Monday, November 25, 2013


Hi friends! Welcome to 


This is me....

As you can see I am recuperating from double knee cap surgery. The good news in NO MORE CRACKLING KNEES... the sorta bad news is that it's taking a village to run my life right now!

Thanks for all your well-wishes, prayers, love, cards, flowers, help, meals and support!

I'm on the mend!


Welcome back to The Scoop
The weekly linky party featuring the scoop on the best posts from around the web!

The Scoop

More exposure + less time = win win!

We are 
Anne from White Lace Cottage  Barb from The Everyday Home and Yvonne from StoneGable. Our host this week is Debbie from Confessions of a Plate Addict.

Thanksgiving is nearly here and I am sure you are all preparing for that special day with your family, so we really appreciate your taking the time to join us here at The Scoop! It's been a busy time for all of us! Just in case you missed it, we hosted a blog tour giving you "the Scoop" on creating fall vignettes! You can find a summary with links to all of the beautiful fall goodness  here.

And now we are excited because we are bringing you another blog tour and this time we are giving you "the Scoop" on creating a handmade Christmas! A group of 25 talented bloggers will inspire you with lots of wonderful Christmas ideas so that you can create your own handmade holiday!

Here's the schedule for

The Scoop on Creating a Handmade Christmas:

Friday December 6
Saturday December 7
Sunday December 8
Monday December 9
Tuesday December 10
And now we are very excited because we have a very special guest host joining us tonight...Christy from Our Southern Home! If you have never visited her blog, then you are in for a treat! I love her style! Be sure to head on over...and make yourself a cup of hot cocoa first because you will want to spend some time visiting with her. she is!

Christy from Our Southern Home

blog profile pic

 I am so excited to be guest hosting The Scoop #94 with this amazing group of inspiring ladies!  I've been a long time follower of this party even before the name change!
I just had the pleasure of participating in the very first The Scoop on Creating Fall Vignettes.  I will also be in the upcoming The Scoop on a Handmade Christmas. Exciting!!!
Let's get to all the fun! There is just so much eye candy here this week that I am blown away! It was quite the challenge to pick just a few from The Scoop #93! You are a creative group!

 It's not too late to plan a fabulous Thanksgiving tablescape! From the amazing view to the beautiful linens, I am just smitten with what Mary from Home is Where the Boat Is has created. Note to on the look out for a neutral, plaid throw!

Easy DIY Large Reclaimed Wood Sign at thehappyhousie

I am loving signs right now.  Making your own is such an affordable way to decorate your home. Krista from The Happy Housie has a great, easy to follow tutorial. The entire TV vignette area is fab!

Cindy from DIY Beautify has inspired me in a big way!  Her Piano Room Reveal on a budget is full of ideas and inspiration. Aren't those slip-covered chairs beautiful? I am now ready to try my hand at sewing slip covers! Thanks, Cindy!

I love to cook and this looks so yummy! I am all about one-dish meals during the school year. I know my family will love this pasta dish from Nici from Posed Perfection.


 I have been wanting to make these for a while from our old sweaters. Diane from An Extraordinary Day has a wonderful tutorial. The one pictured here is just beautiful! Use your own old sweaters or go check out your local thrift store!
Hosting The Scoop was such fun! Thanks for all of your wonderful ideas and for linking up! I'd love for you to visit me at Our Southern Home. I'll be sharing lots of holiday inspiration on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. Come join me as we celebrate the upcoming holiday season. I wish you all a beautiful Thanksgiving!

Thanks so much for joining us, Christy!
Thank you for linking up, friends!
Please read the guidelines before participating:
  • Follow and/or subscribe to your host blog.
  • Be sure to include THE SCOOP button or text link to in your linked post...mandatory to be featured!
  • By linking up you are agreeing that the photos are yours or that you have permission to use them, that we may use those photos to feature your project on a blog post, Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter with a link back to your blog, of course.
  • Please go to the source of a photo to pin it to Pinterest so that the originator of the post gets the credit.


  1. Thanks for hosting, Yvonne! So glad to hear you are on the mend and that you are being pampered and cared for. I hope you have a wonderful least you won't have to do the dishes, right? Enjoy your time with family and friends!

  2. Bless you Yvonne! Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  3. Hi Yvonne,
    Praying for your comfort during your recovery. Wishing you and your family a bountiful Thanksgiving!
    Miz Helen

  4. let me first congratulate you on winning the Lamps Plus Family Blog....I was so excited when that popped up on my FB page and couldn't wait to run over here to offer my congratulations! secondly, girl, I feel your pain on the double knee surgery...I had only one knee done in june followed by intense PT but I have to say that i'm so glad I did it...I still have a little bit of trouble from time to time but compared to the pain I was in, i'm so glad I had it done. now if I could get rid of my frozen shoulder......
    hope you have lots of help with your thanksgiving preparation and here's wishing you and your family a blessed thanksgiving day

  5. What a fun party! Thanks for hosting! May you be up on your feet in no time!

  6. Be well soon Yvonne and thanks for hosting.

  7. I hope your recovery continues to go well! Thanks so much for hosting.

  8. Wow, I hope you don't mind that view for awhile! Brave girl. Get er done.
    You will be up and at em soon and glad you had the surgery.
    Take Care,

  9. Oh my darling, I didn't even realize! Oh look at your poor legs!!!!! I am sending healing thoughts and prayers - you just get BETTER FAST- do all your PT and do what the doctors tell you to do! Oh my goodness, just right before the holidays too, you poor dear.

    Thanks for hosting - big giant sisterly hugs.

  10. Thank you for hosting hun and I hope you are feeling better really soon! Have a great Thanksgiving. :-)

  11. Oh Yvonne. That photo says it all. Sending you my prayers for a quick recovery. And in the meantime, just relax and go with it. Knowing you, you'll be up and around in no time :)

  12. Congrats Yvonne for winning the best family blog ward over at Lamps Plus ( You so deserve to win and I am simply thrilled you won!
    Wishing you a wonderful week and a very happy Thanksgiving!!
    XO Barbara

  13. I know you are in good hands while you're recovering, you have such a wonderful family and tons of friends. I cannot imagine doing this surgery just before the holidays, but I'm sure you figured it out. Big congrats for winning the contest. You deserve it! Have a blessed Thanksgiving, please say a prayer for our military and their families & all the animals on Earth. xx's

  14. Yvonne, I've been absent and didn't know you've recently had surgery. You are a brave one to do this in November. All the best for a quick recovery. Happy Holidays! ~ Sarah

  15. Hi Yvonne,

    First time here at this lovely party! A speedy recovery to you! Thanks for hosting and happy Thanksgiving!


  16. Oh my Yvonne!! I almost had both my knees replaced at one time. Instead I had one done in September and the other one is to be done in January. Can't wait like you to be pain free! I'll be praying for you as you heal. Did anyone mention extra large bags of frozen peas to help with swelling. They can be refrozen over and over and conform to your knees. Therapy is hard but I'm so determined like you to finish strong. I wish you the best this season of Thanksgiving. I'm thankful that you are so willing to share your talent with all of us. God bless you, Pam

  17. I hope you recover quickly! Thanks for the party! Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. Yvonne I am praying for you. Bless your heart! I can relate a little. I had ankle surgery Sept. 20th and just this week finally have gotten to walk on two feet again! I have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Just take it easy and don't fret about not being able to do things. Give yourself time to heal because you are worth it! Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless!

  19. Oh my Yvonne...what an awful time of year to be laid up!! I hope everyone waits on you & takes directions well. You can pretend to be The Queen & just dole out instructions to your minions.
    I wish I were closer...I'd bring you some of your Nana's chicken soup. I've made it & it IS the best.

    Gentle Healing Hugs & Prayers,

  20. Yvonne…feel better!!…I am sure you are chomping at the bit to be able to get around… you know that saying, "you can't keep a good woman down."….Happy, happy Thanksgiving!!!

  21. Yvonne, I hope you are good as new very soon. I agree with Shirley - I bet you are chomping at the bit to get around. Take care and let others do for you until you are healed. You deserve it. Happy Thanksgiving.

  22. I rushed over here as soon as I heard about the award and what do I see? Your knees??! How did I miss that? Not the best time of year to be laid up, but I'm sure you have lots of help and you'll be up and about in no time.

    I was at Lamps Plus scrolling thru the winners and mistakenly thought your category was the lifestyle one and couldn't believe that not only you didn't win, but you weren't even a runner up!! Of course, once I continued to scroll down there you were! I actually yelled out 'yay' and my husband, who was on the other side of the house, thought maybe we won the lotto. Lol. (I made him vote too so he was happy you won also) :)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  23. Yvonne, I'm hoping you will be up and around quickly! No more cracking knees! Yeah! Praying your recovery will be speedy! May your Thanksgiving be filled with many wonderful blessings!

  24. Hi Yvonne! First, let me say that I hope your recovery goes quickly and smoothly. I have had two knee surgeries and know it is no fun (but worth it)! Second, let me say thank you for hosting! I am a new blogger linking up for the first time and look forward to following you via social media and Bloglovin!

    - Tasha @ Designer Trapped in a Lawyer's Body (

  25. Hi lovely lady.
    Thank you for hosting hun and I hope you are feeling better really soon! Have a great Thanksgiving with your family.


  26. Yvonne,
    Oh, my goodness, dear friend!!!
    What an undertaking to have BOTH knees done at the same time!!!
    'll continue my prayers for your speedy recovery!!!
    Have a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  27. Thinking of you and hoping you have a quick recovery and minimal pain.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Yvonne.

  28. Prayers for a speedy recovery, Yvonne! I know it must be very frustrating especially at this time of year. It has been a tough few weeks here too, dh was rushed to hosp and in ICU for 3 days. So he is the patient and I am the nurse! I hope you are being well taken care of!
    God's blessings and a very happy Tgiving to you and yours! I will think of you when I use the acorn pan. Trying them with shortbread this year. It will be the only thing I make as we won't be celebrating this year, but I am thankful he is recovering! Take care!

  29. My gosh! I hope you are a good patient and rest enough to recover quickly. Jennifer

  30. I hope you are getting some much needed rest right now friend! Praying for a fast recovery and thank you as always for a wonderful party :) xo

  31. Rest well and you're in my prayers.
