Thursday, August 11, 2011


One of the simple pleasures of summer is a Caprese Salad. All freshness and goodness from the garden! When it comes to such a simple salad with few but fabulous components, I try to buy the best tasting ingredients I can. For me, this is a salad worth splurging on!

I'm sure you all know how to make a Caprese Salad... good... because this post is more about constructing a beautiful and visually attractive Caprese Salad. 

It is true that we eat with our eyes first.

Caprese Towers
fresh garden tomatoes
fresh mozzarella
fresh basil
very good olive oil
very good sea salt~ I am using a pink salt
balsamic olive oil, you guessed it... very good

Cut tomatoes about 1/2~ 3/4  inch thick. Cut fresh mozzarella about the same. 
Cut basil into chiffonades and then chop finely. Save a few pretty tops of a basil plant for garnish.

Pour a small pool of olive oil in the center of the plate.

Stack 3 rounds of mozzarella and 3 tomato rounds alternately. I use a round cookie cutter to cut the mozzarella to match the circumference of the tomatoes... it looks much prettier.

Drizzle more olive oil over the top of the stack so it runs down the sides.

Sprinkle sea salt over the stacks and around the plate. Do the same with the fresh basil.

Drizzle a little balsamic vinegar around the edge of the plate. Use a light touch! Too much will spoil the delicate balance of flavors.

Add the basil garnish to the top of the stack.

Savor with a crusty piece of bread to mop up every last drop of summer infused oil!

Printable Recipe

I am participating in FOODIE FRIDAY at Designs By Gollum


  1. You can tell it's almost dinner time. Our stomach growled when we saw this post. Looks delicious!! Would be a perfect salad for dinner. Stopping by to pick up bread on the way home.
    Angela and Renee

  2. Yvonne, my mouth is watering. What gorgeous shots of this wonderful dish.

  3. What a pretty way to serve a salad. You are so clever! I love caprese salad and the next time that I make it I am going to do this. Great job!

  4. Yvonne -- set another plate, I'm on my way over, lol!! Your caprese looks heavenly :)


  5. Your photography is beautiful. This looks very delicious!

  6. Yvonne, this looks soooooooo good. I definitely have to make these this weekend. So cool and refreshing. Yum. Hugs, Marty

  7. Yummy! That looks so fresh and delicious, just perfect for these hot summer days. Shannon

  8. I agree they are a thing of beauty:)

    Yours are perfect!

  9. Ohhhh I think I want that for dinner!


  10. You made this sooo beautifully!! How amazing and tantalizing this is! Almost too pretty to eat. Almost. This is one of my favorite things to eat year round but its especially amazing during the summer when tomatoes are at their very best, and yummy basil!! Beautiful.

  11. Pretty red and white towers of summertime on a plate sitting on a drizzle of golden olive oil with touches of green. Absolutely gorgeous. The colors remind me of the Italian flag.

  12. A feast for the eyes! Your Caprese is beautiful!

  13. PS Stop by if you haven't already, doing a wonderful giveaway, ends tongiht!

  14. Oh YUM!!! This looks soooo good! I could eat my weight in cheese, tomatoes, basil and oil!

  15. Oh Yvonne, the Caprese stacks look beyond amazing! What you do with food is exquisite!!

  16. Food art and healthy! Looks soo good! Great photos Yvonne. A good presentation adds so much, as you say.

  17. one of my favorite summer delights and yours is so beautiful in the tower!!

  18. Love at first sight! Some of my favorite flavors and an awesome presentation. Fabulous!

  19. Ivonne ,look amazing, really I love basil we dont have right now, xgloria

  20. I need to pick your brain about how to take such GORGEOUS pictures of FOOD?????? I find it SO hard to photograph. Your caprese looks SO yummy!!!! I have been LOVING tomato sandwiches all week:):) Thanks for this eye candy. XO, Pinky

  21. WOW Yvonne..STUNNING!!!!!!! This could be on the cover of Food and Wine!

  22. YUM! This looks delicious!
    I've got about 5 tomatoes from my garden sitting on the sill. I may just have to try this. Thank you!

  23. The salad look so pretty! My 2 rules for eating are: no ugly food and no delicacies. This offering passes both tests! Have a great weekend.

  24. Yvonne:

    These look delicious! Nothing is better than fresh tomatoes from garden with basil....Love it....Will have to try....

  25. Its almost 10 pm & this is making ME hungry! Only you would think to cut the cheese EXACTLY the same size as the tomatoes!! Such attention to detail...amazing.

    We're picking fresh ripe tomatoes every single day now & I'm in Heaven!!
    I shall try this version but it won't look anything like yours, for sure.

  26. That salad looks so pretty served in a new way! It's one of my favorites but you've managed to make it different and fresh. Yum!

  27. There is nothing better in the summer than a fresh garden tomato Caprese salad. Yours is so elegant looking too.

  28. It's true, about eating first with our eyes, and I thoroughly enjoyed this salad.

  29. Yvonne, they looks scrumptious!

    Would you be so kind to leave a comment on my BLOG ONLY, for the Miracle Makeover fund drive. Charlie, 8 yr. old, & his story are fabulous. Every comment brings us a $1 for the next person that will be sponsored.

    Have a beautiful weekend.
    TTFN ~

  30. Making these for our dinner party tonight...thanks!!!

  31. Yvonne, passed an award onto you today, you can see it on my current Sunday post. Love what you do....

  32. Love a good caprese salad!! And love your wonderful suggestion - a visual as well as gastronomic treat!!

  33. Beautiful!!! They look absolutely restaurant quality!!!

  34. Posted about you today :) My salad did NOT look as good as yours...I tried. Tasty though.

  35. #OMGoodness this is the PERFECT salad! This is my favorite trio and splash a little olive oil and balsamic into the mix and heavahhhnn!! You've got some #SeriousYum™ on your blog Yvonne! This is going on my FB page (! And a link will be on Do.Food.Better. soon too! Thanks for sharing it!

  36. Love this tower of beauty. Excuse my naivety, but how do you serve this? Love all your menus, expecially this weeks. All sound so great for the summer

    1. I serve it just like that! As people eat it, the salad deconstructs itself. Hope this helps!
