Thursday, January 28, 2010

Herbed Scrambled Eggs With Cheese In Toast Cups

Beautiful Beginnings:

This week my friend Cathy came for breakfast. I set up a little table in my living room. See the tablescape

I served delicious eggs laced with fresh herbs and cheese in crispy toast cups.

Recipe: Herbed Scrambled Eggs With Cheese In Toast Cups

Recipe:Toast Cups:
White bread

Preheat oven 350 degrees. Butter white bread. I call this kind of bread "bunny bread".

Press bread, butter side down, into the cups of a muffin pan. Make sure the crust of the bread is arranged in an open position .

Bake cups in oven for 20 minutes.  Remove cups from muffin pan. Set aside.  Toast cups will be slightly browned and very crisp. Cups can be made a day ahead and re-warmed.

Recipe: Herbed Scrambled Eggs With Cheese In Toast Cups
Serves 4
8 large eggs
3/4 cup egg beaters or egg substitute
1/2 cup milk
salt and pepper
1/2 -3/4 cup grated cheese (I used sharp cheddar, I had it on hand. Fontina would be delicious)
fresh herbs, finely chopped- about 3 TBS (I use fresh chives and parsley- this is my favorite combo)
2 TBS butter

Break eggs into a large bowl. Add egg beaters and milk. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Whisk vigorously until smooth amd full of air.

Heat butter in a large skillet. Watch it carefully so it does not burn. Add eggs and keep stirring. You want them to scramble and not solidify like an omlet. When eggs are developing into small clumps and there is no liquid eggs in the pan, gently stir in fesh herbs and cheese. Keep on heat just until grated cheese is melted.

Plate toat cups, and over fill with eggs. Let the eggs spill over the cups onto the plate. Top with fresh herbs.

I am joining Foodie Friday, hosted my Michael Lee, at Designs By Gollum.


  1. Brunch is one of my favorite ways to share a meal with a friend! This looks wonderful, Yvonne- a pretty presentation and simple enough to prepare quickly. Excellent!
    xoxo Pattie

  2. These look yummy! And the toast cups how clever!

  3. O.MY.GOSH. !! This looks absolutely delicious. And so pretty, too. I just happen to have every thing on hand EXCEPT the fresh herbs. I want to make this for my hubby in the morning so I will try it with dried spices. Then, when I go to the groc. store, I'll get the fresh herbs. We have so much snow and ice, it will be awhile before I go. Oh, my....I LOVE the sound of these egg cups. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe.
    xo bj

  4. That sounds yummy and easy and delicious. Great combination!

    Christi @ A Southern Life

  5. Yvonne, these look SO good! May I come stay at your house and eat these wonderful eggs, too??? Oh, YUM!

    First of all, I adore scrambled eggs. Secondly, I love chives. Now, I am starving! LOL! But I need to blog first.


    Sheila :-)

  6. Thanks so much for the recipe...when I saw these on your TT post, I knew that I was going to have to try them. They are so great looking and I can't wait to try them this weekend. Happy cooking!!

  7. Yvonne:

    This looks wonderful. I can't wait to try it!

    - The Tablescaper

  8. This would be the perfect treat for me. My favorite meal is breakfast if I am not the one who cooks it! Sound delicious and the pictures are great!

  9. Beautiful presentation! I love breakfast but rarely share it with company - only at Christmas.

  10. Oh, this looks great! The toast cups are such a smart idea.

  11. It all looks so scrumptious Yvonne! I like that you scrambled the eggs for the toast cups ~ and you cook your bacon JUST the way I like it. :D

    Everything looks perfect ~ wonderful photos, too!
    2 hours until bedtime and you have me craving breakfast. xo

  12. Thank you for stopping by to visit. I would like to come dine with you...the food looks delicious and it is so beautifully presented. I have the same dish pattern and napkin rings...but they look prettier on your table! LOL!

  13. What a wonderful looking breakfast, and the toast cups are oh so very clever!

  14. Gosh this looks terribly good! Your pictures are so good I want a bite! Good Eating, Joan

  15. What a great idea for the bread.. I will have to try this...just makes breakfast a little fancier.. Thanks

  16. Thanks for visiting my blog, yours is beautiful! I will definitely be back!

  17. Yum, Yum....I was hungry when I woke up...Now I'm going to cook instead of having something fast! You've inspired me...and I'm starving!
    Great shots too, xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  18. Goody! I was so hoping that you would do a tutorial on these. They just looked so fantastic! Maybe it was the china too. These would be so great to serve for a spring luncheon. Do you know that I have gained 5 pounds since finding your blog? Oh well, more of me to love right?!

  19. This looks terrific. When my kiddos were small we used to cut up toast and then scramble it in the eggs....we called it Egg Toast. They loved it and this looks like a very grown-up version. YUM!! I'm sure your friend felt very special sharing this meal at your lovely sunny table.


  20. Just want you to know that after reading your post and seeing your delicious pictures I had to go straight into my kitchen and whip up some eggs and herbs! I would love to have eaten it in your beautiful setting though. Thanks for the recipe, inspiration and lovely pictures! Happy day! your friend is lucky to have you.

  21. I've never seen scrambled eggs look so delicious in a photo! Beautiful pictures! Makes me hungry just to see them. I love the toast cups!


  22. I just love breakfast food any time of the day or night! lol These toast cups are a wonderful idea!

  23. Oooo. I want to come to breakfast at your house!

  24. What a darling idea for brunch. Your table is breathtaking, a feast for the eyes. Thank you so much for sharing your artful ideas at Foodie Friday.

  25. Hi Yvonne~ ~Such a lovely presentation of your egg dish. I'm sure your friend felt the love you put into the meal. Enjoy your weekend.

  26. This looks delicious! And what a pretty table to enjoy such a wonderful dish on. Thanks for sharing.

  27. This recipe sounds really good and it is easy.
    I see you have carnival glass dishes. I love this glass (along with pink and green depression glass, LOL).
    Thanks for the recipe.

  28. I have brunch for my husbands family the second Sunday of every month and love new ideas, thank you for sharing this technique. I love it!

  29. I don't even care for eggs that much but this recipe & the beautiful photos of it make me crave them!! Hubby will love this next week...he'll be so impressed with the presentation. :D

    Your photos make me cry they are so beautiful, Yvonne. I wanna be just like you when I grow up. (although I'm sure I'm older than you...LOL)
    Thank you for brightening my world by sharing yours.


  30. ~Yvonne I dont't know if you ever post your dishes (recpies and tablesettings) on Foodie Friday but you really should, I shared your link for this when I post my tonight. Click below and take a look.
