Thursday, May 15, 2014


Summer is just around the corner! What a special time of year! Although I am not wild about the high heat and humidity... there is so much about summer to LOVE!!!! 

Here are 10 wonderful signs that summer has come to StoneGable...

10. Shells

You know it's summer when shells appear at StoneGable. Even though we live 1 hours from the nearest beach and 3 to the nearest ocean, decorating with shells is part of summer at StoneGable!

Don't you love starfish?

9. Corn

 It abounds in my area... a big field of corn is a sight to see... and hear. When the wind blows through it it sounds like the rustling of a taffeta ball gown! 

 Corn is a Lancaster County staple for people and for animals.

These pictures were taken from our back porch. Sometimes our home is surrounded on all sides by tall fields of corn. It's really very special!

8. Summer Food

Lancaster County is very agrarian and farm stands pop up everywhere in the summer! That makes seasonal summer cooking a delight!

Not only do I love to cook from garden to table, but I am an avid canner! A couple of my favorites are zucchini relish, all jams and garlic dill pickles!

Last year we had a bumper crop of sour cherries. YUMMY!  Sour cherry jam is Bobby's favorite!

7. Cut Flowers

You can find me most early mornings in my pajamas with a cup of coffee in one hand and a gathering basket in the other... pinching spent flowers and picking others to bring into the house and arrange.

I don't have big formal gardens, but I have enough to always have cut flowers in the house from spring until late fall.

6. Parades

I wish everyone could come to the Strasburg Memorial Day Parade just once! It is the ultimate slice of Americana! 

It is so honoring to all our American servicemen and women and our precious fallen soldiers.

It is a time honored tradition in our family... breakfast at my mother's (she lives in Strasburg), a short walk to the parade route with flags in hand , wearing poppies and cheering on our neighbors and military as they go past in the parade!

5. Potting Bench

Bobby got me the potting bench for Mother's day several years ago. It is very simple, yet one of my favorite things.

Here's where I have raised "puttering" to an art form! 

4. Porch Sitting

Since we have a wrap around porch at StoneGable we do a whole lot of porch sitting... and so does everyone else who comes to visit. 

There is something wonderful about rocking and swinging on a porch. I think it's good for the soul!

3. Garden Flowers

I'm always amazed at how the flowers take their turn and come up year after year! It's like greeting an old friend! I am a garden flower girl.... give me a bouquet of flowers plucked from a garden over a big bouquet of hot house roses any day!

My favorites are zinnias... I think they are the happiest flowers of the summer!


This is where I am happiest in the summer! My favorite time to be in the garden is in the evening. Bobby and I work together, coaxing our little garden to produce beautiful organic veggies for our table and for others too!

 My favorite summer gift to give is a basket of garden veggies!


We are a very patriotic lot here! We are crazy about this country! So we are so proud to fly the red, white and blue!!!

And we fly Old Glory and our state flag in front of our home all summer long.

Summer begins by flying our Flag!

I have shared my TOP 10 with you... now what are 10 signs of summer where you live?


  1. Love this Yvonne, it kind of takes me back to a calmer time where its all about the simple pleasures in life...always say I was born in the wrong era. I love summer at StoneGable!!

  2. Beautiful post. Summer is just around the bend here too. Booths at the antique mall are ready, summer decor's comin' to the sunroom, and the summer perennials are on their way!

  3. All Beautiful pics, what a great post.

  4. Oh how I love StoneGable in the summer....beautiful, beautiful Yvonne...and love your garden!!!...You can make a vegetable garden look exquisite!!

  5. It sure is beautiful around your place! I bet visitors never want to leave!

  6. Coffee in hand while I check out my "back forty" as I call my garden. Its a sign of summer here for sure.
    You certainly paint a beautiful picture - summer sounds idyllic at Stone Gable! Gorgeous!

  7. Summer at StoneGable is a little piece of Heaven. Thank you for sharing it with all your readers. In my part of Ohio, summer is watching my grandchildren in their grandfather's garden picking and eating snap peas and watching for the first cantaloupe ready for picking.

  8. Everything is beautiful! I especially love your potting table and your veggie garden is gorgeous!

  9. I haven't been through Stausburg for a long time, but when I lived in Maryland, we always drove through it on our way to shop in Bird in Hand. I never got to see one of their parades, but I always loved how all the houses had electric candles in the windows, a tradition I took with me back to Maryland and now to Ohio where I live. Great memories. You really live in the heart of the best country life in the USA.

  10. I love all the beautiful flowers, and your amazing garden! I noticed the hydrangeas on your porch. Are they actually planted in the urns, or just sitting in their own pots?

    1. HI Linda! The urns are actually planted with hydrangeas. They looks so big and fluffy on the porch!

  11. Putting on my bathing suit right now Yvonne!! You put me in the mood for summer for sure. I am happy to have my girls around more during the day too so we can have fun!

  12. oh and pinned every single photo! LOVE LOVE LOVE it all!! xx

  13. Here are my top 10 Summer Favorites

    • Corn in the cob
    • Outdoor dining & BBQing
    • Picnics at the park
    • Bike Riding
    • Walks on the beach
    • Having friends or family for lunch or dinner
    • Peach iced tea & strawberry shortcake
    • Homemade Popsicles & Ice Cream
    • Having my granddaughters come for a visit
    • Reading outside with a glass of lemonade

  14. Summer at Stonegable appears to be such a fun time! Your photos had me right there with you! What a wonderful place to live!

  15. Yay for summer!! Summer is definitely swim season here in Dallas, with our 100-plus degree temps. If we had any sun on our property I would grow a wonderful garden like yours Yvonne, but we will have to stick with buying at the farmer's market. That same shade allows our pool to stay at a refreshing 80 degrees most of the summer, though, so I can't complain too much! I love your idea of leaving our American flag out all summer, I'm going to find ours and get it ready for a summer out front! We usually only put it out for patriotic holidays, how silly of me :) And I have been meaning to buy a Texas state flag for years. Thanks for a great idea! xoxo, Andrea

  16. Love this post!
    Ann R.

  17. LOVE your list! I don't think summer will ever come to Colorado - it snowed just this past Sunday and Monday! Yes snow. I also decorate with shells, I am originally from Maryland and love the beach and really do miss it sometimes. I always have shells all over my house but especially in the summer. Thanks for the tips your area looks like a slice of heaven!

  18. I will have to think about my top 10 and come back. But I love everything about your top 10 for sure! What day is the parade this year????? Maybe we will come up!

    1. Oh, darn. We have a big picnic that day here at the clubhouse. Catered, music, dancing, the pool opens, the whole 9 yards! Maybe next year!

  19. Suzanne of Simply Suzanne at Home

    Good morning, Yvonne!
    So happy that I came by to see what's going on at StoneGable today. I love this post!

    I'm NOT a fan of heat, but I love the nostalgia of Summer days. And your photos have stirred an excitement in me, even though we're melting away in 100+ degree heat this week. SIgh.

    My top 10 . . .
    The soft early morning breeze. There's really nothing like it.
    Long evening strolls with my husband and kids.
    Beach. Beach. Beach.
    More frequent visits to our local Farmer's Markets for the year's most beautiful fruits and vegetables!
    Al fresco dining
    Black-eyed Susans (end of Summer)
    fresh and easy Summer menus
    water play with my little ones
    weekend Summer get-aways
    Summer PICNICS!

    Have a great day, Yvonne!

  20. This is our second summer in Germany, so my list isn't as developed. But, the thing I look forward to the most so far is the selbscheiden fields. All around the outskirts of town, land owners will plant various varieties of flowers in their fields. Then, they put up a selbschneiden (which means self cutting) sign and a little box. Anyone is welcome to come and cut flowers and put the proper amount in the box. Usually, flowers are around $1 a piece. My most favorite part is that the whole shebang is on the honor system. I love that there are still places in the world where a field like this can exist without fear of vandalism and with the knowledge that those who pick will pay, just because it is the right thing to do and they'd never consider doing otherwise.

  21. Summer arrives to North Central Florida on May 1st this year. Actually I can be safe in saying the last week in April. So my shells came out then as well :) Luv, luv your post!! Beautiful, as always in StoneGable.
    My top 10 summer staples.
    Shells; lighter décor in the home, lots of white; a riot of color in the gardens; Hydrangea bunches all over the house; grilling !!; evenings on the patio with wine or coffee; corn on the cob; lighter meals, salads; iced everything!! This is Florida :)

  22. Explain in detail the small flower bag holding flowers on the rockers!!!!
    Is it lined with plastic to hold flowers? details, please!
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. I got these wonderful little bags from ...

  23. Love summer at StoneGable Yvonne! But then again StoneGable looks beautiful no matter what the season!

  24. Yvonne, wish we were neighbors! I loved your post on the top 10 signs of summer. I agree with everything you posted. We are one in spirit! I walked out to my flower garden early this summer to find a rabbit had chomped down on all my snapdragons. ARRRGH! How do you prevent rabbits in your veg. gardens? I didn't see any fencing. Again, loved your post. Thank you for brightening my day. D Ritchie

  25. ~Yvonne~
    Lovely post on special summer things to do, I would love spending a few days :) I always have the best intentions of making the most out of summer day that go by so fast, but it usually doesn't happen. If there is only one thing I love to look forward to is a trip to Mackinaw Island in Michigan, if you have never been there I know you would love it too !

  26. Hi Yvonne,
    I love your summer pictures especially of the corn fields in back of your house. I can almost feel the humidity and smell the corn pollen.
    Because I work outside for the most part, I have a different perspective on summer. The heat just wears me out, however, every season has its good points including summer. Here's my list.

    fresh produce especially vine ripe tomatoes, peaches & sweet corn
    hummingbirds and butterflies
    rain after a dry spell
    mornings before the heat kicks in
    long days
    Iced tea with fresh mint or mint lemonade
    the freedom of wearing lighter cloths
    and last but not least...air conditioning!
    Thank you, this post made me think of all the good stuff to look forward to in summer.

  27. What a fun post Yvonne!
    Signs of summer in Maine are
    sailboats in the bay, spending time at the beach with friends, fireworks, yard sales, hiking, lobster rolls, farmers markets, sitting on the front porch, flowers, and fresh tomatoes from the garden.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  28. What a great post! I enjoyed every single one of the ten.

  29. Yvonne,
    Stone Gable summer is All-American! I love everything on your list. So, what says summer here in my part of north Texas?
    1] air conditioning
    2] fresh tomatoes from the garden
    3] summer vacation (taught school so many years...that summer vacation just means not working :))
    4] long hours of daylight...sunset around 9:00 p.m. in the height of summer
    5] sitting out on the deck after the sun goes down
    6] mosquitoes...see above
    7] fresh veggies from the farmer's market
    8] fried okra and fried squash
    9] visiting family out of state
    10] mint iced tea

    fireworks on the 4th of July

  30. Life at StoneGable is pretty good. You captured the essence of summer in these pictures. They took me to a very happy place, thank you. A while back you shared with us the correct pronunciation of Lancaster. Would you do that again please?

  31. Love your blog Yvonne, I look forward to reading it everyday !! Now fast forward from a cold 35 degrees in Michigan to a balmy 75 and sunny summer dream........

    #1- Sipping ice tea on my back porch taking In the sights and smells, of our corn field, watching our windmill whip in the country breeze, smelling our grass freshly mown !
    #2- Dressing up my pots and planters with red geraniums to celebrate our men & women who have served our country and to celebrate our nation on the 4th of July.
    #3- Being free from work for the summer.
    #4.- flying the gorgeous red, white & blue ! Displaying my love for flags and buntings.
    #5.- Camping
    #6.- Sweetcorn dripping with butter.
    #7.- freezing strawberries and blueberries to enjoy in the winter.
    #8.- Going and walking through the warm sand at the beach.
    #9.-Strolling through the little boutiques that are open for the summer beach visitors.
    #10- Farmers markets ,

    Sweet summer time !!!!!!! Can't wait to smell the lakes and beaches in the Great Lake State !!!

    Happy Summer Yvonne

  32. Yvonne,
    Amazing photos of your Top Ten signs of Summer, dear friend!!!
    *10 Our Wedding Anniversary.
    * 9 My Dad's and my Sister's Birthdays combined with Father's Day on the first day of Summer.
    * 8 Sunflowers
    * 7 Music in the Park.
    * 6 Red, White and Blue Worship Service at Church.
    * 5 Fresh Herbs from the Herb Garden.
    * 4 Shorter Hair Cut
    * 3 Flip~Flops
    * 2 Capris
    * 1 S'mores
    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  33. You really need to have your own T.V. show or something! What you do everyday is simply amazing! Martha who?? Stonegable Living!! Happy weekend! xo, Kathy@The Daily Nest
