Saturday, October 5, 2013


I'm a ... "I'll know it when I see it person", when it comes to my home.

I have an idea of things I need and want, but I'm not quite sure until I see something. And when I see the perfect piece I just know it!

Take my family room for example...

I really needed a... something... for my family room. To go against a long wall. 

I first tried a tall hutch-like piece I already had... but it did not fill up enough space. It was too wide and hard to get around it.

So I started looking for a... a... buffet or sideboard... or counter... or cupboard. 

It had to be tall-ish and not very wide  because it was going to fit close to the sofa.

It also had to be a piece I could paint... with maybe.. some glass doors and shelves in it.

And it had to be a good buy! After all, I love love love a bargain!

I looked for months and months.

This piece was not going to be easy to find!

One day last week I was looking around the Pottery Barn Outlet, one of my favorite haunts, and came across this piece!

It was a bit taller than the other  buffets... sideboards...counters and cupboards I had bee looking at.

Great, perfect height!

It also was quite narrow.... a quality that was the hardest of all to find.

It also had shelves and glass doors.

And it was marked down to $999.00, way out of my price range... and then marked down again to $99.00!

Yes, you read that right!

I looked it over from top to bottom and there was not a scratch or dent on it!

It was solid wood, no particle board or veneers.

Why the huge markdown on such a quality piece?

 I tried the doors and they worked fine. The glass was in perfect condition. The shelves were level!

What made such a beautiful piece so... well, cheap?

Can you tell? Take a good look at the picture above!

It finally dawned on me... this piece was a top of a hutch!

It had fooled me! I really took me awhile to figure it out!

The bottom piece was missing.

Everything about it was perfect... but it was a hutch top! The bottom of the piece gives it away.

Even so, I knew it would be perfect for the family room. Not letting a little thing like it being a hutch top stand in my way I bought it, stuffed it in the back of my car and brought it home!

It fit perfectly! 

Once I got the "piece" in  I decided to hold off on the paint until we put the hardwood floors in RIGHT AFTER CHRISTMAS (do you hear me Bobby!). The dark wood added some much needed depth to my  family room decor!

We hung the round mirror over it and I am now in the process of decorating it.

I have a new quest... I'm now looking for baskets to put under the "piece" to hide the back of it.  

I've not found any yet that are perfect for the "piece". But I will!

We have decided to call it a "console". Not sure why. A buffet or sideboard... or counter... or cupboard just didn't sound right for this piece.

And it is not longer a hutch top... it has been upcycled!

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  1. Sometimes something just clicks, and you found the perfect click. It looks great.

  2. I LOVE your find....especially the price! Can you find me a FREE dining table...or maybe $5??? You got the bargain of the week! It looks lovely.

  3. Looks like the perfect piece for your needs! Love the mirror you hung above it!
    Mary Alice

  4. What a fabulous find. I love it. You have it decorated so beautifully too. Hugs, Marty

  5. So happy you found the perfect piece of furniture for your family room... lovely console!!

  6. I love it! I cannot believe you found it for $99. Wow! It looks beautiful. I love the idea of tucking baskets in the bottom area. Our TJ Maxx has some really pretty baskets. Maybe check there.

  7. Great story Yvonne! How I envy you girls who have the PB outlet nearby! Last time I was at Ross they had some amazing baskets that had just been restocked, if you have one you might check it out :)

  8. Ha! I never would have got that it was a hutch top if you didn't point it out, Yvonne! It works out great for your needs and now has a purpose other than what it was.

  9. That is just too funny, but we love love those bargains that work perfectly! lovely job.

  10. lucky you! have Bobby....after all of his other many projects, put a piece of wood on the bottom that could serve as a shelf.

  11. You had me there till I saw the bottom. We have the same(not so) unit that we use for the 46" TV.
    Picked it up at IKEA! Cost $300.00 Love it!

  12. Maybe I'm crazy... but I kinda like the way the bottom is. Among other things, it can hide cords.

  13. Wow! It looks great Yvonne! I've got to get over to one of PB's outlets. PB has changed (in a good way:) over the years and some of their stuff can be pricey. Love what you've done to it here and no one will ever know it's a hutch top;) As for those hardwoods, I had to smile as I'm working on my husband to help me with our hardwoods that desperately need to be refinished.. what a job that is!

  14. That is the perfect piece, and it had a perfect price. I love when that happens!

  15. great job thinking outside the box on this. It's gorgeous, and I think the baskets underneath are a perfect idea!
    I'm lovin' that wonderful lamp, too!

  16. It would have taken me forever to figure out that it was a hutch top! But, hey, it works!!! Looks terrific and was a steal of a deal, so I'm loving it!

  17. What an amazing find!! It looks perfect!

  18. Yvonne, our tv console resembles your new console. We have two middle shelves, whereas yours displays three shelves. I really like your display in and on your console. Beautiful!

  19. You clever (and lucky) girl, you. and you are decorating it beautifully. Happy autumn!

  20. Wow I never would have realized that until you pointed it out! It is really gorgeous with the mirror and your fall vignettes! Just beautiful!
    Miss Bloomers

  21. One person's hutch top is another person's console. Perfect!! You have decorated it beautifully as always. I promise , if you hadn't said... no one would have noticed .
    Hugs, Gee

  22. Wow, what a great find Yvonne! It's a beautiful piece of furniture and looks perfect for your family room. I really like it and the way you decorated it for fall. I sure didn't notice the wood at the bottom but baskets would be perfect under it to store linens or blankets or magazines.

  23. What a bargain, Yvonne! I never would've noticed if you hadn't said something! It looks fabulous ... fits perfectly ... and, I love how you styled it!

  24. I could not believe my eyes when I read $99.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just love it and also how you have decorated it. It looks bEAUTIFUL! XOXO

  25. Don't tell anyone and they probably would never guess. I think baskets at the bottom would be adorable...or crocks?!

  26. I totally loved it as soon as I saw it Ivonne, and yes! I would have dragged it to my car in no time too! I think it's a gorgeous piece in hard Wood, which I prefer and very unique...amazing, the top of a hutch, and I still think it's a total bargain! I would place dough bowls in the bottom part with magazines or whatever you prefer for Fall. I also think your vignette on top is lovely too. Hugs,

  27. Wow, did you score big or what? I couldn't see it as being the top of a hutch until the last photo where I was able to tell how really deep that recessed area is. I think it is perfect!
    I'm like you...I have an idea in my mind of what I want but really not sure until I see it. Drives sales people crazy!

  28. That was an amazing deal and I didn't realize it until you pointed it out. Baskets would be great. If you can't find baskets you could always have simple wooden crates made to fit the space. Then you could paint or whitewash them.

  29. Well, you can't beat $99 for a nice piece like that no matter what it was in its former life.

  30. Beautiful piece...GORGEOUS vignette!! Looks like a page right out of a PB magazine!

  31. Looks great. I love the way you have decorated it as well. What a bargain.

  32. I must admit I didn't catch it. Underneath you could put vintage boxes, games, baskets. Most anything. Lovely piece at a fantastic price.

  33. I don't care what it's perfect for your space.

  34. If you can't find a basket to fit for the bottom, maybe someone in your area is a basket maker and could make one to fit. Just an idea.

  35. What a bargain Yvonne and perfect for your space, styled so beautifully! I don't know whether to be sad or glad there isn't a PB outlet near me :)

  36. It looks wonderful ...and I am glad that you found it at such a good price! Looks beautiful there.

  37. Well...this piece was waiting for you!!!...I would have loved to have been at the outlet to see your reaction to the unbelievable price!...Looks like the perfect piece for the space and it was just meant to be!...The vignette that you created is just so beautiful Yvonne...and also, love that wood tone in the room!

  38. How lucky you are to have a PB outlet near by...mine is 2 hours away! Great find and the way you styled it is perfect and warm. I would love to have PB baskets on the shelves in my living room...maybe I will get lucky the next time I get to the outlet! Bless you Yvonne...happy Sunday!

  39. Wow!! Beautiful piece! You certainly hit the jack pot. Lovely vignette too!

  40. WOW! Everything about this is beautiful! $99! That's awesome! What a great piece! Don't you just LOVE it when you get a bargain like that? I love the mirrors! The placement and colors are just perfect!

  41. Amazing Deal. Wish we had a pottery barn outlet in our neck of the woods. Your fall décor looks beautiful.

  42. I think you could even add more baskets at the bottom (on the floor) and no one would ever realize that it was a hutch top.Great catch!!

  43. What a great find! I really like the raised look of it and wouldn't worry about finding baskets to fill in.

  44. Oh my goodness.....that looks so perfect and you have decorated it so nicely....I love the baskets.....and you could use the bottom part for displayig some unique fun pieces.

  45. You ARE a bargain shopper!!! Piece looks perfect for you space!

  46. OMGosh! What a find! What a price! You must be living right. :) Love the way you styled it, too. Who would ever know it was the top of a hutch.

  47. It is the perfect piece for that area, I love it....what a great bargain you got on that...I love the mirror behind it so much it is so perfect,, where did you purchase it...Thanks for sharing the pretty setting, I love all the photos...Phyllis

  48. I'd call this "Serendipity" fits that space perfectly & looks great the way you've styled it with autumnal themed items.
    Somebody was having a big sale on baskets this week. I got an email notice...I'll have to go back & check to see who it was for you.
    Nice score, Yvonne! You have a wonderful eye for finding just the right pieces for your lovely home.


  49. Wow! You really scored! Love it love it love it! You have a wonderful eye!

  50. When you find a cabinet stuff it! that's what I do.
