Saturday, May 17, 2014


I've been looking for just the right piece to paint for over a year. A hutch with arched glass cabinets with lots of room to store and stage pretty things. A piece to put on the empty wall in living room!

I found it in the most horrid, creepy, dirty thrift shop. I only went there because I saw it on Craig's List...and I'll never go back!!!

 The style was right, the size was perfect and it was solid wood... and very ugly... and dirty. 


it was perfect for my living room and a perfect piece to paint...

I know it doesn't look like much now... but I have plans for it!

I love the bottom of the hutch... I think some paint and antiquing and dry brushing will make the bead board stand out.

And once I paint the brass frames oil rubbed bronze and replace the bubble glass in the right side of the cabinet... and paint a chevron pattern on the back of the cabinet, I think it will look much better!

I'm going to start this project on Monday.  I'm not sure how long it will take, but I'm very anxious to get started!

Now here's a question... what color shall I paint it? I'm in need of a little advice!


  1. Old White to match the chairs sitting in front of it. It's going to be gorgeous!!!

  2. Perfect find even if it was a cruddy place. I say paint it white or a shade of white. Can't wait to see the finished product.

  3. I'm thinking "gray" don't think you'd like a huge white thing on that wall ! Just sayin

    1. I first thought was a medium light to light gray...with darker accents(antiquing).

  4. I can't help ,but draw an analogy between your piece and how God finds us. All dirty, broken and used up, but if we let Him, He will make something beautiful out of our lives...and He does. So thankful for that! Can't wait to see your new piece all made like new.

    1. loving this analogy,Sandi. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. A deep matte charcoal for the exterior and a few shades lighter charcoal with a slight hint of metallic for the interior (similar to your stool).

  6. This thought doesn't pertain to the color, but I thought about using chevron paper or fabric for the inside back of the cabinet rather than painting it. Painting maybe easier for you than it would be for me.

  7. Knowing your style, you'll paint it some shad of white. I don't think you'll like it, though. Next to white chairs, white french doors it will completely blah out that side of the room and any color pops will look like - well, just color pops. Pull another color from your room so this piece stands out a bit - just sayin'

  8. Wow, that is a nice hutch and it really cleaned up well..........I was thinking it would look pretty white, cream or light grey myself. Not sure about the chevron pattern, I did think maybe gold and cream............but only because I have some paper rolled up on my work table that I have used in a few tablescapes that is gold and
    cream. The gold would give you the bit of metallic if you wanted it and since brass is coming back in style it
    might work. Boy have to say this is an ambitious project and can't wait to see what yo decide to do with it.....
    I am sure it will be wonderful, and it is perfect for that spot there too.
    Blessings for a fun time painting,

  9. I agree with Lil - I was thinking black, but when Lil mentioned charcoal - well that is a little softer.
    Can't wait to see the finished product.
    Good Luck with what ever you choose -
    Rose -

  10. A nice taupe color similar in tone to the short chest of drawers you have in the room, possibly with a white wash over it. A white would be too much white and blend into the rest of the light room, and something too dark might be too harsh and overpower your lovely room.

    1. I agree. That moody grey-taupe (a warm grey) with a white wash then a glaze would be nice. Think about using paper on the back that could be changed out when you tire of the chevrons. Let the back of the cabinet be your pop of color in the room.

  11. Don't you wonder why people let a great piece get so dirty and yucky? It's going to look so beautiful when you're finished, Yvonne! A suggestion for paint color would be Annie Sloan's Coco or French Linen. Whatever you decide, I know will be gorgeous!

  12. i love challenges like this. turning the ugly duckling into the swan and if anyone can do it, it's you. I think you should go bold and unexpected!

  13. Light grey with some pretty glass knobs.

  14. Yvonne, I can't wait to see what you decide! I have an old "80's" hutch myself that I can't part with because I need it for the storage. I just don't like the old oak. I hope you make this a tutorial so I can be inspired to paint mine! Unless, of course, you would like to come to New York and give me a painting lesson! :) Mine has mirrors on the inside of the cabinet that I will keep because it sort of helps the space feel larger. I never thought about painting the old brass trim with oil rubbed bronze but I will now. You have the best tips! Thank you. Sorry I could not help you choose a paint color.....that is why I read your blog!!!

    1. N Joy, I am so happy you commented... you are a very precious reader!

  15. How about a very soft faded turquoise or teal with antique brass knobs? Good luck and I can't wait to see
    what you come up with!!!

  16. It's a lovely piece...I like the contrast that it brings to the room. I'm afraid if you paint it white...there will not be enough contrast. Perhaps a light shade of gray, green or even blue might look nice. It will be fun to see your piece transformed! ;)

  17. It is a fabulous piece! One of my favorite colors of ASCP is Versailles. You can see a couple of pieces I painted with that color here:

  18. Any color you choose will be classy and elegant. That's just your style. As to which color?...well not white. Too much white there. Maybe a taupe or light grey? I can't wait to see what you decide.

  19. I would not go White as that room is white all ready,Light Charcoal since you have dark stripes in rug.and accent table black.or a platinum Gray would be easier on the eye.
    I would wall paper back walls of hutch or mirror them to show your displays.What ever you choose will be great.
    Loved the comment about that is how Christ finds us Until re are a Finished product and ready to leave this world.
    We are a Work in progress.

  20. I love it and know when you're finished, it'll look terrific. I would paint it in a color similar to your curlicue chest and the insets on the doors at the bottom white for just a little contrast (once again similar to the chest). I have saved all your painting techniques and am itching to try a piece of my own thanks to you. Am heading to Lucketts next week and maybe some extra inspiration. Can't wait to see what you decide.

  21. I love, love, love the Country Gray with Pure White wash you have used before - why not use the same colors as in your new chair for the Chevron pattern (or even black and beige for the Chevron this time) - just to be real sassy! I always love to see what you choose in the end. I have a similar find that I did in blues - scary at first, but AMAZING when finished.

    1. I agree with this post. I love that combination.

  22. What a pretty piece. I love it. Can't wait to see it all redone.

  23. After reading through a few comments, I agree with using some color. Even if it is pastel. I think white would cause it to disappear into the wall. If you want it to really pop, go with a bold color. A chevron paper or fabric on the back is going to be a beautiful touch.

  24. Great find! I'm also in the grey and charcoal camps. Though I feel as if a chevron pattern inside would date it to that popular period. Perhaps a shade variation in the color you paint the hutch, or a muted marbling (without the work of veining). Classic & timeless. Pewter color for the metal. You have so many shades of white already in that room.

  25. Definitely not white---it would just blend in with the French doors. I would love to see a little color. Maybe a soft grey blue with some distressing. Are you going to move the chairs? It seems a little crowded but maybe that's just the photo.

  26. I was also thinking that you might want to consider what you're planning to display. If it will be mostly white or glass then a contrasting color seems appropriate whereas if you think you will have colorful pieces inside then you may want a more neutral finish. Not sure about the chevron pattern inside competing with the items living there.

  27. Personally, I think chevron is so overdone. I think it's too strong of a pattern and would deter the eye from the treasures you are trying to display. I'd say put the chevron pattern on a throw pillow but not in the back of the hutch. Use something more subtle like old hymnal pages that have that parchment look to them. I've seen bookcases where the pages are displayed on the back wall of a bookcase, overlapping each other. Sorry, but I'm just not a fan of the chevron pattern I'm seeing everywhere.

  28. Is that a Thomasville china hutch?

    1. Carmen, I am not sure. I need to look for markings!

  29. Lol, I learned my lesson when I asked for color suggestions 2 years ago when I asked what color I should paint an OUTDOOR cart. One told me to get rid of the "awful" stainless steel top. Hello, it is used outside for food prep! So paint it whatever color you want and enjoy it! I don't have any painted furniture in my home, by choice, and I have no degrees in Interior Design, so I am not qualified. Btw, I painted my cart, put new stainless handles on it, and it serves its purpose well, an outdoor storage and prep area on the porch! :)

    1. Oh, Kathleen... I love you! What a great comment!

  30. I loved the soft blue accent you brought to our dining room with the torn napkins project. I'm not a furniture painter but I think something in a toned down version of that blue would look really nice and bring would some cohesiveness to the two rooms. I'm not a fan of chevron. A soft gold accent color on the backing would be different But like everyone else, whatever you do it will be fabulous.

  31. Oh, it's going to be beautiful once you've finished with it, and I can hardly wait to see the end result! I'm agreeing with everyone else on adding a bit of color. If it were mine, I'd choose a color with a tint of green or blue green. I can see where gray would work very well in your living room. My biggest concern, though, is the chevron on the back inside wall. It seems to me that the chevron will compete with the lovely things you display on the shelves. Also, chevron seems to be a fad, and I think it will not be as popular in the near future. However, it's your piece and you should do what makes you happy!

  32. You have done a beautiful job of redecorating. I know you have made what must seem like a million decisions. You are brave to ask for advice! My two cents worth is about the placement in the room ( I know you didn't ask for ant input about this). I think there is going to be too much weight on one side of the French doors. You will need to add more weight to other side to balance it out. I hope this is not taken as a criticism, but some food for thought.

    1. jep, you are right! I thought of that too! However, I think when it it painted I'll check that out again. In the end, I may stick it somewhere else in the living room. The pictures are deceiving.

  33. I think a chevron pattern in the back of the cabinet will not work with the rectangular brass (soon to be bronze) panels in the doors. Way too busy! I also think white or off white will not look right on such a big piece, plus your beautiful chairs will disappear if in front. I look forward to your finished result. I know whatever you do, will look fantastic.

  34. Oh, I just know you are going to do a fabulous job! You've done amazing so far, I'd like to see your vision for the piece. Good luck, can't wait to see!

  35. I have a very similar piece that goes with my dining room table. We are remodeling and need to move the dining room to my parlor(I live in a 1917 farmhouse) and I have thought about painting it. Please update us on the progress! I will hopefully be inspired to try it on mine! I think a lovely soft shade of green would be nice. Like a chalk sage/moss green with maybe white showing through or gray. I know you will probably experiment to determine what you like best. Good luck!

  36. Gorgeous piece! Waiting with bated breath to see the turn out!

  37. Whatever you do will be gorgeous, I know. Maybe a similiar color to the curlicue chest in the room??? I love that chest. Maybe this will be done by Friday?????:):):) XO

    1. I'm sure the living room will be a big mess when you come... but you know me... there is always something going on at StoneGable. You know to take me as you find me. Can't wait. I invited a few other girls too... from Bible Study. xo

  38. I can not wait to see what you do! You have such a wonderful eye for color and design. I have a similar piece that is darker and I am sure is veneered. It sets in our living room as that is the only place it fits. It was my mother- in- laws. I may be brave enough to paint it if you will do a tutorial on your piece. The only thing better would be if you would come to my house and you could practice on mine first. :)

  39. What about painting it to match the stair rail? I’m sure when you decide it will be the perfect decision Yvonne. I can’t wait to see..........
    Happy Saturday.

  40. I think a soft aged gray will look nice and maybe chicken wire in place of the glass.

  41. I would go with a light color (cream, etc.). This way, the piece will blend into the wall and your items on display will "pop". I think a dark color would be too heavy, since it is a big piece of furniture.

  42. What a great find but I tend to agree with jep about it adding too much weight where you have it now. It takes away from your lovely french doors and the trim work, both really nice architectural elements that should stand out imo. I really like the piece and can envision how nicely it will go with your decor once you do your magic painting it. As a reader, it's hard to get a true feel for scale of your rooms from pictures but for fun I went thru pictures of your other rooms and started re-arranging your furniture in my head. LOL I hope you don't mind, it's just something I do.a.lot. ;) So.....was wondering if this piece would work better in your family room against the long wall where you placed the top piece of a hutch you used as a credenza, and move that behind your sofa as a sofa table...but again it was hard to tell by pictures alone if the scale works, etc. A lamp on a table behind a sofa works on many levels for ambiance. I'd place your beautiful mirror from the long wall above the fireplace if it fits. Ok I gotta didn't ask for such info.

    I'm guessing you'll probably paint your new hutch a light color and the only thing I can contribute about painting is to share a clever idea I saw long ago. Rather than painting it, cardboard pieces (or perhaps thin wood) was wrapped with fabric and place snuggly against the back. The idea was to make it easy to change out color/patterns with seasons. Sorta like you do with pillows. I can't wait to see your final reveal no matter what you decide! Have fun :)

  43. Sounds really great! So glad you finally found it! Is that curved glass on it? Are you sure you want to replace that? Whatever you do will be gorgeous!

  44. sorry I have nothing to contribute. I have a similar piece that I have been contemplating, studying and researching how to give it a new happier look. So, I am going to be anxiously awaiting your decisions, confidently hoping them to be something I can COPY. Thank you in advance.

  45. I Like the color you have on your potting bench, I think something warm and grounding would be great with the old wavy glass, and maybe a touch of crackle glaze with the warm wood tone showing through. I agree with the other comment, I would try fabric or even wrapping paper in the back to dress up the inside. I think the chevron would be tons of work is quickly losing its luster and might fight with the zebra rug? What ever you choose It will be your's and it will be stunning!

  46. Could you write a post on how to comment on these pages, I have to post mine as anoymous. I don't know what all those other accounts are? HELP! and thank you!

  47. Grey can be nice but is so very overused it has become trendy. Maybe a soft camel and cream for the chevron and a a cream overglaze for the front? Too much contrast with your walls and woodwork will make that lovely, and large appearing cabinet dominate your room. Just my two cents worth........know what ever you choose will be lovely. Your rooms always show exquisite taste and planning.

  48. How fun it would be to go treasure hunting with you Yvonne! Can't wait to see how you will transform this piece! Is this the same room that has your new chair? If so, I wonder if a green from the chair might give it a pop…if not for the outside, perhaps the inside?

  49. What fun...I painted one a few years back black...and wallpapered the still is lovely but I was just telling my daughter I wanted to repaint it this summer....I have been super happy with the black and was so happy I painted it...but time for a change. That is the glory of can always repaint. Good luck with the project. Thanks for visiting me .

  50. First let me say your ideas are always creative and tasteful - don't want to discourage that! As far as color for the hutch, why not use the color wash technique that was applied to your dining room chairs but not too white ( maybe a tinge of grayish, greenish, bluish?) I was also concerned about balance and scale with the other side of the French doors. Perhaps you could add more weight to the"botanicals" wall by simply reframing the prints larger with a darker mat. It will all come together and I, for one, can't wait for the reveal!! Bonnie G.

  51. I certainly would not give advice to you about the colour. You have such great taste I know it will fit in really well and look as though it was made for the space. I will look forward to see how it turns out.
    Hugs Kay

  52. I went back and looked at the room as a whole and a lot of the colors are in the same family. I am thinking a subtle bit of color would add interest and draw the eye to the piece as a statement. Chateau Gray is pretty and actually has a green gray cast. I did a table in this and used old white to stencil on it and then dark wax. It is very nice. It's a good soft color and would be a neutral since it is green and goes with nature.

  53. I am so looking forward to seeing this project come together because I have an unpainted armoire and I'm too chicken to touch it!

  54. Looking at your black and white kitchen which is so lovely made me think a little black would add some zing to your living room. Maybe white with black knobs like your cabinets, or black like your countertops? I just love your kitchen so I would duplicate the look.

  55. How about a greige (perfect combination of grey and beige).

  56. Black. It would be an amazing "grounding" piece with the light surroundings, and would visually take up less space. It seems an unlikely color sometimes, but can do wonders in a room.

  57. Oh I can just imagine you in that horrid thrift shop....but you found a great piece . . . you will definitely turn it into a "swan"....So happy that you found what you were looking for...anxious to see the reveal ... love the idea of the chevron backing!...

  58. I know it will be gorgeous. It was a great find (you cracked me up about your experience) and I think you should frequent that thrift shop. You never know what diamond in the rough you might find. As far as colors, you can never go wrong with the classics (white and black) but I love soft blues, grays and even a soft green could work depending on what chevron you are using, the other pieces in the room and the pretties you plan to show in it.
