Monday, November 16, 2009

Slow Cooker Steak Fajitas

Steak Fajitas:

Fajitas are BIG favorites in my house, and I have several recipes for them.  All of the recipes have one major taste enhancer in common... jalapeno pepper jelly!  This gives a punch to a fajita that puts it over-the-top!

I found this recipe for the slow cooker, and made a few adjustments. It is delicious and very easy!

3/4 cup prepared chunky style salsa
1 TBS tomato paste
3TBS jalapeno pepper jelly, I use sweet, do not use green colored jam!
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
Juice of 2 limes, divided
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 1/2 lb. flank steak
2 large onions, peeled , cut in half and sliced into half moons
3 red bell peppers (or mixed color), sliced
Flour Tortillas
Refried beans, heated
sour cream
other toppings

Combine salsa, tomato paste, jalapeno pepper jelly, garlic cloves, juice of 1 lime, salt and pepper in a bowl.

Put flank steak in slow cooker and cover with liquid mixture. Gently lift the flank steak up to make sure all sides and bottom are coated with liquid.

Lay onions and peppers on top of steak.

Cover and cook on low setting for 6-8 hours.

Take meat out of slow cooker and cover with foil to rest for 10 minutes. Cut across the grain in 1/2 inch thicknesses or shred (I shred mine). Sprinkle juice from reserved lime on top of steak.

To Serve:
Place a couple strips of flank steak on a flour tortilla, add onions and peppers and some to the juice.
Top with refried beans, cheese.

Roll up and garnish with other toppings.



  1. ohh this looks so good thanks for sharing

  2. This look amazing i like anything you can put in a crock pot! and the hot pepper jelly great idea ! Thank you very much for sharing great blog !!

  3. Mmmm yummy! I would never have thought to add the jalepeno jelly, but this is great. I think I might even be able to convince the wee ones to eat it -- sans toppings, of course. Thursday dinner, here I come!

  4. that looks great! my mom has some pepper jelly that didn't quite turn out just right for her this year -- so I'll be passing this recipe on to her. Thank you.

  5. We would love this one, I've saved it. Of course I'll skip the onions, but it will still be good. I love to use pepper jelly on top of cream cheese with crackers.

    Thanks for the sweet words on my post. I feel the same way...we do seem to have so much in common. I think you are a better cook than I am though. I can do it and I love to do it, but we just don't eat nearly as much now that it is just the 2 of us. I actually miss cooking for my kids.

  6. Another recipe that I am going to have to try out. Where do you get the jelly? Not too much of a selection out here in BFE land.

  7. Oh yummy. Doing them in the crock pot is such a good idea. I'd never thought of that. I've got some flank steak in the freezer waiting to be used. Thanks for the post!

  8. Yvonne~~

    I think my family would jump up and down if I made fajitas for dinner. And no one loves their crockpot more than me! :-) The recipe look doable and the pictures delicious!!

    I took a peek at your demo on the scarf napkin. What a great idea!! You have a lovely blog...I am an empty nester also although they always seem to be here at dinner time! lol!!

    Enjoy your week Yvonne!!


  9. Oh my goodness! These look yummy! Thanks so much for sharing.


  10. Who would thought it, lol?!! We love pepper jelly and now I cannot wait to try this :)

    Blessings and wishing you a good week :)


  11. I would have never thought of the jalapeno jelly...sounds delicious!

  12. This looks great and super easy - I'm always looking for new slow cooker recipes!

  13. This looks so wonderful! I have never tried jalapeno jelly but will give it a try ~ thank you!

  14. wow!! thnx for sharing such an amazing recipe, they look and sound sooooo god! def will have to try these!!

  15. Sounds delicious! The pepper jelly is a great idea!

  16. Now that I have made the jelly I'm definately going to try this recipe! Thanks for coming by and commenting on my blog!

  17. QUESTION: These sound delicious! How many adult servings does this recipe yield?

  18. Could you direct me to your other fajita recipes? I bought ingredients for one of your fajita recipes to make in the slow cooker, but when I came back to this one to make it, I don't think it's the same one since I didn't buy any of those ingredients, except the flank steak. Next time I'll print the recipe right away. Thanks.
