a daisy table (saved for next week) but I couldn't let the bouquet of sweet peas wait. Because they are so dear to my heart, I made a little trayscape for breakfast... just for me!

The sturdy wicker tray is covered with a white damask napkin. The napkin will become my little tablecloth.

I often spend the early morning in my garden before the heat of the day. I made a tray of some healthy and yummy food and went off to the garden. A low stone bench in the perennial border was the perfect spot to lay out a petite breakfast table.

A vintage snack plate with tiny purple violets and a matching cup hold the mornings first cup of coffee and some in season fruit.

Adding mint as a garnish or for a hint of fresh minty taste is a summer pleasure! Planting mint in terracotta pots in the ground ensures a plentiful harvest that won't invade the garden. For a tutorial on planting, growing and taming mint click HERE.

A vintage rich purple sherbert glass holds yogurt sprinkled with StoneGable granola and fresh mint Using pretty things such as this sherbert glass is an inexpensive everyday luxury!

 Click HERE for this delicious and nutty granola recipe. It is so popular in my home that I keep a big jar filled with it out on my counter.

A homemade no sew purple napkin is caught up with another white damask napkin in a pewter bunny napkin ring. Thank heavens this little bunny is the only one in the garden! To see a mitered corner napkin tutorial click HERE.

The inspiration for breakfast in the garden this morning was, of course, the sweet peas.  The small glass vase was the very first thing I ever bought at an auction when I first set up housekeeping. Worn from years of use both in my household and someone elses, it still holds great sentimental value!

Breakfast in the garden was a simple delight!

The Garden Girls:

Thanks to the garden girls Verna and Viola! They are kind, hard working, generous friends who work tirelessly in their garden and share it's bounty with all who come to visit! And this is only 1 of their MANY talents

 I won't tell how old they are, but I hope I have half the energy and love for life that they do when I am their age!

I am joining Susan at Between Naps On The Porch for Tablescape Thursday. Susan is the most lovely hostess and she also has a generous and creative spirit. Thanks Susan!


  1. i swear i can smell them all... even taste the fruit and mint, i am smiling with pure contentment. you are always joyful~

  2. Yvonne, The pictures look so alive! I feel that I'm seeing it in hd or in person. The sweet peas are just lovely, and the fruit looks so fresh and appetizing!

  3. Yvonne, I had a patch of sweet peas in our former home and absolutely LOVED them. Your breakfast in the garden seems the PERFECT start to a day- and I can just tell that I'd love your generous friends
    xoxo Pattie

  4. What a great way to start the day! Love the sweet peas (might try them on the back of the garden next year), and the sherbet glass is stunning! Your friends are special-enjoy!

  5. I can smell those sweet peas from way down here in Texas! In fact there are now nose prints all over my computer screen now! lol

  6. Yvonne -- another great visit to Stone Gable. You always have the loveliest tables, flowers, and food. I adore that vintage snack set and the purple sherbet cup! Joni

  7. Your sweet peas are so pretty and dainty! Your pictures are so amazing that I wanted to pluck a blackberry right off my screen! :)


  8. Oh What a delicious breakfast, the fruit looks so fresh!


  9. Yvonne, I could just get lost in your yummy photos. I have never seen granola look as pretty as you can make it look in that sherbert glass. What a yummy and healthy breakfast. I will be right over so save me some.

  10. Yvonne,
    I will be right over for breakfast! The food looks yummy! Did you post slow cooker french soup? I know it I saw it somewhere, was it you???

  11. Very pretty post. You are very lucky to have such nice friends! Have a great week!

  12. What gorgeous pictures! They are so crisp and clear. Your table is so special...the fresh fruit and flowers really make things pop! Thanks so much for sharing!
    Ms. Sharlotte's...Southern Reflections

  13. Oh how beautiful -- I honestly didn't know that sweet peas came in a vibrant red! How lovely and you've set a beautiful table to go right along too!

  14. Those sweet peas are so beautiful! I love the colors! I do not have them, but I must try and find some to plant!
    Your tray is lovely! The pic of the fruit is amazing!!
    Beatiful post, Yvonne, as usual!

  15. You can't help but have a smile on your face after seeing this post!
    How Beautiful~It felt like a dream~I could almost taste the fruit and I do think that I could smell the sweet peas. I love the vine on the sweet peas~so dainty.
    Just beautiful pictures, you are so talented!!! Thank you for sharing, you are such a blessing.
    Take care,

  16. Yvonne, what a beautiful breakfast tray...the sherbet is such a vibrant shade of purple. Those sweet peas are simply gorgeous, bet they smell wonderful, too.

  17. Table so pretty and food so scrumpitous! I love the story of your garden friends.

  18. Oh what a beautiful tray you prepared! I adore the sweet peas...I've never grown them...maybe I should try sometime as they are so gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing!!

    Miss Bloomers

  19. As always, dear one, your photos just knock my sox off. Just stunning..I could almost taste that luscious watermelon. ummm

    My mother always had Sweet Peas..I had forgotten all about them. They are so pretty.

    xo bj

  20. I look so forward to your posts each week! This is so beautiful! What a treat for your readers! Thank you! Christie at

  21. Yvonne...your post is stunning! I LOVE sweetpeas. They remind me of my dear grandma and her lovely flowers. She always had tons of sweetpeas! Your friends sound like dear ladies :)


  22. I can already tell that I like the garden girls. I planted sweet peas this year and they fizzled. They grew, but never bloomed so I will just sit here and enjoy yours.

    Your photos are all so lovely.


  23. Yes, I enjoyed breakfast in the garden. Your words can't be said any better."Breakfast in the garden was a sheer delight."

    Gorgeous sweet peas and the food-so pretty!

    Great pics as usual.

  24. Yes, I enjoyed breakfast in the garden. Your words can't be said any better."Breakfast in the garden was a sheer delight."

    Gorgeous sweet peas and the food-so pretty!

    Great pics as usual.

  25. Thanks, Yvonne! I had forgotten how much I love sweet peas. I just wish my computer had smell-o-vision.

  26. Yvonne,
    This is an amazingly beautiful post.
    I love sweet peas. My few will be blooming soon. And your table is wonderful!!

    blessings, and thanks for the visit.

    barbara jean

  27. I love sweet peas! What a glorious garden. How lucky for you to have such wonderful friends to alert you to the prime time of their garden.

    I love the vintage purple sherbet. It could make anything look delicious.

    - The Tablescaper

  28. I love how you've made an otherwise simple breakfast into a magnificent affair with so much attention to detail. I especially love that cute rabbit napkin holder. Thanks for sharing and happy TT to you!

  29. I have always loved Sweet Pea's...they are sweet! Loved the pic of the hands holding them too :D

  30. So pretty, Yvonne, in this little basket it's perfect. I did a Tablescape post today if you have to hop over & look, of course, my photography consists of 1 shot & lots of talking. xx's

  31. Yvonne, you really know how to make people drooling with your delightful photos of yummy food and pretty decorations. Love it.
    Greetings, Johanna

  32. Yvonne, how stunning! Just the simplicity of fruits and sweetpeas, beautiful! For some reason I really love the last photos of your twin friends(Great names!)Really lovely!

  33. Very nice, enjoyable post. I am going to do a "google" on sweet peas now. They are so pretty.
    Your breakfast looks yummy.


  34. Hi Yvonne...

    My friend, I always enjoy my visits to your place! You always have the prettiest things...and always sooo inspirational! Your "Sweet Pea" breakfast tray is so beautiful! Ohhh yes...I think I caught just a faint scent of those pretty sweet peas! wink! How very sweet of your garden friends to share their bounty with you! You'll have to tell them just how much we enjoyed them!!!

    Well, it's nearly midnight and after seeing all that yummy fruit...I'm hungry! Eeeks! Hehe! The blackberries look favorite! Thank you, sweet lady...for sharing your lovely breakfast tray with was truly a treat!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  35. I love the wonderful sweet peas, my used to plant them along the garage and have stringfs all the way to the roof and they would start to climb the string and the fragrance would just be a heavenly smell not to be missed, thanks for reminding me...

  36. Such lovely photos of your yummy breakfast. I adore the flowers, but I have to say that I really LOVE the antique snack plate, cup and the beautiful sherbert glass! My sister houses my grandmother's snack plates and I so enjoy using them for parties. Yours are so pretty!

    Thank you again for sharing all of your wonderful ideas.

  37. Is there any flower sweeter than sweet peas? Your photographs capture their delicate beauty perfectly! And the "gardener's" hand holding them (and attired in the perfect dress) is a treasure. I'm practicing to "tablescape" but when I see your's, I just want to be a viewer!


  38. Everything looks so beautiful...Kathy

  39. A sweet hello from Frog Hollow Farm! What a lovely breakfast setting - your post is both beautiful and full of inspiration! Great photos, I've saved your granola recipe to make and send off to my son in NC - he would love it! Heading over to vote for you my dear at Daisy Pink Cupcake - never visited that site before! Ciao, bella!

  40. Beautiful post as usual Yvonne! I so look forward to checking your posts... glorious flowers ...I love the sweet pea too.

  41. Wish I was there to join you...looks yummy and what a beautiful setting.

  42. lovely pictures!!! My eyes welled with tears at the two photos of the woman's hands holding the flowers- just beautiful-reminds me of both my grandmothers.

  43. You have filled me with joy, first thing this morning. The sweet peas are so lovely, in color and form. Your photograph of the sweet peas with water just grabbed me but the ones of the gardener's hands just melted my heart. The food looks wonderful too. Thank you.

  44. This post is stunning. All the pictures are just a feast for the eyes! Beautiful. Frame worthy I'd say!

  45. Yvonne, you are such an inspiration! I would never think to arrange my breakfast fruit so beautifully nor to spoon my yogurt from a lovely stemmed glass! Your tray is just lovely, and those sweet peas are amazing. Wonderful photography, too!

  46. Your pictures are georgous! I think I can smell the flowers. Your breakfast looks great and I will be trying your granola recipe:)

  47. What a delightful table and scenery. Those sweet peas are beautiful. Sweat Pea is my oldest daughter's nickname. I called her over to view your post with me to see the beauties. I don't think she had seen sweet peas before and I think her nickname is more meaningful to her now. Thanks for sharing nature's beauty with us.

    All the Best,


  48. Everything looks amazing here Yvonne!
    Today is my first day of summer break and It's so wonderful!

    So nice to catch up on your recent posts! This sweet pea tray of goodies looks like it belongs with a relaxing day like today!
    I'm growing sweet peas in my garden right now,.. they are just lil' babies... hope they look this fine!

    I will forward your napkin tutorial to my sister... she will appreciate the detailed explanation you took the time to post! thank you!

    I also appreciate your mint in terracotta pots... what a super idea!
    As always, thank you for all the time you put into these posts... you are just an amazing blogger {really an online magazine!}
    Grace & Joy to you,

  49. I have been meaning to write and tell you how much I love your blog. I just discovered it and it is just so beautiful! Your photography is awesome and your recipes divine!!!!

    For some reason, my head wasn't in the game this past fall and I didn't get my sweet peas planted. This fall for sure. They are one of my favorite flowers.

  50. Yvonne darling, these images are breathtakingly gorgeous. I agree with you, sweet peas are girly flowers, so delicate and perfumey.
    Speaking of gorgeous, girly and delicate, I want to applaud you on creating and maintaining such an enchantingly lovely blog. It is always a pleasure of mine to stop by and hush away the anxiety of this unpredictable world for a spell your blog providers.

    I thank you my lovely friend for your support during a time when I need it the most. Each comment you have left for me has been so full of sweet words, kind and loving thoughts and prayers, and each brought grateful tears to my eyes. Rosemary (Lady R) and I thank you for your prayers and your genuine kindness. You are priceless darling, a rare gem of a friend. I am delighted to be back blogging again and look forward to our daily visits. Take care my friend. I wish you a sunny and happy summer full of blessings.

    Love & Hugs

  51. Oh, the sweet peas! It's been so long since I've seen them! My mother used to grow them.

    Absolutely gorgeous! Love the special touch of the purple sherbet with the yogurt and granola! I copied the granola recipe to try, I love granola!



  52. You have such a talent for making even a simple little breakfast tray look stunning and like ART!!!

  53. Oh Yvonne, this post is beautiful. teh sweet peas are lovely, and your breakfast looks delicious, and so pretty set outside. You styled your photographs beautifully. This post was just a visual treat. laurie

  54. Those sweet peas are just so lovely! And the fruit...mmmmm! Thanks for posting this catching pics.

  55. Absolutely an enchanting post, Yvonne. The images are beyond stunning! The sweet peas are so pretty, and your fresh fruit is so beautiful (and beautifully arranged) that it almost leaps off the screen and begs to be tasted!

    Have a great weekend!

    Warm regards,

  56. no matter what type of day i have, when i come visit your blog, i am at peace.

    your pictures & posts are incredible. i don't know how you do it. everything looks like a 5 star hotel placesetting!

  57. What wonderful gardening friends you have!! Please tell them I ♥ their sweet pea patch? We used to have the pink ones growing wild.

    Your purple sherbet glass raises yogurt & granola to new heights. (pun intended) LOL The pretty cup & plate are the perfect accompaniment, too. Beautiful TT, as always. I look forward to seeing your daisies next week. (mine aren't blooming yet)

  58. Oh how I would love to share a simple tray breakfast with you in your delightful garden! Your pictures are amazing! The sweet peas are some of my favorites as well, I can almost smell them. We have been on vacation so I am just getting to see this. I came home to over 1000 e-mails!!!!! So have alot of work ahead of me!:):) Thanks for creating and sharing this beautifuol tablescape. It made my day, Yvonne! XO, Pinky

  59. Thank you for your presentation last eve at Farm Women! Wish you would have had the whole 2 hours! Love your original things you made with rick rack. Love it all! Barb H
