Monday, January 18, 2010

Winter White Wreath

A Wreatrom Leftover

Leftovers are a wonderful thing! 
They are like freebies. 

Using the leftovers of my first winter white wreath, and two  grapevine wreaths I already had, I created a second winter white wreath. Similar in elements, but with a different more earthy feel. Just perfect for my another outside door!

Not only was this wreath free, but very easy to make. I'll show you how...

Wreath Materials:

2 grapevine wreaths- one slightly smaller than the other- spray pained flat white
silver leaves- I bought a Christmas garland and cut it up into individual bunches
white moss, or Spanish moss
white cotton covered wire
hot glue
wire cutters
dust buster
garbage bag


1. Paint 2 grapevine wreaths using flat white spray paint. I did not spray them a solid white and tried to show some restraint. I like the look of some parts of the wreath only being partially covered. It gives the wreaths depth.

2. Wire wreaths together, the smaller one on top of the larger one.  I have observed that the wreaths I love the best in design centers have double wreaths as their bases. It gives them heft! 

3. Liberally apply hot glue to the silver leaf bunches and glue between the two wreaths. Do this between the two wreaths all the way around.

4. Add bunches of silver leaves to the surface of the wreath here and there.  Remember to place some of the leaves on the inside rim of the wreath. 

To secure the leaves stick them between the branches of the wreath. 

Add white moss. Glue all things very well as you go.

Continue around the wreath adding silver leaves and white moss. I like the grapevine wreath showing so I tried very hard not to over do the bling!

When you are happy with the placement of the silver leaves and white moss, check  for glue spiders.
Give your wreath a good shake, and glue anything that is loose.

Hang and enjoy your "leftover" wreath!

Remember to

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  1. Yvonne, this is just stunning. I love it. So beautiful and so elegant. I just may have to copy this. What a beautiful wreath. Hugs, Marty

  2. Beautiful - both the first and the second time!
    - The Tablescaper

  3. Another beautiful wreath. I just came up from my workroom where I'm working on your first white and silver wreath idea. Its coming together nicely and will look perfect on my front door which is black. Can't wait to hang it and snap a picture or two to share with friends.

  4. Thanks for stopping! Come back any time...

    I love the wreath. that is really very pretty.

  5. Ooo...this one is pretty too. I like the idea of doubling the wreaths. I still have up my live evergreen, with just a bow. It has been so ugly and cold that I haven't really cared to get out and take it down. Hopefully, we will have a decent day soon!

  6. OH, HOW PRETTY! I love it. Where is your fav. place to find cheap wreath making materials?
    -Heather @

  7. Wow, I was really surprised by the finished product! NICE!

  8. Pretty! Pretty! Pretty! I love this one too!

  9. What a pretty wreath. I bought 2 wreath forms last week, but have not done anything with them just yet.

  10. So pretty. Even I could make this!

    here via FruglFridays

  11. What a beautiful wreath you've created....I know that I must try this.
    Thanks for the tutorial.

  12. What a georgeous wreath! :D Great tutorial!!

  13. What a beau-ti-ful the look you have here! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  14. Fabulous!
    You do have a creative eye for things that work well together and a creative knack, thanks for sharing the inspiration.

  15. You are a talented one! I've been poking around and love what I have seen here!

    Just wanted to thank you for the kind words you left me the other day. Very sweet of you.

  16. That's a gorgeous wreath! Send some of that craftiness my way, okay? :)

  17. Beautiful wreath and great idea!

  18. This turned out wonderful. I have those exact leaves, but mine are more of a bronze. Although, those should work, too.

  19. I love this one too. It's funny, as I was looking at the last one I thought it would look awesome in a sagy green too.


  20. OMG!! I just got so silly when I saw this-I made an identical one that I used on my kitchen table throughout the holidays-I went around a cone tree-now it's hanging on a hallway door-just love the glimmer of the leaves!!

  21. Love this wreath Yvonne! What a great idea to double up on the grapevine! Definitely gives it some depth. I've gotta go check my leftover pile. Thanks for inspiring!

  22. Thanks for the tutorial, will certainly give it a try!
