Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Second Thanksgiving Table

More Company's Coming- A Second Thanksgiving Table

Before I begin with today's OFFICIAL post, I want to thank all of the people who have visited and/or  followed my blog over the last 2 months. I know 2 months is not a usual milestone, but I have been so overwhelmed  with gratitude, I need to express my feelings. I thought my 2 month bloggiversary was the 19th, but after checking the date of my first blog, it was the 10th. Being still very new to blogging,
I have learned so much and have been having so much fun!  I have become part of a lovely, warm and supportive community that cheers everyone on! I love that we see worth and effort in each and every blog! I love that this is a supportive and not competitive community! Good for us!
Not a crass word, or an unkind thought has crossed my reading, and  I always leave inspired and refreshed!
I especially want to thank the hosts of the events I participate in.  I don't actually know how much time you put into hosting, but it must be immense! What a gift.
I have made dear, dear friends, too. I get excited when I see that you have dropped by. Your are blessings to me!
Finally, thank you all for your love and support!  I look forward to many more bloggiversaries!
God bless all of you!
Yvonne  xo

We are getting more company for Thanksgiving dinner.My philosophy is the more the merrier! I love my home filled with family, friends and people that need a home for the holidays!

I need to set an extra table.  The table will be placed in the foyer, close to the dinning room.  Because I already had 14 of everyting for the main table, I needed to put together another 4 place settings for the foyer table. So I decided to take a trip to my fabulously stocked HomeGoods to see what I could get on a very limited budget.  Well... I hit the jackpot!

The inspiration for this table were these lovely pumpkin tureens and  napkins. I a wild about these beautiful heavy napkins. I love everything about them!!!! Again I used a softer color pallet, to accomodate the colors in the pumpkins and napkins.

I bought the napkins on sale, $5.99 for 4- I bought 2 packs. What a steal. They are exquisite!  I used the napkins as placemats.  I just made a little tuck by folding them across the center horizontally and  then ironed them with some starch.  The fold is barely noticable.  The napkins that were actually used as napkins were folded casually and full and placed near the fork. I wanted to show off their gorgeous design. (Can you tell how much I like these, sorry for gushing on and on).

The real steal of the day were not the napkins, but the pumpkins... they were $2.00 a piece and the quality is excellent!!!!!!  I know, now that's my kind of bargain!  I found 3 white and 1 green so I bought all 4, and they look fine together. Everything else for the scape', except the flatware, was collected from what I had in my china pantry and around the house!

Leaf plates (HomeGoods), a real favorite of mine,  go under the soup tureens.

White salad plate with a leaf and berry edge (HomeGoods) continues the leafy theme. The cutout edges give this dish real interest.

Large grape-motif leaf plate, with bronze metalic edging (HomeGoods) again lend to the overall theme.

Mixing dishes and color gives interest  and detail.

Brown marble handled flatware compliment the placemats (HomeGoods). Another great bargain!

Golden Glasses.

The centerpiece is a mix of white pumpkins to echo the soup tureens, and pale green striped squash in cloches.  These elements are accented with small pumpkins, glazed styled acorns and leaves.

Matching squash pitcher, on sale for $3.00 at HomeGoods!

Tall slender candles stand in a glass leaf holders (Wm-Sonoma). Covering the center of the table, a burlap runner (Pottery Barn) adds texture and keeps the color neutral.

My table is ready and waiting. All it needs are the guests we are so looking forward to!

I am joining Susan at Between Naps On The Porch, for Tablescape Thursday.  Go see all the wonderful and creative ideas!


  1. Oh my word, this table is just stunning. I love all the wonderful dishes you put together, and your napkins are just gorgeous. They do make a wonderful placemat. Your centerpiece is so beautiful. I love the cloches with the squash, they are devine. You should save this picture and be sure and enter it in the "Holiday Cloche Party" on Dec. 4th. Your little tureens are wonderful. I should have gone to HG, I have been hunting for some small individual tureens. You really did set a beautiful table. Hugs, Marty

  2. Awesome table! You were so lucky to be able to pick up so much at Home Goods so close to the holiday. I was at mine last week and they were VERY picked over. It was all Christmas.

    I must tell you that I am really enjoying your blog. It is one of my favorites! I love your tablescapes and your recipes are incredible!!!

    - The Tablescaper

  3. You've got this posted so early. I haven't even decided what I'm doing for my table yet! I've had a strange week, I keep hurting myself and ending up in a chair on a heating pad:) Anyway, you must have been so pleased when you got this all together. I don't have to tell you how perfect this looks. I'm so jealous of those of you that have HomeGoods. I go at least twice when we visit my daughter (which means I'll be making a trip in less than a month). They have the best stuff and the prices are wonderful.

    My favorites on your table...the flatware and the white plates. I love it all, but those things I would put in my purse and take home.

    Have a great day!


  4. You are a bad influence on me lady! My family was wondering what the special occasion was the other night cause I scaped the table for dinner. It was so much fun though! They didn't get it. Another beautiful table. I can't wait to see what you do for Christmas so I can steal some ideas from you!

  5. Me again! I just had to say Happy Blogiversary! I would of sworn that you have been blogging for alot longer than 2 months! Your blog is so beautiful and inspiring. I just love coming here. In fact I got 5 extra pounds and a prettier table to prove it! Keep on posting! I just love each and every one of them!

  6. Another gorgeous table, Yvonne! I just love the white pumpkin tureens.

    And Happy Blogiversary my friend!! Keep those posts coming. You're very inspiring :)


  7. Fantastic. I love the stone ware. The tables are beautiful. I'll be back when I have more time. God bless, Doylene

  8. Love the tureens and all of the natural elements that you have incorporated in the table setting.

  9. What a beautiful table! I just love the way everything flows so nicely together! Your photos are so professional! Thanks for sharing... Dee Dee

  10. Oh Yvonne...I want you to come shopping with me!! Gush away, Honey because I feel exactly the same way about your napkins-placemats...GORGEOUS!!! This sure doesn't look like it was done on a limited budget. It looks absolutely awesome! I bookmarked last week's table so I could go back for inspiration & now I'll be doing the same with this weeks.

    Happy Blogaversary & I want to say that was a very touching & heartfelt note at the top of this post. Mega Ditto to all that you said.


  11. Hi Yvonne, I love yor beautiful table... You did a wonderful job...Love the napkins...
    Happy Thanksgiving

  12. I love your blog! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  13. Those napkins are beautiful. They make wonderful placemats. Such detail. The entire table is so inviting.

  14. Oh what a beautiful table -- I'm just drooling (and not even thinking about the food!) Those tureens are beautiful and I do love your collection of white pumpkins -- just beautiful!

  15. What a beautiful table you've set! Your napkins are very pretty and love how you're using the other ones for placemats! Love the mix of dishes! Oh, the little pumpkin tureens are just perfect and what great bargains you've gotten!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  16. Pretty stunning--lovin those napkins!!! WOW--they are FANTASTIC! Love the brown handles on your cutlery. EVerything is gorgeous--have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  17. Your tablescape is so beautiful, Yvonne. I like your plates, your placemats, your covered soup bowls and everything else on the table. Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family! Congrats on reaching your second month of blogging.....Christine

  18. Yvonne, this table looks yummy! I read your opening comments and feel the same way. I just started my blog in August and since that time have made so many wonderful friends. I so enjoy seeing the creative things that others do. And as you said, this is such a supportive environment. Blessings to you and your family sitting around this gorgeous table for Thanksgiving. ~ Sarah

  19. I loved your preemptive statement as much as your lovely Tablescape. Being retired, with painful arthritis, I find viewing Blogs an adventure to the outside world. I was so ready to give up until I happened on "Between Naps On The Porch" a few weeks ago. And it has been uphill ever since!!

    The positive & creative energy is awesome. There is so much information, about china service, so many different venues from the elaborate to designing on a dime, recipes, and I could go on and on.

    Keep up the great work and thank you for sharing
    Blessings from Good 'Ol Texas
    Carol "B"
    *Just look'in not blogg'in

  20. Beautiful table! I'm on the look out for flatware like yours. Love it!

  21. What a gorgeous table! I love all of your layering. The linens are so pretty and those dishes are just gorgeous. The white pumpkins look so pretty as your centerpiece. I like how you have different levels in your centerpiece. Very pretty! Thanks for sharing and happy TT to you!

  22. wow your table is just so special and warm and welcoming, it all flows so well, the linens are the prettiest I have seen in a long time, love the look of everything, thanks for sharing, I am gonna go look again...lol

  23. Just fabulous!!! Love the napkins (so does hubby). And all the different plates, scrumptious. I would love to eat dinner at your table.

  24. Your HomeGoods purchases have been put to excellent use with a fabulous result! Those pumpkin tureens are perfect with the white pumpkin centerpiece you've created. The napkins are lovely and tie all the colours together (I love using napkins as placemats too). The flatware is gorgeous and I really like the touch of burlap for a more rustic feel. How nice you are to create a secondary table that is just as wonderful as the initial one you designed. Your guests will feel so welcome! Happy Thanksgiving!


  25. Such a lovely table. Love the layers of plates. Happy Thanksgiving!

  26. Just gorgeous! I'm sure that your guests will love being seated at that wonderful Thanksgiving table. I love your blog and am quite jealous of your Home Goods buys;) I live in PA too but the nearest stores are all over an hour away.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  27. Your table IS indeed gorgeous - however, I have a question...where do you put the FOOD? I like to place my serving bowls on the table to minimize the need for someone to constantly leave the table to fetch more food but I find that there is no room for centerpieces. Help!

  28. ALWAYS love your creations, they speak to me...

  29. Absolutely beeee-utiful! I would love to sit down to this setting! And happy blogiversary! I really enjoy checking in with you!
    Terry in Milwaukee

  30. Happy Blogiversary! My husband and I love your tablescapes. He went wild over the one outside. I can't wait to show him your latest creation tonight when I get home. Where did you get your cloches?

  31. Incredible table, looks like it belongs in a magazine. Such elegance and warm colors. Lucky guests you have. Enjoy!


  32. Love your table, everything on it, everything about it. I especialy am loving the flat ware. gorgeous table!

  33. So beautiful and warm. I love the placemats and napkins. You did it so nicely.

  34. Another breath taking table. I just loved those napkins and the tureens. You really got some wonderful bargains. Thanks so much for visiting, I hope you stop by again soon.

  35. My first visit but not my last! Your tables are beautiful. Hope to learn from you!


  36. Okay, just show up on Thanksgiving afternoon and bring those fabulous pumpkin tureens :) What a wonderful and beautiful table!

    Christi @ A Southern Life

  37. This table is breath taking! I love everything about it. The napkins; the pumpkin tureens; the different colors of layered plates; the natural look of the centerpiece! Fabulous job! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! laurie

  38. Hi Yvonne,
    Such a lovely table! You've coordinated the colors beautifully and included so many appealing elements. I was thinking those were the most beautiful placemats I'd ever seen, and then read that you'd used napkins (cleverly folded and neatly creased). What a great idea! I might have to "borrow" it one of these days. ;)

    Your potato recipe sounds great, and I love the prepare-ahead convenience of it!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  39. I love your blog. You are my inspiration and my home has benefitted from your creativity. You certainly have been blessed with a wonderful gift. I hope to be like you when I grow up or at least when my kids grow up. Thanks for sharing your gift with all of us

  40. WOW!!! This is gorgeous!! I LOVE the napkins also! What a great idea to use them as placemats. LOVE the flatware, and that green grape plate on the bottom, I really like. All of it is just fabulous. You have such great ideas and putting it all together it turns out so beautifully!!

  41. I'm ditchin my family and comin to your house for Thanksgiving! Your table is so beautiful! Where did you find those little pumpkin soup tureens at 2.00 each? They are adorable! I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  42. Beautiful! I heart that flatware & the linens! The pumpkins & pitcher are pretty too. Wish I had that kind of luck at Home Goods...not that I do too bad! LOL!

  43. Absolutely breathtaking!! Those napkins ARE something to rant and rave about. What a beautiful job placing all of the right elements together! Andrea from Softer Side of Me

  44. I have to agree about those napkins - they ARE beautiful! And I do love a bargan.

  45. I'm posting another comment to tell you that your table is one of my absolute favorites! Love the colors and the varied textures. Did I mention the napkins and placemats? Lovely!

  46. i am just confused, it's just table design or it's a nice world. i love this table. i have some extra idea for you. AYT Catering is one of Australias best and most respected event catering services. We cater events, corporate or private functions and weddings in Sydney and Melbourne.
