Friday, October 16, 2009

Pink Saturday- Shades of the Pink Past

Pink Saturday- Shades of the Pink Past:

Who knew that this shade of pink could be so emotional! Soft and sweet . A quiet witness to so many memories. I think that is why I love this wallpaper so much. Bought years ago- 14 to be exact, and lovingly hung by her father.

She slept and dressed and danced and played and did all the things darling young girls do, in this very room. At night, we got under the covers and whispered “girl talk” surrounded by these beautiful observing hydrangeas. Our giggling was like rain to them. They became wise, as I imparted every good and meaningful and sage thing to the precious one beside me. They became wise because they were listening, too.

Did they bow there big, moppy heads as we prayed together?

But, the pink lush hydrangeas are saying good-bye. She is no longer here. They are silent and a bit sad because they no longer feel the breath of fresh air that blew into this room. And the sunshine of her enormous smile does not shine here.

She has grown-up... and their season is coming to an end. The wallflowers must have known. Didn’t she dress in her ethereal bridal gown with them surrounding her? Like a circle of dewy-eyed bridesmaids. They must have been in awe- we all were. I even saw them blushing a little more pink that day- right along with her!

Thankfully, she has not left forever. She and her Prince Charming come to visit- and he calls her room- their room -"pretty". He is talking about the pink hydrangeas for her furniture has gone with her, too. All that is left is a bed and the hydrangeas.

The hydrangeas are in the winter of their lives. It is time- all things have a season, even pink flowers. The hydrangeas must come down. I asked Prince Charming to choose the color scheme and style for redoing this bedroom. Taupes and browns and whites and silver. More contemporary and earthy. Rich woods and tailored fabrics. No place for “pretty” pink hydrangeas! The landscape of her bedroom is in for a total transformation. Just like her life... all of our lives!

So… this is the last hurrah for these pinkies! Saved like pressed flowers on the page of this entry.

I asked the little girl who turned into the blushing bride what color she would want to use to accent her newly decorated room she sometimes visits and she answered… “pink, of course! It is my favorite color!”

I am joining Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound. Check all the other pinkies out!


  1. You almost made me cry. My daughter is 25, and moved 1000 miles away the day after college graduation 2 1/2 years ago. She is the light of my life and I'm so happy that she is living her dream...but, that empty room is always there. In some ways I'm lucky, we moved to this house/town when she graduated from high school, so this wasn't the room she grew up in. It is so hard to let those little girls go...isn't it?

    This was a truly beautiful post.


  2. I'm new too, so I guess this is the way we respond:) Yes, we do know each other's hearts. It is all bittersweet.


  3. A beautiful post,you write very well.Thank you for sharing this lovely,bittersweet moment, with us.

  4. This is such a lovely post. Each word is a testament to cherished memories and love shared.

    I sent you an e-mail about Pink Saturday, and I hope I will hear from you.

  5. Hello, Yvonne,
    Such a beautiful post today! I am so glad your sweet daughter and her prince charming come back to stay in this beautiful room! Happy Pink Saturday to you!! Vicki

  6. Gorgeous wallpaper. You don't see wallpaper much anymore, it's so pretty and traditional. Welcome to Pink Saturday and have a great weekend!

  7. Welcome and happy pink Saturday. What a beautiful post. Your wallpaper photo's and your story to go with it are wonderful.
    Have a nice day
    Riet, The Netherlands

  8. Oh sweetie,
    How beautiful is this wonderfully written story. It so touched my heart tonight. I needed another place to go to, and was guided to your blog. I so love the wallpaper and the story of your precious daughter behind it. Better yet, that she will be coming back to stay in this room still. Thank you for sharing. I have signed up to follow your blog. I will be back. Country hugs, Sherry

  9. Thank you for sharing a beautiful part of your past!

    Happy PS!

  10. Welcome to Pink Saturday!
    What a beautiful post. Beautiful wallpaper. And mostly, what a beautiful relationship you share with your daughter.

  11. Welcome to your first Pink Saturday. I hope you enjoy the event and the new people you meet.

  12. Welcome to Pink Saturday!

    Oh, I'm so sad for the hydrangeas, but what a loving tribute. Is there no way to have a pink room in memory of them??? Sigh.

    Happy PS!


    Sheila :-)

  13. Gorgeous wallpaper.
    Welcome to Pink Saturday!

  14. Welcome to PS looks you are an old pro at this. I love the wallpaper and the story is heartwarming. Happy PS and of course we want to see the "redo"

  15. Congratulations on a HeartFelt Pink Saturday Post. Your wallpaper speaks volumes of happy memories and a loving relationship. Welcome to Pink Saturday....

  16. Your story about the wallpaper is so delightful - and bittersweet. But what a great way to preserve the memory! Thank you for posting on Pink Saturday. I hope you enjoy it here. The ladies are all wonderful. Stop by and say hi if you get a chance.


  17. Welcome to Pink Saturday! I love the wallpaper! I love hydrangeas so the wallpaper is eye candy to me. Thank you for sharing along with your story. Enjoy your weekend.


  18. Your write beautifully! I love hydrangeas they are my fave flower. How sad that after all these years they must come down. But time stands still for no one and no flower.
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  19. Beautiful Pink Saturday post & I love the hydrangea wall paper! I understand your sentiment ~ when my (almost 25yr old) daughter moved into her own first home I turned her room into my studio. I kept the pink painted walls and mural I had painted for her when she was 4yrs old :-)

  20. Hello Yvonne & welcome to Pink Saturday! Your post is beautifully written and I will remember it for a long time. You are wonderful to decorate to Prince Charming's sound like such a lovely person and I bet he cherishes you!
    Hugs, Leslie

  21. How lovely! What a nice, nice story and beautifully written. Happy Pink Saturday!

  22. i was moved to tears! you have a great gift. keep telling stories.

  23. Happy Pink Saturday and welcome! What a lovely, sweet post. The wallpaper is so pretty - I LOVE pink hydrangeas. Please stop by and visit. I have a very special post today. :)

  24. Welcome to Pink Saturday, we are all so happy to have you with us. Your post is gorgeous, I love the story of growing up and starting a new life. This is what you also must do. Open the book to a new chapter. I promise you it will be a great one ever changing and bringing wonderful surprises into your life. You can go back and reread the past, but you must put one step in front of the other and advance forward. A smile on your face for all the beautiful new memories you are about to make. I love the pink hydrangea wall paper, but I look forward to what is to come. Happy Pink Saturday, and please don't be a stranger, Char

  25. What a pretty post! And I don't just mean the wallpaper. How very lucky your daughter is to have such a tender-hearted, expressive mother.

  26. I'm sure the new decor will be lovely...but I like these too....:)

    Happy Pink Saturday!


  27. Happy Pink Saturday! Pretty wallpaper..Grace

  28. how beautiful! what a lovely thing to read!!! happy 1st pink saturday!!!

  29. Such a pretty room. I know things change but what a lovely sitting room it would make. How about saving strips of the paper to make covers for a photo book? Save it as a memento. Happy Pink Saturday!
    Chris Verstraete
    Searching for a Starry Night, A Miniature Art Mystery

  30. I loved your post and am a bit sad about the hydrangeas coming down. :). It was a lovely story and I hope you post about the redo. Happy Pinks and have a great weekend.

  31. Beautiful wallpaper and a great story to go with it! You gave me goose bumps. For awhile I thought something happened to your daughter so I was relieved that she had got married LOL!! Great first post. It's my first week too! Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Pink Saturday...Sherri : )

  32. I was just at my daughter's house for breakfast. Your brought a tear to my eye. She's a married woman with a house across town and I am hoping that some day she will have a pink or even blue nursery for me to visit.
    Have a wonderful Pink Saturday and welcome to our pink place on the net!

  33. As the mother of an only child, a daughter, I can so relate to your post. I am fortunate that she now lives only three hours away. I missed her so much when she first left for college. The nightly talks and hugs and the good mornng kisses... loved your post.Welcome to Pink Saturday. I would love to invite you to Crock Pot Wednesday at Dining With Debbie. There's a giveaway going on this week. You can come check out the entries and cast a vote for your favorite. I hope you will plan to join us with a favorite slow cooker recipe this week.

  34. Hello Yvonne; Welcome to Pink Saturday;
    I love your Pink post, it was such a beautiful tribute to you sweet daughter's bedroom... brought tears to my eyes,,, loved it... have a great weekend.... oh and I love the wall paper too.


  35. Welcome to Pink Saturday. This was a touching post. Thanks so much for sharing your memories with us. Have a great weekend.

  36. Welcome to Pink Saturday! Beautiful post. My daughter is 33, and I still remember so clearly her childhood room and the breezes blowing through the open windows as she played. The years sneak by, don't they?

  37. sweet post for pink saturday!! hope you have a wonderful weekend

  38. Lovely post! I know how you feel daughter hot her own place 6 years ago. I left her bedroom the same until last summer when I finally took off the wallpaper and painted. I guess time moves on and we have to adjust.
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  39. Hi Yvonne, Welcome to Pink Saturday! You have a beautiful blog. I enjoyed your post and all the pretty pink flowers and wall paper...come by for a visit when you get a chance...Becs

  40. I especially love the detail of the switchplate being papered in coordinating paper, that's something my mom did. Hope you'll stop by for a visit.

  41. Mom, you are a wonderful writer. Keep using this gift that God has given to you. You know it is good if it can make a man cry. I love you and think your blog is great.

  42. Pink is my favorite color - no other compares, so Pink Saturday is the day when I can sit back, look at sweet pink goodies and visit some of the most lovely blogs in cyberspace.

    Thank you for sharing your pinks with me today. They warmed my little pink ♥. Wishing you a wonderful and blessed weekend filled with the love of friends and family.

  43. What a little sweet tearjerker. Thanks for your beautiful talking flowers. Yep.who knew? Warm Hugs, Mollye

  44. What beautiful photos and lovely Pinks. The wallpaper is very beautiful!!! I have enjoyed my visit to your blog. Happy Pink Saturday and please have a wonderful new week.

  45. What a sweet tribute to y our daughter. I am sure you made her proud. I wish there was more of that kind of love and bond between families. You have been blessed.

  46. Ynonne..what a creative sweet post today. Loved it! Thank you for sharing..many hugs..Tami

  47. Thank you for sharing, that was really very sweet!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  48. I have a new blog about hydrangeas and I am wondering if you would let me put a picture from here on it and of course a link back to your page. Please let me know. Pink Blessings to you.

  49. What a lovely post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and pictures with us. I hope you are having a wonderful day and are looking forward to the holidays ahead.

  50. Welcome to Pink Saturday! I enjoyed your lovely wallpaper and beautiful memories. That first image reminds me of wallpaper from my room as a young girl ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,
    My Pink Saturday

  51. What a sweet and poignant story. Such pretty wallpaper, too! She's grown up and moved on, and the pretty wallpaper must come down - but you've captured it as a wonderful memory.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  52. We're empty nesters also, honey. I'm loving it though. Nice to meet you and Happy Pink Saturday,

  53. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  54. What a lovely "pink" post about your daughter! I have a daughter too, she's only 10 but I know time will quickly pass.


  55. Oh my, that made me cry. So beautiful... written with your heart from moments that are burned into your mind and soul.

    Yes, it is a lovely shade of pink.

  56. I just read this "PINK" blog, I do hope you saved a bit of paper and framed it! It would be a great gift of remembrance.
