Wednesday, August 10, 2011

ASK STONEGABLE~Stacking Dishes

I have had quite a few e-mail recently asking my about "stacking dishes". Here is the answer to many questions in a post done earlier this year.

StoneGable has undergone a little facelift! My goal is to make StoneGable more reader friendly.The newest undertaking was adding TABS  underneath the blog header.Organizing posts by topics in a TAB makes it so much easier to find a specific post or explore a topic of interest. These organized categories are filled with big pictures making it easy access to a particular post. And adding a HOME tab makes it a breeze to peruse StoneGable and get back home in a click. 

Give it a try~ you can choose from many topics... TABLESCAPES, RECIPES, WEEKLY MENU, SPRING THINGS, TUTORIALS, IN THE GARDEN, HOME AND DECOR, SUNDAY SCRIPTURE and  ASK STONEGABLE. I hope this makes finding and exploring StoneGable posts a whole lot easier...and prettier!

Another change~ I am pleased to introduce a reoccurring new segment called ASK STONGABLE. Many of my readers e-mail me and ask the same questions. That tells me  there might be an overall interest in those topic. So, I am tackling the most often asked or interesting questions in post form. If you have a question, just click the ASK STONEGABLE tab for my e-mail address. I do try to answer all e-mails personally.

This brings us to today's post...


My dear reader Leslie writes:
Dear StoneGable,
I am so glad you have included this section in your "re-do". I have wanted to ask so many times the following:
1. Do you use each of the plates that you stack, or are some of them just to add interest?

2. Your tablescapes are beautiful, how do you serve the food? Does everyone sit and you pass the food around the table, or do you set it up buffet style? If the meal is served in courses, do you excuse yourself after each course, take up the dish(es) used and bring the next course?

Thank you so much for this great way to find out more about entertaining.

Thanks, Leslie! Today ASK STONEGABLE will be answering her first question: "Do you use each of the plates that you stack, or are some of them just to add interest?"

Leslie, Sometimes the courses I am serving match the number of stacked plates and sometime plates are just stacked for interest. It is more of a design question to me. It is all about the look I want to achieve and the plates I own that would work in my overall table design. When it comes to stacking plates, pretty wins out over function!

Examples: Just enough plates for the courses.

Example: Lots of stacking for interest, efffect and fun!

Here are some other ideas that I use often that may help you in designing your next tablescape!

White dishes are a workhorse. They look wonderful between colorful plates.

When using the same pattern, add a dish of a differnt color or pattern in between. Even a napkin can be used to seperate the dishes.

Look for inexpensive dishes with interesting edges and shapes.

Place dishes on placemats or chargers to define a space. This adds color and texture to your table!

Break the rules, it's your table! I love the WOW effect some guest have when they see an over-the-top table!

Experiment! Play with your dishes! The same dish can have many looks.

Don't get too matchy-matchy.

Black is a fabulous accent color. It works wonderfully with white.

Keeping the color scheme to 2 colors (with accents or white or black)  sets a beautiful table.

Napkins! And Napkin Rings!

Forgo fancy or expensive dinner plates, invest in interesting dishes or accent pieces to top off your stack. This is one of my most often used tricks. I much prefer a solid, especially white dinner plate. The topper will bring the pizazz to a table.

Tuck an interesting element between dishes for whimsy.

Surprise guests with a little take home gift perched on top of their plates.

Alternate dishes at each place setting if you do not have enough of 1 kind.

Setting a table should be fun for you and a treat for your guests! I say stack those dishes to your heart's content!

There are only a couple of hard and fast tablescaping rules I follow:

1- It's all about your guests. Hospitality over Entertaining!
2- Make it as pretty as time allows.
3- Fuss before the guests come. Enjoy the guest when they are at your home.
4- Don't let a messy house prevent you from having your friends over!

Thanks, Leslie! I hope that answers your question!

I am participating in 
~Tablescape Thursday at Between Naps On The Porch


  1. Thank you for all your time to reorganize your breathtaking blog.Easy reference tabs make for easy reference!I Just love your table top "fashion shows". Your blog and Far Above Rubies influenced my purchase of the Italian Countryside by Mikasa. The creamy white ware showcases other inherited and bought dishes in my collection. Again, many notes of appreciation for modeling hospitality, homemaking and the home arts in this rushed, high tech culture which we live! Emelia.

  2. Thanks for the information. The pictures are beautiful as always. Maybe I missed it in the post, but I didn't see where you mentioned how you actually serve the food. When the guests are seated, what do they/you do with all the extra dishes? Do you collect them and put them aside, or do they leave them at their placesetting? Also, do you serve the food to them at the table, or collect the dish and plate it and then place it back at their placesetting? Thanks in advance for your reponse. I really enjoy reading your blog!

  3. I love this....your tables are always so pretty and inspiring! Seeing those little bunnies is making me long for Spring and Easter :) and has got me thinking about Easter Sunday tablescape!

  4. So beautiful, Yvonne! Each table is more magnificent than the last!

  5. Love all the changes you've made, and "Ask Stone Gable" is a great idea! you are so right, it is your table, have fun with it!
    Anxious to talk this week!

  6. Great suggestions, Yvonne. I love setting tables. It seems like playing house when I was a little girl.

    Your blog looks fabulous, and the new additions are so helpful.

    I was looking for what you use to get stubborn stains from vintage linens. I found the laundering post, but I only found reference to a future posts for stain removal. I have some pieces I need to address. Thanks for your help.

  7. Yvonne, what a feast for my eyes! My burning question is: where in the heck do you store all of your pretties??? Even though I only have two sets of dishes, everyday and company, I love looking at your settings because I get good ideas for dressing up the table with what I have! I have found that TJMaxx is a great source for white plates with lots of personality, and if you only buy one or two at a time, you can have a pretty collection in no time! Love having you back in action in blogworld!

  8. I love your "rule" about not allowing a messy house to keep you from entertaining! While I always want my house to be clean when I entertain, I have learned that a pile of unopened mail or a few old newspapers piled up next to the reading chair never kept anyone from having a great evening with friends! Dim the lights, light the candles and uncork the wine - it's time for a party!!

  9. Lots of great ideas and fabulous pictures today Yvonne! Thank you.

    Your blog is so organised and the tabs are brilliant-Great job!

    Best wishes,

  10. Thank you for all the inspiration and guidance! You are generous and kind. The time and thought put into preparing this feast for our eyes is much appreciated.

  11. Hi Yvonne, You always have the most beautiful tablescapes. Thanks for all the inspiration.

  12. OoooWheeee! That should had a EYE CANDY WARNING! Just AMAZING! Thank you for the time and care that was put into this post. You are the QUEEN of layering and combining one of a kind effects! So much wonderful information!

  13. Yvonne, love the new look and the ease of the Tabs. I want to add Tabs to my header now that I have a beautiful new header made by Vicki @ Curly Willow.
    Just need to figure it all out. ;-)
    Thanks for sharing the collection of photos today. Each one is full of inspiration. Your tables are always gorgeous. I love the layering. I think it makes it lots more fun! Seeing your red, white, and blue table with the cute blue flowered chintz plates makes me want to rush back to the store where I just saw those plates. All I have to do is remember where. LOL

  14. Your new look is spectacular, Yvonne. You have made it so much easier to find things and I love the way you have organized topics. Every time I come to visit I want to run out and buy more dishes. My problem now is where to store them. Fabulous makeover!!!!

  15. You set the absolute loveliest of place settings! I am just amazed at your creativity. I have got to learn to do up the napkins as you so beautifully do!

  16. Hi Yvonne, I have missed you!!!! It is so good to have you back. I look forward to seeing your creative and beautiful tables and drooling over your recipes. This post was a wonderful recap! I need a tutorial on using patterned linens! Is there one coming? (Say yes! :)) Linda

  17. Yvonne,
    You have a GORGEOUS blog...but I'm sure you hear that constantly. The reason I am contacting you is because I would love to send my readers your way!! We do an online craft project once a month and I would love to create a spring wreath using your tutorial! I wouldn't post the tutorial on my blog, just send them to you! I always like to ask for permission! Could you email me at and let me know if this would be okay? Thank you so much!!


  18. Yvonne, thanks to your readers for asking the questions we want to know too! I can't do too many stacked dishes unless I give everyone some kind of instruction, or else they are eating scrambled eggs out of an egg cup or salad on a tea saucer! Gosh, my family! Your tables are all such inspiration!

  19. Yvonne, this is a terrific collection of all of your wonderful tables capes. I can use all the advice you have in the way of setting a pretty table. This post is one to book mark for future reference. Thank you!

  20. A wonderful post. Not only to get the answers, but to see the dishes again. I love your creativity and your talent shows in each table. Thanks for taking your time for our pleasure.

  21. Oh, absolute eye candy, Yvonne. I could just sit and look and look. Hope I don't miss linking to Susan's TT because I am salivating over all of your lovely posts. Some I hadn't seen before,(must have been BB - before blogging - for me) I love the pansy one. It makes me yearn for spring. So nice to be back and to have you back too.

  22. Hi Yvonne,
    I so enjoyed my visit here-always love to see your pretty dishes.
    Love how you improved an already beautiful blog!

    Take care,

  23. No one, absolutely no one can set a table like you Yvonne. You have such a way of stacking your dishes, layering on the color and texture. I enjoyed seeing all the various tables you highlighted here. ~Delores

  24. Your tables are just beautiful and you have added some great tips for setting a table. I enjoyed this post.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebok

  25. Yvonne I totally agree with points one through four! Great post!

  26. Yvonne, thank you so much for taking the time to share your wonderful designs and ideas with us! You should write a book -- it would be a best-seller among the tablescapers, for sure!

  27. Yvonne, I'm popping back over from TT for another look at your elegant tables. Each one is full of inspiration. In fact, your words were echoing in my mind this afternoon. I stopped in to TJ Max while out running an errand. Right at the front door on a clearance cart was a set of creamy dinner and salad plates with the most wonderful floral texture. Your comment: "Look for inexpensive dishes with interesting edges." I followed your advice and popped those right into my basket. ;-)
    ~ Sarah

  28. I love coming to see what you've cooked up for us. thanks for sharing all of your "secrets", I know that I will be using your blog for futre reference. Thanks so much!

  29. It was fun seeing all of your beautiful tables at once. Did you ever think when we were raising our babies that there would be a day when we were setting tables and writing about them, and having so much fun doing it?

    I don't know how you found the time to organize the blog...but, I like the format. Very nice.

  30. Mercy! One never knows what will be seen when we come to your site! I always feel the urge to go play in the dishes again.

  31. Each table is more beautiful the one before! How do you do it? -- always new and different ideas!

  32. Yvonne, you have set some of the prettiest tables in blogland! I always know it will be a treat when I visit you!

  33. Your layering of textures and plates is so full of inspiration. You alwasy fill my head with more ideas.. hugs ~lynne~

  34. So glad to have found your blog. I am a follower now. Beautiful table settings and your blog is so pleasant to read.

  35. Hello Yvonne, No doubt we are all in agreement. Thank you for the new blog layout and for your question and answer forum. You definitely are GOOD at what you do (to say the very least). I love coming here for inspiration and ideas. Who needs magazines when we have Stone Gable? ;)


  36. Such a dazzling display of tables! I like your rules!

  37. Yvonne, your tablescapes are so beautiful! If I am ever able to dine with you, I hope you will break your rule of fussing over the table once guests arrive. I would love to ooh and ahh over all your pretty dishes. Thanks for the inspiration!

  38. Love everything I see here which makes me want to go shopping and find some new things to work with. Your hints are right on, and I couldn't agree with you more about breaking the rules. For me that's not hard because I don't think I know what they are.

  39. Love this post, Yvonne!! These photos are so lovely. The little pansies in the egg and the grapevine wreaths as creative!! This post was like looking in a decorating book or magazine. I'm keeping this bookmarked and will look at it again and again..thanks! You really could write a book on tablescapes.

  40. I always love your stacks of dishes! What beautiful treats for this week.

  41. abundance overflowing... i know your tables as well as the back of my hand :)

  42. Thanks for this great info. I love everyone of your stunning stacks of plates, just fabulous!! I haven't seen this post before, but I'm in love with the abundance of sets you have displayed and created, a real treat! Congrats and thank you for sharing. FABBY

  43. Yvonne, the tablescape fashion show was amazing. I loved seeing these all again. It was a wonderful visit taking in all your great tips! xo marlis

  44. So much inspiration here. Thank you for sharing the gorgeous tablescapes and wonderful tips. Cherry Kay

  45. It's wonderful to see a reprisal of all of your tables.

    -The Tablescaper

  46. I always love stopping by your blog, not only are your tablescapes gorgeous and inspirational, you are always so kind and generous with your helpful tutorials. hugs ~lynne~

  47. Yvonne, do you have a Super Woman outfit? I don't see how one woman can be so gifted and get so much accomplished and have such a pleasant attitude. You are my heroine! By the way, you set a beautiful table, too. Thanks for sharing. Shannon

  48. These are gorgeous sets! Enjoy the beautiful day, Kellie xx

  49. I so enjoy revisiting your wonderful tables~ I'm hard pressed to choose a favorite. You elevate stacking to an ART! I would LOVE a book of all your tables to admire and drool over for inspiration!

  50. What wonderful suggestions and outstanding tablescapes! You have presented so many tablescapes that I couldn't pick one over another. I have referred to your blog for recipes, tablescape ideas etc. Thank you for your wonderful blog!

  51. Yvonne, you have the most beautiful tablesettings ever!!! Your guests must feel so special & loved to sit at your table. What an inspiration you are!

  52. Seriously - I want to be you when I grow up - LOL. I LOVE!!!! your settings - I am new to this tablescaping blogsphere thingy - but it is quietly becoming an obsession. If you were to open a school I would happily be your first student. Your love of this truly shines through - THANK YOU!

  53. All absolutely incredible place settings! Every one has something special about it that makes it so appealing! Just gorgeous!!!

  54. Great inspirations and beautiful settings.

    Thank you for updating.

    Karin Şen Cankan

  55. The first setting drew me in and then I couldn't look away because each new setting was even more beautiful than the last. Thanks for the tips and advice, truly appreciated!

  56. Your tables are amazaing, love all! xgloria

  57. Gorgeous as always. The one that caught my eye the most is the black and white with the white pumpkins. I'm already putting one together in my mind for Fall!
