Wednesday, April 16, 2014


As I'm writing this post it is snowing outside... really! It's been a long hard winter and for the most part a very chilly spring here at StoneGable.

I'm itching to dig in the dirt and start Spring planting!

The first thing I like to plant are hardy herbs. However, even for those herbs that can stand cool weather... it's still a bit too chilly! They will still get easily nipped by the cold!

So, instead of planting them out in my herb garden, I'm planting a small kitchen gardens in a fun bushel basket!

It's easy, economical and the plants can be used as needed right now...

And as they grow out of the basket.. and they will...the weather will be fair enough to plant them in the garden!

Here's all you need to make a Kitchen Herb Garden in a basket...

a small bushel basket
potting soil
greenhouse herbs

Arrange the herbs from tallest in the back and center to smallest in the front and on the sides.

I planted 2 different kitchen herb gardens...

The herbs all work together because they are different heights, textures and colors. And they smell WONDERFUL!!!

Here's an up close look at the herbs in this basket...

Can you imagine how great food will taste sprinkled with fresh, just picked herbs!

Here's the second basket...

and a close up of all the delicious herbs...

I'm thinking Easter too. 

I have 2 more baskets planted for my 2 girls to take home and put on their porches.

Wouldn't something like this be a fabulous gift to take to someone if you are lucky enough to be a guest at an Easter dinner this year?

Or how about giving this with a piece of chocolate instead of an Easter basket?

This would also be the most wonderful birthday gift!!!

Make sure to snip the herbs and use them liberally. They grow like weeds!

Keep them in a sunny spot during the day and water when the soil is getting dry.

If it is chilly, bring the basket in at night.

As some of the plants begin to take over the basket replant them in a pot of their own or in the ground.

One or two of the smaller plants an be left in the basket all summer... how sweet!

Isn't this a fun way to do Spring planting?

Remember to

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I'm partying with...



  1. I just bought herbs for my kitchen last night!! Your basket is beautiful. Woke up to snow here, too, in Massachusetts. Grrrr.....

  2. Yvonne, you've inspired me! I'll off today to get some herbs, I want one too!

  3. Very pretty, my herbs are sprouting in my garden and I just purchased the annual ones this week. Love your basket idea.

  4. It seems late for snow in Spring. Not having ever experienced it, I really would not know. We are having the most breathtaking beautiful Autumn weather and I might just plant myself a herb garden, although I would not have to have it inside.

  5. What a great idea! It's so pretty and brings a wonderful touch of freshness to the kitchen. It's still cold here in South Carolina as well (32 this morning), even though we have been tempted with warm days. Hopefully we can all get our hands in the dirt soon! =)

  6. Oh I love this post. Think I might just have to try this. I tried my hand at herbs last year and had them in hanging pots and done fairly good. Thanks for sharing. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  7. love love love it, what a great gift idea, talk about a gift that keeps on giving!! Thanks~

  8. So pretty. Did you put the soil right in the basket? Did you line the basket?

    1. Yes, right in the basket. There is enough openings to let the excess water out.

  9. Love your basket filled with herbs looks so pretty! Can you believe this CRAZY weather!! We hit 80 on the weekend and this morning we woke up to a dusting of snow on the ground!
    Have a wonderful Easter with your family!

  10. I just did a post last night on I think we are all itching to get out there and plant! Got to 21 degrees here last night.brrrr! Love your basket.

  11. That is a great idea! I have one lavender and an oregano that made it through the winter in the house. My rosemary was good through mid-March and then gave up. I'll have to go get a few herbs and plant them indoors. It's going to be a while before we can put anything in the garden. We're getting another 8" of snow right now.

  12. Wonderful idea! I would question planting mint with all those herbs as mint can be invasive. But the rest is wonderful!

  13. You are an inspiration. If you need some flower inspiration stop by Carol Mattingly Photography as there's gorgeous magnolia inspiration there.

  14. Such a great idea and I love to smell them. I do need to get some herbs.

  15. Love your baskets! The ladies on the "North Side" (Little Italy here in upstate central NY) swear by flat leaf parsley and basil. We also woke to snow after having temps in the mid 70's and needing fans etc to cool down. What a difference a day makes!

    1. I know! I grew up with curly parsley so I like it better. Basil is my all time fav! But it is so so delicate. If it get's too cold, even during the day it dies. I'll have to wait another couple of weeks for basil! YUMMY!

  16. I love your herb baskets. I love the idea to make them as Easter herb baskets. I live in California so our days here are warm and sunny. I already have tomatoes, peppers, beans, carrots and sun flowers planted in the garden. My herb garden is planted in a big galvanized tub in the garden. I surely hope your Spring comes soon. We never did get a winter here which isn't good for us. We really need some rain. Easter wishes to you and your family.

  17. Thanks Yvonne, I am going to give this a go <3

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. My husband just cleaned up and turned the soil in our herb and veg. garden this past weekend...can't wait to plant again! We woke up to snow too and frozen fountains this morning. I think my decision to set up my fountains was a little premature...oh well the weather was in the 70s here in Connecticut on Sat. and I couldn't resist! Maybe winter is finally gone after this, I hope! I love your herb basket! Great idea! LuAnn ;)

  20. We had snow too...capris one day, snow the next and last night my husband mowed the grass. Crazy! I love to have herbs in the house just for the smells. I don't have a good place to put anything that grows inside...not enough light in places where I could sit something. I do pick my herbs like fresh flowers and put them in vases on the counter in the summer. Hope all is well with you.

  21. Yvonne I am going to do this right away, what is better than snipping fresh herbs!
    Feature:Decorate Fearlessly

  22. What a great idea, and yes, would be a wonderful gift! We are in Va. Will be home tomorrow. I'll call you next week. XOXO

  23. Hi Yvonne! Oh goodness.. more snow?? Seattle is still gray and there's lots of rain .. and mud. I too am anxious to do a little planting outside but in the mean time I think you little herb basket is the perfect idea! Not only is it functional it also looks and smells pretty. I love fresh cut basil, rosemary, and sage in a vase ~ just like flowers:) Hope you are enjoying your week! xxleslie

  24. This is so fun and what a great gift idea too. I am so ready for fresh herbs right out my back door again! I miss them in the winter. I'd love to find some of that Mint Julep!

  25. Love this idea a wonderful Mothers day gift....note to self!

  26. this is such a lovely idea. Everything you need in one place! Happy Easter wishes ♥

  27. Love the herb basket.....and thanks for all of the "growing tips"....:)
