Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Are you celebrating FALL yet?

I have 4 FAB Fall Decor DIY'S that will get you and your home ready for chilly weather... falling leaves... and mulled cider!!!

I selected projects that show off the softer side of Autumn... lots of creamy dreamy neutrals. But you could certainly use traditional fall colors for these too!

They are all easy to do and will make a big fall impact in your home!

Pick and click one or two... or all of them and let's get crafting...

There's no time like the present to start a fun fall decor diy!!!!

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  1. I love that wreath:) I think I may have to make myself one.

  2. Everything is so pretty, but i have Fall(en) for the wreath. Might have to borrow the idea :-)

  3. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    I discovered velvet pumpkins while vacationing in Colorado last year. I fell in love with them instantly, and bought several deep, rich dark ones . . . as well as a a few creme-colored ones. I'm looking forward to displaying them in my home this year.

    Your diy sweater pumpkins are soft and beautiful. I think I might have a burnt sienna colored sweater that's asking to be made into a few pumpkins!! Thank you for sharing your tutorial!

    And the raffia wreath . . . I love it!
    With so many colors of raffia sold, I can dream of a few colors that would also make a stunning wreath. Again, thank you so much for sharing!
    You've inspired me!

  4. Dear Yvonne, do you know I have given away velvet pumpkins, and entered many other bloggers giveaways of them, still no pumpkins!
    So, I am going to learn to make your beautiful ONES. Adore both the velvet and the sweater. Now to start with getting the fabric!

    2013 Artists Series

  5. Great inspiration Yvonne. Love the sweater pillows. I am definitely ready for our weather to cool down...It was really hot here yesterday and I've already planted my cool season veggies twice!

  6. Oh, gosh, Yvonne, I love the sweater pumpkins and sweater pillows! I will definitely have to give those a try! The ideas are swirling in my head!

  7. I love the idea of the sweater pumpkin and have a box of old sweaters that were going to go to GW. I will see if any of them are the right color!!! XOXO

  8. I so loved these tutorials when you first did them, and this year I am going to ask:
    did you use the sweaters for pillows from the ARMS of the sweaters you used for your sweater pumpkins? How incredibly frugal that could be!

    I may do both of these this year - promised myself last year I would, I should keep my own promises to myself, shouldn't I?

    Thank you - love this and looooove your incredibly inspirational photos.

    You going to Country Living Fair this weekend?


  9. I like the sweater crafts Yvonne! It's definitely not fall out there today, 88 and humid... But will be soon:@)

  10. I can always count on you to bring the best ideas....amazing talent out there!

  11. Love the raffia wreath...made one this fall for my bay window in our kitchen...I incorporated the natural, green and copper raffia for a great fall color explosion...they're so easy to make...especially with the help of at least 3 cats...now on to the velvet pumpkins...


  12. Love the sweater pumpkins!!! The raffia wreath is beautiful, too. Great ideas for everywhere in my house. :-)
    Kim @ Curtain Queen Creates

  13. Oh My Goodness...I just ran out to the donation bag I was sending out today. I had to retrieve a beautiful off white sweater! Thanks for this timely (for me) post!!

  14. I love all these projects but that raffia wreath is gorgeous!!


  15. I love all of your beautiful projects Yvonne!!!...already went over and "loved" your FB page...."liked" it too!!

  16. I really, really want to make those velvet pumpkins but I can't find velvet in autumnal colors here locally. I will have to order online. They are wonderful!

  17. New to your site...Love it. New follower too! Also pinned a few things. Come for a visit when you get a chance.
    Debbie @ One Day at a Time
