Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I get lots and lots of emails asking me all kinds of questions.  Everything from how I like blogging to what size the rug in my dining room is...

I thought I would answer the most asked questions recently...

1. Where did you get your dining room chandy?

The dining room chandy came from
You can see a post about it by clicking HERE.

I just checked on Overstocks and don't see the large chandy in stock right now (you can also see how my dining room looked last year just after we had laid the hardwood floors). But if you need a smaller chandy, they have one in stock. Click HERE to see a smaller version of my dining room chandy! 

2. What color are your walls?

We have painted most of our main living areas downstairs Sonnet by Benjamin Moore. It is a wonderful color!!! Just perfect because it is light and airy with just a touch of warmth!

Our kitchen, family room, breakfast room, living room, dining room and stairs are painted Sonnet. We are now paining our foyer Sonnet too.

3. Did you paint the chest in your living room?

The short answer is no. 

I saw this chest last summer at a local furniture store and was obsessed with it! But the price tag... ouch! Way, way too much!

I decided that I would paint one like it myself. I bought a dresser from Craigslist (that is still sitting in my garage) and was planning to paint it. A friend just happened to visit and I was raving about this chest to her and she told me that it was on sale at Wayfair. What?

Sure enough, it was! Still a little more than I wanted to pay, but much much less than in the store.  I bit the bullet and ordered it. And am I glad I did! I have enjoyed the Curlacue chest so much! To see the chest at Wayfair, click HERE. ( I got it for a few hundred less than they are selling it for now)

The lesson from this experience is... when we really love something we may just have to buy it. Now that being said,  we must be able to feed the family and pay the bills, etc. But if we have some extra money put away for a rainy day... today might be that rainy day!

4. Where did you get the swan at StoneGable?

I bought the swan soup tureen that usually sits on my dining room table 20 years ago. StoneGable was being built and I found this beauty at a small shop in Alexandria Va called The Hospitality Shop. Unfortunately, it is no longer in business.

The swan was made in Italy and has a hand painted face and ladle.

I have only seen one other one like it on ebay.

5. What project are you doing now?

We are now finishing up our foyer. It was scheduled to be done around Thanksgiving, but due to lots of complications from my knee surgery, the project  got pushed back.

We have scraped the wall paper off inch by inch... what a job! And Bobby is almost finished painting.

I'm having a slipcover made for a settee and right now I'm working on repainting the buffet.

I am also finishing a guest bedroom that is now another guest room.

Bonus question...

How are you feeling?

This is the most asked question right now.Truthfully, I've avoided answering this for some time!

I have had a pretty rough go since my knee cap surgery last November. I've been back in the hospital with an infection, another surgery, icu, iv antibiotics, two drug reactions and lots of little things in between.

Because I am very anemic from everything I have been through I am pretty tired most of the time and that really bothers me!

I hope I am turning the corner. I'm so thankful for all of your prayers ( they have helped me so much) and well wishes.

I'm ready to feel fabulous and full of energy!

Remember, feel free to email any questions you have!


  1. Yvonne.....always good to know whats going on in your world...i am sorry you have had a rough time since the surgery but really hope you are totally on the mend very are a truly amazing person in all that you accomplish, you make it seem so effortless! Feel well!

  2. Best question was the bonus - so glad to hear your status. Your home is beautiful, and I love what you're now doing to the entry/foyer.

  3. Thank you for this informative post. Praying your recovery goes full speed ahead.

  4. Hi, Yvonne!

    Pleasure to stop by and browse around. I also love the swan soup tureen and the chandelier is gorgeous.

    Good luck with your knee.

    Have a wonderful week.
    (PS-we met at Haven last year)

  5. I hope you feel better soon, Yvonne! I just love your blog - it truly makes my day!

  6. Yvonne,
    I absolutely never get tired of oohing-and ahhing at your home., even on a bad day, I want your energy and ideas.
    Keep up the good work!
    I am now hooked on your zesty ranch oyster crackers., I make 1 batch every week and the kids love them.! Check em out guys if you haven't already.! Totally yummy easy snack!

  7. Good Morning Yvonne,
    I love reading your blog--from recipes to decorating to Sunday scriptures--there is always something I can use in my daily life. Glad to hear you are doing better health wise! Let's just all say a prayer for sunny days and no more snow!

  8. I love learning more about your beautiful home! I can browse your rooms over and over and I always see and learn something new! I hope you continue to feel better!!~~Angela

  9. I loved your chandy so much that I bought the small one for my craft room!...The swan takes my breath away...looking forward to your new projects!...Hope you are getting better and better each day!

  10. Love these kinds of posts!! I could look at your pics all day! Gorgeous! Thank you! I hope you feel better! Someone told me after I had surgery to take it easy, because you can only heal right the first time! Xo,Kathy

  11. i'm so glad you gave us an update on your health....i know it's been a "rough go" for you for quite a while now. i experienced some similar problems as i had knee surgery last june but can happily say that i think i've really turned a corner...partly because i'm losing some weight and exercising (at least that's what i tell myself!).

    i hope you continue to improve every day and pray that you don't have any additional set backs.

  12. Thanks for your honest answers Yvonne, I am so sorry you've had such a rough patch. I always drool over your dining room and even though I love mine, it's really out of date~a chandy from Overstock just might be the place to start! I have discovered Wayfair, how great you were able to find your beloved curleque sideboard there, it is definitely the piece that makes your whole room! I hope the sunny rays of spring melting snow will bring your energy back~

  13. I like your advice about the dresser. It was meant to be that you have it. 35 years ago I had just moved into a house and saw a lamp in a store that I loved. It was $75 and too much for me to spend at the time, considering I didn't have furniture yet! When I went back it was on sale for $50 so I bought it. Many things have come and gone in my house, and that lamp has had many shades, but I still love it.

  14. Your home is just gorgeous ! Can't wait to see your new projects , and hope you are feeling better and stronger everyday !

  15. I'm so glad you're starting to feel better! I know how frustrating dealing with recovery can be. It's so hard not to feel like your normal self! Take care of yourself, you have lots of blogging friends who love you :)

  16. Praying for you to get well very soon. Spring is just around the corner and we need you in tip top form!!!
    Rest and get well. Thanks for all you do.

  17. Yvonne, thank you for sharing more of your great ideas with all of us. I am so sorry to hear of the complications with your knee can be so discouraging and hard. That and the hard winter I'm sure have been hard on your outlook. The energy thing can be sooooo frustrating. My knee replacement was the first part of December, and I am just now starting to feel somewhat normal again energy wise. However, if I go out shopping, I quickly find out that I have a ways to go! Spring is on its way and my prayers are with you that you will again have a fresh energy in your steps and get back to doing all the things you love. We all love your blog so very much!! Mine has been sadly neglected these past months and my energies have been solely given to therapy and getting my new knee working properly. There is no substitute for time I'm afraid. Blessings, Linda

  18. Yvonne, So glad you are better. Thank you for the top 5 question answers. I had not asked any but helped me to see your insight into how you see things and think. I hope and pray that you continue to get stronger everyday. I am blessed with a wonderful husband but unfortunately he is not into doing much home decorating :) He will try to fix anything that is broken and does a good job with that but it takes me twice as long to do projects since I am an army of one on the home decorating front ;) But I do love your ideas. Have a blessed week!

  19. Your Home is an inspiration to all Us ladies out here in blogland.You have the touch, that's actually a gift, to make Your Home so inviting.Even if some of Us don't have the same resources We can learn from You still.I hope You are feeling refreshed and full of energy soon-Denise

  20. I am so happy your feeling better. I am looking at the knee replacement operation myself and am quite concerned. Thank you for sharing your beautiful home and answering questions from viewers. I am sure you get many. Like one of the comments above I am thankful that you post your blog, it gives me such inspiration and makes me happy to read it. Have a wonderful week

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Your swan has always been a favorite! Sure hope your get to feeling better!

  23. I know you love to collect white dishes. If you could only have 3 sets, which ones would you choose? Also, I hope you feel better soon.

    1. What a great question Kay. Certainly my first choice would be Mikasa Italian Countryside. I have 18 place settings I have collected over the years, and many serving pieces. The second would be... another white set of ironstone. And the third would be somethings informal and green.

  24. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    I will keep you in my prayers . . .

  25. Yvonne,
    I am so happy to have arrived here at Stone Gable. What a lovely home you have created and so many wonderful stories you share about the love that has gone in to gathering objects you love and cherish. What a nice way to document your home and then how lucky for us to learn from. I have a blog too and it has given me so much strength and courage.
    I shall keep you in my prayers for strength and God's grace to bless you with full good health. As we begin this season of lent, my days shall be devoted to reflecting on the beauty around me. Your swan is stunning. My mother loves swans. Again, thank you for sharing and I would love to create an illustration of your home.

  26. Yvonne, I've just been following you for a short time. Love your home! I am sorry that you've had such a rough experience and I pray for your strength to return as spring returns. You are so warm and friendly in your blog, I feel like I actually know you. God bless you!

  27. First, I am so sorry to hear you have had such a rough time with your knee and recovery and keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a full recovery. I am so happy to have found Stone Gable. You have created such a lovely home and I love your stories. I am learning ways to cherish and celebrate my own home and that is your gift to me and I am sure to so many others. Thank you and God Bless! -- Leslie D.

  28. Yvonne,
    Prayers continuing on your behalf, dear friend.
    I know this will sound silly to you,
    but after my gall bladder surgery this Autumn. . .I had no energy.
    My physician suggested a Multi~Vitamin.
    Not wanting to put "another" pill into my delicate system,
    I choose to change my cereal to Raisin Bran.
    Raisins are packed full of IRON. . .it worked!!!
    Gradually...but I know have tons of energy,once again!
    I am so pleased with myself... I answered all 5 questions correctly!!!
    Love your home and all the renovations you've been making!!!
    Thank you for sharing all the step~by~step processes!!!
    Here's to hoping that Spring will bring you renewed and restored health!!!

  29. I was online at, looking for a headboard and some items offered are actually from Wayfair! I wonder what the deal is? Are they a part of Walmart? Very Surprising! Anyway, I found a wonderful old iron headboard with antique-y brown wiped on it and can't wait for it to get here! Who knew?

  30. You home is becoming a SHOWCASE! It should be in a magazine AND on a tour of exceptional homes. I hope you are feeling better. I called yesterday and left a message. Will try again in a little while, just got a TABLET!!!! and am trying to get it set up!!!!!

  31. Yvonne, I think about you all the time with the knee problems. June of 2012 I went in to be tested for knee replacement surgery. I ended up having a triple bypass instead. Then in June of 2013 I tried the knee replacement again. Had the surgery June 4 and was doing OK on recovery; 6 weeks later I had 104 fever and then fell and ripped the sutures from my knee replacement plus in the surgery they determined that I had a hospital acquired MRSA. Had a second surgery where they replaced a portion of the knee hardware and I had 6 weeks of IV antibiotics. Then I was tested again and still had the infection. A third surgery (in October) to install concrete medicated spacers in my knee and another 6 week round of IV antibiotics. I also got food poisoning in the hospital and felt like I was going to die. After that, we waited until January 28 of 2014 to do a fourth surgery to do a revision of the knee replacement. This past Tuesday marked 5 weeks after the fourth surgery and I feel great and have completed my rehab ahead of schedule. I am back to working in the office (was back to work online from home after 3 weeks) and the infection is gone. Long story, but I wanted you to know that you are not alone and that if you are in the midst of problems, THEY WILL GET BETTER. I have a deep faith in God and relied on the prayers of my church family and help from my husband and mother and others and made it through. It has been a long 20 months or so since I actually started on the knee replacement journey but with God's Grace and many prayers, things are done and I feel wonderful. I still do not have my full energy back, but I am actually doing laundry and some cooking again - things that I have surprisingly missed very much. I am taking a few days of vacation to go to a women's retreat this weekend and have plans for a longer trip in a couple of months with my mom and aunt. Things will get better! I know you have a deep faith and take comfort from that but sometimes things look dark. Keep going and remember that you have at least one more person praying for your recovery daily.

  32. Yvonne, I'm so happy to hear your doing better….your home is absolutely gorgeous….I hope you'll enjoy a wonderful Spring having all of your energy return and then some :)
    Blessings to you,

  33. YOur beautiful home and your ability to decorate well always makes me feel good. Get well soon.
    Hugs Kay

  34. Oh wow Ivonne, I hope you are in the way of mending perfectly after the surgery. Who always acted like everything was just fine. I totally love the swan and what a great story about the chest you loved so much. Things like that have happened to me in the past, that I fall in love with something, but luckily didn't buy it at the time and so next time I hear it's on sale, yupiiiii for you!

  35. I am a recent member of your fan club. I wish you could see my house...your "finger prints" are everywhere. My beautiful faux orchid is now in my seldom used silver champagne bucket sitting on the dining room buffet.BTW, the buffet was a wonder thrift store score. It's 10 feet long and I love it. My dining table now has a beautiful linen runner on it from PB. On top of that is blue and white Asian pot , identical to the two on your dining table. I got that last week for $10.00 at Goodwill. I ALMOST bought one at an antique store the day before for much, much more. It is filled w/faux forsythia just like your arrangement. I put a little faux bird nest in the lid. On either end of the table are two large PB hurricane globes and big fat cream colored candles from Pier One. The entire room looks so cheerful and happy. That is just the dining have helped me tweak my living room, mantle, entry, guest bath and on and on. As you recover I hope you think of the hundreds, if not thousands of internet friends you have. For me, I feel as if I have found a kindred spirit when it comes to decorating and fixing up my home. I am never DONE. I am always on the hunt for the next little thing that will make my home even more warm and wonderful. And somehow I know you know how I feel. Thanks.

  36. So glad to hear you are on the road to recovery. I can't imagine keeping up your schedule with good health, let alone being as sick as you have been. As much as we all love your blog and lovely posts, your health is so much more important than posting every day with new projects. As someone who is rather driven myself, it is hard for me to accept limitations and fatigue, but I have learned to slow down. Please take care of yourself. Know that we all love you and are in our prayers.

  37. It is a great post, what you said is really helpful to me. I agree with you anymore. Also great blog here with all of the valuable information you have. Keep up the good work you are doing here. Thank you for sharing such a useful post.

  38. Yvonne, I'm so sorry to hear you've had such a difficult recovery after your knee cap surgery. The winter has been a rough one for much of the country so it's a good time to stay inside and recover. I enjoy your posts so much. Thank you for persevering during such a trying time. Love and Prayes, Sue V.

  39. Thanks for taking the time to share top readers' questions and answers! :D
    I'm looking forward to your foyer reveal.


  40. Yvonne, you bring such wonderful inspiration to all of us. I love all your wonderful post. Hope you feel better and the warmer weather of Spring will bring good health and strength to you...God Bless!

  41. Yvonne, you are a real gem! Prayers for your speedy and complete recovery.

  42. Yvonne I just enjoy your blog so much! It takes time to recovery. Praying for you to feel like yourself again. I would like to ask where did you get the light fixture over the kitchen island?

  43. Yvonne, thanks so much for answering those questions. I've also wondered about some of them. I hope you will be feeling more of yourself real soon. I enjoy your blog so much. Hugs and warm wishes, Irene.

  44. I hope you're feeling fabulous real soon!!

  45. Hi Yvonne, I was just toodling around ebay & spotted a ceramic swan tureen that looked very much like your own. It too is from Italy. You'll be happy to know that it had a starting price of over $1700 & a 'buy now of $3688. You made a good investment!

  46. Oh Yvonne, You are such a dear to keep sharing all your beauty and inspiration with all of us while dealing with these ongoing health issues; obviously the JOY of the LORD is your strength! Thank you for this personal encouragement you've shared here; I feel challenged to press on with JOY inspite of many looming personal challenges. Thank you!
