Friday, February 5, 2010

Pucker Up, Valentine!

Pink Saturday:
Ever since my husband and I  were married, I have written him little love messages on our bathroom mirror in lipstick and sealed them with a kiss. I also "sign" all of my cards to him with a big, bright lipstick kiss. It's my way of letting him know that he alone not only has my lips, but my heart!

I am studying the book of James in Bible Study and the book of Matthew in Sunday School. According to the Bible, there is a very big connection between our hearts and our lips! The book of James has much to say about the "tongue" and controling our mouths. Likewise, Jesus in the book of Matthew, tell us that our mouth speaks out what fills our hearts.

That got me thinking. I want those lipstick kisses to be a symbol of my love for Bobby. But sometimes my real lips can be a negative force in his life- I am very sorry to admit! My words have tremendous power. Both for good and for bad. For building up and tearing down.  The real truth is, my mouth reveals what is in my mind, will, emotion and intellect.

You know the old saying, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". I think whoever said that  must have been studying James 3:9-10.  "With our mouths we bless God our Father; with the same mouths we curse the very men and women He made in His image. Curses and blessings out of the same mouth! That should never be!"

So I made a little sign and sealed it with a kiss- to remind me.

It sits on my desk in the study.  It is to remind me that the lips that kiss Bobby are the lips that need to only say things that are good and productive. That quiet lips are loving lips. I don't need to express my opinion all the time, or give advice or remind. If my lips want to utter unkind or hurtful things I really need to check my heart... and keep those lips closed.

I want my heart to honor him and love him. If my heart does that my lips will follow.
And isn't that what Valentine's day is all about.? Loving someone with all your heart.

So, this year when I sign my husband's Valentine card with a kiss- it will have a much deeper meaning!

I am participating in Pink Saturday at How Sweet The Sound. Beverly and 180 precious pinkies are participating. Thank you to our very gracious hostess! Check it out!

One wonderful post I don't want you to miss is from The Quintessential Magpie. Sheila tells the most creative story I have ever read (and seen)  in blogland! You will be absolutely delighted with all the monkey business going on over there!


  1. Yes, yes smooches are always good and lips are powerful, it's true! Great post. Good words!

  2. What a beautiful sentiment.

    - The Tablescaper

  3. Great post! Happy Pink Saturday!

  4. Right from the heart..
    Love the post..
    Very deep..
    am gonna make one for me..
    "can't believe such pretty lips..
    can utter such dirty words!"
    warm hugs, laughing smiles..

  5. What a lovely & touching sentiment, Yvonne! I, too, could use such a reminder.

    Just wait till you have grandchildren....then you'll REALLY have to *bite your tongue* at times. LOL

  6. Fabulous post and I love the sign, Yvonne. Might have to steal that idea for MY desk
    xoxo Pattie

  7. Yvonne, this post really spoke to my heart. I have been thinking a lot lately about words and putting a guard on my own mouth. Thank you for sharing this because I believe that until we get to Heaven we have no real idea of the impact our words have on other people, including ourselves. I hate to think how much damage my own have done over the years, and I hope to rectify that by speaking words that edify and heal.

    Thanks, too, for your sweet words about my monkey post. You are the best!

    Happy Pink Saturday!


    Sheila :-)

  8. Your sign is wonderful and so true. Although I must admit that if I don't express even my negative feelings once in a head might explode! My parents told me when I got married that I should never say anything to my husband that I would wish I could take back. I've lived by that. I have certainly told him when I'm not happy with something he does, or with him. I have never called him names or been cruel, nor has he to me. Really it boils down to respect. I think that is one of the main reasons we have been married so long.

  9. Loved your message. Thank you.
    PS Please don't forget to visit me. It is your only chance to enter my giveaway.

  10. How true, how true! Great message!


  11. Ahhh...Yvonne! Such inspiration! Such truth! Your words, coming through your lips,have BLESSED me greatly! The WORD always convicts and
    inspires! Thank you for being a messenger!
    I LOVE this place where I am with my husband! Kids are grown and on their own, adorable grandkids to light up our lives and at the end of the day it's him and I, back to how we started. LOVE IT!!

  12. A fantastical post full of wisdom. My daddy used to say "Loose lips sink ships." Or, at least that what it sounded like to me! I'm loving your sidebar photos. "Among the Fallen Leaves" is such an inspiration.

  13. What a kind and loving sentiment.You must be a wonderful wife!Thanks for sharing such sweetness with us today!

  14. Happy Pink Saturday, Yvonne! Love your frame and the beautiful sentiments! Your hubs is a lucky fella!

    I messed up that dang scheduler so my post is a bit late this Pink Saturday! I'll master that thing yet! ha!

    I hope you get a chance to stop by and visit me!

    Have a lovely pink weekend!

  15. Happy Pink Saturday. I have enjoyed visiting your lovely blog. I hope you have a wonderful new week.

  16. Yvonne,
    I love this post. So true. We kiss our loved ones with these lips, yet some foul things can come out at times. We should only speak postitive, loving words , especially when we are speaking of another person.
    Thanks for the great reminder and blessings to you.

  17. Thank you for the words to ponder in MY heart. That is something I try to model at school, but some days are certainly more of a challenge. Your Bible verse that is framed should be on my desk, too. I should get busy with one, since I just got a new frame at GW yesterday for $1.

  18. This message is a good one.What a cute idea.

  19. How cute are you :-) What a nice way to surprise your husband. And yes I agree with the verse too.

    Belated Happy PInk Saturday!


  20. I love this post. It is timely, as we approach Valentine's Day... and it makes a good point.
    We do need to guard our lips.

  21. Beautiful. This is so appropriate with Valentine's Day coming up.
    Have a wonderful week.

  22. I love this and am going to make myself the same sign! Toni

  23. Great reminder... I'm teaching a book of James Bible study... I think I'll do something like your sign for my ladies to give at the end of the study!
