Monday, January 20, 2014


I'm creating a wall gallery on the main stairs and along the upstairs hallway at StoneGable.

I've been reading and reading and planning and fussing... and to be honest I almost didn't create the wall gallery on the stairs because it just seemed like too much work and brain power!

Then I came to my senses... there really are no rules for creating a perfect-for-me wall gallery... so I am just sorta winging it! My gallery is only partially done, but I'm enjoying it now... without all the design and style rules and certainly without the guilt of not doing it right...

Here are a few suggestions I have learned to create a wall gallery and use the "I'ts not rocket science approach"...

My hall wall gallery contains things that are similar in color and have strong black frames, mats or backgrounds.

Color can create a cohesive grouping.

I chose a theme of sorts for the gallery. I call it THE FIBER OF OUR FAMILY. 

The top picture is our family history and Coat Of Arms... this is a picture we have had for decades.

I made the rest of the pictures, all but the little sheep that is!

I change this picture monthly, usually putting a seasonal saying or something that has to do with family in it. This month I used a chalkboard background and a little Picmonkey magic!

Two small frames hold our family Bible verse and the names of our family including pets!

Again I made these using Picmonkey. I think the frames cost less that $7.00 for both. Pretty inexpensive wall art!

Art does not have to be expensive!  I have learned this the hard way. In our upstairs sitting room we have several large, expensive paintings just sitting against the wall! I love art, but I do grow tired of it.

Live with what YOU love... right now!

I also made a picture using the letter P... for our last name ... backed with some calligraphy burlap.

Ridiculously easy to make! And it makes a bold statement!

The newest member of the stair gallery is BARTHOLOMEW, the sheep. He came from my friend Linsey. She has THE FARMHOUSE PORCH and has an ETSY SHOP by the same name.

It was love at first sight. This darling oil painting belonged at StoneGable, I just knew it! And Linsey was so sweet to sell it to me! Linsey is such a talented artist and knowing it is her work makes me love this painting all the more... Bartholomew is one of my favorite things!

Here's something I believe with all my heart...and it bares repeating again... only hang up what you love!!!!  Don't just fill up space! And don't put something on your walls just because it is too expensive to sit in your basement (or upstairs sitting room).

How does Bartholomew fit into our wall? Well, I have a thing for sheep... that's all!

There is an empty space to the left of Bartholomew and that's okay! I'm just adding as I go! I say, you don't have to wait till all your art is gathered to put it up. Why not enjoy the process!

Right now I have no idea what will go there, but someday soon something will strike me and I'll know it's right.

I didn't measure or plan out my gallery on the floor or make picture mock ups out of brown paper... I just did it!

Believe me, I have probably looked at 100 groupings and ways to create a wall gallery and they were all so different and configured in so many ways that I came to realize that there really is no right way to hang art!  Just make it right for you!

One thing I will have to do is put those little gummy half circles on the corners of each picture to keep them from shifting. Askew pictures drive me crazy!

There is my wall gallery... so far!

So, what if I may have to rearrange some things. It's only a matter of covering up the nail holes and touching up the paint! That's a  little work for being able to walk up and down my stairs many times a day and enjoy the simplicity and personal meaning of this wall gallery!

Be brave... be bold and give a "no rules" wall galley a try!

Remember to

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  1. When you called it "the fiber of our family", my eye's question of the sheep was immediately answered - he is there because he represents the fiber. ;) If you had old house keys and/or escutcheons from prior homes' doors, it would be really cool to frame and hang those to the left of Bartholomew - just one idea. Have a great week.
    Rita C. at Panoply

  2. Hi, good post, and love the ideas. I make my own scripture prints using the great scriptures I find on Pinterest. I just print them out, using the ones I love , with the right colors to match my home . Sometimes I use regular paper , sometimes I use cardstock. They come great. All you need is a mat and a frame, and sometimes I don't need a mat . You can find images of all kinds ,to match your theme . I've done coffee prints for my kitchen that people thought I bought . I do not sell them , but they make wonderful gifts as well. Yvonne, would you ever consider sharing a bathroom post, and I'm always asking about your favorite books and studies. Would so love to hear from you. Have a cozy day and thank you.

  3. I love the comment about 'there are no rules' Your wall is great!~

  4. I love your style so much! I'm finally putting together my very first house, and I can see your influence all over the place! :) (PS- I never would have thought of a sheep painting, but there is something completely awesome about that one!)

  5. It looks great Yvonne! I am not one for taping paper to my walls either in an effort to figure out where to place things...I am a winger too! I do plan to put a gallery wall above my sofa in the living room...again with dark frames like you have but first I want my hubby to put up some wood working to add texture. I love your cute Bartholomew...where in the world did you ever find him??
    Have a great week!!!
    XO Barbara

  6. The new gallery wall looks lovely - I've been meaning to create one of these myself!

  7. It looks great Yvonne, and I agree there is no right way to do it, you just have to love it :)

  8. Thanks for the post . Very warm and cozy. Please share your source for the family crest,

  9. Your very special art looks wonderful with the new staircase Yvonne!

    The Arts by Karena

  10. That is one of the things I love about gallery walls, Yvonne ~ I don't believe there are really any "rules". I loved doing my two and they are both different. I also love that you can continue to add to them, which I have done to both. Yours looks great! Love your "P". I have a few "P"'s in ours, too, for our last name.

  11. You did a beautiful job on your gallery wall Yvonne! As you do with everything that you do! Bartholomew is a charmer for sure, Linsey does amazing work! I agree with only putting what you really love up, and the endless possibilities makes it so fun.Can't wait to see what wonderful things you will end up adding over time.

  12. It is looking great! There are no rules, just whatever you like. For me the most difficult part is finding frames. I have this obsession with wanting to hang original artwork or family heirlooms and then wanting to custom frame them. That is where it can start to get crazy expensive. A few times I have picked up stock frames at a craft store and then had a framing studio add museum glass or acid free mats to protect the piece. Thanks for sharing your wall, it looks great. - Tonya

  13. I love your gallery wall theme and how you will be able to add to it as you find what you like! The sheep print is beautiful!

  14. I think your gallery looks wonderful and I love your great tips. I think sometimes we try so hard to follow "the rules" that we miss out on the creativity.

  15. The best gallery walls are the ones of family treasures and items that depict your family. Love your gallery and yes we should set our own rules!

  16. I've been wanting to redo my gallery in my hallway for years and get so overwhelmed every time I think about it. I have many ideas on my Pinterest board, but I like yours the best "JUST DO IT". I love that you have a theme.

  17. Love your black and white! Your black stairwell is stunning!

  18. I have a gallery wall also...I am at a stand still as I have an 18 stair staircase with super high ceilings...I was in the Ralph Lauren store here in Atlanta and they have the most magnificent gallery wall you have ever seen. I told the husband I wanted the same thing at the house...We still can't figure out how to hang things higher then he can reach by just standing on the my gallery wall is filled but only half way up....looks a bit odd. BTW I use all the same with either no mat or a white matt. I buy them for cheap at Ikea.

  19. YVONNE!! Thank you so much for the feature about my little sheep painting. Bartholomew looks absolutely wonderful surrounded by your black and burlap framed pieces! And also with your creamy wall color and the touches of black, like your staircase. I want a black handrail now...that's so chic looking!

    It is an honor to adorn your home and I very much appreciate the mention on your wonderful blog.

    oxox~Linsey at The Farmhouse Porch

  20. You have inspired me to just do it!! I am excited to see how MY own wall comes together,thanks for the motivation!!
