Thursday, April 15, 2010

StoneGable Herbed Butter

The herb garden at StoneGable is coming back to life. My chives and mint are growing. And I am anxious to plant wonderful varieties of fragrant herbs in my small circular bed.

When the chives bud begin to bloom. I know it is time to make herb or compound butter. 

This is a staple in my kitchen. Herbs and other yummy morsels are mixed with butter to infuse it with flavor. I  put it on everything from bread to fish to pasta... and so much more.  I'll show you how easy it is...

Compound butter can be kept in the refrigerator for a week. Or frozen for up to three months. I usually make several kinds and feeze them. I can then cut off a chunk of this buttery tastiness when needed.

The wonderful thing about compound butter is that you can make it using so many different herbs and lots of add-ins!

I usually use 1 stick of softened butter and add 2-3 TBS herbs. 

Other flavor enhancing  add-ins are garlic, shallots, capers, salt, citrus peel,  pepper ,mustards, cheese, hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce and wine. This is by no means the whole list. You are only limited by your imagination.

But don't keep compound butters just for yourself. 

Presented on a pretty little plate with a fun spreader all tied up in a  bow, compound butter will be a lovely and appreciated gift.

Lemon Chive Compound Butter:
1 stick softened butter
2-3 TBS. fresh thinly snipped chives
1 tsp lemon zest
1 TBS fresh squeezed lemon
dash of salt (optional)

Combine all ingredients together in a bowl.

Put in the freezer for 10 minutes. Butter should be very hard.

 Using parchment paper, roll butter into a log wrapping it up in the parchment paper. Twist the ends of the parchement paper to seal.

Refrigerate or freeze.

French Compound Butter:
1 stick softened butter
1/2 tsp finely chopped garlic
1 1/2 tsp finely chopped shallot
2 TBS finely snipped parsley
1/2-1 tsp thyme, leaves stripped from stem
2 tsp capers
1 TBS white wine
dash of salt (optional)

Combine all ingredients together.

Follow directions for Lemon Chive Butter.

Here are just a few ways we use these versatile butters at StoneGable:
*sautee veggies
*sautee meats and fish
*make scrambles eggs and omlets
*make croutons
*finish steaks
*use as a base for a sauce
*make herbed garlic toast
*sautee shrimp for scampi
*mix with pasta for a fresh sauce
*butter for grilled cheese
*make an herbed roux
*give as hostess gifts

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  1. Yvonne, only you could make something as simple as butter look so gorgeous. I love herb butters and use them frequently too. Have a wonderful weekend!
    xoxo Pattie and Allie

  2. I love this idea! As Pattie said--only you could make butter look this good!! I will be making this. Happy Foodie Friday.

  3. Those butter look yummy.. Thanks for sharing. Nancy

  4. only you can make butter a thing of beauty... i love love love your shots, you always make me happy!

    thanks for your sweet comment today, coming from you its very high praise since i admire all you share~

  5. I can see Paula being green with envy and heavily drooling over these. What a great idea for a hostess gift too. I think I need to make some of these with homemade Asiago Cheese and Cornbread Bagels. Mmmmm...... Now I'm drooling!

  6. Those butters sound delicious. I will have to try them.

  7. Butter-one of the major food groups! Lovely pictures!

  8. Looks SCRUMPTIOUS! Great gift idea too! Your photos are always beautiful too! XO, Pinky

  9. Oh, that herbed butter would be so yummy on a fresh out of the oven biscuit!

  10. Mmm... that butter looks so yummy. Good enough to eat on it's own - no I'm not Paula Deen:)

    I just signed up to be a follower, so I don't miss a thing. I think that we are going to be fast friends.

    Thanks so much for visiting!

  11. Oh that looks delicious..didn't think you could improve on butter..but...I guess you can! I'm going to have to try this!!

    Miss Bloomers/Sonia

  12. Yvonne-I love the idea of freezing it! I never thought of that, but it is a wonderful idea. I'm afraid I'm a little like Paula Deen in that I think butter makes almost anything better :) My mint is not coming up this year. If I've killed that I may have to turn in my garden gloves!

  13. What a beautiul butter! I bet it tastes good too....Christine

  14. Oh, I love herbed butters. We make them here on a regular basis. My chives are going crazy already along with my greek oregano.

    Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous!

  15. I love putting that on a just grilled steak! YUM! Great photos!

  16. I LOVE butter. I never thought of adding herbs to it. Sometimes I mix cinnamon and sugar...yummy. Like Julia Childs (Meryl Streep in Julie and Julia)said "is there anything better than butter?"
    My mother and I both answered "NO" at the same time!

  17. think I will do this tonight. My chives are ready. I LOVE your blog!

  18. Thank you so much for sharing these combinations & the suggestions for using them, Yvonne. My chives have come back to life & just yesterday, I bought new pots of oregano & cilantro to go with my 2 different parsley pots I was able to winter over in the sunroom. I am SO ready to start planting!!
    I look forward to trying some of your versions of these butters.
    Beautiful photos, by the way. :-)

  19. Hi Yvonne,
    Thanks for stopping over and becoming a follower! I am always popping over to see what you are cooking up! This butter looks yummy. Thanks for sharing :)

  20. So many of our restaurants serve herbed butters, but yours have them beat! I am bookmarking this post. What a lovely idea for a spring and summer hostess gift as well as using when entertaining or to jazz up a simple at home meal.

  21. Thank you for sharing this recipe. My new herb garden is just starting to take off and this recipe is a great way to use the delicious fresh herbs.

  22. I found you trough Jain..You have such great taste..Pretty butter:)

    I will come and peek often..Splendid..

  23. My Herbs are taking over the garden! So I am looking for some great ideas to use them. This is awesome and your photo's are awesome! :) Thanks for sharing! :)


  24. Your photos are beautiful Yvonne! Any of these could be magazine shots in a heartbeat. Those butters look gorgeous. I would slather a chunk of bread in either of those anytime!

  25. Hi Yvonne...

    I came over to see your pretty tablescape and just had to leave you a little note about your compound butter! I have never made any but after seeing how delicious it looks...ohhh my, and it sounds divine...I am going to try my hand at it! Thanks for including your recipes too!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  26. Mmmmmm....garlic I've done, but never thought of shallots or capers. Brilliant! And so beautifully photographed!

  27. Out of this world! I will come back to this post when my herbs start coming in!

  28. Honey, you're speaking right to my southern heart! I love butter, and this is the most beautiful presentation of butter I've ever seen!

  29. That looks so good! As soon as some of my herbs come up, I will try it. Right now all I have is parsley. I had chives, but my "helper" thought they were weeds and pulled them out! :(
    I have made honey butter, and fruit butters, but never this..
    Your shots are fabulous!

  30. This not only sounds looks BEAUTIFUL!

    I love all of the suggestions for use you included! WONDERFUL!


  31. This is another recipe to bookmark. Love how this looks as good as it will also taste.

  32. hi there, thanks so much for coming by my blog and your sweet words..
    the most painful thing ever i had to endure,still hurts a lot but i'm getting better each if i can only eat some of that butter with some fresh bread??..that will be great!, cant wait to eat and enjoy food again..thanks again and have a great weekend..


  33. Your photos are amazing!!! I love herb butters!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  34. Your photos are so beautiful and I am sure it tastes good too!
    I also love your red and white tablescape.
    Thank you for your kind words today,

  35. Hi Yvonne! ~ you've hit such a sweet spot of mine.

    I am wild about compound butters, and you have captured the very essence of them so perfectly. I'm drooling! Gorgeous photography. Very nicely done!!!

    xoxo ~m

  36. Yvonne~Oooh I like taking these compound butters and infusing meat or fish with them. My favorite is...when I'm forming hamburgers to grill I'll put a generous (frozen) slice into the center of my patty. When it grills the butter has a slow melt leaving a succulent center when you bite into it the juices run out, Delicious!!

    Come by for a visit your company would be nice.
    Sweet wishes,

  37. What a great idea! Now I wish I had some herbs growing in the garden! I would love to keep a stick of this in my fridge all of the time. Thank you so much for linking this great post to Favorite Things. laurie

  38. Yvonne, you amaze me. Everything you do looks gorgeous. Love the idea of herb butters, and yours looks delicious.

  39. LOve those! the one with thte capers and the thyme.... ummmmmmmm!!

  40. Oh my! You make this look so yummy! Your pictures are beautiful! Be blessed. Cindy

  41. I just had to come back to tell you I love your blog! You are so talented and gifted and I am your newest follower. Be blessed. Cindy

  42. Yvonne, do you use any special brand of butter?
    I'm going to do this (don't fall down) because you've made me a true believer of StoneGable.
    Besos (xx's)

  43. Yvonne,
    Thanks for these delicious recipes. My son likes to make compound butter too. I never thought about it as a gift, but I can see it would make a lovely gift. Your photos are always gorgeous!

  44. How did I miss this post? Yvonne, you are continue to inspire me! I'll get an email off to you this eve. Your photos are perfection!!

  45. OMG, this looks wonderful! I am definitely trying. Pinned it!!! Thanks for sharing : )

  46. How can I pin from your blog?

    1. There should be a little "pin" sign on each photo. And at the bottom of each post is says Remember to pin... just click on that button!
