Sunday, March 7, 2010


MENU: March 8- 14, 2010
This is a week to catch my breath! Thank goodness. So... delicious and easy meals are the mainstay for this week. With a little help from some blogging friends there are some quick and easy meals on the menu.

Slow Cooker Beef Barbeque
Store Bought Philadelphia Sytle Potato Salad
Beet, Apple and Carrot Salad

Recipe: Slow Cooker Beef Barbeque
HELP! I saw this on a wonderful blog, but I can't remember where! I wrote the site down but can't find my paper! If you are the lovely blogger who gave me this stellar recipe please let me know so I can give you credit and a link!!!! If you know who it is please help my poor memory. Thanks!
I made this last friday so when my Son and his roommates came home late, it would be ready. They devoured it! I made 4 lbs of beef!!!! There is enough left for dinner tonight.

2 lb beef chuck roast
1 bottle barbeque sauce
1 can cola
2 tsp. garlic salt

Cook on low for 7-9 hours. Remove roast and pull apart. Return to slow cooker. Serve on hamburger buns with juice. You will need a knife and a fork for this delicious barbeque!

Recipe: Beet, Apple and Carrot Salad
See Monday's menu for recipe- click HERE.

Killer Fajitas
Refried Beans
Mexican Explosion Salad

Recipe: Killer Fajitas
This is my MOST REQUESTED MEAL by family and friends.  It was given to me by my sister Lisa. When Killer Fajitas are on the menu everyone is happy. See Wednesday's menu for recipe- click HERE. I made these Sunday night (change in menu at Son's request) and we will eat leftover Fajitas- even better.

Salmon Cakes
Browned Butter Potatoes
Roasted Broccoli with Garlic Oil

Recipe: Salmon Cakes
This is the most wonderful sounding recipe from my friend Kendra at Haden News. I make salmon cakes but mine look wimpy and boring next to these! I'm using good canned salmon to cut down on the work. Click HERE for the recipe. Thanks, Kendra, I always love to visit you!

I'm not cooking Bobby, so bring home TAKEOUT Chinese! Don't forget the duck sauce.

Corn Chowder
Antipasta Salad

Recipe: Corn Chowder
My new friend Nancy at Nancy's Daily Dish- just check out her great blog!- has a stick-to-your-ribs corn chowder that is easy and full of great flavors. I'm really excited to try this. Click HERE for recipe.

Baked Tilapia Roll-Ups
Sauteed Rice
Green Beans

Recipe: Baked Tilapia Roll-Ups
4 large tilapia fillets
2 TBS olive oil
1 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, pressed or finely chopped
1 cup chopped Middle Eastern green olives, pit removed
2 TBS capers, rinsed and drained
1 TBS grated lemon rind
Juice of 1 lemon
1 lemon thily sliced
salt and pepper
paprika to sprinkle

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Rinse and pat dry tilapia. Salt and pepper. In a skillet add 1 TBS olive oil and heat. Add onion and cook for 5 minutes until transparent. Add garlic and cook for 2 minutes. Take pan off heat and add olives, capers, lemon rind and juice of 1 lemon. Mix.

Place tilapia on a plate and put 1/4 of filling down the middle lengthwise of the fish. roll up and secure with toothpick.

Line baking dish with sliced lemons and top with tilapia roll ups. Drizzle remainding olive oil over fish. Sprinkle paprika over fish and cover with aluminum foil. Bake for 20 minutes or until fish flakes with fork. Serve over rice.

Recipe: Sauteed Rice
Leftover rice
2 TBS vegetable oil
1/4 cup parsley
Using leftover cooked rice from Chinese food (Thursday), cook in a skillet that has 2 TBS vegetable oil heated in it. Cook until hot. Take off heat and add parsley.

Chicken Pie- In freezer from a fundraiser
Baby Greens with Pear, Bleu and Spiced Pecans with Poppyseed Dressing

I hope I can keep this week down to a dull roar! I need a little rest- after all I recently came back from a vacation.

Have a great week everyone. BON APPETIT!

I am participating in Menu Plan Monday at I'm an Organizing Junkie.There are almost 200 geat menu plans for this week- If you need some inspiration for dinner this is the site for you!


  1. Oh yum! Going to have to check some of these out! Thanks, Yvonne
    xoxo pattie

  2. YUMMO ! I do my menu in advance too, make life easier !

  3. Yvonne, Thank you for adding my corn chowder recipe! These all look great. I've got teenagers and am planning to try the BBQ this week. I'm sure they will devour it like your boys and their friends did! Have a lovely week, ~Nancy

  4. I use the same recipe for bar-b-que roast beef...but I did not provide you with the recipe. It is definetly delicious.

  5. Yvonne, I may give up making my own menu's and just go along with what ever you decide on (lol)...actually we are having fajitas tonight. Everything sounds delicious.
    ♥, Susan

  6. I wish I was as organized as you are!! Hope you enjoy the Salmon Cakes!! I want to try the bar-b-que roast beef recipe, sounds nice and easy!

  7. I'm glad you are trying the salmon cakes with canned salmon. Let me know what you think. I thought the same egg, cracker crumb variety sounded really dull compared to hers. I love the way you schedule in not cooking. I'm afraid my Friday nights would always be blank!

  8. I'm so impressed with all of you organized souls who plan ahead. It makes me feel bad about flying from the seat of my pants. Sigh. I mean it when I say that Mr. Magpie and I might just show up on your doorstep with our clothes wrapped in a bandana on a stick. You might not believe it, but you'll look out, and there we'll be!


    Sheila :-)

  9. Well, expect me for dinner each night around 7:00. I'll even bring the chinese take-out Thurday night. Everything sounds wonderful and I have to try the Killer Fajitas.

    Thanks for your visit and the sweet comment you left on my silver dome project. You are right that we could be twins except it looks like you are a lot better cook than I am.

  10. Woah, that all sounds good to me. You're so organized!

  11. Hi, everything sounds so wonderful!!!I wish i could be organized like you! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.I'm so happy i found yours...Kathy

  12. Those fajitas with the pepper jelly sound so good. I must try that recipe. Thank!


  13. I have been SO BAD about planning a menu! Maybe I should just copy yours every week!

  14. What an interesting blog you have! I'm so glad you stopped by to visit on Heart Choices.

    I have to say that the tilapia recipe caught my eye. I love fish and am always on the lookout for new recipes. I may just try this one.


  15. This is so inspiring! I am just getting used to planning out my main meals - so to see how you plan this out in so much detail is awesome.

    I stopped over to check out your blog after you left a comment on mine, and I am just IN LOVE with your blog. It feels so "homey" like I can just let out a big sigh and imagine enjoying one of those delicious cinnamon rolls on the sidebar. The photographs of everything are just stunning! I am so excited to read more. :)

  16. I had no idea about the weekly menu blog. What a great idea for people like me who usually decide what to prepare for dinner about 30 minutes before doing it. I enjoyed perusing through your blog. There are so many interesting posts. I'll be watching for more...

    Thank you for stopping by my blog...and for your kind encouragement re: my new adventure. I am totally blown away by the support of my new blog friends. All of you are cherished...God has truly blessed me with each one of you.

  17. Everything sounds delicious! You are so organized!


  18. Hello!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment on my Blue Monday post!

    I really like your blog! That is a very impressive menu for the week...I wish I could be that organized!

  19. Hi Yvonne,
    Last night I made the BBQ beef & it was so good! Today I tried the beet, carrot & apple salad...YUM!! Thank you for sharing such wonderful recipes!

  20. I, too, made this recipe & it was very good!
    I think Pat at Back Porch Musings might have been the blog that you first saw it on. I stumbled across her's just today while going back over some of her older posts.
    See if this was the URL where you saw it, Yvonne.
