Monday, March 31, 2014


Oh my, how I love little the lion faced pansy! It is a sweet harbinger of spring! 

Pansies are very inexpensive and make fun and unexpected arrangements indoors.

This year I put pansies in tea cups!

Pansies are so welcomed after a long long winter. 

They are like a promise that Spring and warmer weather is on it's way! And just to seal the promise pansies splash vibrant colors and raise their tiny faces to greet all who look their way!

These little orange blooms are called "COPPER PENNY" and are my very favorite!

I planted them right from the nursery flat and into a tea cup... packing them in snugly.

A little spring-green moss covers up the dirt.   To keep them healthy and blooming give them a drink when they begin to get dry. 

Once they get leggy, pinch them back and plant them outside!  They will keep on blooming until the heat of summer. 

I let them die back and if I am very lucky they will reseed and come back early next spring!

Remember to

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  1. Your pansies are charming. I have been looking for them here but their not in the garden centers yet, it's still to cold here.

  2. you make a simple thing so stunning..

  3. So simple and beautiful. I love pansy's. I wondered if they would survive with out drainage holes?
    Hugs Kay

  4. What a simple and sweet little project! Thanks for sharing.

  5. What a lovely idea -- and so easy! Thanks for brightening my morning.

  6. seemingly simply, so stunning.

  7. Your home is so beautiful! I've been pouring over your blog since I came across it recently....I would love to know your paint color in your kitchen and family room. Thanks!

  8. Love it! I cannot get your "pin it" button to work; am I doing something wrong? Would love to pin these to my Beautiful Surroundings Inspire board. :)

  9. What a sweet idea…will be doing this for gifts for my girls at Easter~ Thanks for the inspiration!

  10. Yvonne, those are SO pretty and cheering! You asked on my blog if there's anything I DON'T do. Yes, I obviously don't come up with creative ideas like these! :-) Love pansies and teacups. Never thought of putting them together.

  11. So, so sweet. Pansies always remind me of spring and Mother's Day, although here in the South we plant them in late fall and enjoy the in the winter.

    Cute little DIY!

  12. Oh so pretty!! Too cold here yet for pansies. Can't get them. Hopefully soon!!

  13. They are so dainty and beautiful! We had one little johnny jump-up come through the frosty soil...and welcome sight it was, even though you almost needed a magnifying glass to see it.

  14. Can't wait to get home and get some pansies too. Love this idea!

  15. Your DIY's are never tiny...they are enormously beautiful and creative...I love pansies...hope to plant some soon in my window boxes and a few cups too!!

  16. I also, cannot get your PIN button to work. It took me several tries to open your newsletter......then a post came to my inbox saying "it should work better now"....and it did. Thank you for fixing that. I seem to have a problem like that fairly often.....only on your blog......what might I be doing wrong. I love your blog and I don't want to miss anything.....everything you do is absolutely lovely!
