Monday, March 24, 2014


This is what the whole downstairs of my house looked like this weekend. 

 It sorta reminded me of when my kids were little and I was sick in bed with the flu and Daddy was watching them. I just knew mayhem would sneek in the back door while I was too sick to care! I knew that mayhem would be downstairs making my house look like a tornado had ripped through it, disheveling my children so much that I could hardly recognize them with peanut butter in their hair and mismatched shoes and big grinning chocolate covered mouths!

This weekend mayhem revisited StoneGable!

It did not start with the flu this time... but a trip to the jewelry store...

There I was... standing at the jewelry counter last May with an armload of bangles on, clanking and clinking and making the most musical bangle sounds!

Bobby had taken me on a little surprise trip to my very favorite jewelry store to buy me that big gold bangle I had been dreaming about! After all, it WAS for Mother's Day. Bobby is a very very generous gift giver... lucky me!

I was lost in bangle land for about a half an hour, turning my arms full of pretty bracelets this way and that as they made their magical music! I love the feel of real gold on my skin... and the sparkle of diamonds!

It had been awhile since I'd been on the hunt for real gold... and for a big piece of jewelry. We had kids to put through colleges and weddings to pay for. We called those years the "lean years". There was no big gold during those years!

And now being on the "other side" of those happy obligations I was in for a treat... and a rather big treat at that!

As I was standing there admiring all the gorgeous golden pieces sliding up and down my arms I had a wee tiny prickling on the back of my neck... a sign that something was not quite right!

Bobby was attentive and although he would have probably been happier playing golf, he examined each lovely bangle and chatted about what he liked and did not like about each one.

The feeling that started out as a wee and small prick at the back of my neck had now turned into a pounding in my head! Not a headache pounding... but a realization that I at first did not want to acknowledge or admit!

"No, not bangles", my head pounded!  I took the golden circles off my arm and told the lady to put them back in the case.  Then I turned to Bobby...

"I don't want a gold bangle", I softly told Bobby  "Okay", he said. "Do you want a ring or a necklace. I know you love those monogram necklaces over there".

"No", I said... "I want hardwood floors"! "Hardwood floors in the family room for Mother's Day".

 "Oh, I see!", he said as if he had been bested!

The family room had been carpeted only 3 years before and although I never really liked it, Bobby did.  He was quite firm about not replacing a good carpet... and I would add... no matter how ugly I thought it was!  It was the only room in the downstairs that did not have hardwood. Bobby is very generous but he is not a pushover and can be quite stubborn.

Standing in a store full of glistening glittery things I have a fond weakness for, I told him my hearts desire were hardwood floors! I don't use the "hearts desire card" unless I really mean it! As crazy as it sounded, I actually wanted that floor more than jewelry!

"Are you s-u-r-e", he said drawing out the words. 

"Yes", I answered. "More than jewelry... really"!

"Okay, then... but I won't install them till the fall".  

I knew this full well. We have a very tidy annual schedule for doing things.... Fall and Winter are indoor projects and painting. Spring and summer is yard work, gardening and golf.

However, fall rolled around and I had surgery and was sick and Bobby spent his time after work making dinner, and cleaning up and doing the laundry and taking care of me... taking care of me so so well! And that schedule ran into winter. So the floors were put on the back burner... until this past weekend. The weekend mayhem came to visit StoneGable!

Bobby single handedly moved all the furniture out of the family room...and all the accessories all by himself... albeit all over the entire first floor... welcome mayhem! He ripped out the carpet and the padding and removed every staple in the sub flooring on this hands and knees!

When my son-in-law Jonathan came they worked together like a proficient dance... one cutting boards on the back porch... the other using this big, noisy nailer thingy... hammering the boards into place. One measure and the other sliding the next board into place.

And just before dinner on Saturday... just in time to go out to dinner... my Mother's day gift from last year was completed.  Maybe it wasn't golden or did not make magical clinking sounds. But it is beautiful!

If you are thinking this is my Mother's day from last year...

new floors

... think again! 

It was the mayhem.

Wrapped up in all that mayhem was my gift... a gift far greater than gold or hardwood floors.  Wrapped up in the mayhem was great effort, and toil, and sacrifice and selflessness and sore knees and great big LOVE!

That's the gift I love the best. That's my real, true Mother's Day gift from last year... and I am so blessed!


  1. Just the perfect kind of gift. I know you must be so excited.

  2. Oh, yes give me house renos or things for the house over jewelry any day. Lucky girl!!

  3. Your post actually brought poignant tears to my eyes. What a heartwarming tale.

  4. The floor looks wonderful. I know just how you feel. It makes it all the more special when it is done with love.
    Hugs kay

  5. That's the kind of mayhem we can all live with. The floors looks amazing - there is nothing like hardwood to add classic beauty to a room.
    My house is mayhem right now too - but for the wrong reasons, I'm laid up with a sore back and can't do much of anything. Hubby is a tornado waiting to happen when I'm not picking up after him.

  6. Looks beautiful!! Much better gift than gold!

  7. They are absolutely BEAUTIFUL; reading you post brought tears to my eyes. You are very blessed to have your Bobby. Hardwood floor are my dream too; my Brian is like your Bobby, he can repair, fix or make just about anything in and around our home. We are both very blessed women to have loving husbands that are so talented with tools. One day my hardwood floor will come.

  8. I am smiling that knowing smile. Oh yes... home stuffs beat bling and jingle. :)
    They are beautiful. Happy Mother's Day Yvonne... We have no carpet in our home... just wood and tile. With area rugs. So much easier.
    Enjoy your new floors!

  9. My kind of gift! Who needs jewelry when there are home improvements to be done!

  10. Joy from to love this post!

    Your floors are so pretty. Well worth it! Such a sweet story and post. I was grinning from ear to ear while reading it!

  11. I enjoyed your post. No tears, just laughter! I have the same generous but oh-so-stubborn hubs. Thanks for the 'hearts desire' card tip! Never used it, but the master has shared and I will follow your lead! By the way, this is NOT mayhem. I could send you a pic of mayhem, but I'll let you be satisfied with your mayhem instead of laughing at mine. Glad you're on the mend! God is Good!

  12. The floors look GORGEOUS!!!!! I can't wat to see them. The MAYHEM is so worth the end result! You are a lucky girl. Last night Joe and I got bed and said we just wish we could COME HOME!!!!! But we are stuck at least 2 more weeks til the car is done:(:(

  13. What a sweet hubby... You are a lucky women and your floors are beautiful!!!

  14. Love the floors! Going to have to remember the heart's desire card!! lol Good one!

  15. I loved this post!! While the floors are just beautiful, your husband's love and your son in law's love for you was the BEST gift of all! Great story and a gift that you can enjoy for many many years to come!

  16. You have a wonderful guy! Your floors are beautiful.

  17. Good choice!! They look beautiful!!! Xo,Kathy

  18. There was a time when bling ruled my world, BUT, now, I'd take new floors or other home upgrade in a heartbeat! What a sweet man you have ... the new floors are gorgeous!

  19. That beautiful hardwood floor, put in with love, has made all the difference, hasn't it. SO beautiful! We're going to replace our old ratty carpet upstairs with hardwood this summer. Can't wait! On the other hand, that's because I'm not the one who's going to have to install it.

  20. They are gorgeous Yvonne. I would take hardwood floors in our family room and master bedroom over gold bangles any day of the week! Enjoy!

  21. ~Yvonne~
    What a delightful story, and what a beautiful floor you have!! Your husband and son in law did a super job :). Its a blessing how we mature into knowing what is more important then bling bling , a home filled with love.

    Have a sunny day !

  22. Floors are so pretty and your men did a fabulous job....with so much LOVE! Yeah!

  23. So funny … For our 25th wedding anniversary, my husband planned a trip to Tiffany for me to pick something out. But I'm not really a "jewelry girl" - my wedding rings and small diamond stud earrings are enough to last me the rest of my life. So I asked him if we could instead replace all the interior doorknobs and hinges in the house! The new brushed nickel finishes far outshine the old cheap fake brass handles, and I appreciate them every single day. I love this story -- your hardwood floors are gorgeous!

  24. I agree that your floors are beautiful and you are blessed!! It was a heartwarming story!! The love behind any gift is the REAL gift!! Does a Mother's heart good!!!

  25. Such a heartwarming post and beautiful floors! You have a very special guy and a gorgeous home! That's my kind of bling! Enjoy!!~~Angela

  26. Beautiful! What a wonderful gift…better than a bangle for sure!

  27. There is glory in mayhem! Your floors look gorgeous! You've certainly got a terrific hubby! ;)

  28. Oh, I LOVE your floors, they are spectacular. and have to say, your hubby is one super guy!

  29. We had carpet all through our home. I have allergies and it was always worse at home for whatever reason. I blamed the dogs. Then Christmas 2 years ago my husband said - what do you want? My answer 'Hardwood floors'. We did it together - engineered hardwood, hand scraped and I love them. The worse part of the entire thing was ripping up the carpeting and seeing all the dirt underneath the pad - YUCK. No wonder my allergies were bad at home! I hope you enjoy them as much as I still love, LOVE mine.

  30. Isn't love grand? Your floors are too!

  31. What a sweet gift to much love put into it! I love your floors...they look like mine (best decision I ever made!). You have great handymen!!

  32. This story is oh so close to my heart as I, too, have someone that grants my every wish. In fact, I have to be careful what I wish for! This is something my honey would do for me - and has! We will once again have mayhem here as we had an inch of water come in and ruin my beautiful wood floors in three rooms. I am packing up my downstairs now so they can all be refinished. And, the same person that glued them down, sanded, stained and poly'ed them will do them again. It will be like they are brand new all over again! He does the work himself because he wants it to look a certain way and "no one does it like I want it". Loved the blog today!!! You are indeed a lucky woman!

  33. Ahh -- you are so very blessed Yvonne!! We recently worked hard to restore the original hardwood floors in the living and dining room of our 1920's craftsman home (which was covered with ancient carpets) -- I KNOW what mayhem you are writing about except our mayhem covered months and was egged on by a wedding reception that needed to take place on said floors, lol. All completed and now on to the next job -- the floors in the bedrooms -- well, those will wait until fall since the gardens are beckoning :)

    So enjoyed my visit today!


  34. Yvonne, you have written and showcased a lot of beautiful things in your posts, but this post is by fa r the most beautiful one ever! I loved every word. I am so glad you shared it!



  35. What a beautiful love story! That Bobby is a keeper!!! I spent all day Saturday installing marble tile in my mom's new bathroom so I can relate to sore knees! What a great gift he gave you and they are beautiful. I know that you will enjoy them for many years and you can get the gold bangles another year!

  36. Yvonne:
    My husband is a lot like your Bobby.
    A few weeks ago he retiled the backsplash
    in the kitchen even though he had put new
    tile in two years ago. He did this just because
    I hated the old tile because it always looked like
    it had waterstains on it.

    This weekend he painted the bedroom ceiling, the
    crown molding that he installed last weekend and the
    Next weekend he is tearing out the carpet in the room and
    in a few weeks he will install the laminate flooring. Wish it
    was real wood-but our home is built on a slab and that is the
    only way we can go.

    Enjoy your new floors. Improvements to the house are so
    much better then jewelry anyday.


  37. Love all your posts but this one is really outstanding !!! Just beautiful.....brought laughter, goose bumps and happy tears at the end. Your floors are gorgeous . You are so blessed to have a loving husband and family and they are so blessed to have YOU. (:-)

  38. Yes you are blessed. I love your floors and I dream of some in my home. Maybe soon. Hugs, marty

  39. What a fantastic gift your hubby gave you, Yvonne! Especially since he loved the carpet. It looks wonderful! I love wood floors and so does my hubby, so it wasn't too difficult a decision for us both to come to for our condo. We did wood floors throughout the open floor plan. We did keep carpet in the two bedrooms though. Your dining room looks fabulous!

  40. Kudos to Bobby for a job well-done and for being such a wonderful husband!
    Sue V.

  41. Beautiful floors and you are blessed to have such a sweet hubby to gift you with just what you wanted and for the great job he did!!! I will start doing the same on the master bedroom, right around May, finally!
    Have a lovely week, Ivonne.

  42. They look outstanding and I totally get wanting something for the house to jewelry, although I ADORE good jewelry. Are there any before pics?

  43. You are lucky to have Bobby. The floors look great and the story is heartfelt.

  44. Yvonne, your cute story reminded me of my mom and dad. For their 25th anniversary dad wanted to buy mom a mink stole. This is back in the day when they were still accepted. But what my mom wanted was a freezer. She won, and proudly used that freezer until the day she had to go into assisted living. If it had been possible I think she would have taken that freezer with her.
    Your floors are just gorgeous and Bobby did a great job. I am curious what kind or color are the floors.

    1. Nancy. our floors are called Gunstock Oak, but the color really looks just like chestnut. We chose them because chestnut trees are native to our area and a huge blight is slowly killing them. It was to keep our home "historically" correct.

  45. Good call Yvonne! They are stunning!!

  46. Absolutely gorgeous! Wish I had that mayhem at my house! :) -Bev

  47. You made the right choice. The bling would have been in the drawer most of the time, but the floor? Ahhhh, you can look at it every day and think of the beautiful gift of love.

  48. Yvonne, I am just like you as far as preferring things for my house over jewelry any day of the week. Great choice on your part and it looks fantastic, I bet you are as pleased as punch. Love the continuity from the kitchen to the family room, beautiful flow! Kudos to Bobby!!

  49. Yvonne,
    The wood floors are gorgeous!!!
    Knowing all the while you (like me) can see the Mayhem. . .others can see the beauty!
    You, truly, are a blessed woman, dear friend!
    Enjoy your new floors and savor all the LOVE applied in every board!!!

  50. Yvonne, your floors look amazing. What a happy story. I loved it - cept for the part about your poor recovery time, etc. Bobby is awesome and we love him! You tell him I said that! : - )

    SO that was last year...........maybe this year you get the gold? JK. Really. LOL.

    1. Michele, this year I'm hoping to knock out the windows in the family room and put in a huge wall of window and transoms... I better start working on Bobby now!

  51. Yvonne,
    Beautiful floor! I love hardwood floors and my dear husband did the same for me. He installed hardwood flooring in our living room and dining/kitchen. I also loved reading about what a wonderful husband your Bobby is as well as so many other women sharing how great their husbands are. We have much to be thankful for.
    Linda in LItitz

  52. Beautiful floor, Yvonne!! What a sweet husband you have!

  53. What a wonderful gift; your home is what I would like our home to be like when we are empty nesters. :) For now, we are in the trenches of home educating 7 wonderful blessings and I remind myself daily that we are working towards eternal rewards rather than House Beautiful magazine covers. Thank you for the daily beautiful inspiration.

    1. Julie you are my kind of girl! You have your priorities right! Nothing, even a nice home, beats raising children with love and everything in you! God bless you and your "blessings"!

  54. This is the king of Mayhem one cherishes and will always remember. A time of excitement, labor, joy and filled with love.

  55. Beautiful post! Your floors are gorgeous!!! Is there a name brand to the flooring you installed? Too many options to choose from...are they easy to take care of? Thanks so much!

  56. There is nothing better than the tender loving care (and a little mayhem) that loved ones (especially DH) pour into to projects for us! Your floors look wonderful!
    Have a great day,

  57. Gorgeous and the mayhem is so worth it....I have similar stories of "what do you want for . . " my answer is always some kind of furniture or a project for the house....So wonderful that your Bobby with the help of your son-in-law Jonathan made your Mother's Day dream come true....they are gorgeous!!!...the music of your excitement far outweighs the music from the bangles!!!

  58. Just beautiful! love the color.........
