Wednesday, April 30, 2014


This is one of those rare projects that I could do over and over and over again! It's easy and artistic and fun, fun, FUN! Even if you are not "crafty" this would be one for you to try.

I bet I could even wallpaper a wall with torn napkins! Just kidding... I'm done with wallpaper for a decade or so. I have wasted months of my life scraping wallpaper OFF walls!

Do you have a napkin addiction like I do? I cannot go past pretty paper napkins without getting them. I got this problem from my mother!  So instead of napkins in my drawer they are hanging on my wall!

Now, let's get going with this easy peasy diy...

Here's what you will need...

a canvas or two... or 10  ( mine was 12 x 12" to fit in the chippy frames)
Mod Podge
decorative cocktail napkins

I made both Art Tiles for less than $6.00! 

1. Separate the ply of the napkin. You only want to use the top layer that has the design on it.

2. Tear the napkin. I tore some of  the blue area and some flowers. I used several napkins to make each tile. You don't have to use all of the napkin, only the parts you want.

3. Using a foam brush, apply a very thin layer of Mod Podge. Don't go overboard! Very very thin!

Lay down the napkin and press gently on to the cavas. Brush another very thin layer of Mod Podge over the napkin layer. If it tears a little don't worry just try to stick it back together.

4. Continue tearing and pasting.

5. I used the flowers in the napkins to make a pattern of a profusion of blooms.

6. Don't forget to wrap the pattern around the edges of the art tile.

Once the Art Tile is dry it is ready to hang!

So easy!!!!

I can think of so many ways to use these Art tiles... how about you?

Let's share ideas!

Remember to

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  1. Oh you are the clever one!!!!...Love, love, love it! make me smile . . every day!

  2. Thank you so much for this DIY! I have two large pictures in my kitchen and I've been wanting to change them out for each season, but didn't know what to do with them. Now I can easily afford to change them as often as I want. I just need to go on a napkin hunt and that should be lots of fun. Thank you again!!!!!

  3. Now is that not the cutest idea ever!! I love them and will certainly try my hand at this clever project!! Yes, I'm addicted to pretty napkins and not just paper ones!

  4. perfect. so many times I have seen fabric used but I love the use of napkins instead. more easily accessible options.

  5. I subscribe to your blog thru Bloglovin, however, I think this is the first time I have commented. I love to decoupage and especially with napkins. This idea of "painting" a picture with napkins is genius and I can't wait to give it a try. Did you put a coat of poly on to seal your project? Vikki in VA

    1. Good question, Vikki. No, the Mod Podge sealed it. So easy!

    2. Really beautiful-so fresh and appealing! They look wonderful on your wall. Can't wait to try this.
      Just another reason to love your blog !!

  6. This is awesome! Love them inside your old, chippy frames! This is definitely on my "must do" list! Thanks for sharing!

  7. The pale blues add a nice pop of color in your fabulous frames.
    Mary Alice

  8. How pretty, those turned out fantastic.

  9. Love decoupage. Love pretty napkins. I'll be trying this. Thanks!

  10. This is just beautiful! I definitely will be attempting to make these! I hope they turn out as pretty as yours! Pinned:)

  11. What a great idea....Thank you for sharing this with us.
    I think I am going to try this as well.
    Have a wonderful day.

  12. Love this idea--thanks for passing it on! Have a great week

  13. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Hello, my name is Suzanne, and I have a napkin addiction (too). :0)
    What a great idea, Yvonne!! I have a small cupboard FULL of beautiful paper napkins for every season and occasion :0) You've inspired me. Thanks so much for sharing!
    Have a wonderful day,

    1. I need to join that group too! Hello, my name is Yvonne...

  14. These are gorgeous, Yvonne. What a great idea!

  15. I think they turned out lovely. Thank you for sharing. I am beginning a revamp of my formal dining room and have been looking for something on the walls. All I need to find are those great chippy frames. :-)

  16. Terrific idea!! Whern I first saw the tiles the other day I thought it was fabric wrapped around. This is terrific, and clever.....just like YOU!!!! XO

  17. This is such a great project! I love how it turned out. If I can find some pretty napkins down here in Brazil, I am going to try this. pinning anyways for my bucket list:) Thanks for sharing Yvonne. Have a great week.

  18. Another beautiful inspiring idea !! I look forward everyday to your posts and ideas, THANKYOU again !

  19. Wow! I would never have guessed you used paper napkins for this beautiful project. Such a fabulous idea and your finished project is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

  20. These are just so beautiful and of course your frames are amazing!

  21. Love this!

    I do have a question for you. Do you have a separate craft room to work your magic?

    1. Hi Tania, I don't have a craft room, but would love to convert part of my basement into one. I have a study that I use to do crafts and diy's.

  22. You can also decoupage napkins onto tile coasters and put cork or felt on the bottoms. They are small enough so you don't have to tear them. Were your napkins too small for the canvas? Or you just liked the effect?

  23. I like this idea, simple but yet looks like it came from a store. Thanks for sharing. Alaina


  24. Yvonne,
    G E N I U S!
    Thank you for sharing your creative abilities. You are such an inspiration!

  25. Yvonne, Love the pictures. I decoupage napkins on eggs for Easter. I use real eggs,blow them out, let them dry, take a napkin, and decoupage the egg, several times, then I use a clear glitter to make it look like glass. I have been doing this for years and everyone loves the eggs. This It is just another way to help with your napkin addiction, hehe......I truly enjoy your blog.......Second time I have ever posted.....but I look at your blog daily, and I try lots of your recipes. Spring and Summer should be exciting......Can't wait to see what is happening next.

  26. Pleeese, please consider putting a pin button on each of your pictures. It would make pinning so much easier!

  27. Yvonne,
    I look forward to all your crafty ideas and recipes., I have a large canvas print similar to these napkins., may I ask where you purchased the napkins? I absolutely love light blue with creams and greys and of course spring., you always amuse me at your talents!. Your truly blessed with a wonderful talent.

  28. Yvonne,
    . . .and yes! I used the same technique when I did the Sunflower napkins on my wicker trays!!!
    Love these!!!

  29. Neat. Definitely a little different.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  30. I'm always seeing such pretty paper napkins especially at Tuesday Morning...and this is a wonderful idea.

  31. These are just too awesome! I love the vintage look thy have and yet so simple and modern. I have never used mod podge ... criminal I know.... but I do believe I may be feeling inspired! Thanks for the crafty idea.

  32. LOVE this! Where can you get pretty napkins like this??? Home Goods (TJ Max here), I'm thinking Pier 1??? Any suggestions? Definitely going to try. I have a preschool in my home and this could even be a great mother's day gift!

  33. These look awesome, Yvonne! So smart to use napkins. I could be your mother's child--I have such a weakness for pretty cocktail napkins! I even have a drawer in my kitchen devoted to them. :)

  34. Yvonne, I have to make myself not buy every napkin I see. Love love them. This is a great idea for inexpensive pictures. I used the napkins on Easter eggs this year with one of my granddaughters. They weren't real eggs, but craft eggs. It was a fun project that I found on a blog. You ladies are amazing! Happy Spring!!

  35. I found you on Pinterest and I love this project! I am all about easy DIY...I am doing this over the weekend! :) Pretty blog!

  36. Oh boy I'm not only one. I've gotten some really pretty paper napkins, used them for craft projects. love how you did yours, they look so great, want them, lol. The chippy frames around them are so perfect for the project. I've got to do this. Have some longer rectangular frames and might do two canvases in each frame instead of two frames. Would look pretty in any room. Will have to scout out all my paper napkins when I get off here.
    Also have several vintage fabric napkins picked up when we lived in MT and KY. Might see what I can do with those if I don't have to cut them up.
    Absolutely incredible project, love it and you've certainly inspired me. Inspired by your white pillows with gold starfish on them. Gives me an idea so thanks for that.
    We just painted l/r light gray with aqua in different shades and coral as art and whatever else I could think of with some of my vintage tablecloths. Was going for shabby chic/beachy/cottage. I'm loving it after waiting almost 8 yrs. to get l/r painted. Bought new slightly darker gray curtains with white designs on them. Made such a difference. Your home is so beautiful, you have lovely things. Happy weekend
