Wednesday, January 22, 2014


I've always wanted a bar cart. I think they are so chic! They have that James Bond, devil-may-care, joie de vivre  attitude about them. They are cool and sophisticated and can be used for anything from hot chocolate bars to martini bars...

And that's why I'm so happy they are making a huge comeback!

You can read about my new cart and how I upcycled it with paint chips HERE.

I tucked it into the corner of my dining room. And can't wait to have company to use it!

I have it set up with some very basic necessities...

I equipped the entire bar cart by shopping my house!

I outfitted the top shelf with a lamp that I took from an upstairs guest room. It is almost the same color as the drapes and very subdued!

The ice bucket has become a container for an orchid... oh, I love orchids!  I tipped the lid to make it stand up against the pot inside! The ice scoop rests on the cart to the left of the bucket and the shaker is to it's right.  An ice bucket and shaker... so classic! Now I just need a man in a white dinner jacket... swoon!

Orchids are just about the only house plants I can grow.

Decades ago we had several gorgeous decanters, but I got rid of them when they went out of vogue. I'm kicking myself now! The two left hold some whiskey and gin.

I think the cart would also be fabulous made into a coffee bar with lots of fun liquors and coffee add-ins! Wouldn't Bailey's look great in a decanter?

A blown glass holds corks and bar gadgets. Notice the silver golf club stirrers I brought back for Bobby from a girls' trip to Savannah (the Mothership) one year!

A wine cooler on the bottom shelf is already stocked with wine and some wine glasses.

I also love corks... so I filled a fluted bowl with a couple handfuls of them. These are new corks, but I save most of our wine corks!

Tucked behind the bowl is my favorite wine decanter. Decanting and aerating red wine makes a $10.00 bottle of wine taste like a $60.00 bottle of wine! It seriously does!

This is our main bar between the breakfast room and family room, so we don't need to keep the bar cart stocked with lots of different liquors, mixers etc. 

We only need to stock with our next dinner in mind!

How about you?  Do you like the white hot, chic bar cart trend? 

And what would be the first thing you would add to your bar cart?


  1. I want one! I don't even drink! If we got one (and we are actually perfect candidates because we really don't have a central location for glasses and bar things...) I would probably stock mine with colorful things, and have it dedicated to being sort of liquor/wine bar-ish and sort of everyday-ish. Pellegrino in the green bottles, short bouquets of pink flowers in a julep cup. colorful straws, and my Mom's beautiful crystal glasses passed down to me. And then my two little boys can come over and break everything LOL (I kid here because they are actually very good about being careful, as I've basically raised them surrounded by pretty things that are meaningful and they know "hands off!").

  2. It looks just perfect, Yvonne. The orchid is breathtaking.

  3. Last year, I took an abandoned tea cart and turned it into a chic bar cart - love it! (It even made it onto Apartment Therapy!!). I use it for martinis mostly but have also set it up as a liqueur stand during dinner parties. It sits in the corner of my dining room too!

  4. love it! wish I had one. When I was growing up my Mom had a beautiful one that she placed her authentic Japanese tea set on. I now have that tea set and need a cart to go with it. Any suggestions as to where I can get one?

    1. Look on ebay or see the link above. I got mine at Target.

  5. I really enjoy reading your blog. I look forward to whatever you will be up to next. Your cart looks fabulous.

  6. I love bar carts and yours looks so chic and sophisticated. I love them so much I even have a pin board for carts and trays. Great ideas as always Yvonne. Now where's that man in the white dinner jacket.....

  7. Picture perfect but I would expect nothing less:)

  8. Thank you for the hot tip. Picked myself up a beverage cart at Target this weekend! Now to collect paint sample cards... Will post picture when I finish my project.

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  11. My best tip is to remind people that if alcohol is going to be sitting in the container for more than a month (which unless you're a regular happy hour person it easily does) please do not use antique and vintage lead crystal. The lead leaches into the alcohol, and just like lead paint, can be very harmful to your health.

  12. Absolutely perfect, just like your blog. Would love to own a bar cart but can't decide between buying a new one or searching for a vintage cart.

  13. Very sophisticated, Yvonne! Love how you've set it up. I think I have just one decanter.

  14. Gorgeous!!! I love your blog. I have to check it out everyday. Your kitchen is my dream kitchen! Keep the good ideas coming. I am never disappointed!

  15. I just got the same one as you at Target for 38.98 on clearance two weeks ago, mine is in my diningroom too! I have a lamp on it and my wine corks but needs more.

  16. I had the Target bar cart and then returned it,... oh why oh why? You are making me want it again. It never went on sale either!

  17. My Aunt gave me a bar similar to yours a few years ago. I rolled into my dining room corner and have only used it for extra serving pieces. Looking at yours, I'm heading to my moms to find her old decanters and set it up correctly! I feel a party coming on! Thanks for the inspiration.

    Cynthia's Vintage in Virginia

  18. Oh I love the idea of this, the gold cart is perfect

  19. This is what I gave my husband for our anniversary...but we haven't found the right one the ideas!

  20. Yvonne the cart all dressed up and ready to party is so beautiful. Love the lamp on the cart. Perfect I can so relate to the orchids. I love them and so easy to care for. So what is the house specialty drink??

  21. Please share with us how you care for your orchids. I have not had the same success with mine.

    1. You certainly don't want me to share care of houseplants. I just give them a little water every week and cut off spent blooms.

  22. How chic! I showed my husband one in a store last weekend and he said, they are no longer in. Hmmm... I will have to share your post :)
    We have a wine bar stocked with wine etc., and I have it set up with cut glass wine glasses, 2 decanters, and a linen napkin in a silver tray. On a Bar cart this would be so much nicer, no?

  23. Love your bar cart Yvonne! We have a fancy folding tray table set up in the corner of our dining room with my husbands scotch and Baccarat glasses and ice bucket. Would love to have a pretty decanter and a lovely bar cart!

  24. Love, love, love! Your bar cart is gorgeous. I definitely agree bar carts are making a strong comeback! I recently re-did a 1980's bar cart ( and l love the way it looks in my living room. Love your blog! -Liv

  25. First of all, get Bobby a white dinner jacket!!!:) We sure don't need a bar cart now that we have a whole bar!!! But I do love yours, and it is pefectly appointed, of course!!! I am so happy to have some SUN in this new house so I CAN have luve plants. Funny though, I have NO luck with orchids! Tell me your secret, please. Thanks SO much for your visit to my blog. XOXO Hope to SEE you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Your bar cart look so fabulous. Plus it is useful as well. I can just see you feeling very proud at your first dinner party with Jeeves the Butler pouring drinks from that cart.
    I have a tea trolley in dark wood and I keep wondering if I should paint it or not?????
    Hugs Kay

  27. I love your bar cart! Great idea, to include a lamp. I used to have lots of decanters too, but gave them all away...we never used them. Enjoy your day! ;)

  28. I love that you added the lamp! It's all so wonderful...sort of reminds me of those glamorous days of the 50's and 60's. ~Ann

  29. Oh, I LOVE this trend even though I don't drink much anymore because of the glamous items. I also got rid of beautiful decanters that were engraved with our monogram and could kick myself! I have passed on the tea cart to my daughter a few years ago so I guess I am starting from scratch. Love your Bailey's idea...cause I love Bailey's. Your cart looks wonderful. Suzi

  30. Looks beautiful! I do love the lamp too. Having a bar cart or a designated space for bar items just sings to me. I love the drama of the cocktail hour and yes, the guy in the white dinner jacket! :) I rarely drink but it just feels magical to me.

    I honestly do not know how you do so much ~ decorating, cooking and blogging!


  31. I love, love love how you've decorated this bar cart! You're a pro!

  32. I am SO, so glad I rescued my Mom's 1950s bar cart from the Goodwill pile!!! She was more than ready to kiss that sucker goodbye a few years back. I wouldn't let that happen. It reminded me of the Rat Pack days. I like to put on some Dino or Frankie and pour myself a cocktail. I don't smoke, otherwise I'm sure I'd do that, too, just to complete the feeling. I'd love to have a couple of those cool 1950s dresses the ladies wore and to put my hair up in a beehive. Wouldn't that be just too cool? :-)

    I'm so glad you are enjoying your cart! You've set it up beautifully and given me the idea now to add a lightweight lamp. I had considered what would have been the perfect lamp, but it was far too heavy. I'm sure I can rustle up a buffet lamp around here that will be appropriate in style and weight!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  33. I love the finished product. It is staged perfectly and I really like that lamp that is on it and the jar of corks. Perfect as always!


  34. Yvonne,
    Cosmopolitan Chic!

  35. Well done and when can we come over for cocktails? Now to get serious would you tell more about the wine decantor you are using for red wine? I have a small hand held one to use for each your suggestion better but couldn't tell exactly what I should seek.

    1. I think all red wine drinkers should have a wine decanter with an aerator! I got mine on a trip to the wine country of Niagria-On-The-Lake . A single glass aerator works too.
