Monday, February 17, 2014


I've been working on the dining room lately. Just little things here and there.  Isn't decorating a process of adding and editing! This week I've added new velvet pillows.

But not just any pillows... velvet pillows. They always say elegance to me...

I made them myself and because they were envelope pillows they were super easy to whip up!

I think velvet pillows can sometimes look old fashioned. So, that's why I made them envelope style... and added a row of fabric posies! Much more updated and far less stodgy. Elegant with a twist!

I chose a gold/camel/greenish color to bring out the golds in the dining room. I adore gold!

I think the color compliments the rug and buffet.

Just the lighting from one side of the room to the next really changes it's color.

I added very easy to make posies using the curtain and chair fabric.

Aren't they fun and sassy! You can see a posy making tutorial by clicking HERE.

Pillows give my plain head chairs a little more pizzazz!

It was pure, blissful serendipity that the flowers peeked out over the table! 

I have another project that I am working on in the dining room... but that's for later this week!

Look for an upcoming  MAKING AN ENVELOPE PILLOW DIY soon!

Remember to

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  1. Yvonne,
    Elegantly done, dear friend!!!
    Love the choice of hue and yes, I did see how it changes with the light.
    I've been embracing the detail of my kitchen wallpaper and searching
    for more ways to bring in the taupe and mushroom hues.
    I'll be watching for your DIY post!
    Have a wonderful week ahead!!!

  2. Very pretty, Yvonne. There's just something lush about velvet.

  3. Velvet always screams how you added those cute roses!...and your dining room is magnificent..I always look forward all of the changes and additions you make to that room!...

  4. I love your dining room so much & those pillow are just fantastic. Love the roses!

    Angela @ Number Fifty-Three

  5. You and your blog are amazing! I've noticed so many bloggers run piggy-back on one another or rely on other sources. Everyday you seem to have something personal and unique. Your Christian witness is another plus for me. You continue on without missing a beat even while having your "Job" moments. God's Blessings....Have a wonderful day and I pray fully healed very soon.

    1. Thanks, Joyce! I really need encouragement! My blog is such a joy for me! I'm so happy you enjoy it!

  6. I love your blogs! You always come up with wonderful inspiring ideas. These pillows are one of them. Very classy and elegant!

  7. Very pretty - and I always love seeing your dining room!

  8. Beautiful touch to your elegant dining space!! I love your curtain fabric and your dining chairs! Can you provide the source for both? Thank you!!

  9. Love your pillows ... the posies are a wonderful "touch!" They are a beautiful addition to your chairs!

  10. Yvonne, your pillows are absolutely gorgeous! I too have white slipper chairs around my table and always put pillows on 2 of the 6 adds so much interest to a finely decorated table. I love your elegant. Would you share where you got it?

    1. Hi June, thanks for your very sweet comment. The chandy came from

  11. Your pillows are gorgeous!! Love the elegant color and rich texture, beautifully done, Yvonne!

  12. Love velvet and the pillows are gorgeous in the dining room! I have some gray velvet from Calico Corners Outlet that I got earlier this year just waiting for something - maybe I'll give these a try!

  13. Very pretty. The addition of the little rosettes are what does it for me. Makes them go from ' pooh how nice' h to 'wow!'

  14. I admire you so much, Yvonne! When I think of everything you are going through but yet you keep on being creative and you keep on with your blog. You have such a lovely home. Your pillow is gorgeous. I absolutely love it. I am crazy about velvet and the posies are such a unique contrast. It is strange how the play of light can change the colours in our rooms. I once had a light yellow living room and on rainy days, I never liked how it affected the tint of it. The play of light in your room has a very nice effect on the tint of your fabric. Take care!

  15. The pillows are a beautiful addition to this lovely room.

  16. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Your velvet pillow is beautiful! I love the addition of the rosettes.
    There's something timeless about velvet.
    Thanks so much for sharing!
    Hope you had a great weekend,

  17. Very pretty and elegant, as is your entire home!

  18. Lovely pillows and those posies give it a special touch!

  19. Those velvet pillow are such an elegant addition to your dining room. Velvet never grows old, always beautiful.

  20. You room is coming together so beautifully! It is bright, yet elegant; high class, yet casual and comfortable. Well done !

  21. The pillows are beautiful! Yes, I saw different hues in the 2 pictures, isn't it amazing what light will do to colors!? Velvet is so elagant, and I love the "twist":):)

  22. You have so many wonderful pillow ideas!. I love the rosettes. Thanks so much for sharing and I hope your recovery from surgery is coming along well.
    Blessings to you dear Yvonne,

  23. The new pillows look great! I also LOVE your rug! Where did you find it? Thank you for sharing!

  24. Lovely addition. I would love to have fabric covered chairs at our table. But with five grandchildren I think that is down the road a bit. giggle. I always enjoy seeing your lovely home. Hugs

  25. Love the new pillow, it is perfect in your space. I am not sure why we have a dining room we never use it. I sure wish I could turn that space into something else. Your's always is magazine ready and just stunning.
