Monday, February 24, 2014


Each season I like to change up the little cupboard in the dining room.

I was going to add spring things... but instead I just kept adding more and more white dishes. I love white dishes. They are like little pieces of art to me.

So, I'm holding off on the Spring nest and eggs and fluff and flowers for a couple of weeks to enjoy an all white cupboard with a few new Spring inspired soup tureens and bowls and such...

Most of my dishes and other tableware in the cupboard are not old. I've picked up many pieces at my favorite dish haunt HomeGoods.

This funny little built in cupboard tucked in the corner of my dining room has the most unusual arched shelves.  

I have only a small amount of shelf space to use as a display because of the curve. 

I must be very selective when picking things to go on each shelf!

I love love love to stack dishes... each soup tureen is placed on a small stack of assorted dishes with pretty edges.

(I must remember to paint the back of the bottom shelf!)

I got this rabbit baker (Wm-Sonoma)  last year. I think he is such a handsome fellow!

I recently found this fabulous cabbage soup tureen at HomeGoods. I scooped it up right away... and a few other pieces that matched!

One question StoneGable readers often ask me is if it is okay to display dishes that are different "whites".

I say celebrate it! Not all white dishes are the same color.

Notice the creamer and sugar bowl are a much creamier white than the leaf and berry plate behind it. And the plate to the left is a different white too!

I think the contrast is really beautiful!

I have a few surprises to show you in the dining room... here is a little peek at one Bobby and I have worked on...

Stop back on Wednesday to see the reveal!

Remember to

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  1. Just beautiful Yvonne, and the cabbage piece is so unique it caught my eye right away.

  2. It's beautiful, Yvonne - just like every single thing that you do! A new HomeGoods is opening about about 10 minutes from my house and I.cannot.wait!!! Right now I have to travel above 45 minutes to get to one.

    1. Suzy, having a HomeGoods that close can be dangerous! I love having my HomeGoods about 15 minutes away! I'm always finding reason to go there!

  3. I love your sweet corner cabinet and I think the total white look is perfect!...You "stack and style" with perfection...
    Love that cabbage must have a great I never seem to find things such as that great tureen, or maybe it is because someone snagged it before me!!...

    1. Shirley, I love the term "stack and style"! May I use it? Thanks!

  4. Love the corner cabinet and white dishes/pottery are one of my absolute favorite things. I also have that same cream & sugar set! Have a great Monday!

    Angela @ Number Fifty-Three

  5. I've always loved your dish style and the art of stacking that you share. I finally found a HomeGoods about 30 miles away and admit it's a store I look forward to visiting as much as possible simply because of their dishes.

    P.S. I HEART the Rabbit Baker and Cabbage Soup Tureen!

  6. I love Home Goods they have the best dishes, I too have been picking up a few new pieces here and there and adding to my collection of cream and white dishes.
    I love white dishes, because you can add any appetizer dish on top of the white dish and it always looks different.. Thank for sharing - Rose

  7. Beautiful! I love that Rabbit Baker and oh my, that tureen and other wonderful surprises is why I'm always at Home Goods! Some day we will surely run into one another there! Can't wait to see what you've done with that old chippy shutter! Have a wonderful week!!

  8. Yvonne,
    Gorgeous all white display, dear friend!
    I, too, have been creating an all white interior in my built~in cabinet.
    I pondered about adding some "Spring" accessories, but it's still Winter on the Prairie.
    I adore your Bunny tureen!!!
    While in the larger city on Friday, I saw the same white cabbage tureen;
    however, I opted not to make a purchase. Now I'm having a bit of remorse!
    PoP in when you need a break from your project. . .

  9. Yvonne, your corner cabinet looks totally amazing. I love all of our beautiful dishes. The cabbage tureen is stunning and that little rabbit piece is one of my very favorites. Be sure to link up this afternoon to Inspire Me. This is truly inspiring. Hugs, Marty

  10. Yvonne the dish display is very nice. Thanks for sharing. I know you blog most about cooking, decorating and such. I have a question -- what's your desk setup like? How do you organize your addresses, cards, paper items, etc. I used an address book in the past but its a mess with changed addresses. How do your organize this type of things? How do you organize your recipes? Need some ideas. I'm getting a roll top desk here soon and would like to get it setup in a good, useable fashion. thanks for the help!

  11. Swooning over here! I poured a cup of coffee and logged on to check your new post ;) LUV your posts on dish displays and tablescaping. Sigh... Homegood, alas we do not have on in my small city. Nearest one about 2 hours away or so.
    Beautiful corner cupboard!!

  12. I love your cupboard Ivonne, but mostly the lovely White dishes you have inside it! I love White dishes too, they're something about them that puts them in a category all it's own! You are very inspiring. Wishing a great week Ivonne.

  13. Hi Yvonne,
    I just LOVE everything you do! I want to be like you when I grow up! ;-) I know you display a lot of your dishes around your home which is just lovely, but where do you store all your other dishes when not in use? And how do you remember what all you have to use in the many different gorgeous tablescapes that you create? I too create many tablescapes for family and friends' dinners pulling various items throughout my home to use on the table, but have a difficult time remembering what I have and where it's stored or currently displayed! Thanks for all the inspiration you share. I look forward to your posts every day!

  14. I'll be back for the big reveal! I adore that little bunny baker. He is so cute! I like all the white dishes displayed together. So pretty!

  15. All the whites look so good together, especially in the white cabinet.

  16. I have one little ironstone creamer from my sister. I showed her your blog and she said she'll be on the look out for ironstone for me. My first one, so excited!

  17. So pretty! I am in the process of getting rid of a lot of dishes and replacing them with all white. Thank goodness for my two recent college grad girls……they take all of my hand me downs!

  18. ~Yvonne~
    Such pretty dishes, the big question do you use them ?? Our closet HOmeGoods is 2 hours away, so I always make sure I stop there !

  19. I lov that little cabinet. It reminds me of the house where I grew up (my Grandmothers house). I love, LOVE all your white dishes. You are the one who got me collecting them. Love that cabbage tureen!!!!!!!!!! XOXO

  20. I ♥ white dishes and your display is gorgeous. But, of course it is. You have such a talent for these things. I always enjoy my visits to your blog. Hugs P.S. I hope you will share at my hop on Thursday :-)

  21. Realy love your blog! Great ideas, great styling!

  22. I love decorating with white dishes too! Most of mine have come from TJ Maxx or Homegoods... a very dangerous place! Looking forward to seeing your new project on Wednesday! Thanks for the post.

  23. I just love your blog! This is just gorgeous and that built in corner cabinet is perfect. (Why don't they build houses like that anymore?) Can you tell me about your striking crown bowls that are featured in so many of your white tablescapes? I adore them and for the life of me I can't find them anywhere. I would love to know the name of the pattern so that I'd know what to be looking for in the likely event they are discontinued. Thanks so much!

    1. Hi, Kaille, The pretty bowls that you are referring to came from HomeGoods! The only markings they have on them is the letter B in a stylized circle. Sorry, I have no other identifications.
