Saturday, October 12, 2013


I have some good new and some bad news!

The bad news is...

I am not a big Halloween Fan!

I know, a pox on my pumpkin! I have never liked the idea of scary and other-world things and celebrating death!  And I am a little upset with Halloween for taking so much attention away from Thanksgiving!

But... here's the good news...

 I do love kids dressed in fun costumes and giving out candy and cats and bats and pumpkins. So I created these fun NO-SEW HALLOWEEN NAPKINS with the tamer side of Halloween in mind...

I am joining a great group of NO-SEW MAVENS for...

Make sure you see all the other great NO-SEW projects!

StoneGable No-Sew Halloween Napkins
white napikins
free printable from Ann at ON SUTTON PLACE
Avery Light Fabric Transfer

I used Ann's October free printable and added added a few extra Halloween elements and a black border to each one using Picmonkey...

Ann's October Printable...

Fall October Subway Art Free Printable

Embellished with



and Candy Corn...

Make a mirror image of each printable...

I have done this for you.

Print it out using a Transfer sheet.

Cut each transfer as close to the black border as you can.

Follow Transfer package directions, and iron each transfer on a white napkin.

Cool and peel off the transfer backing.


or should I say... BOO-LA (using a Dracula accent)!

I made four napkins in different style...

So easy and FUN!

Next week I'll show you how to make the adorable napkin ring (it's really a lapel pin).  It's NO SEW too!

Here are 5 more creative NO-SEW HALLOWEEN projects:

Suzy from Worthing Court- NO-SEW HALLOWEEN FABRIC ART
Ann from On Sutton Place- NO-SEW SILVERWARE HOLDER
Debbie from Confessions Of A Plate Addict - NO-SEW POTTERY BARN INSPIRED BOO PILLOW

Remember to...


  1. These turned out so cute! I have never done anything with Iron-on transfer paper. You make it sound easy. I'm with you...not really into Halloween and all the creepiness of it either. I do like the sweet treats part ;-) I prefer to decorate for fall and Thanksgiving too. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Very cute Yvonne! Just gotta keep the "Happy" in Halloween and then it's fun for everyone! Since I seem to be on a spider kick this year, I'll use the spider napkin:@)

  3. These are so amazingly adorable!!!! Any table would be thrilled to have them! I also love the fact that some of the designs take us right to Thanksgiving! They turned out picture perfect! Thanks so much for sharing your creativity and a big thank you to Ann! Oh and I forgot to mention had me at NO to my ears! Hugs...

  4. You sure made the best of Halloween, Yvonne. I believe most of us have very mixed feelings about Halloween these days.

    I do love these napkins!

  5. Very cute! and thanks so much for making it easy.

    Would you be willing to share how you made your pretty flower placed at the top of the napkin?

    Thank you!
    From Virginia

    1. Yes, I am going to have a tutorial next week.

    2. I knew you wouldn't disappoint! Thanks so much and looking forward to it! =)

  6. Those just couldn't be cuter! Thanks for doing all the work! I'm with you, don't like the ghouls and skeletons, but love the cute and sweet!

  7. Good morning, Yvonne! Cute idea and you make it sound doable! I'm off to get the supplies to try it! Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. These couldn't be cuter, Yvonne! I don't like to celebrate the scary side of Halloween either, but I'm like you when it comes to seeing all the cute kiddos and their bright little faces at my door.

  9. Love your napkins, Yvonne! Thanks for sharing the printables for them, too. I'm not much into Halloween decorating anymore either. I have a few things here and there but not like when my kids were younger. Plus, in this condo community we don't seem to get any trick or treaters. Kind of sad all around in my case because my birthday is on Halloween!

  10. The napkins are so cute! I'm not a fan of all the scary "Halloween" decor -- give me Casper, a sweet-faced smiling witch & forget the spiders and skulls!

  11. These are adorable and I want to do them!!!!!!!!! I will have t try to figure this out:):) I am so dense sometimes about this stuff, but NO SEW is for me!!! I have never liked the scary side of Halloween either, in fact as a kid I never even wanted to dress up and go out but PEER PRESSURE got the best of me:):) When the kids were little I would decorate for Halloween but all my witches and ghosts were sweet, friendly and CUTE!!!!!!!!!! XOXO

  12. Yes, Yvonne, I agree with you completely on the Halloween idea. I sometimes wonder how many people remember that it is just Hallow's Eve -- the evening before All Saints' Day? I do love celebrating the fall season and your napkin really does that. Linda

  13. I feel exactly the same way about Halloween. I wish I had your creative juices, these napkins and designs are simply adorable!!! Love them!

  14. Yvonne,

    That is so sweet! Perfect for guest room towels!
    My daughter is afraid of Halloween so I wrote her a poem last year to settle her nerves and give her heart peace. Halloween has morphed into such a gory, depressing "holiday". It's not how I remember it.

    Maybe it will give you peace too?



  15. These are so cute Yvonne, and your embellishments are wonderful. However, I think it is actually all the commercial hype and hysteria for Christmas that takes attention away from Thanksgiving. I give turkey day its due, always have. lol xo

  16. I love them! I am not a big Halloween Fan either, but I love everything about Fall and Thanksgiving. Thank you

  17. Spooktacular Fun, oh so clever and creative using Ann's printable, I love ALL the versions for napkins Yvonne! Throw me in the Halloween fan club section, these make my inner witch cackle with glee :)

  18. I loathe Halloween myself. The real world we live in is scary enough without us intentionally creating more fear and terror. Personally, I've never understood how good Christian people could profess to love all that is virtuous, lovely, and Godly for 364 days of the year, and then set that all aside to celebrate that which is satanic, evil and macabre the other day. It seems like the ultimate hypocrisy to me. God will not be mocked.

  19. Darling napkins, Yvonne...thanks for the reversed images, too. Cute idea!

  20. Perfect, you make it look so easy too. I am like you, not a fan of Halloween. I do no decorating for it at all.

  21. I love these and would like to make them, too. But I can't figure out how to download the images! When I click them nothing happens. Any advice?

  22. These are really adorable napkins I would say and U really liked them. I would like to see some DIY kinda stuff here If it is possible.

  23. Love the napkins, cute! I love the embellishments to Ann's printable! I am having so much fun with our little no-sew group!...hugs...Debbie

  24. The project is so cute. I love Halloween--we decorate to the hilt, but it's whimsy & fun. Other people use it to be scary or make it seem vile. For me it's kids, costumes, candy and a party at our house. I don't know how this happened, I'm 62 and no one ever used to dislike Halloween. I also like buy full size candy for the kids and if the come by the car-full all the better. I'm glad you added a mighty cuteproject for those of us that do enjoy Halloween

  25. I downloaded this and am making them for my daughter as she lives on an Army base with LOTS of kids around so she loves to decorate for Halloween. I live on 6 acres so haven't done Halloween in years but do love Fall decorating. I am anxious to see the napkin ring tutorial you have with the napkins. Can't wait till next week!! Love your blog. Thanks!

  26. Hi Yvonne! Just wanted you to know that you have been featured on my blog! Thanks so much for sharing at The Scoop!...hugs...Debbie

  27. Did you ever share how to do these napkin rings? I haven't seen a post but maybe I missed one?????

  28. These are perfect for fall! And using other printables for different times of year would be great too, since fall is long gone right now. :)
