Saturday, September 21, 2013


Recently, while shopping, I came across a fabulous fall placemat and thought, "If only this were a pillow, I'd buy it". Then the creative light bulb went off. Why not make this great placemat into a pillow!

It only took 30 minutes using a little fairy godmother magic... to turn this pumpkin into a pillow!

BIBBITY BOBBITY BOO... I'll show you how...

My new pillow brings a pop of fall color to the neutral living room!

It works well with the NO SEW BURLAP LEAF PILLOW I showed you last week!

Now I have cute and interesting placemats on my radar... not only for the table but for my sofas, chairs and beds too!

This placemat came from our local Pottery Barn Outlet.


1 placemat (mine measured 14 x 20)
fabric for backing
down pillow insert (mine was 14 x 18)

1. Buy a cute placemat. I was so excited to take a picture of it that I forgot to iron it! 

2. Cut the backing fabric the same width and 8 inches longer than the length of the placemat.  Cut the backing fabric in half width wise. 

3. With the wrong side of the backing fabric facing up, fold over 1/4 inch on the edge you just cut. Sew. Fold over another 5/8 inch and sew to make a finished seam.

Do the same for the other piece of backing fabric. You will end up with 2 pieces of backing fabric with a finished seam.

4.Pin the backing fabric to the placemat, wrong sides together matching all the edges, so that the finished seams of the backing fabric overlap in the middle.

Sew the front and back of the pillow together. Use a 1/4 inch (or less) seam all the way around the placemat. 

Turn the pillow right side out, add a pillow insert and use fiberfill in the corners if the pillow insert does not completely fit the pillow.


Wouldn't a pillow like this look so cute on a guestroom bed?

When the season is over just pop out the pillow insert and you can store the pillow cover in a drawer till next year.  Then you can make another placemat pillow for the upcoming season!

Don't forget to...

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  1. Wonderful! I've wanted to try making pillows for awhile now. I don't know why I get so afraid to use a sewing machine and tend to do things by hand. Could you please add a picture of the finished back of the pillow? I'm having a hard time picturing what the back looks like. Must be like an envelope opening.

    Have a great day!

  2. Where'd you buy your placemat?

    1. Thanks for asking! I forgot to mention that in my post. It came from my local Pottery Barn Outlet. The info is now added to my post.

  3. You're a very talented girl, & always seem to have your eye open for a bargaain to turn into something new. what a lovely way to give your home a touch of Autumn colour.

  4. Love this pillow! I will have to try and make one. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Love this pillow! I will have to try and make one. Thanks for sharing.

  6. So cute! Love the vintage look of this fabric/placemat. I love doing stuff like this. I also make carry bags from placemats. I'll buy matching napkins, quilt them and use for the handles.

    Jake's a Girl

  7. i wish we had a Pottery Barn Outlet so i can make one. it is so pretty. i made pillows from walmart placemats and i hand sewed three sides and put the pillow in and sewed the last side and i used invisible thread. it was so much easier to use two placemats and you can use two different colors for two pillows in one.

  8. Oh...isn't that fun! It is darling! It looks so expensive. Hmmmm now I'll be on the look out for placemats. Usually, I ignore them...don't need them...but now I guess I do. This would look so nice on my front porch bench.

  9. This is a great idea..I never thought of it:)

  10. love this Yvonne, I thought that it looked like a PB design, great idea!!

  11. I love the colors on the placemat. It makes a perfect pillow!

  12. I LOVE LOVE it! Cute placemat/pillow. Love the iron on leaf one, too! Great tutorial!

  13. I love it, Yvonne! What a great placemat, but I love it as a pillow. This would be great for the two chairs outside our front door.

  14. Such a pretty pillow. You have that magic touch. Could you please show a picture of the back? Have a great week end and beginning to the fall season. Sheila

  15. Oh! I have just the placemat! I've had it for years, a tapestry looking Christmas placemat with nutcrackers. I can't wait to try to make a pillow! Thanks so much for the tutorial, Yvonne. I just love your pumpkins pillow. I like how the big orange pumpkin is offset. I really looks fantastic with your leaf pillow.

  16. Very pretty, Yvonne. I love the look of your space and the arrangement on the table is so pretty.

  17. Oh, I want one! I gotta go find a placemat. I have done them with dishtowels, but not a placemant!

  18. I love the beautiful graphics on your new pillow Yvonne! It looks great on your couch-enjoy:@)

  19. Thanks for sharing how you made your pillow, Yvonne! I will be looking at placemats in a whole new way now! Shared on my FB page!

  20. The pillow is pretty, adding the perfect touch of color on your beautiful sofa!

  21. Now that is just the perfect Fall pillow, love the vivid colors. So pretty Yvonne!!!

  22. I've done this but I used 2 placemats instead of a fabric backing. Much easier and took about 10 minutes to make 2 of them.

  23. I've done this but I used 2 placemats instead of a fabric backing. Much easier and took about 10 minutes to make 2 of them.

  24. Really pretty place-mat into pillow Yvonne! You are so smart!

    Art by Karena

  25. Yvonne, I've made pillows out of napkins but haven't tried a placemat and not for a holiday pillow. Thanks for the reminder and for the back enclosure. I've just sewn them around 3 sides, filled pillow and sewn shut. Your way is so much better if it is a seasonal pillow to store and it looks fabulous on your sofa..Happy Fall Weekend..Judy

  26. Great pillow cover and a great tutorial...


  27. You are so awesome, that pillow looks GREAT, lady!

    It really is the perfect pop of colour in your neutral room - love it.

  28. Great idea. The cushion looks great.

  29. This is such a great idea and the sky is the limit for what you can do. Back in my craft show days I made purses from place mats (ha!) and they always sold very well. Definitely keeping my eye out for great place mat inspiration! Happy Sunday Yvonne ~ Ann

  30. Love it and the pumpkin pattern is perfect:) You found the a great placemat.

  31. Now I wish I had a sewing machine! I already have several CUTE Fall placemats that could be pillows!!! Yours is adorable, I just love it. You are too darn talented:):) XOXO......boy do I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Just love that pumpkin pillow. I should have left a comment on you post about the leaf pillow. I love decorating with leaf items all year around. I would leave that lovely pillow on my couch all the time.

  33. I love all your pillows. Did you make the buffalo plaid pillow and if yes, do you remember where you got the fabric. I can't find taupe/white fabric, only a goldy-beige.
    I really wish that I had 1/2 your talent. Hope that you have enoyed your Sunday.

  34. This is a wonderful idea, Yvonne! I've made lots of totes & bags from pretty placemats but I never even thought to do up a pillow. You've inspired me to try it. I have LOTS in the "resource center" AKA my stash. I'm thinking of a pretty cranberry one I have, that has beading on it, might be luscious for Christmas.
    Thanks for the idea!

  35. I adore your placemat pillow Yvonne. It's so elegant and classy. Plus, it's way cuter than any pillow I've even seen to buy out there.
    Love the inspiration. Keep it comin'!
    Have a #happyday.
    Therese @ Fresh Idea Studio

  36. This is darling! How I WISH we had a Pottery Barn Outlet by us!

  37. Yvonne, that is so cute. Aren't you the smart and talented one.

  38. Good morning Yvonne! Your placemat pillow is fabulous. I admit I would have to hot glue it, but hey it might just look the same. Love it!

  39. Hi Yvonne! Just popped back in to tell you I copycatted your pillow idea and gave you a shout out in my post. : ) Have a great weekend!

  40. I made a pillow from Christmas Napkins once..4napkins=2 pillows. I made mine using a zipper. This is a cute idea too!

  41. Super cute. I hope I can find an equally cute placemat to make a pillow of my own. Thanks for the instructions.

  42. Three days ago finished 6 pillows using Christmas napkins. Now I'm going to look at placemats too! Thanks for the awesome idea.

  43. I love the pillow! I also love the pillow in the J&J room...did you make that one too?


  44. So cute! I have had a couple of napkins from PB that I loved and have been procrastinating about them. This is good motivation. I am going to have to line the napkons though.......thats why thw procrastination!
