Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Let's get out of the house and go on a little field trip today! 

I'm heading to the farmer's market with basket in hand to find the best harvest the summer season has to offer!

Ready? Come on...

The colors of summer are so vibrant, aren't they?

They make me want to take home at least one of everything!

Lancaster County is an agricultural area, so little farm stands dot the roadside. Nothing is better than farm fresh!!!

A trip to a farmer's market or farm stand is a must when visitors come to StoneGable!

This area is a real gem... a throwback to a slower paced time... and lots of farm fresh cooking!

I've learned to cook seasonally using to the produce available in my area.

 I love that farm-to-table experience. I always think I am doing something so good for my family when I cook with what is fresh and accessible!

Here are some recipes using what's fresh now...


Look what I have been seeing lately "on market"...that's what the local say for "at the market"...


Fall must be just around the corner!!!!

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  1. As a teacher, I love summer more than anything. But once school starts (tomorrow!!!), if I have to be in a classroom and not out enjoying summer anymore, then I want it to magically become fall. So bring on FALL!! Enjoying my last day of summer....Then let football and pumpkins begin! Lori Lucas

  2. I LOVE the farmer's market. My grandmother would pick me up at 5am on Saturdays and we would head on over. Nothing like it!
    Can't wait to try the cucumber recipe!
    Happy Wednesday.

  3. Wow they have pumpkins and fall corn already? I found sunflowers at Trader Joes to use for a shoot. Fall must be here soon.

  4. Yeah I love our locals here as well, I am just not ready to give up Summer! I do love the Fall but it seems just so quick to get here this year. Thanks for sharing. :-) Have a blessed day.

  5. So inspiring Yvonne and you know I don't like to cook. Will be sending the berry in a jar dessert and the bacon and corn chowder to my daughter tho.

  6. Beautiful photos! I love our local farmers' market but the problem is that it's open on the same afternoon as my Bible study. I've got to see if I can persuade the leader to choose a different day.

  7. I love our farmers market, and better yet most of the people I purchase from are local folk and I would much rather hand my money over to them for their organic produce than give it to a big chain store. Pretty pics:)

  8. I love to visit Lancaster. Nothing is better than farm to table. When I am back visiting pa again, I must visit Lancaster again.

  9. It FEELS like Fall, but I am not ready for it yet!!! I love the freshness of farm stands and farmers markets too. Got some fresh peaches, tomatoes and peppers today!!! Having our dinner group here on Sat. night:) XOXO

  10. Please tell me thats not a pumpkin and last years corn? Slow down summer!

  11. I love farmer's markets. We have a lot in Maine too. Your pictures are beautiful. Meeting you was definitely one of the highlights of my trip to Haven!

  12. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    I'm a BIG fan of Farmer's Markets!
    I was excited to see the pumpkin and corn photos! So anxious for cooler temperatures and Fall. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos!

  13. Oh yummy, I so love to see the pumpkins and Indian corn:@)

  14. Yvonne, I agree Farm to Table is the best!!
    Everything just looks and tastes so much better!

    2013 Design Series

  15. Love, love, love Central Market in downtown Lancaster. Live about an hour away but get there every chance I get. I don 't have a blot so have to sign off as anonymous. Barb

  16. Love the garden fresh variety from our local Farmers' Markets Yvonne! Amazing the mini pumpkins and Indian corn are already available!

  17. Bob and I were just at the Farmer's Market in Sav'h today. Bought fresh shelled tiny butter beans and white acre peas. I am ready for the summer heat to go away but we don't have a real change of seasons. No pretty fall leaves, have to go to north Georgia for that. We do have pumpkins at the grocer' fun in that.
    I love what you have been doing with your stairs. Love the black banisters especially.

  18. Yum!!!

    We just got a farmers market in our town. I am itching to go over and check it out.

  19. We were just in Lancaster Country for the first time. It is about 7 hours away from us but we loved it and cannot wait to go back. We took a drive through the beautiful countryside and saw the many roadside stands. The recipes you posted look amazing! Nothing like fresh, local produce!

  20. Oh my goodness! It's Fall already? I'm not ready!!! Your cooking looks scrumptious!

  21. Yvonne,
    We never were able to find Indian Corn here on the Praire last year, due to the two years of drought! Hopefully, that will change this year since all of our rain!
    "Mr.Ed" has Pumpkin vines growing in The Container Garden and in the past week, we have bright orange blooms!!! I am so~o~o excited, I can hardly wait to see the beginnings of the pumpkins!!!
    Thank you for sharing all the amazing photographs from your Farmer's Market and the great menu ideas, as well!!!
