Sunday, January 17, 2010

Weekly Menu: Jan 18-24, 2010

Weekly Menu:

Before I begin my weekly menu I want to give everyone a very excited heads-up about my very first giveaway! This giveaway comes from living room furniture. So, make sure you check in on Jan 25th for the details!

Week 6 of the Eating From My Freezer/Pantry Challenge. If you too want to clean our and organize your freezer and pantry jump right in this challenge with me and some brave and determined bloggers! If you are taking this challenge leave a comment so we know how you are doing. All you have to do is use what you have! That's it. Then we will take inventory and organize!
See hot pink refrigerator on the right hand sidebar for a post with details.

First of all I must amend my weekly allowence for groceries. As much as I have tried, $50.00 a week is an unattainable goal for me.  I think $75.00 is much more realistic for the way I cook. So I feel a little disappointed but relieved to face facts and move forward. And that $25.00 makes me feel less anxious- I can buy more fresh produce!

I was visiting many blogs this week and looking for great recipes. I was not disappointed! I am excited to try some recipes that I found.

Please take a look at the recipe for homemade garlic oil. A wonderfully versatile oil, you will be very happy you tried this culinary staple!

Astrik (*) items are in my freezer and pantry.

Roasted Chicken * (2 to go!)
Chicken Flavord Rice*
Green Beans (again!)

Recipe: Roast Chicken
This beautiful chicken recipe is from Family Ballance Sheet . There is a very good picture tutorial.

Pork Tenderloin With Peach Glaze
Mashed Potatoes
Roasted Broccoli with Garlic Oil

Recipe: Pork Tenderloin With Peach Glaze
1 pkg pork tenderloin, there are 2 in a pack, use both*
2 TBS olive oil*
1 cup peach preserves*
2 TBS brown sugar*
2 TBS white balsamic vinegar*

Heat oven to 425 degrees.  Heat oil in a large skillet and brown pork on all sides, about 8 minutes.  Put pork in an 9 x 13 pan. Roast for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, put preserves, brown sugar and balsamic vinegar in the skillet and warm until preserves and sugar melts. Take off heat. After the first 10 minutes of roasting is over, pour 1/2 preserve mixture over pork, and continue to cook for 15-20 minutes more.
Remove from oven, and let rest for 10 minutes. Cut into  1-1 12 inch slices. Reheat preserve mixture and spoon over pork.

Recipe: Garlic Oil - This is a staple in my refrigerator! It makes food just so yummy! My very very favorite!1- 6oz. jar peeled garlic cloves
16 oz. good olive oil

In a heavy saucepan, add garlic and oil. Heat to just simmering ( do not boil!). Simmer for 20 minutes.

Take off heat and cool. Take out garlic cloves.
I put the garlic in a small container and freeze them. They are fantastic. They taste like roasted garlic. I use them to flavor mashed potatoes, salad dressings, rub on meat, etc.

Put oil in clean jar and keep in refrigerator. It has a long shelf life. I am not sure how long because it goes pretty fast in our house!
I use this garlic oil on veggies, in salad dressings, in marinades, for pasta, fish and to make homemade croutons and garlic bread, just to name a couple uses.

Homemade Pizza
Ceaser Salad

Recipe: I am trying a delicious looking pizza from Thibeault's Table   for the great sounding sauce and the crust from My Slice of Heanven

Killer Fajita's
Refried Beans*
Mexican Salad in Tortilla Bowls

Recipe: Killer Fajita's
1 1/2 lbs. boneless, skinlesss chicken tender portions*
2 TBS olive oil*
salt and pepper*
2 large spanish onions, sliced thinly ( I also use yellow onions, just what I have on hand)*
2 peppers, 1 red and  one another color, sliced thinly*
3-4 TBS Jalapeno pepper jelly (red colored)*
juice of 1 lime*
8 10" flour tortillas*
refried beans*
3 cups grated sharp cheddar cheese*
fixins'- salsa, chopped tomatoes, chopped olives, guacamole, sour cream, etc.*

Heat oven to 400 degrees.  Open 2 cans of refried beans and put in ovenproof bowl. Top with 1/2 cup cheddar cheese. Bake for 30 minutes.

Pat chicken dry with a paper towel. Salt and pepper.  Heat oil in large skillet and cook chicken on all sides until browned and done through. Set aside.

In the same pan, add onions and peppers. Cook until onions are translucent and soft.  Add jalapeno pepper jelly and stir until melts.

Meanwhile, put 3 tortillas between wet paper towels and microwave on high for 1 minute.

Put 1/3 cup refried beans on tortilla. Top with Fajita mixture. Add toppings you like. Roll up and spoon salsa over tortilla. Top off with a dollop of sour cream.

Veal Parmigiana with Spaghetti
Greek Salad

Recipe: Veal Parmigiana
1/2 cup italian seasoned breadcrumbs*  I have seasoned breadcrumbs and will add garlic salt, oregano,   dried basil and dried parsley
salt and pepper
1/3 cup parmesan cheese*
1 eggs*
1/2 cup flour*
4 veal scallopini*
3 TBS oil*
4 TBS parmesan cheese*
4 slices mozzarella cheese
1 1/2 cups spaghetti sauce*

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. On a plate put flour and a dash of salt and pepper. Mix. In a shallow dish whisk eggs and a little water. And on a third large plate, combine breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese.
Dredge veal through flour, then dip into egg and coat both sides with seasoned breadcrumbs.

In a large skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Sautee veal until brown about 3-4 minutes each side. Set aside in a shallow baking dish.  Do not crowd pan. You may have to sautee the veal in batches.

When all veal is browned and in baking dish, cover with spaghetti sauce, sprinkle 1 TBS parmesan cheese and top with 1 slice of mozzarella cheese.

Bake for 20-30 minutes until heated through. Serve with spaghetti.

Rolled Chicken with Spinach, Artichoke and Ricotta
Roasted Potatoes*
Panzanella Salad

Recipe: Rolled Chicken with Spinach, Artichoke and Ricotta. I am using an online recipe, and adding rough chopped artichokes as well. I have 3 pkgs. in the freezer.

Sunday: Slow Cooker Day
Baised Short Ribs
Cheesy Polenta
Green Beans (again!)

I can't find my short rib recipe, I'll call my sister and get it-then I 'll post it next Tuesday evening along with pictures and "how to's".

Have a great week, Bon Appetit!


  1. As always, it all sounds de-lish and inspiring.
    - The Tablescaper

  2. Everything sounds so good but we have to buy groceries this week. We are eating stuffing with pepper jelly, not so good. LOl

  3. It sounds like a really good week of dinners at your house! I have an amazing short rib recipe if you're interested in trying a new one.

  4. Yvonne, Thanks for featuring my pizza crust recipe on your menu this week! I hope your pizza turns out great. By, the way I love your "eating through the freezer and pantry" challenge. Have a great week and happy cooking! Anita

  5. Oh my, what a delectable menu for the week. My family and I will be over. Hmm, let see what what days I have open: Mon, Tues... Okay all of them, if that's okay? LOL
    No kidding though, I really do need to organized my pantry and freezer for it to be more user friendly. They are full, but sometimes I just run to the market anyway. This is a good challenge for me.
    Did I really see that those jams say, Spring Grove,PA? Do you live in PA? I used to live in Spring Grove. My husband is from West York.

    Have a blessed day!

  6. Hi Yvonne,
    If I still lived in York, you would be closer. My hubby took a job that moved us into Central Pa, but it is still only about 1-1/2 to 2 hours to York. My hubby's family is still there. We did visit Lancaster quite alot though, my teens like Park City Mall and the Green Dragon Market.

    It is great to meet a fellow blogger from PA. Maybe we can do lunch or something?

    Have a blessed day!

  7. Blah! Now I have to go to the store to try out some of these. I just love your recipes. You have turned me into a dinner success story!

  8. My friend is doing the pantry challenge too. I've had fun reading about it. My husband is to picky of an eater for me to participate! Thank you for the sweet comment you left on my son Grants blog. :)

  9. Great looking menu and I totally get the budget adjustment. Many times I have to go back and rethink things. Good to do that, especially if it just isn't working. We are still whittling away at the inventory here although I did have to break down and purchase some fish. I thought I had more than I actually did.

    Have a great week!


  10. Yvonne Dear, Just looked at your weekly menu. Yest. (Sun) I spent most of the aft. making Borsch, from a soup cookbook I bought here. It really turned out very good. More red than pink, but that's what we had for dinner. I even took a couple pictures of it in the pot and bowl. The only thing is that I made my own stock...(buy it), and slicing the beets into strips was labor intensive, plus be sure to wear a bib apron when working with beets, and expect red hands for awhile. Anyway, I'll e-mail you the recipe if you are still interested. Love, Mother

  11. I'm trying to eat lots less for a few weeks, so this yummy menu is almost painful. Short Ribs may just have to go to the top of my "when I start eating everything I want" list.

    I'm excited about your giveaway. Today was my 90th I'll have one coming up soon too!


  12. Thanks for linking to my site. Your menu looks awesome!!
