Friday, August 30, 2013


I'm getting an early jump on Christmas decorating this year thanks to HOMETALK and  LAMPS PLUS !

As a part of their 2013 HOLIDAY DESIGN CHALLENGE I was asked "how would you fill and decorate this lamp"?
What fun!!!!


With Christmas music blaring and thought of sugarplums dancing in my head I got to work like a busy little elf...

The kind folks at LAMPS PLUS sent me this beautiful FILLABLE CLEAR GLASS OVO TABLE LAMP. The lamp base is removable and the lamp can be filled with all sorts of wonderful and creative things!

 I have the strangest desire to fill it with colored jellybeans... but that is for another season!

Fillable Clear Glass Ovo Table Lamp

The lamp is so large and  impressive on its own that the real challenge for me was how to fill it and still let the beauty of this lamp show through!

The inspiration for my Holiday Lamp design came from its icy glass and the snowy shade... 

so I created a wintery white vignette ...


No traditional red and green (but how pretty would that be in this lamp). I decided to show off the softer side of the Christmas season.

And because the lamp has a contemporary feel I wanted to fill it with a little holiday sophistication!


I made a several dozen felt poinsettias... 

To see how to make them click HERE.

Most of the poinsettias were used to decorate the barrel lampshade... along with some tiny snowballs, pearls and sparkles... 

Every Holiday lamp should have a little sparkle and bling!

Because I want to use the lampshade again I fixed everything to the shade with removable glue dots.

I filled the lamp base with Epson Salts to resemble snow. A frosty vignette of snowy flocked greens, tall ice covered twigs and white poinsettias was positioned in the base of the lamp. 

Are you getting in the Christmas mood yet?

I sprayed a little nest with snow and embellished it with flocked greens and twigs and a poinsettia to repeat the elements in the lamp.

I bet you are beginning to hum your favorite Christmas tune, aren't you?

My lamp will stay up for New Year's Day and probable through February! I think it will work for the cold and blustery days of winter too!

Thanks so much  HOMETALK and LAMPS PLUS for asking me participate in the 2013 HOLIDAY DESIGN CHALLENGE.

Head on over to HOMETALK to see some of the other very creative Holiday Lamps!

You can see my HOMETALK feed by clicking HERE.

Now I'm off to the basement to drag up my Christmas Tree!

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  1. Really pretty Yvonne! I am loving all the different takes on the lamp. I thought I was nutty doing a Christmas post today ( it is about 90 degrees here at 8 am this morning) but turns out I am in good company!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  2. So beautiful, Yvonne. Very striking. I'm going to check out others at Hometalk..Happy Weekend..Judy

  3. Yvonne, it is just elegantly beautiful. Great job!

  4. I am not ready to see Christmas decorations, at all. It was 103 degrees yesterday here in Dallas, TX. BUT your lamp is stunning, you did a great job, and it doesn't scream Christmas.
    Thanks, Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design

  5. This is just gorgeous! I love how they are just like your Christmas stockings...just too much cutting out for me, though :( Enjoy it's beauty!

  6. Seriously, absolutely stunning!! So creative and I love how you truly captured the softer side of the season and that it could be left out all winter. Beautiful!!

  7. Very pretty Yvonne, and could stay out for Winter instead of specifically Christmas. Oh, I think those Poinsettias are just so attractive!

  8. Yvonne, Great job, love the all white theme and it is a winter wonderland. Yes, I have been pinning for this years Christmas, shame to admit. I started pinning last year before Christmas was even over. When the ideas and inspiration come, you have to jump on it, RIGHT?
    The song in my head is , "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!"

  9. How beautiful! You have truly captured the feel I was thinking of for Christmas this year... white and soft and soothing. Makes me want to drag my trees down ...
    Just luvly... Christmas dreaming now.
    Hugs, Gee

  10. Beautifully done, my friend!!! I loved the poinsettias when you made them and they are perfect on this lamp! XOXO

  11. This is a stunning project Yvonne. Thanks so much for sharing.

  12. Gorgeous lamp and shade Yvonne!

  13. Wow Yvonne, the lamp is outstanding. I just love it. I love all the white, bling, snow etc in the lamp. I am so ready for all the fall and Christmas decorating. just to darn hot here.
    Happy weekend.

  14. Absolutely beautiful, Yvonne! It's all perfect and I love the lampshade!~~Angela

  15. You are amazing and so is this gorgeous creation!!!! I am in awe!!! hugs...

  16. Stunning! I love everything about your design.

  17. Yvonne, your lamp is beautiful. I love seeing the softer colors; and it truly feels like a winter wonderland. Just what I need on this 100 degree day!

  18. This is absolutely gorgeous! I've been following the entries and this is by far the prettiest of all!!!

  19. You did a wonderful job, awesome! Di@Cottage-wishes

  20. Love it and Love that you are thinking about Christmas:)

  21. OOOhhhh- bravo and well done - you met and exceeded the challenge - this is stunning.

    I LOVE that lamp!

  22. Yvonne that is so pretty. I love the shade.

  23. Elegant and gorgeous. Love it, Yvonne.

  24. It is so much fun to see how one simple lamp can turn into so many different things by all you clever and crafty ladies! I love your whiteness! Gorgeous! Yep, jelly beans for sure next spring!

  25. Yvonne,
    "It's Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas" is stuck in my head, dear friend!!!
    Amazing lampshade and lamp base!!!
    I, too, already have my color palette for this years Christmas. . .
    but I'm leaving the tree in the lower level a little longer! Ha!
    Thanks for sharing your creative talents with us!!!

  26. It's perfect! I'm partial to neutral colors for decorating, and even more so at Christmas. White and silver are my favorite colors for the holidays, so IMHO, you nailed it!

  27. Yvonne, I just adore what you did with this lamp. The shade is PERFECTION!! So very pretty and you can use it all winter look since the flowers don't scream Christmas.


  28. I always admire your posts. So creative! The winter wonderland lamp is beautiful!

  29. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous Yvonne...something that I would love in my home this year for Christmas....I am totally going into a different direction this are truly an inspiration in so many ways!

  30. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Beautiful and feminine.
    I would love to make one for my mom.
    Thanks for the inspiration!
