Thursday, March 27, 2014


I found these fabulous square chippy frames at Luckett's last week and knew they would go on the bare wall in the dining room!

Now I need your help...PLEASE!!!! Put on your thinking caps and help me come up with something creative to put in them....

Whatever I put in them will hang right on the wall. No glass... no backing... no mat. Just wall and frame!

I think it is fun and fresh and a modern farmhouse spin to traditional pictures!

These fun, chippy frames bring a nice textural element to the wall and dining room.

I could even seasonally change what goes in the frame!

Here are a couple of ideas I had.... platters, soup tureen lids, smaller pictures, wooden stars, and wreaths.

Here's some guidelines:
* must be white or neutral
*must work with the rest of my dining room

Look at these chippy frames... who doesn't love real-deal chippiness!

As Bobby was hanging them he was complaining a little about how dusty and dirty they were. I told him it was a wonderful patina!

Okay, I'd love to hear from all of you... that means all my wonderful. creative readers that don't comment. I need your help!

Thanks, in advance! You are the best! xo

My next job in the dinning room is to hang these vintage soup tureens...


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  1. tea / coffee stained road maps, smaller frame with Black/white foliage , small tree cuttings, small shelf fitted into frame and place a treasured object that can be changed whenever you feel like your home by the way, warm greetings from Ireland xx

    1. I think you should do something creative to the return vents first. (upper and lower) They take away from frames.

    2. Jennifer, enjoy Ireland and thanks for the beautiful ideas!

  2. I love them in the dining room, I already picture them with wreaths inside. Easter themed and different wreaths for the seasons and holidays. How sweet you are to ask our opinion. Hugs P.S. I hope you will share at the hop today.

  3. Plates would be a natural for you! Easy to change with seasons too.

  4. Maybe make the same roses on your pillow - put them on a neutral background piece of board -
    Now that I looked at the room again, wrap burlap around a board and attach the roses in a heart shape..
    Good Luck Can't wait to see what you did..

  5. Your homemade nests or plates would look great inside the frames! Small boxwood wreaths hanging from the top of the frames would look great too! I also think smaller framed pictures would look cute too especially if you could match the paint.

  6. Vintage flatware or serving pieces.

  7. Gosh Yvonne, this is a hard one. Great frames. I know you said neutral, but I would do just the opposite and add something bold in each frame. Maybe one big colorful flower print in each or since I love cows a cute cow print in each. Good luck.

  8. How about some farm animal prints or paintings? I think some color to bring your eye into the space.

  9. I dont know why but I am seeing dried herbs/flowers in a bouquet/arrangement and we all know you can do anything! I can see something along the line of dried lavender or hydrangea in there for subtle color and bringing a texture could look very pretty.I also think beautiful black and white pictures of your family could look beautiful as well...cannot wait to see what you do!

    Last idea....antique mirrored panels?

    1. I had this same idea. I've seen it on some Nordic blogs, hanging bouquets of dried roses or baby's breath! I've always meant to do in an empty frame but never got around to it:)

  10. I think little white rustic wreaths hanging from pretty tied ribbon or your plates, would be cute.
    But, for something different, it might also be cute to attach a little wooden board mini ledge on the bottom part of the frame (that you would have to paint to look rustic) so that you have a faux shelf, and either place a lovely flower arrangement you could change out seasonally or place pretty little saucers, vases, etc. on display:)
    I think any route you go will look pretty because the chippy frames are so unique.

  11. I think plates because it is a dinning room, Then I thought burlap or white fabric roses.

  12. Hi Dear,
    mabey I'm a purist - I love them bare as they are ... for me they speak for themselves!
    All the best from an Austrian home

  13. I'm picturing some vintage cutlery!! My sister has about 20 old pieces framed (all in one big frame) in her dining room and it looks fabulous.

  14. I think the big fork and spoons that are in would be pretty, I have seen them already in your kitchen. But I also love them as is.,
    Your awesome at all this, I'm sure whatever you pick will be gorgeous!! Good luck! :)) cant wait to see what you do with them.

  15. Ooo...I agree with Katie (Katherine) and others. Something you can change with the seasons. The first thing that popped into my head was for spring with a lovely birds' nest. Maybe use some of your own photos on canvas. Or make them look like watercolors. What fun! I l-o-v-e those frames! Can't wait to see what you do! :D

  16. What I think would look pretty is larger textured plates .

  17. I haven't read all the other replies, but right away I thought of small boxwood wreaths hanging with ribbon...IF you want a pop of color. I love boxwood. Whatever you do I know it will be gorgeous!

    1. Yes, simple boxwood wreaths would be a simple addition and not detract from the frames but add a fresh pop of color to accentuate the spring decor on your table.

    2. I am no professional decorator but the first thing I saw was boxwood wreaths as well. Something that will add a bit of bold color yet harmonize with your earthy tones. I think if you pick colors that will blend in it will just be lost. In any case you can chop and change them around your mood or with the seasons.. best of luck..Maryann

    3. That was my initial thought. Boxwood wreaths would look beautiful. I bought a couple from Target that were real boxwood. So pretty. I enjoy your blog so thank you for sharing.

  18. I do love your dining room...but you really do need a little color in there...just a hint of something (i.e., the very light blue/teal eggs in that nest and your glass has a subtle hint; otherwise, it begins to look a little lifeless.

  19. Any kind of object with a recipe/something lettered on it.

  20. I think they make a fabulous statement standing alone since they're large and architectural pieces. A matching tureen lid in each would look stunning without detracting from the frames.
    Mary Alice

  21. I would do something with a little color....prints of antique-looking garden maps or soft-colored botanicals or even prints of classic type urns. Love your room BTW!

  22. Don't know that she has things in that size, but I love the work of 'Hymns and Verses' and have framed some of her prints (they are on a linen type fabric and Bible based) in very similar frames.

  23. ~Yvonne~
    That is a hard one! First I thought of was the "Boxwood" wreaths, then you wanted to stay with your colors then I thought a "Sand dollar" because of it story. I'm sure whatever you decide will look super !!
    Have a super day
    p.s. to the person about the statement about the vents and air duct, there is just somethings in the construction of a home that can not be changed

  24. How about wooden letters or just change what ever you put in there according to the season small wreath just plain

  25. Wooden letters or just change what's in there according to season or holiday or just a small wreath

  26. Two small green wreaths..or even lavender wreaths. You could add a nest with the wreaths and a bird in the other wreath

  27. Love the chunkiness to these frames, Yvonne! I love the idea of tureen lids or even dishes. Can't wait to see what you wind up using!

  28. Another idea would be to create a partial wreath (l shaped) around the outside of the two frames. One on the top left side if the frame and the other on the bottom right side if the frame. These could be made of greenery or even just branches with a few sprigs of greenery and flowers like forsythia or crab apple. You could add nests, bird on a branch....thanks for having us help you create.

  29. I would back each with vintage sheet music and add an interesting but dark initial, spring nest or boxwood wreath over the music...

  30. Books! Hang open and/or altered books inside. An old cook book open to a great recipe, or gardening book open to great picture! Of course, books are my thing and I see them as items to meet many criteria.

  31. Black silhouette in each frame. Too much off white and beige make the room bland. I would, however, change out the switchplate below the chair rail to white.

  32. I would frame some beautiful fabric, vintage if you have it. But definitely muted. Probably a floral.

  33. I agree with some others, either your wonderful little nest, small wreaths or plates. However, you could find smaller chippy frames (in a coordinating color) and hang inside the larger ones.

  34. I think water color prints would be nice. The ones you make yourself with Waterlogue. It's very inexpensive and you can certainly personalize it with your own photos. I love, love Waterlogue. Have a great day. Rebecca

  35. Yvonne - This room is striking in so many ways. From the earth tones in the rug, to the birdcage on the dining room table, and those lovely blue eggs in the nest on the buffet. My thoughts are leaning toward something that is natural that would compliment this textural palate. How about photographs of birds? Actually just one bird per frame. When I went to Pinterest and search for bird photos I was amazed at the selection. You would be able to change them out periodically complimenting the other colors that you utilize during any particular holiday or season. There was one crazy looking bird on the "P" site that resembled the color of blue in the eggs on their webbed feet. It was unique, fun, and I believe just the needed punch that would bring interest and energy to this already captivating space. Thank you for letting us participate once again. It really is fun and I love reading everyone else's creative ideas.

  36. how about printing a bunch of favorite memory photos printed in 'Serpia' [reddish, brown aged look] that can be changed with the seasons/mood etc.....maybe photos centred around 'food, family, fun, fellowship. Blessings!

  37. Holiday themed then nature theme when holidays are over. Other thoughts are the same flowers on your pillow.

  38. Small round silver trays would look nice.....or small glass knobs, with your creamers hanging from them (you could add appropriate flowers for each season). If you have chippy small wall scones that would match the frames...they could be attached to the wall, and short chubby white candles with burlap band around them, would be kind of could change out the ribbon band to match the season. Or....if you happen to have vintage postcards they would look sweet tacked inside the frame, with a pair of vintage earrings glued to a tack. The postcards could change with the seasons and/or holidays. I want to find some chippy frames, so I can use some of my ideas! You have inspired me!

  39. Oh boy.... hard. I luv them as they are... alone and commanding attention with all the chippiness. But to have something inside... I say something you can change out seasonally. You do such pretty season things. Layers... like plates maybe, with Spring nests attached?? Or even 2 of the tureen lids you are going to hang.

  40. I'm adding this comment because no one else has. All the comments are clever and would be lovely, but here is something I have used forever: calendar photos. I'm fairly obsessed with Paris and have several beautiful calendars with BIG photos of Paris landmarks. I also have a calendar of Venice (from about 1991 if you can believe it) that I've never used. So...go to your favorite place and buy (half price now) those calendars with the big photos of...birds, cities, airplanes...WHATEVER, find two that fit and are compatible and put 'em right in there!
    I have to say I Love the idea of just putting them in with no glass or anything, because you could actually then make a little I'm thinking I will do this, with a little Eiffel Tower, some charms of Paris, etc...

    Yvonee, you do not lack imagination and I know you will find as many ways to use old calendar pics as I have (Christmas wrapping...decoupage boxes, interior cabinet lining in my kitchen!...stop me now!!!)

    I adore your blog...almost TOO much. I get very trapped in the old posts and have been known to sit at the computer for a couple of hours happily roaming through your life. You are a nine-day wonder, girl.
    Thank you......

  41. Boxwood wreath, possibly hanging from a cute burlap type ribbon? Lot's of great possibilities.

  42. I agree with the idea of wreaths...white or green...for texture, but also thought of white silhouettes (maybe of family members, or could just be generic ones) in card stock or vinyl. Or initials. I also think plates would look nice...maybe a tiny splash of solid color or printed neutrals. Can't wait to see results. Love your style and this blog.

  43. They now have artist canvas that is wrapped in burlap! I have a square shaped one that I clued a heart shape to and covered with all the accumulated buttons in white and neutral colors. I love it. I could see the burlap canvas with a boxwood wreath or Rosemary wreath attached to it. Can't wait to see what you choose!

  44. old rusty keys hanging from pretty creamy velvet ribbons


    brown transferware plates

  45. Twine stretched across and fastened tight. Use to hang old black and white photos with old clothespins....antique post cards, greeting cards and small keepsake items.

    1. That was my thought could also hang some favorite quotes.

  46. A hand written recipe from a mother or grandmother would be great. Especially if it looks aged and stained.

  47. Some ideas...Quilting blocks, dried pressed flowers, Floral watercolor paintings (something simple that you can do yourself), old sentimental photos accented with a soft color matte. Hope you exactly what you want!

  48. LOVE your dining room and the frames! I think I might be inclined to hang the frames on point to break up the square lines in the wainscoting and then the frames having the "same" square lines. By putting them on point I think it would add more interest to that wall. There are a lot of things you could do inside the frame...i.e. silhouettes, round mirrors, tureen or transferware lids or plates to name a few! You could hang a wide black checked ribbon or wide burlap ribbon behind whatever you hang in the frame for some texture. I'm sure you will come up with something beautiful to go with the rest of the room!!

  49. I think pictures of your own, that are meaningful to you and your family, done in Waterlogue would be perfect in those frames. You can change them seasonally, or for a special occasion. Whatever suits your fancy.

  50. I simply love your dining room. I see antique, hand-colored prints of bird eggs. It would complete the leitmotif of nests/eggs that you have on the side board and dining table. I would select a print that picks up your favorite colors of your beautiful oriental rug. Hope this helpful nudge.

  51. Tea Stained coffee filter can embellish the wreaths or hang as is. I think the texture would be a great addition the dining room.

  52. One more thing...have you ever considered painting the inside of your china cupboard? A darker color would really highlight your beautiful white serving pieces and add pop of color to the room. Can't wait to see what you do with your frames.

  53. I think you need to keep it simple. I would showcase a very special teacup or pitcher. You could mount a small white knob or crystal knob on the wall within the frame and then thread a ribbon thru the handle and hang it. Or attach a small weathered shelf within the frame and place the item on the shelf.

  54. The ideas on here are all wonderful. I love the idea of a favorite old family recipe in each frame since this is a dining room. Copy one that is handwritten from your mother, grandmother or aunt. The more worn looking the better. Your home and your blog are true inspirations. I love reading and watching your creativity. I'm anxious to see how you hang the soup tureen lids.

  55. Once again I think your dining room looks great just as it is. I do not like to over accessorize. Every little space does not beg to have something in it.

  56. Yvonne, I love the idea of vintage flatware as it's so in keeping with the theme of the room, However, I was just outside and saw a hydrangea blossom (from last summer of course) floating around in the garden and could immediately see it set on a piece of burlap canvas inside the frame. Wonder what you'll choose to do...hmmmm!

  57. ..vintage linens stretched over a smaller canvas to float in the center would have a modern farmhouse look to it, especially if they were faded. A large, neutral, faded clock face or even a scale face with the needles still on them would look nice in your color palette. French bistro~ware has such lovely script on it too, Pillivuyt is my favorite, a large dish in any style could still hold a small wreath. You have a lovely home Yvonne, and I am sure it holds exactly the amount of color you wish it to hold~


  58. I had something similar to play with. I used burlap as the background in the frame, and hot glued forks and spoons with hammered brown metal handles (from World Market) to the burlap. You could use any interesting or vintage/antique cutlery or utensils that interest you. It would be in keeping with your beautiful dining room

  59. I would put in Lucy Snowe photo prints--they are so different and wonderful. We just got the hen prints for our kitchen and her flowers are great. Take a look on her website Jkeating

  60. So many wonderful ideas! I love the soup tureen lids. Matted doilies would be beautiful too! Can't wait to see what you choose!

  61. What about vintage keys, they are easy to find at antique shops and the rustic metal would be a nice compliment to your decor.

  62. I think I would do soup tureen lids! That would be farmhouse but classy and give some dimension :-)
    Can't wait to see what you decide!
    Sharon G

  63. Vintage or antique silver serving utensils, large spoons, knives, forks etc

  64. Yvonne, your dining room is beautiful and has such an elegant traditional look that I think the chippy frames diminish the classy look of the room. Your dining room looks like one in a Traditional Homes magazine and will never look like some room in a flea market type decorating magazine so I say get rid of the frames. If you insist on using them I would add something with a little color to perk up the neutral look. This is only my opinion and I'm happy with your style if you are happy which seems to be the case. Thanks for letting me give my differing opinion.

  65. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Your dining room is beautiful, Yvonne.
    I love the frames. Perhaps a textured fabric with soft hues (and a touch a black)? Maybe a large print, classic floral pattern. Again, I think something with a touch of black would enhance that wall . . . and make it pop, just a little.
    Looking forward to seeing what you do :0)
    Have a wonderful day,

  66. My first thought was silver pieces. Either flatware as several others suggested or trays or lids. Whatever you go with, I'm sure it will be beautiful!

  67. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    I just had a thought . . . cotton bole wreaths would look very pretty in your wreaths. They're neutral, and have character and texture.

    1. I love that idea.

      Or pictures of sheep. They're white!

  68. Yvonne, I LOVE the look of combining styles; old/new, traditional/shabbychic,etc. it lends itself to be more creative and less predictable so disregard the comment that the chippy frames don't belong. With that said, I think you should put something 3D inside the frames, it would add to the fun to be able to change it with the seasons/holdiays. I like the ideas of plates, teacups w/a nest/flowers inside, wreaths, a hanging vase w/flowers, spiritual verses/psalms inside another frame, whatever you decide I'm sure will look amazing.

  69. Yvonne.. I like the idea of hanging some of your white plates or soup tureen lids there or you could hang black sconces with a candle in each one. I also like the idea of a boxwood wreath or other seasonal floral hanging from a pretty ribbon. If you want to keep with the neutral them a pretty patterned neutral fabric on a piece of foam core board first and then hang a white plate on top of that would be classy.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Great ideas here, I say old black and white photos!

  72. 1.) Fresh wreaths of whatever is blooming at the moment - in your current love-of-the-week color.
    2.) Dried wreaths of the above.
    3.) Tuck fresh or dried sprigs of whatever is blooming or smells good into the corners of the frames and let them shoot up and spill over to fill the frame as full or as sparsely as the situation/season/your taste warrants.
    4.) A small collage of old mirrors to catch and reflect the light.

  73. Beautiful frames! I would make place settings in each frame (different but complementary). You could change them with the season.

  74. Choose a fancy type face and post the menus from past holidays, parties/ OR the menu for the current gathering.

  75. I invision some vintage doilies or cross-stiched linens. It would be awesome to use something hand-made by a member of your family, if available. I recently had a doily that my grandmother crocheted fraimed for my wall. I love it. The only challenge for you, in this case, would be hanging it directly on the wall. I think this look would go fabulously with the other decor of your room and would add additional texture.

  76. Yvonne, I can't imagine you asking for ideas from anyone. We are always the ones counting on you for OUR ideas. Or at least I am. My idea would be to just hang a beautiful white plate inside the frames. Just looking at your cupboard next to the frames it seems to me to be the obvious, although simple, choice..Happy Thursday..Judy

  77. Perhaps some antique creamy paper with words that matter to you and your family or verses you like and want to surround yourself with printed in "scripty" letters or caligraphy.
    Love your blog and I can't wait to see what you decide to do with your beautiful frames.

  78. I just thought of something else. Why don't you have your Mom write out 2 of her favorite recipes on something that would fit just right in there? You would then have her handwriting and it would become a wonderful family heirloom!!!!! XO

  79. For the amount of wall you have, you are crowding the magnificent white plates in the corner
    and you are not giving the vent enough air space. ONE FRAME is my call for there ! ! !
    Share the paint color on the wall behind the frame with the background of the corner shelves.
    (ex: the soft blue of the eggs setting on your buffet) If using magnetic paint in the background of the frame, the items you hang up temporarily just need a few magnets on the back of these items. I think the items
    in the frame should be your "hearts desire" so let the fun begin Yvonne! (...the heart is the symbol of the
    power of the women!)

  80. I would put only one frame....and fill with a French type of still life of a pear.

  81. I would put one frame.....and fill with crushed aluminium cans type of still life of a pickle.

  82. The first thing I thought of was wreaths. I like the idea of green wreaths but if you wanted something without color you could do some twig wreaths or whitewashed wreaths. Your frames are indeed gorgeous and I know that whatever you do will be amazing Yvonne.

  83. Background of frame, use left over hardwood floor pieces creatively.

  84. I'm thinking sepia toned prints of shots including the nests or vingnettes.

  85. "Initials" on a "collage" of the things that "represent" Bobby and Bobby's girl.

  86. i was thinking plates, platters or tureen lids then i saw where you already had that could also put some antique silverware on burlap (maybe a trio of fork, knife and spoon on each square)....lots of great ideas being offered and i know whatever you do will be wonderful!

  87. Looking at picture #2 and #3, I am seeing just too many squares. Lovely frames. :)

  88. I suggest you paint your electrical outlets to match your walls.

  89. Hope I'm not too late....I was thinking doilies. Mounted on burlap or a neutral velvet. You could change with the seasons. Doilies and farmhouse go together in my mind...I should be living in a farmhouse! ;)

  90. How about your favorite bible verse in a beautiful font so that every time you pass by it you would think about it. Or maybe your favorite hymn or your parents favorite hymn to remember them by when you eat in your dining room on special occasions. I put my late motherinlaws favorite hymn in a frame and put it on our bedroom wall. My husband loves to look at it often. Just a thought. God bless jane

  91. Oh my word....lots of ideas....but it should be something you love. I think some darker color would be some old keys?

  92. How about chicken wire?

  93. beautiful scrapbook paper. They come in 12 x 12 sheets and would hang nicely behind [I imagine] w/o mat or glass!

  94. Birds nests.

    Just love your site, always, always such an inspiration.

  95. How about something like a boxwood wreath layered in the middle of the two frames or another round or rectangular frame or old window layered on top of these 2? The options are endless....

  96. Those are gorgeous! What if you backed them with some foamcore covered in a neutral fabric (or burlap) and pinned some family recipes? Honestly anything will look great!

  97. Yvonne,
    Whatever your heart desires, dear friend!!!
    That's what should go inside those gorgeous frames!!!
    Your dining room is so~o~o elegant!!!
    If it were me, I would place silver serving pieces inside.
    Pottery Barn has a huge frame filled with silver spoons. . .
    but you would have to have a backing .
    Thank youfor sharing your newest "finds"!!!
    I'll be watching to see the reveal.

  98. Any old cracked dishes or cups that you really like but won't use? Break them up in smaller pieces and then glue them inside the frame.

  99. One large Sea Shell in each or Antlers in each.

  100. Pitchforks in each.

  101. Love the frames but don't like them where they're hung. I definitely like them paired together (horizontal or even vertically) but somewhere else perhaps?? They're way out of scale for the available wall space there....jmo though ;)

  102. Such great ideas from everyone. I like the silver wear idea or black and white pics of some place special to you that might be in your town or else wear. Can't wait to see what you do.

  103. WOW - look at the feedback here!
    I'm going to break the rule - and suggest 2 small boxwood wreaths - a little pop of spring color !!!
    Although I know what ever you do will look beautiful :)

  104. I love the idea of changing them seasonally! For summer you could even do starfish and sand dollars. I also love the idea of sheet music. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  105. I just hung various sized white frames on several walls in our bedroom. In 3 I hung 3 different "green" men faces. In another I hung an old key plate - painted white - a botanical print on board, a shelf with a crown on it in another and in the last one I hung one of those ceiling centers. I love them!

  106. Celebrate your fondness for bird nests. Take photographs of your bird nests, enlarge the photos and put them in the frame. For instance, the bird nest you have in the white framed glass box on your dining table. Take a photo of it up close in the a really cool angle. And the bird nest on your door up close photo of it. Change your photos for the seasons.

  107. I have read through these comments and they are amazing. Your readers rock! I love the idea of wreaths of course. You could also take photos with your phone and run them through Waterlogue. You could have them printed on textured paper. They really do look like watercolors and it would be your own, original artwork. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  108. I love, love love anything chippy-wood! NO to anything china-related since you have an entire hutch just to the left of these! How about something textural and not square-shaped since the frames and the wainscoting just below them are square. Bird nests w/eggs would be lovely for spring, love the starfish idea for summer & maybe using grapevine wreaths for a season would be cute too. Have fun!!

  109. There are LOTS of suggestions...but as you decide, keep this in mind: your dining room is no longer as formal as it was before, but it is also not your kitchen or back porch, so be careful not to make it too country/casual. You want to maintain a little bit of elegance in a quiet nix anything that is PREDICTABLE that you see anywhere and everywhere else...wreaths, spoons, dried flowers and the like. Nix black and white because it is too graphic and modern for the setting and scheme you have going on in this room. Consider bringing up some of the soft colors from the rug up onto the muted tones because you really need some color and texture there, otherwise it all white everywhere and boring to the eye. You have a monochromatic/analogous scheme going on, not white tonal minimalism. Do fix the vents to be less visible. If it were my own home, I'd use the opportunity to do seasonal needlepoint hangings, perhaps of your own lovely home, front and back or two side views...and keep the colors in the sepia tones for fall or winter, and peachy tones for spring or summer...perhaps a scene from the recent wedding, but not of people...more scenic. You could change them out as you like, have great fun doing a gauge 10 or 12 needlepoint, and commission the painted canvases to work on. When they free hang inside the frames, you can change them whenever, and put them anywhere, and when you get sick of them, make them into pillows. If that is too much work or not of interest, consider purchasing something similar or two tapestries in muted colors, perhaps of a hunt scene, deer, a scenic with depth perception in muted colors. Baring all of that, a single much larger wall presentation would be best because the scale starts to appear choppy with the smaller frames as diptychs. Good luck, but whatever you decide, retain some quiet elegance, nix the country, and make it completely original and creative---NOT what you'd expect to see! Hope this helps from a design perspective. In the end, it's your home, so YOU have to love it.

  110. Well, I haven't got one single "Fresh Idea" so I'll just chime in to say, that I love the frames...and I know that whatever you decide to put in them will look great...just like the rest of your home! Can't wait to see what you decide on!


  111. I totally agree with the designer about not making that formal room into a wannabe country room. It just won't work with the chandy, wainscoting, beautiful windows and gorgeous wood floors. You have creative ideas of your own so be careful not to give in to trends that will not stand the test of time. Good luck in choosing which way to go!

  112. I would keep it simple. You have the buffet with accessories and large mirror with chippy shutters next to it. You have the built in hutch, bar cart and you also have display pieces on your dining room table. Without standing in your room and visually seeing the dimensions it is hard to make a decision. Maybe one frame with something simple would look best. You decorate beautifully so I know it will look lovely whatever you decide.

  113. How about antique silver serving spoons or forks, attached to a burlap background?

  114. Leave them open until you can put in tiny plaster casts of your grand kids' feet. Collage style. (Can't wait to see a baby-shower table setting!)

  115. You have a beautiful, more traditional, timeless, dining room.
    It is moving toward a patina canteena.

  116. Yvonne, boxwood wreaths was mentioned a lot. I hang a silver creamer inside a boxwood wreath in my dining room so boxwood + you :-) Pamela

  117. I would back them with burlap and mount a shell, nest, or plate in the center.

  118. I wonder how one would look and place it like a diamond instead of a square? and then put something lovely in side of the diamond .

  119. I had the same idea as Babs R....putting vintage silverware with a burlap background. Such a lovely home!

  120. Because they are the real deal of chippy paint they are beautiful just like they are now......leave them empty so the focus is on the beauty of the frame not what is in them. The give simple detail to your room :0)
    Sweet find!

  121. I like them empty. Very serene. But if you want something in them I'd put a round white plate. :-)

  122. I am in agreement with you to stay neutral. I think some type of wood applique would look great and add textural interest. I have found great pieces online - even on Home Depot site - for well under $50. And, I would paint them white to match your woodwork. I think that would pop inside your chippy frames.

  123. I would be inclined to try something wood toned to tie the wall together with the table. That way the table doesn't sit there isolated, it all blends together.

  124. I love the chippy frames! why not think Impressionism! leave them empty! let everyone tell you what they see when they look at will get a different answer every-time......great conversation starter!
    if not then maybe a small wreath (Tarragon, bay leaves,etc.) with baby's breath and white satin ribbon hanging in the center of the frame.....Ohhhhh, now I have to find some Chippy frames!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  125. I would fill them with pictures of family. What a perfect way to frame the look of that lovely room.

  126. I would fill them with pictures of family. A perfect way to complete the look of that lovely room.

  127. Yvonne: Many years ago a lady came into our shop, you know the kind, elegantly bohemian artist quiet of spirit she brought in some of her pieces, which I have never seen from that day to this (1990). For the life of me I couldn't remember her name, but her art was spectacular and so original. One of her many pieces was simply breathtaking...A simple plexiglass enclosed frame. She had used the softest most beautiful powder pink piece of raw silk stretched perfectly over a simple canvas backed frame. She placed one beautiful coral sea fan off one side to the left. On the bottom, she composed what seemed like the ocean floor with a relief of different shells they were all natural colors of soft pastels, as is commonly found at the bottom of the ocean. There were lilacs, pinks, whites, some very tiny shells with a lovely light mint tint, greys with sand colored pebbles. The were all organic, nothing artificially dyed. It was a composition that made you feel calm. It was as if you were peeking at a tide pool or some other natural wonder. I swear I could smell the sea breeze. When I was soooo much younger, I used to see Hermes and Gucci scarves presented as pieces of art....while the art was in a completely different vein, the feelings it eluded was of simple elegant restraint. Because your frames are weathered chunky ones they would lend themselves to this type of art. As Rose said above the pillow you have on the dining chair could be presented in a similar way with tone on tone, textured, with neutral degrees of color creating depth and complexity of composition. You could even compose a scene within a scene....using things a country farmhouse would have on hand. Think burlap, flour sacks, buttons, threads, bobbins, ribbons....etc. You have such an elegant creative imagination, I have all the confidence in your judgment. I KNOW whatever you put your hand to will be wonderful. Blesses♥

  128. Cynthia ChristensenApril 9, 2014 at 11:09 PM

    Okay, so I'm a little mental. Moments ago, I was re-reading Chris Madden's Guide to Personalizing Your Home. I noticed on page 71 she suggested: "Frame your favorite restaurants' menus....." Well, I immediately thought of the Menus you make for us. Poor little brain of mine goes....that's what she could do in her little chippy frames...Print some of your favorite seasonal menus...slap those puppies in the frames...voila! Really any of your photographs are frame have oooodles of choices... did I just say ooooodles?....sorry, did I say I'm a little mental. Have fun.♥
