Friday, March 5, 2010

Let's Play Where's Waldo!


Do you know Waldo... from Where's Waldo? He's the geeky looking guy who wears funny red and white clothes and hides in distractingly chaotic pictures so almost no one can find him. I am NOT a good Waldo finder. I get sensory overload. Everything on the page begins to look like Waldo. I think that is part of Waldo's evil plan.

Hey, I have a fun idea... Let's play Where's Waldo right now! Yea!

But not the red, black and white everywhere version that makes your eyes blurry and your frustration level go sky high. Let's play the EASY version. So easy, in fact, that we don't even have to find Waldo. No Waldo here!

Instead of finding Waldo let's try to find PINK (or even pink-ISH or close to pink) in every picture. And no busy distracting pictures either. No sir! Just beautiful peaceful lush pictures of  the Carribean.

Okay?... O-KAY! Let's begin!

How are you doing? Remember to keep score- 1 point for finding pink in a picture.  Ready for more- Good!

I think you are ready for "LEVEL TWO"!   Oooooooohhh!

Now for the BONUS ROUND...


Let's see how you did.

18   Perfectly Pink: You are a Pink genius! Obviously, you participate in Pink Saturday regularly.
10-17  Pretty Pink Good: You have a high sensitivity to all things pink (and might want to go on a Carribean Vacation).
5-9    Pink Participation Challenged: Although you must be a wonderful person, you are not highly skilled in all things pink. You need to immerse yourself in Pink Saturday. Visit all the friendly sites- leaving sweet comments- and hone your pink awareness.
4-1 Pink Panic Allert! I am so sorry to you must be pink color blind! But don't dispare- blue is a lovely color too.
0 Okay, busted! I know you didn't look at my vacation pictures!

A big thank you to all who played today, Happy Pink Saturday!

I am participating in Pink Saturday with my dear friend Beverly at


  1. Oh, I was waiting for some of your picture of the Caribbean. I absolutely love any destination that is tropical!!!!B) Ahhhh..........

  2. Oh, of course I scored a 12 because I want to go on a Caribbean vacation.

  3. I scored high, too, Yvonne! I adore the Caribbean and live in the vicinity. ;-)

    Seeing their bouganvilla makes me want to cry because ours was killed back in this wicked winter we've had. Normally it is lush and pink. Sigh. But this gives me hope!


    Sheila :-)

  4. Yvonne, don't want to brag, but I'm a Pink Genius! LOL This is such a clever post. Loved getting to see your vacation photos of the Caribbean. Each one sheer delight!

  5. Happy Pink Saturday Yvonne Sweetie...
    So beautiful. Love this post. I scored a 14. I have never been to the Caribbean, but I sure love color and can spot pink pretty good. Love it. Each one of the photos you shared are absolutely breathtaking. Thank you so much for sharing with me.

    Have a beautiful Pink Saturday. Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

  6. Yvonne, I am so in need of a vacation right now and this really helped. Stunning!
    xoxo Pattie and Allie

  7. I think I might have a graduate degree in PINK! LOL
    I also feel like I just went on a mini vacation with you. What WONDERFUL photographs! I'm so glad you were able to escape the winter doldrums & enjoy some warmth & sunshine. It refreshes the spirit & the body & I feel refreshed just looking at the pictures. *sigh*

    Thanks for the tropical break!

  8. Yvonne,

    I scored well! What a clever idea! Happy Pink Saturday and I am going to check out some of your recipes.


  9. Such fun!! Oh your photos reminded me of Boca Raton in Florida. My parents used to have a condo there and I'd visit them during spring break. Mom and I would go to the PINK shopping much fun!
    Great idea and very creative! HPS!

  10. I could definitely leave snowy Vermont and go to the PINK Caribbean! Happy Pink Saturday!

  11. What a fun post and such gorgeous photos to transport us to a place of beauty and warmth! I was sure I had commented on your dessert post but can't find it, anyway, they are just great looking. Would be a grand finale to any dinner, or just fun to have people over for dessert and coffee!
    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog!


  12. I can almost feel that wonderful Caribbean air! I wish there was a picture of me on the beach--I would even wear a pink bikini! (as long as no one was looking!) Linda

  13. Wish I were there!

    In Shoes We Trust,
    Maggie Mae
    "Do these shoes match this purse?"

  14. Happy Pink Saturday.
    How wonderful!
    Such gorgeous scenes and captures.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Enjoy the weekend.


  15. Wonderful pink Saturday post, everything is so gorgeous!

  16. Bougainvilleas...years ago when we lived in San Diego, we had many bushes in our yard. I just love them!! Wish they grew in Nebraska :)

    Happy Pink Saturday & Blessings!

  17. Oh, yes, I'm trained at finding pink. My eye is automatically drawn to it. It has been trained at some of the most crowded thrift stores in the world. What a fun Pink Saturday post!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  18. Beautiful pictures....I was hypnotised by the beauty and was not able to determine any detail, LOL. Hope that is OK.

  19. Everything is so must have had the best time!

  20. Very fun and pretty - Happy late Pink Saturday!

  21. Well, I may be late getting here, but I am a Pink Genius. Yvonne, this was so much fun. I loved it.

    Happy Pink Saturday.
