Thursday, April 8, 2010

Paula Deen's Delicious Fried Chicken and a Lady and Sons Tour


It's only been a little over a week ago that I was in my self appointed adopted second home~ Savannah. Oh, how I love this beautiful city! I always say it is like finding the Mothership! I just love the style, hospitality, decor, history, the dialect  and the fabulous people. They are MY people.  And at this time of year Savannah is decked out in it's floral finery. I could gush on and on, but that is for another time.

One of Savannah's transplanted treasures is Paula Deen. Each year I take the Paula Deen Tour by Old Savannah Tours. Elizabeth has been our absolutely delightful and wonderful tour guide. She is just adorable and knowledgeable about all things Paula.

Paula has lead a colorful, hard and yet successful life. And she has done it with laughter, grit and grace!

She is what you see on TV... what you see is what you get.  She loves her family and loves to cook. Never one to shy away from butter, she slathers it over everything, just like the love for people she generously  spreads around.

While in Savannah we ate at both Uncle Bubba's Oyster House and The Lady and Sons.

Uncle Bubba's sits on the coastal marshes right outside the city of Savannah.  And as you can see it is a rustic and comfortable establishment.

The Lady and Sons is a cozy unpretentious eatery with just the absolute best southern food! Our fun group of five ate a fabulous buffet lunch...but not before we went on a shopping spree at Paula's store next door!

The store, connected to her restaurant, is a delight and packed full of everything a fan or cook would want or need.

Notice the wrought iron - it is a frying pan design! So clever!

Just through this door to a mecca of merchandise.

After we helped the economy of Savannah we had a wonderful lunch. We all decided to eat from the buffet. The atmosphere was very homey and quaint. As they say in Savannah, "You can't eat atmosphere".

The fried chicken (and collard greens, sweet tea, biscuits...) was the best chicken I have ever eaten. Three pieces later, I was so full but still had to restrain myself from getting a wing! Thank goodness we walked everywhere for the five days we were there.

I have not made this juicy succulent chicken yet, but it is on the menu for next week. I thought you might like the recipe too!

This recipe is from the food network, and appears in Paula's cookbooks.

Click HERE for Paula's 5 star FRIED CHICKEN recipe.

Best Dishes from my kitchen to yours!

I am participating in Foodie Friday hosted by Michael Lee at Designs By Gollum. This is the weeks premiere blogging cookbook!


  1. Looks like you had a great trip -- your pictures are great! I will have to try her Fried Chicken recipe, I am sure it is great!!

  2. I have eaten there twice and at her buffet in Harrah's Tunica.

  3. Oh Yvonne, I SO want to go to Savannah! Maybe this year... I would have spent a fortune- love that transferware! Glad you had such a good time
    xoxo Pattie and Allie

  4. Have eaten at paula's once- mac and cheese was soooo good- Bubba bussed our table that afternoon- keep trying to talk my dh into going back- love those carriage tours- we have been twice and our driver "drew" SOB both times. Cant' remember the other routes names. Nice to see someone like Paula make it big. Did you have a favorite square???

  5. OH! I am so glad you posted this trip! I absolutely have to do this tour. I've been to Savannah once a few years back, but didn't know Paula Dean from Adam. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip with your friends!

  6. Oh what a wonderful trip. I havn't been to Savannah, but definitely on my bucket list. The chicken sounds wonderful and I definitely have to make it. Love the pics and so glad you had a great time. Hugs, Marty

  7. I'm so jealous! We went to Savannah last year during the hidden gardens tour. We loved it there so much. Ate at Lady & Sons twice. It is to die for!

  8. oh this was great fun! so glad we got to join you~

  9. Yvonne, I am so envious. I would love to go to Savannah AND to Paula's restaurant! I too love southern food...collards, okra, good biscuits, sweet tea. ummmmm, yes I do!

    What is the name of Paula's new book? I caught a brief glimpse of her talking about it on the Today show. I believe it's a decorating book and I was interested in it.

    Thanks so much for the tour. Just what did YOU buy? ;)


  10. I would love to see more of Savannah! I've only been in the airport after staying in Hilton Head.

    You've gotta love Paula! The restaurant and store look wonderful. Glad you helped the Savannah economy ;)

  11. Looks like you had a great trip, thanks for the pictures!

  12. Savannah is one of my favorite towns to visit...southern hospitality at it's best! We had a great meal at Paula's restaurant on our visit last year. I've never taken the tour but I will add it to the itinerary this year.

  13. Hi -- I have only spent a few hours in Savannah; clearly we need to go back! And I'll put a stop at Paula's on my list. Great tour, thanks!
    And thanks for stopping by That Old House. I also like dining room chairs that accommodate ample butts! :-)

  14. What fun! The skillet ironwork is great! My mouth is watering for fried chicken now. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing your trip. laurie

  15. Oh wow! these are beautiful decor. The place looks wonderful. I'm sure the foods are yummy!
    Apple Fritters

  16. Hello Yvonne. This is a beautiful shop and restaurant. I would love to shoop there too. Isnt it brilliant how the made the tubes between the transferware dishes invisible? Nice greetings, Johanna

  17. What fun, glad I got to join you...I haven't been to Savannah in about 10 years~ I will have to remedy that! Love the pics of the gift shop, that frying pan gate/grill is so clever!

  18. I was thinking about you while you were in Savannah. It is a glorious city. And, I love Charleston - it is my favorite city of all.

    When I was a child, we used to drive to Savannah just to eat at Mrs. William's. Oh, those crabcakes are a sweet memory.

    Your plate looks delicious. You can't go wrong with fried chicken, black-eyed peas, collard greens, green beans and whipped potatoes - only crowned with cornbread, biscuits and sweet tea.

    Love this post.

  19. I soooooooo want to visit Savannah! I feel that I am truly Southern at heart (or Italian...Southern Italian?) and Savannah has always struck me as such a beautiful place. Plus to visit the place where the Paula phenomenon began? Pleeeease! :-). Looks like you had a great trip!

  20. Oh, how this makes me miss the south!!! I'm so glad you had a great time on your vacation. It looks like you had so much fun! I've eaten at Bubba Gumps before--very good! I hope me and Nathan can visit Savannah sometime.

    Hope you have a good day!

  21. I have a home on Hilton Head but have never been able to get into Paula's place for lunch. Long lines every time we go. Her brothers place is one I passed last summer on the way to the Fort but it had a tour bus outside so no luck then either. I will just have to bite the bullet and stand on one of those lines at some time but I thank you for your photo tour. I think Savannah is charming with all the squares. Next time girlfriends come to visit I must remember the Paula Dean tour.

  22. Thank you for sharing your visit to Savannah. I long to travel and so enjoy doing so vicariously through other blogs. It sounds like you had a wonderful and tasty time there.

  23. I've been longing to visit Paula's restaurant. Spent a weekend in Savannah, but my schedule was too busy to go... still regretting it!

    Btw, your link for the recipe doesn't seem to be working.


  24. Oh, you lucky lady! It looks like such a wonderful place to visit. Very dangerous though. I think I would of killed my bank account! So... what did you come home with? The bloggy world wants to see! I love her fridge on her show. I keep whining to my hubby that I want one like that. The one that looks like the old fashioned ice box. It's gorgeous!

    Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my tablescape. You were too kind! I have been paying attention though. I think I kinda have the knack of it. I saw a gorgeous set of dishes at the antique store the other day. Now how to convince the hubby that I NEED them!

  25. Yvonne I just adore Paula and would enjoy a visit to her town. You are so lucky. How fun!

    Thank you for your sweet visit my friend. You are always welcome anytime! It is so nice to meet you. Your blog is lovely and full of inspiration. I'll be back!

    ~Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  26. I've never tasted better collard greens than Paula makes, seriously they are soooo good. I love the buffet and have been know to eat myself silly there, as you said thank goodness you spend time walking Savannah after a meal like that. I do have to say I miss the smaller restaurant that she started with but its nice for her that so many people can be accommodated now with the lager place.

    I don't know if you drive or fly to Savannah Yvonne but if you are ever driving make a side trip to the Blue Willow Inn in Social Circle Ga. you'll love the buffet there too.

  27. Hi Yvonne,
    Savannah is on my wishlist for places to visit. Thanks for the preview. I love Paula and this was a fun post for me, and it looks like it was fun for you too. Nice trip!!!

  28. I love hearing about your trip Yvonne. Those window boxes are gorgeous hanging from the building and the food sounds fantastic!

    Just wanted to let you know that I made your egg salad for lunch today, yummy!

  29. Oh wow! What an incredible trip you had! Savannah is near the top of our list when it come to "places we want to visit" -- and now reading this post (and seeing your pictures!) I think it's moved up a few notches!

  30. This was great to see and read! Your photos and commentary made for a lovely 'vicarious' trip to Savannah for all of us!
    It makes me want to plan a trip!
    *A lovely & restful weekend to you, Yvonne!*

  31. I have a couple of Paula's cookbooks. They are great. Thanks for the tour of her store and restaurant. Gonna have to make that fried chicken. It sounds fabulous!

    Christi @ A Southern Life

  32. Thanks for sharing your wonderful trip....if my husband knows there's fried chicken there, then it will make the drive so much faster!!!

  33. I would love to go..I do admit to turning the sound down when she is on though!
    Looks like a good time!

  34. Hello! This is my first visit to your blog and I soooo love it! I can't wait to try Paulas fried chicken. I love Savannah! I haven't been there for over 20 years. This post reminds me its about time for a return trip!!!

  35. I love Savannah but I haven't been there in years. It is my kind of city too... beautiful old homes, lovely squares, and charming shops. Last time we visited we ate at Mrs. Jones' family style restaurant; I wonder if it's still there. That must have been pre-Paula. I think I'd like her place now too!

  36. Hello Yvonne! So nice to come by and visit with you at your sweet place here. It was delightful to tour Paula's restaurant and store. Looks like you all had a great time!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving your comment!

    Kindly, ldh

  37. Savannah is on my to-do list! Glad you had a wonderful time. Miss Paula is one of my favorite Food Network personalities. I LOVE the brown transferware on the brick. It has given me an idea!

  38. Hi Yvonne - thanks for visiting... you're making my mouth water. I'll often add a sprinkle of vinegar to brighten the flavor, but lemon juice would be so much better! And I actually thought about adding a touch of chili powder, but thought my latest savory recipes all seemed to call for chili powder, or canned chipotles, or cumin, or smoked paprika... so I scrapped that idea. I know it would taste fabulous though!!


  39. Oh I loved the tour... I want to go to Savannah with you! You look like my kind of traveler... Eating and shopping for cookbooks.

    Thanks for all the kind comments and visits.

  40. I love Paula Dean, she's so classy! Her food looks amazing too. I would love for you to check out my blog if you get a chance. God bless!

  41. Savannah is a quaint town isn't it? I've been several times there as well. Enjoyed Paula Deans but I must say my fav. was her brothers place (Bubba's) Probably cause my sweet husband says I do a lot of Home down cooking so something different is always a treat for me. The last time I went I visited an old Thrift store there. Had a ball! Went into several of the most beautiful churhes I've ever been into.Beautiful city with wonderful History. The scenic tour guide was great. Thanks for sharing . The pictures are wonderful. Be blessed. Cindy

  42. HI Yvonne! We were in Savannah for a VERY short visit a few years ago when we were staying in Hilton Head and took the ferry over to Savannah. I am DYING to go back and REALLY see the city! It is on my bucket list! Thanks for the small tour and I will check out the chicken recipe! XO, Pinky

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