Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I worked all last weekend to finish the curtains in the living room.

 I've was dreading and putting off this project for at least 6 months! And they were actually quite easy to make. 

 I'm so happy they are finally hanging in the living room...

They match the curtains in the dining room across the foyer.

We are working on the foyer now... can't wait to show it to you!

You can read about my dining room by clicking HERE

The windows in the living room and dining room are tall and close together and I didn't want to have a lot of curtain fabric hanging on the walls or over the windows. 

A designer friend, suggested that the two windows be treated as one... and the third window be left untreated.

 Brilliant idea!

The curtains were hung to the height of the key in the arch of the window... and fall to the floor is soft fabric puddles.

The hardware to hang the curtains was a mish-mosh of on sale parts from 3 different stores. I painted them to match and the worked out well!

Matching hardware not on sale would have cost a fortune! I love a bargain, so I didn't mind painting them!


You can see the damask-like pattern on the linen curtains behind the lamp.

The two brass lamps on either side of the sofa are very near and dear to my heart! They came from Japan.

My dad was stationed on a remote base in Japan when I was a very little girl and he brought these beautiful solid brass lamps home with him. They are HEAVY!

When Bobby and I moved into our second home, my mother gave them to me.

They are one of my most cherished possessions!

The room is finally coming together. We started totally redoing this room by putting the hardwood floors in. I think that was 11 month ago!

If you are a StoneGable reader you know that Bobby and I do all the work ourselves... so we are S-L-O-W!

All of the seasonal decorations in this room were removed and are sitting in the study. Tomorrow StoneGable is being photographed for a magazine!


I'm still looking for a big french hutch for the wall by the french doors... and I need to paint the grandfather clock.  

Then I will ALMOST be done! I'm also looking for a couple of small pictures, baskets and some extra embellishments for the tabletops.

But is a room EVER really done?

Remember to

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  1. The curtains are beautiful, Yvonne and how exciting that you have a shoot tomorrow. Can't wait to find out what magazine.

  2. Magazine shoot?!!...congrats Yvonne...can't wait to hear all about it!...the curtains are stunning...you did a fantastic job as usual....the room has evolved so beautifully due to you and Bobby's labor of love!!!

  3. They curtains turned out wonderful and l love those brass lamps. How exciting that you are having a magazine shoot!!

  4. Congrats on your magazine shoot. The curtains are lovely!

  5. P.S....and i must say that I am in love with your brass lamps...and I am sure you know why....how special are they...they look gorgeous in the room.

  6. Yvonne,
    AMAZING window coverings, dear friend!!!
    I love the fabric!!!
    Is any room ever finished???
    I think a room evolves and takes shape with our personal taste and changing trends!
    Your home is lovely!!!
    Congratulations on the magazine photo shoot!!!

  7. Beautiful Yvonne. Wanted to let you know I made your maple glazed pork tenderloin and the breakfast cookies yesterday. Huge hit at our home. Thank you for sharing delicious recipes.

  8. What a creative and beautiful way to hang curtains in that room - I love that the windows are not covered, yet there is a softness that fabric provides :-)

  9. Your home is beautiful but you must not have pets. lol

    1. Oh now, we could not live without pets! We have a rascally cat named Hobbes and the worlds cutest and most spoiled dog, Scamp.

      We usually keep Scamp out of the more formal areas of our house. We love baby gates!

  10. It all looks beautiful, Yvonne. You did a great job on the drapes. I love the fabric and how they just frame your windows. It just adds that little bit of softness I think.

  11. MAGAZINE SHOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!! Can't wait to find out which one! I love the curtians, they are so beautiful in this beautiful room! I never would have thought to buy a "mish mosh" of parts for the hardware!XO

  12. Yvonne - they are the perfect touch!!!! And I love how they add softness to the windows but don't cover up the beautiful shape. I am so excited for you and your magazine shoot and can't wait ti hear which one it is. Good luck tomorrow and try to post a pic or two of the process. xxoo

  13. Congratulations on your magazine shoot. You have a very lovely home and I can see why they want to have your home in their magazine. Your drapes are beautiful - great job.

  14. Did you get your house locally? I love it! I have a beautiful loveseat in my living room, but I think I need to upgrade to a full couch. Fondly, Tami

  15. Bravo, Yvonne! The curtains are absolutely beautiful. I admire how much you and your husband do yourself~it makes everything all the more special. I'm also so excited about your magazine shoot! Hurray for you! :)


  16. Yvonne that room has come together so incredibly - you and Bobby have done a truly remarkable job - just WOW. Love it. That is AWESOME news about your photo shoot for the magazine, not surprised but am surely pleased for you, and proud of you, too!

    Please visit me in Columbus, Ohio soon - I soooooo need your talents! I am in such a design funk lately.


  17. Congratulations on your magazine shoot! That is so exciting. I hope it all goes well, and I can't wait for the detailed post.

    The room has come together so nicely.

    From Virginia

  18. So happy for you and the magazine shoot...your home is for sure magazine worthy!! I love your new curtains, everything just looks so fresh and peaceful. Keep us posted on the magazine details!! Blessings, Linda

  19. so stunning... you are a design genius. every thing you create looks perfect..

    I do have a question. I have a buffet//not as detailed as your beauty:) I would love to have it be a similar color to yours.. I you have a moment , could you write and let me know how to accomplish this.
    thanks so much

  20. Beautiful dear Ivonne, I love your new curtains, you always make everything you do and créate, look gorgeous! Wow, you of everyone deserve a magazine shoot dear lady, with your beautiful home; so my big congrats! Hope you have time to come by, I just mentioned you because I had a big dinner party where I served your fabulous Caesars Salad and home made croutons! Let me thank you again, as I got lots of compliments! Big hugs,

  21. I love the fabric for the new curtains. Congratulations on the magazine photo shoot. How exciting!

  22. Well Yvonne, I sure hope it's Veranda because that's what I see it in! Classic, elegant and timeless as always:-)

  23. Oh yvonne. How exciting. Cant wait to hear the details. Congrats!

  24. Gorgeous, gorgeous room! I am impressed.. those drapes are beautiful .I make all my drapes as well and hate to do it. How exciting to have a magazine shoot. Congrats and have fun.

  25. You are such an inspiration. I'm having the darndest time finding the right winter curtains for my little family room. It honestly didn't even occur to me to look for some great fabric and sew them. I'm feeling a bit ashamed of myself! Your home is so elegant, it's hard to remember that you and your husband do it yourselves. Really, I am so inspired.

  26. How elegant!! Can't wait to hear all about your photo shoot!!

  27. This room is so lovely. But then, your whole house is beautiful, warm and welcoming. I'm really looking forward to details about the photo shoot.

  28. I am so in awe of anyone that can make curtains. That is a bit out of my comfort zone right now, but I am willing to learn. Congrats on the magazine shoot and I love the lamps!

  29. Your curtains are so right for your space. That chest of drawers is a signature piece for you that always makes me smile. Beautiful room! I'm so excited you're being photographed for a magazine. Can't wait to hear the details. You so deserve it.

  30. Simply BEAUTIFUL!! Town & Country coming maybe?? House Beautiful, perhaps?? HGTV?? Better Homes & Gardens??? Elle Decor?? Country Sampler? MS's Living? Traditional Home? Architectural Digest? Country Living?
    Any ONE of those would be greatly improved by doing an article on your lovely home! Congrats!

  31. Worth the wait, they look wonderful. And so what's the matter with six months anyhow? I know some dining room chairs intimately that are coming up on their one year anniversary!

  32. Congrats on the shoot! Your curtains are gorgeous! xo

  33. Congrats on the magazine shoot!! Can't wait to hear and see it! Your room is stunning and the curtains just lovely. I enjoyed hearing the history of those lamps. I also really love the terrarium on your coffee table!!


  34. Everything looks beautiful! I love your new curtains.

  35. Beautiful curtains....Love the soft neutral colors of this room.

  36. Yvonne,
    I never tire of looking at your beautiful home.

  37. They look wonderful, they compliment the room perfectly. What a great living room you have!

  38. Awesome !!!! what a beautiful curtains...and what a lovely curtains pics. I will like your beautiful curtains. will use it curtains for my nice bedroom.
