Wednesday, September 4, 2013


It's time to start thinking about decorating for fall... and MUMS are an inexpensive splash of fall color that adds a touch of the Autumnal season to any home!

But sometimes Mums can be a little under dressed.. and well... a tad boring!

Here's a way to hide a mum's ugly plastic pot and unleash their fall beauty...

This year I wanted to make an arrangement that looks like a walk in the woods. Sorta wild and twiggy and a little unkempt.

Start with a great container that can hold one or even two mums.

I'm using a ribbed galvanized tub (Crate And Barrel) to hold my mum. I love its shape and size.

One of the best tricks I have in my decor bag is twiggy wreaths. I rested a grapevine wreath on top of the container and slipped the mums inside it.

 This not only hides the ugly black plastic pot but brings a whole lot of organic interest to a mum arrangement. Sorta like a twiggy collar.

Next, I added other fall element to the arrangement. 

I have a stash of faux-fall-fill-ins that I use year after year!

Use things like  leaves... and berries... and acorns... and feathers to make an arrangement have a fall feel! 

Because there was "dead space" on either side of my mum I used bittersweet branches and oak leaves to fill it in. 

Spanish moss and green moss are other great fillers. 

I have a thing for sticks and twigs!

Adding tall sticks and twigs give humble mums more importance... and continues to build on the organic walk-in-the-woods theme. This is another one of my favorite tricks.

Mum are not divas. Unlike like orchids or daffodils, they are not as showy if they stand alone.  The like to be part of an ensemble... with many element working together to create an interesting arrangement! 

I hope you will stop back tonight for 


Link goes live at 8:00 pm. 

Hope to see you there!


  1. I think you hit the nail right on the head when you said, "Mums are not divas." They need a little help, and I love the way you've shown them off here. Beautiful arrangement. Have a lovely day!

  2. I have a thing for sticks and twigs too....I love how they take your mum arrangement to another level. Love the color and texture, just beautiful!

  3. "Mums are not divas ..." love that, Yvonne! And, love your arrangement ... it truly does look like something you'd find on a "walk in the woods!" Happy Day!

  4. This is on my list of thibgs to do cause I remembered it from past years (and I have it pinned I think:):) Love the container too! XOXO

  5. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Very pretty, Yvonne.
    I love the tri-color berry sprigs and chocolate brown leaves at the base.
    I stack pumpkins in urns on my front porch every Fall, and decorate the base with wreaths of Fall leaves . . . but maybe this year I'll use berry sprigs, and do something similar to what you've done to your mums.
    Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  6. Yvonne, You have The Touch when it comes to making things look just right! I love your suggestions. Maybe that's why I like mums so much--they are unassuming yet look great when paired with other bits of nature. (Plus I love the pungent, fallish smell!)
    Linda from Lititz

  7. Beautiful. You gave me a few lovely ideas, we have friends coming to stay with us in late Sept. and I want to do some simple fall decorating. Thanks.

  8. Love this, I haven't bought mums yet, but it's on my to-do list. I think we're both a little "twiggy" this week!

  9. Brilliant- have just been replanting mums - good timing.

    Looks awesome, Yvonne.

  10. Awesome way to use a fall wreath. I can't wait to give this a try.

  11. Very, very pretty! Makes me want to run right out and pick up a few mums to start the fall decorating. Thanks for the inspiration.

  12. Lovely arrangement! I don't have any mums yet but sure want some now.

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  13. Well, sweet lady you made the mums look like divas with this beautiful, fall arrangement! I need to make a table for a dinner party with blue dishes, so you just gave me a great idea! Have a wonderful September dear Ivonne!

  14. You have a real gift for making any project or food look so elegant. I need to win the wreath give away, since I could never make an arrangement look like yours do. All my fingers are crossed!!

  15. Love it! It's so fun to bring in the outside elements to a design isn't it!

    Yvonne, who is the artist of the piece of art in the background? It's lovely!

    1. Thanks Gloria! His name is David Kessler. I love his work. Here is his website:

    2. Perfect! Thank you so much Yvonne. You are so generous with your ideas and sources!! Have a wonderful day!

  16. You definitely created a walk in the woods look:) It is spectacular. I always feel the need to make those ugly plastic pots look pretty too.

  17. Hi Yvonne, Mixing live and faux plants and twigs is such a good idea. I love the little framed blessing under your arrangement! Linda

  18. That is a beautiful fall arrangement Yvonne. I like the ideas of adding extra things to it to dress it up. Thanks for the tips!

  19. What I love the most about using mums is planting them in the yard in late fall and having them come up year after year...double duty! Love the look of yours, it doesn't seem as if I had the summer things out very long, but I'm ready to see them disappear! Fall, here we come!

  20. What a lovely arrangement! I love the orange mums, they are beautiful! I can't wait to get some too! :)

  21. Love your romancing the mum in your container Yvonne! I'm beyond ready for fall but I'm afraid it's summer weather here for another six weeks!

  22. Yvonne,

    This looks great. It's a nice take on a common element.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  23. Such a great idea. I copied your mum from last year in the wine cooler/ice bucket. Hope you don't mind if I borrow again. Thanks. Lori Lucas

  24. Yes Mums just don't do it on their own.
    Now you have made one great arrangement!!

  25. Spectacular mums with berries and twigs! Mums are such long-lasting bloomers in the house and outside on the porch. It is still way too hot here to think about mums, but in about a month, I will be adding some mums for our fall decorations. Your arrangement has given me some ideas about what to do. Thank you for sharing your incredible decorating talents.


  26. Your touches really elevate the mum to a sophisticated level. The arrangement looks lovely on your gorgeous curlyque chest!

  27. Your mums always looks so good every year b/c you dress them up so well! Your sidebar for the week looks like it matches my tablesetting this week. Jennifer

  28. Yvonne,
    LOVE how you put it into words. . .part of an ensemble!!!
    I put my MuMs into brown clay Italian made pots on the porch steps!
    Ah~h~h. . .our mornings have been "crisp" here on the Prairie!!!
    Early Autumnal sightenings, soon, I feel it in my soul!!!

  29. Just gorgeous Yvonne...I just love the gorgeous textures and colors of Fall...and you have certainly captured that!!..

  30. I love mums, but sadly for some reason they don't like me. Within a few weeks of buying them, they start to look pathetic. Year after year I keep trying though:)

    I wanted you to know I received an email letting me know there was a new post up and when I clicked on the link it unsubscribed me from your newsletter! I'm on my way to subscribe again but just thought I would let you know.

  31. Just gorgeous! Love the tip about using the twiggy wreath! I think you have the most beautiful mum arrangements in blogland!
