Friday, August 9, 2013


We are BIG coffee drinkers, here at StoneGable!
Nothing is better than coming down to a freshly brewed cup of coffee in the morning! Especially when we can each choose the type and flavor of coffee that strikes our fancy!

One of my favorite ways to greet the day, when hosting a houseful of family and friends, is to set out a coffee bar. Our guest can help themselves to a yummy cup or coffee,tea or even hot chocolate and a little nosh while waiting for breakfast...

The kind folks at Keurig sent be a beautiful new coffee maker and lots of k-cups to try!  We are not new to Keurig... in fact our family has been using their products for several years!

Because I must drink decaf and Bobby likes regular... it seemed to be a perfect fit.

We sit out a big assortment of coffee and tea flavors when we have company and let everyone chose their favorites... and help themselves!

Because fall is just around the corner, I set an early fall coffee bar at the kitchen table incorporating the flavor and feel of the autumnal season!

A big round basket fills the center of the table corralling white dishes and sunflowers and apples... such pretty fall elements!

The kitchen scale weighs out the granny smith and staymen apples... they are for eating... not just part of the vignette!

But an apple is just an apple until it's dipped into creamy gooey caramel dip!

Doesn't it look decedent... it is!

Cinnamon Toast Biscotti... now that sound like something your Mom made you when you were a kid... is so delicious dunked into a nice hot cup of coffee. It makes the coffee all cinamonny and sweet!

These biscottin are wonderful to wake up to and so easy to make!!!! Look for them in an upcoming Foodie Friday post.

I wrapped them in parchment and tied them up with baker's twine... just like the little gifts they are!

Even before family and friends reach for the cinnamon toast biscotti or an apple slice dipped in caramel sauce, they always head right for the coffee!

I keep my K-cups in an old ironstone soup tureen. It looks pretty and can hold lots of K-cups!

My favorite... Italian roast (even the decaf is good and strong)!

Because fall is just around the corner we are stocking up on Pumpkin Spice and Gingerbread and Golden French Toast and Apple Caramel Pie! Oh... they smell wonderful!

I like lots of cream and a sprinkle of sugar in my coffee...

Raw sugar cubes for fall... fun!!!!

To make the early fall coffee bar into an easy breakfast for a crowd... just add assorted yogurts in a big bowl filled with ice, some granola and hard boiled eggs.

To keep it on the casual side, let friends and family serve themselves when they get hungry. I encourage everyone to eat in the family room. That's where people usually sprawl out in my home!

Fall is a celebration, here at StoneGable! We celebrate with food and friends... and coffee! Lots and lots of coffee!


  1. Yvonne,
    I adore your coffee Bar for Fall, dear friend!!!
    "Mr. Ed" and I drink lots of coffee also, but we prefer to brew it by the pot full versus the cup full!!!
    I'll be watching for your Biscotti recipe. . .as I feel this would make a most pleasing presentation for an early morning Board Meeting!!! Set with a Coffee Bar!!!
    Thank you for always inspiring and sharing your clever home decor ideas!!!

  2. Makes me more anxious for fall. Bring on the cool weather and all that it brings. Those flavors all sound wonderful!


  3. Oh had me at coffee and caramel!....I currently have a Capresso coffee maker.....I drink a pot of coffee every morning...I know...not a good thing...but like you, I LOVE coffee!...but I have been leaning toward making the switch to the Keurig coffee maker...many of my friends have one and love it...and you are right, it is great for gatherings as guest could choose exactly what they want from coffee to hot chocolate...As usual your displays are stunning...and wow, it is truly getting closer to Fall...where did the summer go?...Have a great weekend!!! xoxo's

  4. Yvonne, your home sounds like my kind of place!! I come from a long line of coffee drinkers as well. WE do love a good cup of coffee. I have added a Nespresso machine to my coffee bar. I became addicted to them while staying in Paris last year. We came home and immediately ordered one. Your Fall decor is so charming and inviting!! You have made such a lovely home Yvonne, thank you for always sharing it with us out here in blogland!
    xo Kathysue

  5. I love this! What a great idea and it looks so pretty too. Many thanks for sharing. x

  6. We too, are Keurig lovers. In fact, I have purchased four Keurigs as gifts to family and friends. A small counter next to my stove is our coffee/tea center. White mugs from Crate and Barrel and K-cups in a rotating stand are presented. My favorite K-cup is Cinnamon Pastry. I am a Biscotti recipe addict, awaiting your cinnamon toast Biscotti.
    Truly enjoy reading your blog and thank you for sharing your beautiful home.

  7. Please save me a cinnamon biscotti ... I'm on the way! I love your coffee bar, Yvonne and all of the treats you've included, as well! We love our Keurig! I can't wait to see your Fall decor ... it'll be here before we know it! Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. This looks so lovely and inviting! I'd be thrilled to have coffee at your place any day :) The Keurig system looks awesome. I've heard lots of great things about it, but I don't have one yet. I think it's on my wish list now though!

  9. Oh sweet Ivonne, I love coffee so I wish I could go to your house and have such yummy cinnamon biscotti and be dunking it in my coffee, and made from that awesome Keurig machine! Beautiful post...if I had a party, I'd feature you, lol! Have a great weekend.

  10. Yvonne, What a pretty and delicious coffee bar! Fall is around the corner and really is my favorite season, thanks for the little preview, everything is so beautiful! My husband and I have been thinking of getting a Keurig as I love my full strength coffee and he drinks decaf! Nice that the Keurig folks sent you one to try!
    Miss Bloomers

  11. LOve your coffee bar Yvonne! I'm on my way over for a cup, and one of those yummy looking biscotti too!

  12. Gorgeous! Gorgeous! Gorgeous! Mmmmm...I can almost smell the coffee! What a beautiful coffee bar you've created! You are so good at the perfectly appointed, guest centered areas in your home! I vote YOU the hostess with the mostess! Now how do we get on the guest list? ;-)

    Just lovely! Oh, and I love sunflowers for early fall too!


  13. Sounds fun and yummy.I love sunflowers so much. I have a fake one I keep out all year.:):)xoxo, Susie

  14. Yvonne: Everything ou post always looks so
    beautiful. Wish I had just one ounce of
    the creativity that you have.

    Can't wait for the biscotti recipe-I hope you
    post lots of pictures so I can try my hand at
    making them.


  15. So enticing, Yvonne!

    I have been absent from blog world - crazy busy week.

    You have inspired me big time - as always.

    Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

  16. All so pretty. I quit drinking coffee 15 years ago, but ever once in a while I crave an iced coffee. Your setting is beautiful and I bet guests love seeing it.

  17. Your setting is beautiful Yvonne! I love the burlap and sunflowers, I'm looking forward to fall as I do every year:@)

  18. Oh this looks heavenly! we are big coffee drinkers too and the Keurig has been amazing- though the iced coffee didn't work for me- will check back for the biscotti recipe!

  19. Your coffee bar is perfect, Yvonne! I am so ready to transition to fall; and you have done it beautifully. I started trying to switch some of my accessories out today and thought about bringing in sunflowers. I love your vignettes!

  20. I have a coffee bar too and absolutely love it! Yours is simply delightful, Yvonne! Hard to believe autumn is just around the corner. Here in the northeast it seems we've barely even had a summer. Looking forward to the biscotti recipe!

  21. You arrange a table so beautifully! I love my coffee too. I had a Keurig, but it is just me, so I gave it to my youngest daughter. And I got myself a bright red mini Keurig. It greets me each morning.

  22. so pretty but to soon for fall we have not had a real summer.

  23. Yvonne, we are just addicted to coffee in our house day and night so I couldn't wait to see your coffee bar. So fabulous as is everything you do! Love all the special touches and little details that must make your guests feel so special. Love, love everything!!

  24. Such a beautiful, helpful, and inspiring post. We were snooty about our coffee beans until I sampled coffee from my mother's Keurig. It took six more months until Dh and I bought I'm wiping the dust atop our coffee pot. The only problem was the Kcup clutter. Uninspired boxes and tubs everywhere. And no cabinet space. But here is your wonderful post! As always, I learn so much from you and have a great time in the process. I love how you put the kcups in a bowl and created a pretty, useful place for everyone to enjoy. We're expecting a rainy weekend, and this will be my next project. xxoo

  25. You are definitely the BEST hostess I know, bar none. We have a Keurig Vue, the new one, and Joe loves it. Since I don't drink coffee (I know, please don't hate me), having the Keurig is perfect. he can make as many cups as he wats, usually 3 every morning. And each a different flavor:) Talk to you soon. XOXO

  26. Your photos are so inspiring.

  27. Wholy moly that is beautiful! The apples and caramel look so good!

  28. Everything about this is so inspiring and welcoming...cant wait for the biscotti the way you wrapped and tied them up with bakers twine

  29. What a gorgeous & welcoming sight this would be, first thing in the morning, Yvonne! Pinky & I will have to bring out own teabags, but I bet BOTH of us would dive into those biscotti. YUM!

    Such an inviting truly have a wonderful knack for making folks feel at home.
    We're getting company from Chicago AGAIN & now you've inspired me to set up something similar.
    Thank you for ALL the beautiful ideas you share.

  30. Lovely, Yvonne, just like you. I adore my Keurig.♥ I got my first one in 2006, and I purchased number two last year. I had to drink decaf most of my life because caffeine gives me the shakes. A few years ago I discovered I can drink one cup of regular early in the morning without it bothering me. My favorite is Tully's House Blend. The aroma of coffee is quite intoxicating for me.

  31. Yvonne, what a gorgeous coffee bar you've set up! We are huge coffee drinkers here to the extent that I have a regular pot and an espresso machine on my counter. I used to have one of those fancy Italian automatic coffee machines that quit working after 2 years! I keep thinking that we'll try a Keurig but for some reason we just haven't. The biscotti wrapped and tied just takes it up to another level and I can't wait for your recipe!

  32. Everything looks beautiful ~ as usual! The biscotti sounds delish and I can't wait for the recipe either. I don't know how you do everything...wrapping the biscotti is such a wonderful idea!

    Texas is extremely hot right now...over 100 daily with heat indexes up to 108-109. I can't wait for favorite time of year!


  33. I'm with you, everyday is coffee bar day, but I don't have any goodies to go with mine. Yesterday was a sad day.... my Keurig was down for maintenance. Wasn't sure it was going to bounce back, but it did and today was a much better start to the day.

  34. Coffee is our main go to beverage here also...What a wonderful idea - this would be so nice to use when we have lots of family around - thanks for the inspiration - found you through Debbiedoos - am pinning this....

  35. Your home would make a beautiful bed and breakfast. When I read your posts I always want to visit your home :)

  36. What a grand idea. We are having guests in a few weeks.... will keep these things in mind.


  38. I could definitely pop out of bed for this cheery vignette! What a wonderful way to start the day!

  39. Yvonne,
    I love the K -cup idea!

  40. Love it, Yvonne! I just love your attention to detail.....the wrapped biscotti!!! Such a touch of class!!~~Angela

  41. Hi! I just found your blog and am wondering how to sign up. You have a great sense of style! Love your fall coffee bar and I look forward to seeing more if your fall ideas! Thanks!! Yvonne Shafer

    1. You can follow on my right side bar and subscribe there also. Look for "subscribe for updates" and add you e-mail address.

  42. Just delightful Yvonne! We love love our coffee as well, and keurigs are the best invention. I would love to be sitting there with you indulging in a sweet, and sipping on some Jo:) Have a great week.

  43. So cute!! Everything looks so great!!

    Fall will be here before we know it!!

    Have a blessed and wonderful day!!

  44. Love the round basket/platter in the middle of your table!! I've noticed it in several photos. Where did you find it?

  45. Love the coffee bar, Yvonne, especially the little wrapped biscotti. (I'm playing catch-up now!)
