Saturday, April 17, 2010

Salt Scrub Tutorial


Salt Scrubs are a spa luxury. Exfoliating the skin by removing dead skin cells, salt scrubs leave skin glowing and soft. And they moisturize too!

The down side to salt scrubs is that they can be quite pricey. Unless, that is, you make them yourself. Using just a few ingredients, salt scrubs are very easy to make and very economical.

The salt for your scrub needen't be fancy. A fine textured sea salt works wonderfully. Or you can just use ordinary table salt. But do not use a large grain salt, as it could damage your skin.

The oil is also a matter of what you might have on hand or what is available in your stores.  Almond oil has a lovely fragrance and has moisturizing qualities. Grapeseed oil has a light aroma and is another good moisturizer. Other oils you might use are any massage oil, olive oil (it does feel very oily though), jojoba and even canola oil. Massage oils are especially made for skin and usually have a nice scent. Avoid mineral oils such as baby oil, it does not penetrate the skin well and will clog pores.

Salt scrubs not only leave your skin soft but they smell wonderfull! The nicest part of making your own is that you get to choose the scent. With only a few drops of esential oil (no more than 5) you can have a beautifully smelling salt scrub that will make you smell beautiful too!

It only takes a couple of minutes to whip up this bath and body treat!

StoneGable Salt Scrub
1 cup fine textured sea salt
4 oz. grapeseed oil
2 drops Petal Pink Wilton food coloring
3 drops rose essential oil
2 drops Savannah rain essential oil

Using a bowl and spoon that will not be used for food, mix the salt with the oil.  Add food coloring and mix thoroughly. Add essential oils and mix.

Choose a pretty jar with a lid to keep your salt scrub in. I use a silver sugar spoon to dip out the scrub.

How To Use Salt Scrub
It is important to realize that your salt scrub is an exfolient. GENTLY rub (don't scrub)  the salt scrub over your wet body. Avoid your face and sensitive areas. You can also add some liquid soap with the salt scrub.
Rinse well and moisturize.

Salt Scrub Treatment For Dry Hands
A salt scrub is wonderful for rough dry hands.  Before bed follow directons above using a squirt of soap with the salt scrub. Slather a thick layer of cream or body butter on your hands and put a pair of cotton gloves or socks on your hands while you sleep. In the morning you won't believe those hands belong to you! I do this weekly.

Use your salt scrub regularily to have rosy soft and fragrant skin!

This tutorial is for you, Maggie my friend!

I am participating in Pink Saturday at How Sweet The Sound. Click HERE to go to all the pinkness! Thanks, Beverly you're the sweetest hostess!


  1. Lovely, lovely, lovely! I use salt and sugar scrubs all the time, but had not thought to add the food coloring. So pretty!
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Yvonne,

    How absolutely lovely! Your blog is absolutely the best.


  3. This sounds so easy to make. I will definitely have to try it. I buy scrubs, and yes they are so very expensive. Thanks for the recipe. Hugs, Marty

  4. I think you are my new Victoria magazine:)

  5. That salt scrub sounds divine and what a great presentation. So pretty!

  6. Oh my goodness! How did you get in my head like that?! You are just amazing!

    1. I am a secret pink lover! I just love the color pink. Just makes me feel so girly and feminine.

    2. I love salt scrubs! I spend a fortune on them and use them about 2-3 times a week. I just love how they make your skin feel.

    3. Roses and rain smells are so appealing to me. I guess that is why both my girls middle names are roses. Those are the only two I have ever been able to grow! Peir One's Ocean scent is my newest crave. I just love it's fresh clean scent.

    4. Grapeseed oil. I just love this stuff for cooking too. Who knew I would find more uses for it!

    5. I have been trying to find some things to put in Mother's Day baskets. This will definitely be in there!

    6. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your tutorials! It was so sweet of you to take the time during your recuperation to do this. The photography is just so beautiful, as always!

    Thank you so much my dear friend! I just about screamed when I saw that you did this for me! You have once again made my day! Heck, you just made my month! I have something coming this week for you also! I need the weather to be a little warmer or turn on the furnace.

    As always, I just love you to pieces!

  7. Oh my goodness, Yvonne... you amaze me every time I come to Stone Gable!
    I've had a long week, good, but long {work and daughter's wedding planning} and I'm finally catching up with everyone I love to visit.

    I smiled when I saw this comment:
    La Table De Nana said...
    I think you are my new Victoria magazine:)

    ...because I just told my husband as we were chatting over Saturday morning coffee and looking at a magazine, that your blog photos and commentary are better than all my mags put together! truly ♥
    I caught up on all your recent posts and will have to look out for that red tablecloth at K-Mart! What an inspiring tablescape!

    I'm busy planning Rachael's wedding shower... and dreaming up tablescapes and decorating for that.

    Have a wonderful weekend Yvonne ~ Maria

  8. Fabulous and wonderful! I love this!
    Thank you for sharing Yvonne.
    Happy Pink Saturday.
    Cheers and a blessed weekend.

  9. Hi Yvonne~ ~
    I too make salt scrub and I'm so glad that you advised people against mineral oils. Mineral oil is so harmful for the body as it is a petroleum product which clogs up the receptor sites on our cells and prevents them from working correctly.
    I love your red table a few posts back. Stunning!
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  10. I love that you use essential oils, I am always trying to find new ways to use them as they are so wonderful and do wonders for health too. I will be making some of this up today. Thank you for sharing.

  11. P.S. Amazing photos for this post too!

  12. You never disappoint, Yvonne. This is very informative & hugely useful information. Every woman needs to know how easy it is to make your own. Lovely pics too. xx's Marsha

  13. Oh Yvonne, how beautiful.
    What an incredible post. Love the idea of the salt scrub and really love your photography!!!

    - The Tablescaper

  14. I will so have to give this a try. Thank you for sharing it with us. Happy Pink Saturday!!

  15. Your pretty photos make me want to go take a bath with the lovely salt scrub in your basket.

  16. I need a sand blaster! LOL
    Very pretty salt wonderful
    Will it make me beautiful??
    Have a great weekend..there's a question for you on my blog! :)

  17. This is WONDERFUL! Thank you for the tutorial... and your photography is just stunning!

  18. What great tutorial. Never heard of it. Thanks for sharing and HPS to you my friend. Nancy

  19. What a lovely tutorial, and your pictures...OMG, so incredible. Thank you so very much!

  20. Yvonne! I can smell the luxury of this, and those pictures are STUNNING! WOW! Feel free to package some of this up and send it my way! LOL! I need it after working with all those bricks in the dirt! Ugh! Thank you for stopping by and looking in on the garden projects, and for your always kind words! :) Hey! Come by and enter my giveaway for $100 to CSNlighting. You can use it for any lighting products on their website! Hope you'll stop by for a chance to win! :)

  21. What a wonderful idea! I love recipes for spa treatments. The way you presented it in the photos made it look right out of a magizine!

    From Little Things

  22. BOnjour Yvonne,
    It is unanimous. You outdid yourself on this beautiful tutorial. The photos are gorgeous! Addin the pink food coloring is a great idea, a little color is always a good idea.
    I'm looking for a pretty jar right now...
    Happy Sunday to you,

  23. Wow, this is so gorgeous! I love this idea and your pictures are stunning! I am definitely going to give this a try~thank you for sharing these great instructions and tips.

    Best wishes,

  24. What a beautiful way to pamper ourselves. Thank you for the tutorial, and your photography is beautiful!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  25. Hi Yvonne,
    Who wouldn't want to use that? It is so pretty! Your photos are very nice too. Thank you for the tutorial and for sharing this lovely post with us. Happy Pink Saturday and have a beautiful weekend.


  26. I am signing up as a follower; love your blog!

  27. As always your photos are amazing. I didn't know about the mineral oil not being good for your skin.I used to lay out in the sun with baby oil on!! horror!(Wish I could have a redo on that one)
    but, seriously thank you for the great idea and the lovely pictures.

  28. I love the sound of this and would like to make some up for my it hard to find the essential oil called Savannah Rain? I've never heard of that one! It looks so pretty too! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  29. Thank you for sharing! Sounds so wonderful for your skin, I need to try it. I use organic coconut oil as a moisturizer and I just love the way it make my skin feel...Marcia

  30. How pretty! I need to make me some of that. Almost too pretty to use. Thanks for sharing. Be blessed. Cindy

  31. I've just become a "follower" of your blog. I don't want to miss a lovely scrub or a compound butter or.....!

    Have a wonderful and creative week.


  32. I am so enjoying your blog! Great tutorials and I would love to have lessons from you on photography.


    I actually live about an hout from Niagara-on-the-Lake. Always a favorite with us any time of year.

  33. Thanks for the info and I am going to try the salt scrub. Your photos are beautiful! Thanks for the visit and sweet note you left on our Venetian wedding.

  34. What a great gift this would be. As usual your pictures are beautiful! :)


  35. Hold the sewing! I'm down for the salt scrub. Yummmmm. Wonderful gift, too. -- Jane F.

  36. Just luxuriating in these luscious photos makes me feel I've been to a spa. Thanks for the informative tutorial.

    I use a silver sugar spoon to dip out the scrub.

    An elegant choice, but one that's pretty hard on the spoon: salt acts quickly to corrode and damage silver (as do acids like lemon juice or vinegar, and sulfur in eggs, onions, or rubber bands).

    Stainless steel, porcelain, or glass spoons can sit with the salt scrub slurry on them for some time without needing the immediate rinsing that a silver spoon would.

  37. Your photos are lovely, I'm relaxing just looking at them. Thanks!

  38. Yvonne, thank you for participating in the FNF, if I am not mistaken you found me via Catherine's blog, lovely to meet you. I am in admiration of your photography skills, all of your photographs are stunning.

  39. [color=#5588aa]Great post! thank you for sharing this information. really got under my
    [/color] [url=]skin,[/url] [color=#5588aa]bookmarked... Keep up the good site...[/color]

  40. Really enjoyed making it for my girls weekend as a gift for each girl. Too bad I am pregnant because I can't use it myself. I may have to make one with Lavendar and Almond Oil. Thanks for such a creative site.

  41. The pink salt scrub looks so pretty and pampering.. I want to make some right now. Rose is one of my favorite fragrances.. What a great picture too..

  42. I absolutely love this idea and your beautiful tutorial. I treid it and love how easy it was to make and use. Since it has been sitting though, it doesn't look as pretty and liquidy as yours. Mine is more of a clump of pink saltwith less liquid. Am I doing something wrong?

  43. What a great "recipe"! They sell these at local restaurants for 25.00 a jar! I love the small beautiful glass jars with lids I see at the auctions but had all I could use. Now I have another reason to bid on them!!! They will be georgeous for these salts! Great gift idea! One note- anyone with high blood pressure or diabetes should not use these. I just found your blog for the laundry det and now the salts! What an awesome blog site!!! Thanks- back to looking!!!!

  44. Hi :). I was wondering where you got the Savannah Rain essential oil from. I would love to try it!

  45. Hello, where can I find savannah rain fragrance oil?

  46. Wonderful wonderful recipe.Is it ok to put some in my water bath and could I use pink himalyan salt or thick sea salt? Thank you for sharing!

  47. Wonderful wonderful recipe.Thank you so much for sharing.Could we use pink himalyan salt or thick dea salt?
