Saturday, September 28, 2013


Blogging is a huge passion of mine! Can you tell? It's an outlet for my creativity... it feeds my need to decorate and cook and garden and write and learn... it also is in my teaching wheelhouse... and blogging let's this very social girl meet and interact with people all over the world.

Those are huge blessings... but they are not why I started blogging. 

Here's the real story...

This journey started five years ago...

My oldest child and only daughter, Jacqueline, had just married her college sweetheart Prince Charming (and I do mean, charming!) and he swept her away to Washington DC. The happy newlyweds settled on Capital Hill in a precious townhouse!

As Jacqueline set up housekeeping she would often call me and ask,

"Mom, how do you make ..."


"Mom, what's the recipe for..."



"How would you decorate..."



"Mama, I would like to make a ... just like yours"



"Mommy, how soon can you come down to .... I need your help"

The PARIS GREY BUFFET we painted together for J's dining room.

At that time I had also been intoduced to the wonderful world of blogs by a young friend. I found kindred spirits on those blogs. Women who loved what I loved and wrote about all-things-home. I felt like I had found a huge secret, underground community of nice women... who shared their very best ideas and invited me into their homes too snoop around and take it all in. I really liked these women!

It was sorta like finding the MOTHERSHIP! These were MY PEOPLE!

 Lot's of them were great cooks... or master decoupage-ers.... or had cracked the secret of putting together stunning vignettes. And they were willing to share!!!! And not only share... but also encourage! I could just hear them... "You can do this, I just know you can. I'll be with you every step of the way!"

About a year into blog stalking and many many phone calls from my sweet Jacqueline consulting me on home issues... a lightbulb went off in my mind. Really, it was more like being struck with lightning!

Why don't I start a blog. A blog just for Jacqueline!

It would be about all-things-home. It would guide and encourage and show her all the things I do at home... at StoneGable.  I would blog about my very best recipes... and decor ideas... and diy's and gardening and such. I would pour into her life all my best...    It would be just like she was still here even though she was 2 1/2 hours away on a good traffic day!

I could encourage her and love her through my words! I would let her know that she was doing a fabulous, incredible job being a wife and homekeeper and daughter.

I would write the blog like other blogger, to a larger audience, but it would really be for my Jacquie!

It took about a month for my blog, StoneGable, to go live. I was so nervous to hit the PUBLISH button for the first time. What if someone else would actually somehow find it. What would THEY think!

The first week I blogged about... BAKED OATMEAL... Jacqueline loves my Baked Oatmeal (she and Prince Charming will be home this weekend and I am having Baked Oatmeal for breakfast on Saturday)! 

In those early blogging days I took pictures from a cheap point-and-shoot camera. And really had no idea what I was doing! No styling, no lighting, no frills... just lots of love!

But there it was... my gift to my daughter. So she would always have a beloved family recipe at her fingertips.

I got 7 comments on that post... and an embarrassed fear gripped me... "Oh no! Someone found me"!

I wasn't very long until my blog took on a life of it's own and I began to feel a part of the huge secret, underground community of nice women... who shared their very best ideas and had invited me into their homes too snoop around and take it all in. I was actually ON the MOTHERSHIP with MY PEOPLE!

As more and more people began to find and read my blog. I found a whole other community. A community of readers that were interested in what I had to share.

I was still writing for Jacqueline, but now I was also writing for my readers... women a lot like me! And I began to love them and care about them and pray for them and want to share my best with them too! I now wanted to pour into their lives and let them know that they too... CAN DO IT!

About a year into blogging I had another lightning bolt moment.

I was like Laura Ingalles Wilder! What!  Really?

Laural Ingalles Wilder, author of  the LITTLE HOUSE books, began writing the famous series after she had retired. She was encouraged by her daughter to write about her life. She wrote about the simple and often hard times of a pioneer family in the mid 1800's and the changing world around them through the new century!

She wrote about her everyday life. Common things... and very interesting things to future generations.

It struck me that I too was writing for future generations. But they were MY generations! Just think... my grandchildren and great grandchildren and great great grandchildren would be able to see my life... my everyday life through my blog.

They might make one of my recipes and my very words will encourage them along the way.

 They could sit at the kitchen table and visit me through my blog!

They might even have one of the pieces of furniture I painted and be able to see and hear how I painted it.

They might learn about decorating in 2013 and catch my love of all-things-home!

And they might even learn about my silly sense of humor... and what their grandfather or great grandfather or great great grandfather calls my "LUCILLE BALL FACTOR"!

My most prayerful hope is that they will read my Sunday Scriptures and hear how I love my Savior Jesus and share that same belief!

Rembrandt and the Face of Jesus
source- Rembrandt

I would have loved blogging if it was just a to give my creativity an outlet.

I would have loved blogging if it was to impart the best-of-all-things-home and love on my precious daughter Jacqueline...

I would have loved blogging if it was to be part of the huge secret, underground community of nice women and to be on the MOTHERSHIP of kindred spirits called bloggers.

I would have loved blogging if it was just to care about and share with my beloved and faithful readers.

I would have loved blogging if it was just to have my grandchildren and great grandchildren and and great great grandchildren hear my voice in my words and come to know me and my everyday life.

But, blogging has created the perfect storm... with lightning and all!

It has given me all of this and more!

I love blogging because of you... Jacquie and Abby and Mom and family... now and in the future... and friends and fellow kindred spirit bloggers and dear dear readers and anyone else who just happens to stumble across this page!

You are the reason I blog... and I am blessed!


  1. Great post! I love the painting of Jesus. And, I always love visiting your blog. Lynda

  2. such a wonderful post, and I'm so glad you shared it, Yvonne, I agree, much of what I post is to chronicle my life, and decorating evolution. Writing for your daughter is one of the best reasons for sharing. and isn't it the truth...such NICE WOMEN!! a wonderful community of those who care and support each other! big hugs!

  3. I enjoyed reading your story, Yvonne...thank you for sharing from the heart. Great food for times I am wondering what my real purpose for blogging might have just laid it out in front of me. Thank you!!

  4. Glad to know you started for your daughter too. Such a great way to share with other generations. A news story recently said that research has shown when young people know about past generations of their family, they are much better balanced as individuals.

  5. Yvonne, I just love this post. I can relate to so much of what you have said. Blogging can be so rewarding and reading others can be so educational. I love the kindred spirit of it all.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  6. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    I love your post.
    I, too, blog for my daughters (and maybe even future daughter-in-laws). My blog is a diary for them. I share about it in the 'About Me' section. Blogging for them makes it even more rewarding for me. And the thoughtful comments that people leave are like icing on the cake.
    Thank you so much for sharing!
    Sending a warm hugs,

  7. Hi Yvonne, this is a first-time comment... even though I have enjoyed your blog for a few months now! I look forward to reading your blog and seeing your pictures - of home and gardens and recipes... you are very talented and have a gift that I'm so glad that you share!! I live in a somewhat rural area in Ontario, Canada and sometimes it seems that hardly anyone is interested in homemaking like I am!! I love new recipes and ideas for doing things around my home and your blog has not only inspired me but made me feel like I'm not alone in my interests in these things. Thank you so much and may the Lord richly bless you always!!

    1. Heather, He did... through your precious comment! Thank you!

  8. What a heartfelt gift you have given to all of us, your readers, with this lovely story. Thank you so much for all that you share.

  9. I want to thank you for starting to blog and so thankful I found it! Your blog has changed my world in so many ways! I have always enjoy every aspect of home, family and my faith but you have showed me real ways of enjoying it to levels I didn't think I could possibly do.... encouraging and inspiring all the way! My daughter are grown and married and I am finding the same thing happening so for now I post on FB for them but have thought about starting to blog for them and you have encouraged and inspired me once me! I just may start my own blog, for my girls! Thank you once again Yvonne! :-)
    Sharon G.

  10. WHEN you do... please send me your link. I'd like to be the first to "find" you! xo

  11. It's all about the "heart" of the matter. You are my soul food. And a sumptuous feast it is.

  12. Well Yvonne, a big Bravo! to you. I do not even know how I happened upon your site but after reading your story I was moved to comment, something I have never done before, outside Facebook. Your home is lovely, we share similar tastes and I am going to check out your painted furniture - good job on the buffet by the way. I have casually entertained the idea of blogging myself but was never really sure I had something to say. I too am a Christian and never cease to be amazed at how the Universe rises up to meet our every need.

    When I first moved in the co-op I live in, I needed a few things. First off I needed a couch and there it was a beautiful bamboo couch in perfect condition, in the garbage, never can understand what people throw away. The couch was too heavy for me to cart up to my apartment and boom, there was a man willing to assist me! Well, then I needed a dining table and yes, you guessed it, it showed up in the garbage. A solid oak table with a weighty pedestal and just a few water stains on the table top finish. After that a friend of mine in the building who knew what had happened buzzed me and asked me to come down to the laundry room, where people often stop by and leave what they do not want but others might. There was a vintage ladder back chair with a beautiful upholstered seat. I wished I had found two though but was grateful for what I did receive. Two days later the second matching chair showed up, in the laundry room!

    It is always like that for me. I love decorating my beautiful one bedroom unit in downtown Toronto. I know I am blessed and I hear in your story that you too have deeply appreciated abundance in your life. I salute you and am certain that you will continue to the gift that is the present.


  13. Thank you for sharing, Yvonne. You gave me a smile.

  14. Oh Yvonne, you have truly captured the what I have discovered about this wonderful blogging community. Your blog is encouraging, beautiful, and your Sunday posts lift me up and inspire. I have been a believer all my life and have not gone to church in the past year for a myriad of reasons. I chuckle and tell my friends that the Lord ALWAYS finds his sheep--how surprising for me that He would show up in SO many blogs I read. Thank you for all the beauty and inspiration you provide. God bless!

  15. What a lovely post Yvonne. I read it all, but I can't get over that first stunning photo of your daughter and Prince Charming. I can see why you began... with a mother's love. So glad you did and are sharing your talents with so many!! Blessings to you.

  16. I rarely post comments but I read, learn and so enjoy your blog every day. I am from Ohio and live in Florida now which is much different than the Midwest. When I see your home, the decorating, textures, garden, menus, it not only inspires and educates, it puts a smile on my face. Also, I started reading your Sunday Scriptures, I have avoided things like this for reasons I don't want say. However, your posts, scriptures, blessings and even prayers for a good night...I look at that amazing painting of Jesus and, thank you. Thank you for being the Mom that wanted to help their daughter and unknowingly at first, helped others in many ways and continues to do so.

  17. Yvonne, I loved your sweet entry today. What a heartfelt piece! I imagine a few tears welled up as you wrote it, too... at least that is what happens to me when I share my heart with the world. You have been a huge inspiration to me. If I could take some photos of my home, you would see YOUR ideas all over it! In fact, I might just do that. Here I am, waaaaay across the country in Oregon and you don't even know me!! It's a little like magic if you think of it! I am not a religious person, but I have learned a lot reading your Sunday Scriptures and they have given me something to ponder and take in deeply. Thank you!

  18. Aww, Yvonne, you are so sweet! I will never forget when I used to see you post on BNOTP and I would think, "that chick needs to start a blog" and I am THANKFUL you did. You are such fun and have such wonderful ideas.

    I am especially grateful when I emailed you asking about Barn locations for weddings in Lancaster County. You were so kind to share your ideas in creating Jacquie's and Charming's wedding, and so helpful in suggesting places in your area to hold such an event.

    I think we are the lucky ones to read your blog and know that you have something cookin', growing, or changing at Stone Gable. You have to blog or else we'll have to come to Stone Gable ourselves and snoop around ;-)

    Thanks so much for all you do.
    From Virginia

  19. Perfect post and I am one of your very faithful and loving admirers. I always look forward to the next post. Hugs, Marty

  20. A wonderful post. I'm so glad you decided to start blogging--your blog is a treasure!

  21. How precious, Yvonne! I started mine as a way to share our adoption story and connect with other moms in tough places. As I started sharing our DIY adventures on a budget my kids started asking me if this or that recipe was "on the blog?" I started calling myself google mama because they'd call me instead of googling how to do something, and I loved it! I have a 2nd blog that will share all our more personal story that is on Marty's Musings but is not front and center. I can't pull the plug on it either because it's not exactly like I want it. You've given me encouragement to just do it! Your blog is amazing and you are a wonderful woman of God. Love you, my friend!

  22. I love that you started your blog for your daughter - I too love that my daughters are able to read my blog and her my voice and feel my passions. It is a wonderful thing :-)

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. WOW. I am typing this through misty eyes as your blog hit so close to home. I too have been trying to find a way to connect with my own two grown daughters and one future daughter-in-law from 2 states away. It broke my heart that a new job for my husband led us to move to Charleston, SC from our home in Florida. Thus leaving my daughters who are now in the mid-20s and starting out their own young families. We talk practically daily about recipes, decorating, child-rearing, etc. But I have often wanted to do something MORE to connect with them and let them know what favorite recipes we loved when they were growing up or things I have stumbled across now. Blogging would fulfill that gap I am so craving. You have inspired me to start my own blog & I thank you for all of your encouraging words. I wish you nothing but success and will gladly continue to follow you. I too have followed many other bloggers for quite a while & it DOES feel like an underground world of fantastic make believe friends. I love it!!!! Best wishes and thanks again. nl. <3

  25. We all love you & your blog Yvonne. You are so talented and so gracious in sharing your tips with us . I guess we have Jacqueline to thank that you started your blog. What would we do without you!

  26. Yvonne, we are so blessed to witness your creativity but most importantly to have a piece of your heart!

  27. Your blog and your heart are beautiful! You've re-inspired me to just start. I want my blog to be beautiful as yours is, so it's good to know you started with in inexpensive camera, etc. Your inspiration is beautiful, too. As I write, I'm helping my daughter arrange furniture in her new home via our smartphones. I appreciate your Sunday facebook post that you have prayed for all who read it. I do love your Savior, because He is mine, as well. Blessings!

  28. And Proverbs 31 continues to reveal jewels of great value. Thanks, Yvonne. Cherry Kay

  29. Oh such a beautiful post and how sweet of you to start off doing it just for your daughter. Just precious. You sure have come a long way, styling and photographing your pictures and your blog is just delightful every visit I have.

  30. I remember how sad I was when you went away for awhile. I will never forget the goodbye post after I had just made your acquaintance. All the beautiful farewell comments...

    Then up you popped again with Sunday your spirit...followed by a recipe for laundry soap!

    StoneGable is home to so many.

    Your post brought this quote to mind.

    “My mother...taught me about the power of inspiration and courage, and she did it with a strength and a passion that I wish could be bottled.” ~Carly Fiorina


  31. whoops!!! I meant... "your Sunday" spirit!

  32. loved reading this....just beautiful.....
    i love your blog and it's nice to know others in the blog world have "older children" too!

    i'm working on a book for my children (and their children) to hopefully love one will be about all the many homes we lived in , the decorating and food in each home, my fave family recipes , will truly be published for them, but who knows? maybe others will like it too?!

    keep writing and inspiring....

  33. A truly beautiful post Yvonne.
    No matter what the reason for us starting our blogs, the end result is always the same... we are community. We love, encourage and support each other through life's highs and lows... yes we are kindred spirits and yes, we are blessed!

  34. What a heartfelt and wonderfully written post Yvonne! I mean really, you are so creative and poetic and soooo right about everything your wrote. This world of blogging is filled with the NICEST women who encourage and cheer one another on. We get excited if one of us is mentioned in a magazine or book. We send prayers and good thoughts if one of us is going through a tough time. We honestly enjoy each other's creativity and many time are in complete awe of it. I started blogging when my sister's husband was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. I decided to blog to keep family and friends aware of his condition without them worrying about being intrusive. It was only a matter of time before I started my decorating, cooking, family life blog. And as as I blogged I realized too that not only is this an amazing creative outlet for me, but also my legacy for my children. Your post really hit home for me, and by reading through the comments here many of your followers feel the same way! And that is a beautiful thing!!
    Keep on blogging Yvonne... and I will keep on reading! If StoneGable turned into a magazine today I would purchase a lifetime subscription!!!
    Wishng you a happy weekend.
    XO Barbara

  35. You are an example of how Jesus works through us. There is no greater gift than the gift of yourself to others. And you do it so beautifully. Thank you. This was a beautiful loving story :)

  36. I loved reading your beautiful blogging story! We are all so lucky that you decided to share your gift to your daughter with everyone! Love your blog!

  37. Good post, Yvonne, I think I've been with you since the beginning. You put a ton of effort in to your blog posts and we all benefit!

  38. And that my friend is the perfect reason to blog! This Laura Ingalls knows that it's also why we are kindred spirits. I too began as a way of documenting my life and that of my family's. That is why I still blog. As I quickly approach my 1000 post (YES!) I still dearly love blogging. Not because I want to make a million dollars but because I want to share, make friends and insure that my friends, family and future family knows that everything I do I try to do for the glory of God and to share the love that He has blessed me with.

  39. Oh Yvonne, I felt like I was being blessed while reading your blogging story. The love that you have from deep within your soul just flows forth. Your children are truly blessed to have you as their mother and I feel truly blessed to have you as a friend. I just wish that we lived closer together! Thank you so much for opening up your heart and sharing with us.

  40. I am so glad that your daughter needed your input since I, too, have been a recipient of all of your skills! What a blessing you are to all of us in the blogosphere. I look forward to every post and am so glad that you came back after taking a little break. Now, about that Stone Gable coffee table book....

  41. Yours is one of the first blogs I started following, and today's heartfelt and caring post is an example of why so many of us stop by your blog for a visit. Your posts bring a smile, and they share a wealth of encouragement, creative ideas, and decorating flair. I have recently started reading your Sunday Scriptures, and find them interesting and thought-provoking. I wish you the best, and look forward to your future posts.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Amazing post...I always enjoy reading your authentic "voice" and of course seeing all the beauty and inspiration that seems to overflow over there! You are a true blogging heroine Yvonne!

    I know blogland is a better place because of you and your blog!

  44. Beautiful post by a beautiful lady with a beautiful blog...we are so blessed to have you sharing along with us!!!

  45. Some things are just clearly meant to be. And you've made such a success of your wonderful blog. I never had a mother around, but your daughter is one lucky girl.

  46. Yvonne, ran upon your blog just this week and I am so very glad, talk about inspirational! You are someone I would love to know and have in my life, and now I do! I am a mother of two grown children, and grandmother of four, who I absolutely could eat with a spoon. I am the decorator queen among my family and friends, and love making my home a warm pretty place to live. The portrait of Jesus is incredibly beautiful, He spoke to my heart the minute I saw it. One more nickname is "Lucy" too!!

  47. I'm so, so glad you started blogging. You are such a blessing!

  48. What a great post! I love how you started for your daughter and future family :-) I have been following your blog for almost a year now and I love all your recipes, DIY's and decorating advice.

  49. I remember when I read a post of yours when you mentioned getting something at a store in Strasburg!!!!!!! I almost chocked and then couldn't comment fast enough to find out where you lived. What a BLESSING that you and I are 45 mins. apart, and you told me this story the first time we met in person. I am SO happy and honored to call you my friend, and wish I were one of your kids:):) God has richly blessed them to have YOU as their Mother. Hope to see you VERY soon. XOXO, always.

  50. Oh Yvonne... What a luvly and touching post. Made me all misty eyed. Thanks for sharing.
    I started blogging to save my sanity while on bed rest :-/ August of 2012. I was very ill and Blogs like yours and Kim's, BNOTP and Anita's kept me this side of sane . I am a very active person... always mutli tasking. Bed rest was the worst punishment!
    Thanks for Blogging!!!
    Hugs, Gee

  51. Sometimes I have to think things over before I even know what to say...I am still in the thinking stage about your post. So much to consider, so many layers to your words, which is one of the main reasons you one of the blogs at the top of my reading list. Inspiration to write better, write meaningfully, photo better, delve deeper to create an unique approach, strive harder to be the best possible,...

    Recently, I saw your post about how to create a velvet white pumpkin. That post shows why you have so many followers. The photography is stunning, the creativity is amazing, and the detailed explanation is excellent. However, the real lure is your pumpkin is by far the best! Your narrative explains why it is; you researched, practiced, threw out, re-did, until you had the best possible pumpkin. Now, that's a blogger worth reading.


  52. Thank you for all the time, energy, and goodness you put into blogging. You touch many lives with what you do...

  53. You have shared such wonderful recipes, tutorials, beautiful photos. Thanks for all that you have created and written and keep on sharing with us. xo

  54. Beautiful! I too discovered blogs about 3 years ago. I stalked them for about a year before I too jumped on the ship! It is such an incredibly nice, warm and inviting group of women! I had never thought that my grandchildren might read all of this one day. What a beautiful thought! Life to the full! Melissa

  55. I cannot imagine what we would have all missed out on if you were not here! What a wonderful post, and how much beauty you have shared with so many:-)

  56. What a beautiful post Yvonne. I love that your blog started just for your daughter but that you've ended up sharing yourself with so many of us, old and young. I've had the thought myself that when I'm gone there will still be a bit of my life for my children and grandchildren (when they come) to see. Blogging is so great!

    Thank you for blessing us with your talent and godly wisdom.

    Blessings to you,

  57. Yvonne...I am blessed to be on the "mothership" with you! So glad to have found my/our people. I was going to email you to tell you I have included your Nani's Cabbage soup recipe in my post for tomorrow. Hope that is ok. I bet Nani was one of our "people" too!
    Wonderful wonderful post - J is a lucky girl indeed & so are we all to have you in our lives. x, Kelly

  58. Yvonne, That was one of the loveliest (sp) posts that I have read on a blog. Thank you. Your Jacquie is so very fortunate to have you as a mother.

  59. Thankyou, Thankyou from the bottom of my heart, I truly enjoy your blog and find everything you do so inspirational. Debbie from BC Canada

  60. Yvonne, This is such a lovely post and believe it speaks to many of us. I so enjoy your blog and am glad I found Stone Gable. It has been in inspiration.

  61. What a lovely post to read this morning! And of course you know the love shines right through from your heart to your readers!

  62. I never reply, I know----but thank you so much for making my day with your tasteful decor and home tips.

  63. Wow...what a touching post. You are so fortunate to have found something so meaningful in your life and we, your readers, are fortunate to have you in ours.

  64. I look forward to your blogs daily. So happy you decided to blog and I loved learning how it all began. I too love to decorate, garden and have always wondered, "should I begin to blog?" Thank you Yvonne!!

  65. What a great post. We are so lucky to have the technology to touch readers from all over the world as well as our family.

  66. Thank you for sharing a wonderful journey and some heartfelt thoughts! How lucky are we - your readers, to be able to listen, observe,and learn from you, and most importantly, to be privy to the journey.

  67. What a beautiful post...just lovely! You are such an inspiration, and after reading this, I realize that I too blog for my daughter. She is only 10, but I want her to grow up knowing that she should always go with her own style, dare to be a little different, and always be true to herself. I love you Yvonne! You are definitely one of my people!

  68. What a wonderful post! I got goosebumps when you talked about your grandchildren being able to sit at your kitchen table and visit. So grateful you share a bit of your world with us, Yvonne!

  69. What a lovely post! I so enjoy reading your blog's. thank you for taking the time to inspire so many of us. Blessings

  70. Yvonne, your post really touched me. I am writing this comment with tears in my eyes, as I think you have given me a gift...a new purpose for MY blog! I have two teen daughters. However, I started my blog a few years ago to share my love for decorating and as an extension of my decorating business. I started investing more time in my blog this past year and adding my recipes occasionally. It never crossed my mind to write/post for my girls. You have now inspired me to do so! I've admired your blog for quite some time and it makes me miss home (Pennsylvania), but more importantly it's always felt comforting to me. And, now I know why! I now see what my blog is lacking and I am now so grateful to you for opening my eyes! Thank you so much!

  71. Yvonne, what a blessing your blog has been to me. I feel like I could just ring your doorbell and you would welcome me in as a friend. Not only do I love to see your home and recipes each week, but I look forward on Sunday to the word the Lord has given you in your Sunday Scriptures. May the Lord bless you this day.

  72. Yvonne, I loved every bit of your post. You warmed my heart with your love for your daughter and all the ways your share your homemaking talent. What a sweet, sweet lady you are. Thanks for always sharing and opening up your heart and home to us.
    You're the best!
    Cheers to you and yours,
    Therese @ Fresh Idea Studio

  73. A lovely, well written all of your are. Something I'm especially glad to read since I just started my own blog and only have two posts under my belt. I have no experience in taking photos and know that will take a long time to learn. You and your blog are one I read every day and look up to as a role model.

  74. This is such a lovely, well written post Yvonne. You are truly gifted--honestly I don't know how you do it! You are incredibly creative and energetic. I'm running out of blog steam and you're going strong still!
    I too started blogging because of one of my children. It was a totally different scenario but let's just say blogging was my therapy. And still is. You inspire me to keep on blogging. Oh, and meeting like minded people has been the most amazing thing too. The mothership!

  75. Good Afternoon Yvonne, This was such a lovely post to read and your enthusiasm shines through when I read each of your posts. You have such wonderful style and your talent seems endless.
    I was trying to remember when I first started reading your blog, I know it was quite a while ago, and way before I started blogging, but I was much too shy to leave a comment. You are truly are an inspiration to us all and we must all say a big thank you to Jacqui, as without Jacqui marrying her Prince Charming we may never have been given the opportunity to enjoy your fabulous blog.
    Have a wonderful Sunday.
    Best Wishes

  76. What a lovely post!! I agree with you in so many ways as to why we blog. I love reaching out to women across the country who have become my blogging friends, learning new crafting or sewing or decorating ideas, finding new recipes to add to my cooking collection. But, mostly, being blessed immensely by the lives of other bloggers who come across my path and yours, Yvonne, is at the top of the list. Truly.

  77. Thank you for your inspiring words. I have followed you for years and feel as though I know you without knowing you...:) and wish I lived right next door to you and we could conspire together. Thank you for never "ranting" and ALWAYS being so positive. I am trying to make the decision on a blog....I have started 2 times and have 2 blogs but have that fear of what if......You can not have fear and faith in the same sentence right! Thank you again maybe I will give it a try. Tonya

  78. I'm way down here in good ole' Anderson, SC. I look at your blog every single day! I LOVE it! Please don't ever go away...Didn't you go away once?...and came back?...Yeah, don't do that again! :-D
    ♥ Becky in SC ♥

  79. Yvonne, I didn't know "the rest of the story," so I'm really glad you shared it here! We are indeed blessed having found this community of friends and kindred spirits. Sharing fun, family, and faith with each other is truly a gift!

  80. Thank you for your inspiring often you wonder why...and your daughter must be very thankful.

  81. What a beautiful tribute to your daughter and talent that you share with your readers. I have been a fan follower for over a year now and love your blog and have looked back at menus you sent out for help after a long brain drain day. Thank you for all that you do.

  82. Even though you are swamped with comments, I must put my two cents in! Your blog has been one of the most inspiring to me from the very beginning!! If I need to know how to do something, I come visit YOU, Yvonne!! You have touched so many other daughters, and moms, and what a tremendous inspiration you have been. I'm honored to think of you as a blog friend, and look forward to reading your blog for as long as you continue to share it with us! As always, I can't wait to see what you will be posting next :)
    xoxoxo, Andrea

  83. Funny. When I think about what got ME into blogging, as the Lord is my witness, it was because of your and your blog. Seriously. I fell in love with it when I stalked for the longest time and never commented because I didn't even know one could anonymously comment.

    Yours is a big time favorite blog - it is spiritual, beautiful, and inspiring - and I love posts about you personally and of your family - have loved the wedding things, etc.

    I know it is really time consuming and very hard work - but I hope you never stop blogging. It is such a treat to visit you, dear Yvonne.

    Hugs and admiration for you always. xxoo Michele

  84. I have a very similar stoary - I moved to Australia, and my daughters complained that most of my newsletters were about my garden. So the gardneing expolits were moved to a blog so that those reading my newsletters would not be bogged down by my gardening stories. Now they all read my blog (as well as lots of other "online blogging friends".)

  85. I just have to thank your daughter for asking for your help which in
    turn caused you to start this beautiful blog.
    My most favorite place on earth is Lancaster Pa. I just love when
    you talk about your beautiful home and your beautiful Lancaster.

    Hope to get to Lancaster real soon. I so miss the beautiful countryside.


  86. I just found you and love your blog. Funny this is the first one I read. I can't wait to get to know you.

  87. Yvonne, I have tears in my eyes reading this. What a wonderful gift your blog is to your daughter, and I'm sure she realizes it. And those grandchildren, great grandchildren, great great grandchildren and generations hence will surely be thankful that you left behind this legacy, this part of you, this glimpse into your life and passions.

    I am so honored to know you and to learn from you on a daily basis.

  88. What a wonderful story! I found your blog after you were featured at Southern Hospitality and I come back each and every day just waiting to see what you will inspire me with in your daily posts. How lucky your daughter is to have you. I have only 2 teenage boys but dream of someday having a daughter in law that I could call "daughter". Hopefully if/when that time arrives, I will be able to inspire whomever she may be as you have inspired your daughter and readers! May GOD bless you, your daughter and all your readers.

  89. When I want a peaceful moment, to rest my eyes on beauty and read words of love, I come to your blog. We are all blessed you are here and we thank your beautiful daughter for that! God Bless you! Pamie G.

  90. I am so thankful to have found your blog. Every morning I look forward to reading your new post. Thank you for sharing and for your inspiration. Personally, I cherished those phone calls from my daughters asking for suggestions or recipes. Thank you for sharing that same experience with us. May God continue to bless you and your family.

    Melissa in NC

    Melissa in NC

  91. I know you feel blessed Yvonne, but it is your readers that are truly blessed. We are blessed to share your creativity, warmth and sense of humor ;).

    We have a few things in common it seems. I too started blogging for my daughter, and when my husband comes homes he yells 'Lucyyyyyy, I'm home'. Our friends call us Ricky and Lucy, and for good reason ;).

    Lovely, heartfelt post and I thoroughly enjoyed reading every word!

  92. Yvonne! I love you even more know now! That's so sweet that you started it for your daughter.
    Big hugs,
    Jamie @

  93. I have landed on the mother-ship! Perfect description...glad I am not alone!!! Love love love!!! Praise God for a wonderful and supportive outlet to bless others with and in-turn be blessed! Amen sista!-aimee

  94. You are inspiring me to write a blog for my grown twin daughters and teen granddaughters...thank you! I love that you write from the heart and not to get us shopping at some big box store. You are someone I am glad to have met. God bless, Cheryl Ann

  95. How silly of me. I was reading along just enjoying the pretty pictures you used to express your written thoughts then you showed the picture of the kitchen table and how your future family could visit with you and tears came to my eyes. How silly of me. I do not have any grandchildren but it brought back many memories of my children and our family dinners and all those special times together. Thank you, Yvonne. Somehow you did it again, made me so glad I follow and visit your blog whenever I can.
    Happy October!

  96. Wow, Yvonne...I loved reading this. It's so true that this wonderful world of blogging is full of NICE women that lift each other up and support one another so willingly! Your daughter is very lucky that she has your blog to encourage her and it's a place she can go to and feel like she's with you when you are apart. Thanks so much for sharing your lovely story.

  97. I just found your blog and what a lovely sentiment as to 'why you blog' reminds me of why blogging is so dear to my heart. I have been blogging for 7.5 yrs. I look forward to following along and reading your heartfelt posts.

  98. What a beautiful heartfelt post, Yvonne! You're such a wonderful Mom … your family is lucky to have you! Thanks for sharing your amazing recipes, tips and talent with all of us, too!

  99. I love you even more than I did when I first met you n a Pinterest pin I fell in love with. Godspeed to you and yours. You continue to inspire my spirit.

  100. well I don't even know how I wound up here, but something in your writing and style struck a cord with me, you see my mama went home to be with Jesus two years ago this January, and I have been struggling ever since then to carry on traditions she began, recipes, and decorating, gardening, and sewing and well it's just so much harder without her here to teach me, I'm young I'm only 28 I had alot to learn from my mom still on how to make my home an inviting place for my husband and daughter. I know you don't know me but I believe your writing for me the motherless daughter with so much to learn. Thank you! from the bottom of my still very broken heart

    1. Dear sweet Ginger, no one should loose their precious mother so young! God bless you! It sounds like she raised a wonderful girl into a beautiful woman.
      As I write for my Jacqueline, I'll be writing for you too!
      Hugs from a Mom!

    2. Gin,
      I too lost my mom at 21 years old. shortly after I found out I was pregnant. I'm now 46 years old and at times I feel as though I have not found my groove too :) . But I too find that reading Yvonnes" post and enjoying them all, reminds me so much of my mommy. She always made our house a home. no matter her demanding work schedule as a Nurse, her silly kids and a crazy poodlnamed Goldie. She truly loved life, God and family, and I see a lot of memories come back when I visit this blog
      Ms.Yvonne, thanks for such a lovely place to come and learn. Peace and Blessings to u and the family.
      Venice K.

    3. Sweet Venice, I am so touched.... touched to tears from your reply. Thank you for the privilege of reminding you of your dear Mother. I am so so humbled. I can say this~ "her children will rise up and call her blessed" Proverb 31. You mama in heaven must feel so blessed!

  101. Wonderful story! I love your blog and visit almost daily and browse older posts, probably weekly! I have been blogging for almost 2 years but still don't really feel like I've found my groove! Your story has given me another insight on blogging! Blessings, Tammy

  102. I love this post. I got up at 4:30 this morning, washed my hair, put on makeup, and was about to get dressed to take my grandson to school when I heard that school was cancelled because of the weather. I decided to get on Pinterest while things were quiet in the house. I happened upon your post. Oh how I would love to have a blog but I have no idea where to start. I am praying that I can find direction.

  103. Okay, so this comment is just a teensy bit late.....but the sentiments this post stirred up have been ever present for yeeeeears. You are my TRIBE...shall our numbers have so clearly captured the feelings of my heart. Thank you....I know the Lord is working through you, to bless us. I've always felt a little alone in my interests. No one, that I was aware of, ever seemed to cherish the things I did. I was "in the closet" for sooooo long. (The "closet" I'm speaking of is NOT the one the world speaks of, yikes) My youth was in the 60's and 70's. The world was following the moonbeams and spreading the love around. In the 80's the women became free to "be all they could be". Their meaning of that phrase never quite felt right to me. Your words are a balm to my soul. The Lord's Holy Spirit spills out of you like a river and those rushing waters wash over me and I am refreshed. Thank you dear sister. Well done.

    1. This is so well written and true. Amen!

  104. Hello Yvonne!
    I recently came across your blog a couple of days ago and I'm having a hard time getting away from my computer! I believe I orginally was looking for DIY/Craft projects on Pinterest and somehow it led me to your breath taking blog! WOW! I feel so at home peaceful and calm. Prior to this, I had been anxious to decorate/try new recipes because I felt like I didn't know how...and why waste money on things if I felt like I had no confidence in what I was doing. That has definitely changed! Your blog is so clear and simple with pictures to easily walk through these amazing projects! I have gotten SO much inspiration from your page. I texted my mom the link to your blog as I know she will absolutely love it as well. Thank you for all you do!!

    1. Renea, what a lovely comment! I am so so thrilled that my blog has made your craft life easier! Keep on reading... I have so many fun and easy projects planned for this year! Hugs from StoneGable!

  105. What a beautiful writing - You inspire me - I too love to create and make my home look beautiful.
    I too have 2 daughters who ask the "How do you" questions.
    I love the name of your blog... How did you pick that name, and do you own a bed & breakfast.
    As I look around your home especially your kitchen, you have so many cup, plates etc. One could only think you own a bed and breakfast..
    I love it all-
    Much love,

    1. Hi Rose! Aren't daughters wonderful!!! My blog is named after my home, StoneGable. Here is a link that tells you all about the history of StoneGable, a home and not a B&B!

  106. I am so glad you had a badge to this post on your sidebar...I loved it...every is the sweetest reason I have ever heard for starting to blog...what a gift, for her :)

    P.S. He's my Savior too :)

  107. I love it!! Thanks for sharing! It gave me that ah ha moment! I blog and create and had not realized how my daughters could also use and see! Thank you!
    When and how did you switch to such fabulous photography?

  108. Yvonne,
    I have been following your Blog for several months and enjoying it immensely, but until today have I read "your story", as to why you started it. What a blessing we readers have, as you have shared this blog in Love and as a Ministry to The Lord. He truly is receiving Glory, as you share gifts He's given you with all of us. Blessings, Nancy

  109. Yvonne,
    I have been following your Blog for several months and enjoying it immensely, but until today have I read "your story", as to why you started it. What a blessing we readers have, as you have shared this blog in Love and as a Ministry to The Lord. He truly is receiving Glory, as you share gifts He's given you with all of us. Blessings, Nancy

  110. I so enjoyed reading "your story". I've enjoyed your blog for the past few months, but never read this. What a beautiful story & testimony of a Mother's love. Truly, God has blessed you with a gift of Hospitality that you've shared with all us readers and The Lord has received His glory, as you continually share your Sunday devotions. Your blog, is my very Favorite and as Sister in Christ, The Lord continue to bless you as you minister to us with your gifts and talents. Blessings.

  111. I have loved reading your blog for almost a year now and just found this post! We share many of the same reasons for blogging. I started this adventure a little over a year ago. It started as kind of a scrapbook of our lives in retirement but then I thought I could share our favorite recipes and decorating ideas and have a record of them all in one place. It also documents (for me) my new passion for writing and photography. Thanks for sharing your beautiful blog!!! Mine is no where near as polished as yours but I love the challenge of learning and hope to continue to improve!!!
