Tuesday, August 13, 2013


My one little cucumber plant is just about done producing this year... and it gave us a huge harvest!!!

What do you do with a bushel of garden fresh cucumbers? Make pickles, of course!

We love puckery, crisp, garlic dills!  These refrigerator pickles are so so easy to make and really delicious and fresh tasting!!!

Grab some cukes from your garden, local farm stand or even the grocery store and make these yummy end of summer pickles...

Garlic dill refrigerator pickles have a fresh fresh taste and a BIG crunch! No wimpy limp pickles here!!!!  These are the best tasting pickles I have ever made... and the prettiest too!

makes 3 pints
This recipe can easily be doubled or tripled
6 small cucumbers ( I just used what my garden gave me... they were BIG)
1 1/2 cups white vinegar
1 1/2 cups water
2 TBS  pickling salt
6 cloves garlic, peeled
3 tsp dill seed
1 1/2 tsp black peppercorns
bunch of fresh dill or dill heads
3 pint jars

Wash pint jars in warm sudsy water and rinse well. Pour boiling water into all three jars.

Pour the boiling water out of the jars and dry with a clean paper towel.

In a saucepan bring vinegar, water and salt to a simmer.

Wash and dry cucumbers and slice into 1/4 inch rounds.

My garden cukes were pretty big so I cut them in half to put in the jars... this is an "it's not rocket science" recipe... my favorite kind!

Arrange the jars on the counter and add 2 cloves of garlic, 1 tsp dill seed and 1/2 tsp black peppercorns to each jar.

Add a dill sprig to each jar.

Begin adding the cukes. Layer a dill sprig here and there. Pack the cuckes quite tightly without damaging them. Make sure the cucumbers are well packed to 1/4 inch of the top of the jar.

Pour the brine into each jar to 1/4 inch of the top of the jar.

Tap the jar on the counter to release any air pockets. Check to see if you need to add more brine.

Put the lids on the jars and gently turn upside down a few times letting the seeds and peppercorns distribute throughout the jar.

Let the pickles come to room temperature and then refrigerate.  They will be ready to eat in 48 hours. 

As they sit they will continue to develop in flavor!

These pickles are really worth the little effort they take to make!

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  1. Yvonne, those are the prettiest pickles I have ever seen! I have only one little cucumber right now, but when the weather cools down I know we will have a bumper crop. I'll be making these and passing them out to friends and neighbors! Thank you for a wonderful recipe :)
    xoxo, Andrea

  2. Uma ótima dica, vou fazer essa conserva de pepino.
    Tenha um ótimo dia.

  3. They look good Yvonne! Great with any summertime meal or for a picnic.

  4. I am a new follower Yvonne. Your blog is beautiful. I so miss my fresh veggies. We made a major move so no garden this year for me...no canning either. I have lots of pickles left over from last year. Yours look great. You are just blessed to be so talented at many things...I hope you will stop by for a visit with me...nothing fancy just counting my blessings...Canning blessings to you and have a great week.

  5. I will keep this recipe handy. Hubby planted 24 cucumber plants this year (because I fussed so about the 30+ that he planted last year). So, you can imagine how many cucumber's that I have. I do gallons of sweet pickles, but I love dill and garlic also. I do the pickle pot for the girl's at his office, and they love them.

  6. Those look so yummy. I am the only one in the family who likes pickles so it is something I seldom buy. I have cucumbers so I'm going to treat myself and use your recipe:) Also sharing on FB today for all my friends with gardens to try.

  7. No kidding, I thought the photo of the garlic added was a little white mouse! So glad to read that it was garlic. :-) And I'm sure they're delicious, but if they only looked as wonderful as that first photo and had no taste at all, it would be worth it for the beauty! Fabulous photo!

  8. Yum, yes please. They sound easy to make...might have to try!

  9. Yum, sounds great!! And the pickles look so pretty in the jar... thanks for sharing your recipe, Yvonne!

  10. Love your blog! So inspiring. Can these pickles be stored in pantry? Thanks so much. Kim W.

    1. No they are refrigerator pickles. If you want to store them in the pantry you need to process them in a water bath for 10 minutes. I just did 12 quarts that way today.

  11. Your pickles sound great Yvonne! Pretty pics too-enjoy:@)

  12. These look and sound delicious!

  13. Replies
    1. at the grocery store or any where that sells canning supplies

  14. They sound wonderful and I am going to make some. Many thanks for the recipe.

  15. I'm sorry to be so dense....but is there an easy way to print the recipe? It looks wonderful!
    Thanks! Jennifer

  16. I was always intimidated by the process of canning; however, I can do this!...Thanks Yvonne!!...The pickles look wonderful!...and there is a lot of pickle eating in this household!!

  17. I Have never canned a thing but I could do this. Just wondering if you have a recipe for SWEET pickles? These are the MOST beautiful pickles!!!! XO

  18. Looks great! My husband will love these. Going to store for supplies and I will be making theses for the weekend. Thanks so much for your recipe

  19. Hands down the prettiest pickles I've ever seen. My Mom made homemade pickles once when I was younger... they were the best I've had, and I wanted to make some but per the usual, she has no idea what she did! I've been afraid to try ever since, I'm so picky about pickles... but I think I'll have to try these... how could they not be amazing??

  20. How long can these be stored in the refrigerator?

  21. I made these 2 days ago. I have a vintage gallon jar and just put them in there, instead of smaller jars. We tried these yesterday on our homemade burgers(after only 24 hrs in the brine) and they were delicious! Thank you so much for such an easy pickle recipe!

  22. Very beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Just made four jars today. I actually found these smaller cucumbers and sliced them up. My first try. What a treat.

  23. I just made 4 gallons of these same type of pickles a few weeks ago. They are so easy. I too am intimidated by canning, but refrigerator style pickles are GREAT. If you like spicy pickles, add a few cut fresh jalapenos with the seeds to the jars, and leave out the dill. They will give the pickles a bite. :)
    I also do this type of canning to make Bread and Butter pickles (anyone know why they are called bread and butter?? haha)

  24. Are there alternatives to the pickling salt?
    Can the pickles be stored on the pantry shelf?

    1. Hi Mary! You can use regular salt, but it has more minerals etc in it and may affect the color.
      the pickles I made in this post are REFRIGERATOR pickles. Please do not store them in the pantry. They are fabulous from the refrigerator!

  25. A must try for me...Thanks
    Hugs and blessings, Cindy
