Friday, January 29, 2010

Cinnamon Flavored Hard Candy

Pink Saturday:

Today I saw a Valentine's display at the grocery store. It was impressive! Among all the red and pink candies, chocolate goodies and every sort of heart, I found a bag of cinnamon heart candy! You know, those red, burn your mouth delicious candies. Yummy! No, I didn't buy them, but came right home and made my own homemade version. Although not heart shaped, my candy is crunchy, hot pink and tastier than its store bought counterpart.

I am giving these candies as gifts for some sweet people on my Valentine list! And I am sharing my recipe with you. They are so easy to make and very fun too!

*There are just two precautions if you are making them. First, keep a bowl of ice water by you when you are working with sugar mixtures and heat- any surgar that gets on you will burn and you need to immediately immerse the affected area in the ice water.. And second, make sure you take the sugar mixture off of the flame and DO NOT breathe in or get your face near the mixture when you add the cinnamon oil. This can be dangerous.

2 cups sugar
1 cup water
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon oil (oil, not flavoring. Oil can be found in cake decorating stores, and pharmacies)
1/2 teaspoon red food coloring (I used pink food coloring paste from Wilton's)
1 lb. bag of confectioner's sugar

Evenly distribute the confectioner's sugar in a large sheet pan. Set aside.

In a large saucepan, combine sugar, water and corn syrup. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Once it boils do not stir and cook over medium-high heat until  candy thermometer reads 310° (hard-crack stage). Remove from the heat. KEEPING FACE AWAY FROM THE SUGAR MIXTURE, stir in cinnamon oil and food coloring. DO NOT GET YOUR FACE NEAR THE MIXTURE OR BREATHE IN THE FUMES, THE SMELL IS VERY STRONG.

Immediately pour onto a powdered sugar covered sheet pan. Gently roll the pan to spread. Let stand at room temperature until cool.

Gently hit cooled candy with a knife handle and crack it, or pick up and crack into bite size pieces.

Roll candy in confectioners sugar to prevent sticking. Yield: 1 pound. So pretty!

Package in cellophane and tie with a pretty bow!
Share with someone you LOVE.

I am participating in Pink Saturday. Thanks to my friend Beverly for hosting this wonderul weekly event.


  1. i love cinnamon!!! these look so yummy!
    thank you for sharing the recipe!
    many blessings

  2. I'm definitely making some of these! Thanks for sharing this recipe. Love anything cinnamon.

  3. Happy Pink Saturday Yvonne...
    Sweetie this looks and sounds like a heavenly recipe that so many would love in my family. Everyone loves those darn cinamon candies on a stick so why not some in a lovely bag, home made? Oh I getting the ingredients tomorrow. I will let you know how I do. I will remember ice cold water for sure.

    Thanks for sharing sweetie. Please stop by and let me share my pink post with you.

    Country hugs and much love, Sherry

  4. That looks so yummy!
    Thanks for the recipe!
    Suzanne :)

  5. Someone brought these to a cookie swap about 2 years ago, she would not share the recipe....thank you so much.

  6. This looks like such fun! I think I may make these for Allie's Sweet 16 birthday coming up. Thanks so much
    xoxo Pattie

  7. What a fun Pink Saturday post. I made some cinnamon hard candy back at Christmas to give in a tea basket. Very fun to make and give :)


  8. What fun! Even your pictures of the process are lovely.

  9. LOVE the sweet recipe you shared today...what a special gift for someone you love!

    I so enjoyed reading some of your previous posts, too! Your tablescapes are gorgeous. I was wondering what the name of your white dishes is. . . those are beautiful. Of course your Louisa dishes are divine. (I hope that was the name of memory goes fast!)

    Have a grand Pink Sat!! Dana

  10. Happy Pink Saturday! This recipe looks so elegant and probably tastes delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe. What a gift from the heart.
    Joyce M

  11. This is a keeper. I love cinnamon, too. Happy Pink Saturday!

  12. That looks fantastic. I have an Aunt that makes several flavors of this at Christmas and hands it out in a Mason jar. Thanks for the recipe!

  13. I may just have to try making some of that candy! It is so pretty and I love cinnamon! My favorite jelly is the cinnamon-apple jelly I make from cinnamon red hot candies and apple juice. I have to buy up several bags of the candy around Valentine's Day because I can't find it any other time of the year. Hope you have a Happy Pink Saturday!

  14. Oh great! Now besides trying to get my room done for the BIG REVEAL I have to make cinnamon candy too! My friend the other day was bragging about how much she just loves anything that Martha Stewart does. I told her I don't need Martha I have Yvonne! I love anything cinnamon. The smell is just so comforting and soothing. I think that I will have to make some of these for Valentine's Day.

  15. It's always so much fun for me to travel from blog to blog on Pink Saturday. Each and every entry is different and each and every one makes me smile and feel all pink from the inside out☺

    Today, 'tis cold up here, near zero, so I need all the little pink rays of sunshine I can gather 'round and your blog certainly has helped to warm my pinkie ♥.

    Well, I'm in the kitchen already, so looks like I know what I'll be doing this evening☺

    Thanks so much for sharing this week. Your blog is wonderful and filled with so much to see and to read!

  16. This does sound good. I'm snowed in right now, but I'm saving this recipe, so when I can get to the grocery store, I can make it. Thanks for sharingit. laurie

  17. Yummmmmmmmmmmmm..I love cinnamon, so I know I will be making this. It's so pretty and even prettier the way you have it wrapped. Happy Pinks
    and have a great weekend.

  18. Oh my gosh I will have to give this a try. Hard candy is my most favorite in the world and this looks so good. I remember when I was working in CA and a lady I worked with had a mother that sent hard candy every year. So many different flavors and it was very good. She called it hard tack candy. Thankyou so much for the recipe, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  19. I love that you made homemade candy! It reminds me of my Mom. She use to make us hard candy at the holiday! Thank you for letting me remember a fun tradition. Thank You for sharing you Pink!

    Have A Good Day!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

    Livin' With Hoosiers

  20. Yvonne,
    I have a feeling there is nothing you cannot do! I love the ribbon you tied around the candy. Great presentation.

  21. We live in Amish country and this candy is often made by the Amish and sold at area markets, craft shows etc. I've never made it, but we always buy the cinnamon when we get the chance. I never knew it was poured onto the powdered sugar.


  22. These look delcious!

    - The Tablescaper

  23. This looks so yummy! I am off now to see if I can find some cinnamon oil to make this!
