Friday, August 16, 2013


I  should be the National Spokeswoman for BALL JARS!!!  It's true... I have such a big crush on them!

It all started when I was a small girl and my Nani would pull a new jar of delicious jam from the cellar pantry and spread it's sweet fruity goodness on my toast! Ball jars hold some very dear memories for me!!!

This year I'm teaming up with Ball Jar Home Canning projects to celebrate the third...

Saturday August 17, 2013

 The kind folks at Jarden Home Brands, makers of Ball Jars, are also sponsoring a giveaway here at StoneGable... and I'm sharing some of my favorite recipes and uses for ball jars...

NATIONAL CAN-IT FORWARD DAY is a day to celebrate fresh and local ingredients. Its goal is to teach the joys of fresh preserving with  free, live webcasts featuring canning, crafting and entertaining demonstrations.

The live feed and schedule of great activities are at the bottom of the post... and so is the GIVEAWAY!


Here are some of my favorite StoneGable posts using Ball jars...









Ball jars are a favorite of mine for many practical uses too! The are perfect to shake up a homemade salad dressing, put leftovers in, organize and contain all sorts of things and even make pretty little gifts!




The very kind people at Jarden Brands are sending one lucky StoneGable reader this


It is wonderful for beginner and small batch canners... and perfect for those who don't have a canning bath or other equipment!

Here's how to enter...

Leave a comment... tell me what you have put in a ball jar or what you would like to can!

For a second chance, like BALL CANNING AND RECIPES on Facebook.

And for a third chance... help spread the word on your blog, facebook page, twitter or any other social media!

The giveaway ends Sunday August 18, 2013 at Midnight EST.

The winner will be randomly chosen and announced Monday morning!!!

Good luck!

Just one little disclaimer... the kind folks at Jaren Brand asked me to participate in CAN-IT FORWARD and supplied the StoneGable Giveaway, but I was not compensated in any other way.

 I really love Ball jars and use them almost daily!


Catch all the fun hosted by Ted Allen from the Food Network right here! The broadcasts will be begin at tomorrow morning at 10:00 est.

You an also go to the CAN-IT FORWARD website and see it there!

I hope you will check out all the creative and culinary fun!!!!



  1. Let me be the first to say, I am a TRUE beginner (at my ripe old age) having never "canned" However we used to make pickled mushrooms at Christmas and always used Ball jars! I would love to win this and try a few new things! Thanks for the chance. XO

  2. Jelly, jelly and MORE jelly! I want to make some violet jelly :) Years ago I did some Queen Anne's Lace flower jelly and some rose petal jelly...such delightful flavors.

  3. I LOVE making cakes in a jar! They make the perfect gift for any time of year and have a great shelf life making them a perfect homemade treat to send to friends and family serving overseas!

  4. I too have a "Love" for Ball Jars. I use them for all kinds of storage--the latest being to store Goldfish and Cheerios for my Grandson.

  5. I love having a pantry filled with canned garden tomatoes for sauce. Nothing better than that fresh smell of summer simmering on my stove!

  6. I use jars for storage of buttons or herbs, they are great for gift giving, too! Baking will be my next Ball jar adventure!

  7. Iuse it for everything,drinking glass,containers for take home lunch for work,refrigerator storage.

  8. I love to can everything! I have a special canning pantry just for all my beautiful jars of canned fruits and veggies but I think my most favorite is the jam and I love my Seasoned Tomato Sauce too! I love looking back at my pantry in the fall and seeing all the jars full of goodness and as my grandmother would say "Come winter, it will be better than eating a snowball" ;-)
    Sharon Geers

  9. Every Christmas I make Port Wine Jelly for gifts for friends and family. I use the Ball jars and I try to find different designs, some are quilted, some have fruit designs, some are flat and square. I search for these in the summer time when it is canning season.

  10. Hubs and I made a yummy red sangria last Christmas Eve and filled a large Ball jar for each neighbor. It was so nice to hear things like"I had a glass of your sangria as I wrapped last minute gifts!" Also liked Ball on Facebook.

  11. My favorite Ball jar is a quart size antique, turned blue, with a zinc lid. It sits on my counter filled with Life Saver Wint 'o' green mints. My adult children and others stop to fill their pockets whenever they visit. I do can and seems I always have. My Mamma made strawberry jam in a canning kettle and put it up in quarts.

  12. As I commented before, those pickles are gorgeous! But now that I've seen the cherry pie in a jar, I'll be checking my mailbox daily. ;-)

  13. Blackberry, strawberry and raspberry jam! Getting ready to do pickled okra and tomatoes, and hopefully some bread and butter pickles. I am retiring on 8/30 so hopefully will have lots more time to "can". Love having all the jars lined up - makes me feel really good!

  14. I love Ball jars! I use for anything that will fit in them ! I have 1/2 gallon jars that I use as canisters for baking.i have 4 oz jars in a drawer for spices. My craft room has buttons, ribbons, brads,tiny tags, thread, and many other items. The pantry has tomatoes , salsa, jams of many varieties and much more. The garage has jars of screws, picture hanging stuff, small parts and other misc. items. The bathroom has a ball soap dispenser. Jars of quips, cotton balls and so forth, flowers on a half wall,homemade dressing on the dining table,saved seed, and so much more. Love my Ball jars.

  15. I love these jars, there are so many uses for them. I have canned jam and sauce.

  16. I love to can...I make dill pickles, zucchini relish,jam and preserve peaches, pears and applesauce. Back in the day I also canned green beans.

    I love the vintage look of the blue Ball Jars. I had some of the old blue jars with zinc lids and over the years they seemed to disappear. When I saw and ad for these new jars I was thrilled but have not purchased them yet. I love all the prizes and would especially like some of the blue jars! Thanks for such a lovely post Yvonne.

  17. I love ball jars. I use them for pies, chili cornbread, drinks, to hold sugar scrubs, flower vases, the list goes on and on. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  18. I'm sharing your giveaway on Facebook.

  19. I made watermelon jam, tomato jam, candy apple jelly and grape jelly, last month!

  20. I liked Ball Canning and Recipes on FB, however, your link didn't work for me.

  21. I also use canning jars everyday, for so many things!!!

  22. I love canning! And, I use my BALL jars for bulk food purchases at our local co-op (that way I don't have to put stuff in plastic bags!) I store nuts, raisins, quinoa, bulk pasta, etc... BALL jars are the BEST!

  23. I like to serve little banana puddings in the small Ball jars! I tie them with a fabric strip and attach a wooden spoon! Makes such a special treat for guests at a party!
    I also use Ball jars for making plum jam and lemon blueberry preserves!

  24. I've only done "freezer" canning, been too intimidated with the real thing. I do lots of jams, pesto for the winter, tomatoes and tomato sauce. I also use them for storage in my pantry. They certainly are nifty little things.

  25. Yvonne, I have used them through the years to can tomatoes and strawberry jam. One of my most favorite things I did was to use your idea to fill them with stones and paperwhites to give as a gift to friends. They loved them! Thank you for that great idea.

  26. I liked Ball Canning on Facebook. Thank you for the chance to participate,

  27. Our garden produces so many tomatoes, and I am happy to share and give a lot of them away. But it would be so wonderful to can some, if I had the equipment and knew how! Thanks to you and the sponsor for this giveaway.

  28. All your photos of jar projects are beautiful. I seem to have a blue ball jar crush. I have already canned my jam for the year, I did strawberry, peach, and cherry and I am currently in the process of canning tomatoes. I love this type of work, it is so rewarding. I am sharing your giveaway on FB today.

  29. Love Ball Jars!!! I have been using them instead of plastic storage containers for left-overs for a while. Just discovered that 1 1/2 pint and 2 quart size jars and are using them for kitchen storage. We used the jelly jars as lanterns for my daughter's wedding last year and I currently have 14 jars of tomatoes and 12 jars of jelly on my kitchen counter waiting to be stored for the winter. This weekend's project - peach butter.

  30. I love Ball Jars too, and have put everything in them but the kitchen sink... and anything preserved! LOL I would love to learn how to use them for their intended purpose!

  31. I "liked" Ball Canning & Recipes on Facebook.

  32. I shared on my Facebook page here:

  33. I've used old blue jars to preserve sand, shells, and other beachy stuff to remind me of beach vacations. I give these as gifts to friends and decorate with them too. Love your blog!!

  34. I love Ball Jars too Yvonne! I find myself drawn to the Ball Jar display in any store I see them in and always check them out to see if there is a size that I don't have. Guess I'm a Ball Jar collector. Tim and I can with them and I use them in the craft room and the pantry. Our favorite thing to can is our homegrown summer salsa.

  35. I recently started making my own jam in small batches and have also found some awesome craft ideas that I want to make using Ball Jars.

  36. I used small Ball jars for a Christmas party. I tied a red and gree ribbon around the rim, painted lids red and green and placed one at each place setting. The jar was turned upside down over a battery votive. At dessert time, we simply removed the jar and filled it with my chocolate lush. Meanwhile, the candles kept flickering.

  37. I use the small jelly jars and put my homemade Grape Jelly, grapes from my yard. I do apple butter in crockpot and put in the jars. I luv the old jars, I have alot of them displayed in my cottage. Jars are never ending possibilities of doing all sorts of things in them, as they are not for canning all the time now. Enjoy Fall!

  38. Oh, so many things go into my Ball canning jars. I have made green (or red) pepper jelly for years, decorate the jars and give them out as Christmas gifts. I use them in the bathroom for bath items, make jams and jellies, set them on table with candles in, and use them as flower vases...or, just the blue jars sitting on tables and shelves! I have a smaller kitchen now and could put the "Ball Canning Discovery Kit" to very good use! Thank you for the wonderful Give Away!! I will share on facebook, as well. Diane W.

  39. I most recently used a Ball jar to make ironed vinegar. Fill jar 2/3 to 3/4 full of white vinegar. Tear off a chunk of low grade steel wool, add it to the jar and wait 24 hours. You will see what looks like carbonation bubbles which will cause the lid to expand and not seal tightly. Do not turn upside down to make sure the floating clothespins are fully covered by the liquid. Because the jar is not sealed tightly it will leak. The purpose of this liquid is to age items. The shiny metal on the clothespins turn black, the wood turns gray as if it had been outside in the weather. It can be brushed on art projects to age the wood. Different types of wood turn different colors. Be careful to keep off carpet, etc., as it will stain... Patricia Ann

  40. I've never canned anything myself but can remember as a child watching Mom can everything under the sun. From her garden we were able to enjoy the fruits of her labor year round! I would love to learn to can and do it loving memory of my Mom.
    Thanks for the opporutnity :)

    M Leach in Statesville, NC

  41. I have never canned anything...but your tutorials on canning have made me less intimidated to do so...I have a small collection of vintage ball jars that are filled with things from my son's crayons (and they are old) to buttons...I so remember back in the 80's when I used ball jars to serve drinks of ice tea and lemonade...I love, love all of your Ball Jar recipes and uses...yes, you can be the Ball Jar National Spokesperson!! to put this great giveaway on Facebook!!!...Have a wonderful weekend Yvonne!

  42. OK... I confess.. I am a newbie (an OLD newbie)when it comes to canning...Never ever have I "put up" anything in a jar.... BUT..I have eaten many GOOD THINGS that have come out of Ball Jars... so glad my mom knew her way around canning!!!!It would make her proud if I even tried to make pickles.... LOL... Always LOVE your posts, Yvonne...

  43. Ball Jars <3 !!! I collect vintage ball jars, just love them... Would love to try my hand at making pickles...

  44. I used the cute little jars filled with different colored M&M's to give to our volunteers with a poem of appreciation.

  45. I remember how wonderful my kitchen smelled after making strawberry and peach jam - using Ball Jars. I recently bought a package of the Blue vintage reproduction jars to use as a decoration. They are beautiful!

  46. I tried your garlic dill recipe yesterday, I'm not sure they will make the full 48 hours, the whole family loves them and keeps snitching out of the fridge:>) Thanks for the recipe!

  47. I love canning my own jellies and jams.

  48. I like Ball on fb

  49. Please put my name in the hat for this wonderful giveaway.
    Ball jars also hold wonderful memories for me, my grandmother was an avid canner and my job was to wash the jars before she sterilized them. AHH, the wonderful aromas that came from her kitchen, we all felt a little more secure just knowing all those wonderful jars were filled to the brim just waiting to be brought out on a cold winter's day.
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  50. Tomatoes, tomatoes and more tomatoes - whole, salsa, pickled, sauce - you name it - I want to can them all and save the summer for later in the year. I used to can with my mother and would love to do it again.

    margueritecore [at] gmail [dot] com

  51. Of course I like Ball® Canning & Recipes on facebook; I am Margot Core there.

    margueritecore [at] gmail [dot] com


  53. I posted a tweet as well:

    margueritecore [at] gmail [dot] com

  54. I finally learned how to make jelly about a year ago. My first attempt on my own was jalapeno jelly. I have now made four kinds of jellies and jams. I also just experimented with canning peaches. Have plans to try a few other recipes soon.

  55. Would love to make some jams....

  56. I put all sorts of things in canning jars, and still use some old jars I inherited from my aunt and have been carting around the country for more than 30 years. Two of my most memorable canning adventures were green tomato chutney and pickled okra - I'd never tasted either til I made them myself, which is always a little risky! Fortunately, both were delicious :)

  57. And I "liked" Ball Canning and Recipes on FB.

  58. I love ball jars and use them for drinks or flowers....possibilities are endless!
    Thank you, Heather P.
    Spunky Real Deals
    hef117 (at) gmail (dot) com

  59. Hi Yvonne,
    Just made peach-rosemary jam today, I am going to try your pickle recipe next. Would love those Ball jars. Thanks for the giveaway and I love your blog.
    xo Pat

  60. I made mulberry jelly and look forward to the grapes being ripe soon! All of your ideas are really cute! Thanks for the fun give-away Yvonne:@)

  61. Liked ball canning and recipes on FB

  62. I have put just about everything in Ball canning jars. Jelly,pickles,spaghetti sauce,soup mix, etc......Thank you for the give away.

  63. I'm steaming Pottawattamie plums as I write. I'm making beautiful pioneer plum jelly. I love Ball jars. So many things that can be done with them.

  64. Yvonne- You just do the most wonderful posts. I have several old Ball jars that belonged to my mother and the zinc caps that came with them-the old turquoise colored ones.

    I have to tell you- I read so many bloggers reviews of Haven and all the gals that mentioned you just LOVED you! I thought that was so good to see how much fun you had with them. Hope you have a great weekend- xo Diana

  65. I use ball jars for refrigerator storage as well as for canning.

  66. Every summer I can applesauce, and tomatoes and homemade condensed tomato soup if I get enough tomatoes to do so.

  67. So far this summer I have used Ball jars to can my salsa, green beans, relish and pickles. I love canning anything I can and learning new recipes to try. I have yet to try jams maybe that will be the next project. Thanks for the opportunity.

  68. Salad in jars for work, birdseed lanterns and paperwhite Christmas gifts all from you.Preserving is my next adventure!

  69. I have made pepper jelly in the ball jars, canned tomatoes and green beans and made delicious freezer strawberry jam.! Such fun smaller sizes

  70. My favorite use of Ball canning jars is to make raspberry freezer jam. Yummy! I've also canned apricots in the larger jars, but my daughter opened them and ate the apricots before I could even put them on the shelves in the pantry!

  71. Ive actually been dying to get into canning and just havent done it so this would be awesome! I would probably start with strawberry jam!

  72. I follow Ball on FB (Natasha Stroud Hoover)

  73. I shared!

  74. I use jars every Christmas for my Christmas gifts to friends and neighbors. I fill them with honey-cinnamon butter and different jams I have made in the summer. I also love to make crock pot apple butter in the fall and share that with friends. I also have so many memories of both of my grandmothers and many, many days of canning. I SO wish I would have thought to ask for all their canning things! Thanks for the give-away. I have liked them on FB as well. Thanks for all your ideas too! Lori Lucas

  75. I just did my very first batch of jellies this summer after strawberry picking with the family. It was so fun, but a little difficult without the proper equipment :) I would love to have "the basics" so I can continue to can! I also love to store grains, seeds, dried fruit and nuts in my pantry in Ball jars. Thanks for the opportunity!

  76. I love ball jars but have to admit I use them mostly for vases! I did make strawberry crisp in the little short jars and it turned out so cute. Enjoyed the rundown of all your projects!

  77. I have my buttons in a ball jar. I also gift Christams sweets in ball jars. Love them!

  78. I am hoping to can pickles or tomatoes, praying the garden does well enough this year!

  79. I use ball jars for my canning, this summer I've canned green bean, peach jelly& canned chicken and soup. I want to pickle some okra too. Love canning & having garden veggies in the winter through canning. Lena

  80. I am going to try and make jelly this year with rosehips

  81. I like BALL CANNING AND RECIPES on Facebook

  82. I shared the giveaway on facebook

  83. I have one lonely jar, which I use as a vase. However I would love to learn to make marinara, and have awesome jars in which to store it in!

  84. Most recent,y I have made Refrigerator Oatmeal and stored in ball jars....easy, healthy, delicious.... and oh so pretty!

  85. OMG! I can't believe how many folks have never canned??? It amazes me. It's like the icing on a cake. After working all Spring and Summer, planting, wedding and such to pick all those lovely veggies from the garden, pick all the wonderful fruits and berries...canning is my favorite!!! It's as though all the blood, sweat and tears (OK so not so much blood and tears, but definitly sweat!) have been united in a's the creation of a gem.

  86. Hello, you got me interested at the word canning.
    I would love to start with a starter kit.

  87. I use them for a lot of things....salad dressing, flower vases, crafts, gifts like hot chocolate mix and snowmen in a jar...probably anything but canning! I'd love to try jam... Thanks, Laura

  88. I have large jars 1/4 filled with epson salts with battery operated lights going up my stairs. I have dry goods stored in them. I have empty (including some antiques) showing around my home. What I don't have is anything canned. I recently retired and now have time to learn how to can and this prize would help me tremendously! Thank you.

  89. My mother always made strawberry freezer jam in jars. It was delicious and good on everything, even ice cream! She has passed away now, but I would love to win this starter kit so I can make my own!

  90. I love to use canning jars for many things like homemade hot chocolate mix and marshmallows, plum jelly, flowers, sewing notions, and craft supplies. A canning kit would be used so often.

  91. I love canning and my favorite is to put up jelly in the littlest ball jelly jars. They are the perfect size for gifting and for 'sampling' jellies. The strangest ones I've canned are pea hull and corn cob jellies-both with rave reviews. Love love love Ball jars. Thanks for the opportunity!

  92. I, too, was raised with canning jars - they are an ole friend! In addition to using them for food storage and food serving/presentation, I also use them for crafts, plus to store small craft items (beads, sequins, sparkles, etc.) and to store small notions for sewing (thread, bobbins, pins). Would love to receive a Kit. P.S. Also used them to make Snow Globes at Christmas.

  93. I love canning jars although I have never canned. I use them to make and store homemade iced tea. I love drinking from them and that I can put the lid on and put it back into the fridge. Great giveaway!

  94. I would love to make Mixed Berry Jam.There are so many other recipes on the net too that I want to try, your Dill Pickles recipe is one of them.

  95. I like BALL CANNING AND RECIPES on Facebook.

  96. I love using Ball jars, I have canned scuppernong jelly, pepper jelly and fig preserves this year. Soooo good!

  97. I liked Ball Canning and Recipes on Facebook

  98. I love ball jars, especially for making my favorite jelly, crab apple!

  99. What a wonderful idea to give away a Discovery Kit. I have never canned anything, because I guess I'm a little timid and worried about something going wrong. I do however collect old and new Ball Jars. I have multiple uses for them like: cold food, baking, and crafts...I call them, My All Purpose Jars." I would love to win a chance to learn the craft of canning and overcome my psychological issues. The first thing I would preserve would be Sweet Corn, YUM! Thanks again for giving away an opportunity for someone to learn the craft of preserving memories for their family and friends!

  100. Love to can, green beans , tomatoes, jellies.

  101. I love their canning jars, too! Last year made peach butter and blackberry jam. I use them to store pantry items...pasta, coconut, chocolate chip, etc. and I use the small ones to store buttons in my sewing room!

  102. I love ball jars and use them all of the time! I make fresh granola and store it in the wide mouth quart jars. I store my cleaned cilantro in the pint size in a little water like flowers in a vase and cover with a unzipped zip lock bag. It keeps so much longer than when I used to store it dry in a zip bag. I serve iced tea in the pint and quart size, I love how country they look and my husband loves drinking out of them! I give my homemade hot chocolate mix in them for Christmas with a ribbon and recipe attached. When I share my homemade chili that is hot with my daughter I use the wide mouth quart size and I don't have to worry about it being too hot to transport in a container! As you can see I love them and use them always!!

  103. I LOVE this time of year. My husband and I have a small garden and can dilly beans, tomatoes, pickles, pickled veggies, salsa, etc. We also use them to store dry goods in our pantry, fill with trail mix on road trips, put flowers in them to brighten a bedroom, guest room, bath, etc. The uses are endless. LOVE our Ball Jars!!! Our next project is to make jam and jelly.

  104. Last year was the first year that I really filled our pantry with the bounty of our garden harvest. There were beautiful jars of jelly, relish, pickles, beets, string beans, cranberry sauce, tomato sauce, canned tomatoes, salsa, etc. I even "canned", in beautiful jars, a lovely body lotion that I make. Then there is my spice draw fill of jars, and homemade potpourri. I must be a bit of a jar addict too! :)

  105. I use jars for everything, but would love a Canning Kit for pickles! Thanks for the chance to win.
    jcgray001 at comcast dot net

  106. I liked the site, shared the giveaway on FB, Twitter, Pinterest and by word of mouth. Thank you for this giveaway!

  107. I have followed Ball on FB for sometime.

  108. I have shared your wonderful giveaway on my personal FB page as well as "Take Six", our blog FB page. Thanks so much for this opportunity, Yvonne!

  109. I love ball jars!! Coming from a long line of ladies who 'canned' garden veg...made jelly & home-made pickles takes me back to my childhood memories also! Helping aunt and mom can each summer continues the tradition...I love to use the jars for many different ways to use the jars!!
    I have viewed your sons wedding reception many times...Just makes me smile when I see a tablescape or decorating ideas including ball jars!
    Have a great day!

  110. I would love to try my hand at making some jam. We have to eat low to no sugar in our house and the store brands aren't that great. Many thanks for the chance to win!!

  111. Well, the only thing I have ever done with Ball jars is preserved jellies. Muscadine grape is my favorite. I love the new ideas posted here.

  112. I share your love for Ball canning jars. I have canned countless jars of almost everything, especially when we lived on the farm. I also have some of the blue antique ones and I often put fresh long stem flowers in them. They are darling used to present small gifts hidden in a nest of shredded paper. I loved very small Kosher dill pickles in them for gifts and my favorite jam is wild red plum jelly! Oh my! Delightful!

  113. I have not canned in decades. Would love to start small batch canning again. Tomatoes would be the first recipe.
    Thanks for featuring this today. Great motivation! Valerie

  114. Now that I have Grandchildren to can for it will be great to get back into canning jams, jellies and lots of fresh fruit and veges for them. Ball jars are the only jars I have ever used and am looking forward to using them again!! Thanks for this great article! Mary Lenti

  115. I have used ball jars for 40 years and have filled them with all kinds of goodies that I could enjoy later in the winter months. It's a wonderful way to store the fresh fruits of summer and save money as well. Thank you.

  116. It looks so good. Always love visiting your site.

  117. Wow, I have been 'thinking' about getting into canning. My mother's aunt had a recipe for pear marmalade and it was delicious! I have the recipe and would love to try my hand at it. My friend has a pear orchard and we could get started together. What a great give-away! Thanks, Yvonne.

  118. Jams and Jellies.

  119. I can everything in Ball jars. love them. Last week I made pickled red onions. I have antique blue jars that I use for canisters.

  120. I love canning my own jellies and jams and most recently made homemade pasta salad for a picnic in a jar! Love these little guys and would love to win!!!

  121. I will fill them with delicious, fresh smoothies and chia jam!

  122. I liked Ball Canning Jars on FB - Organicall You

  123. I shared on FB - Organicall You
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  124. What a great giveaway! I would love to win!

  125. I only started canning this year and I've only used Ball jars =) I've made jams and jelly and marmalade and Vietnamese carrot and daikon pickles!!!

  126. I like Ball Canning on Facebook!

  127. Tweeted!

  128. I only started canning this year and I've only used Ball jars =) I've made jams and jelly and marmalade and Vietnamese carrot and daikon pickles!!!

  129. I want to try canning blueberry jam

  130. Liked ball canning on Facebook

  131. What a fantastic giveaway. I love all your creative use of the ball jars. :) I usually use them for canning. I love strawberry preserves and peach/ginger jam. I used the jars for cold drinks before. But they are certainly great for dessert and salad for picnics. :)

    amy [at] utry [dot] it

  132. liked BALL CANNING AND RECIPES on Facebook.

    amy [at] utry [dot] it

  133. tweeted and here's the link:

    amy [at] utry [dot] it

  134. Ball Jar Love! I've never canned but love using the jars for picnics, salads, trifles, drinks and flowers! Thanks for helping can-it forward and for the chance to win!

  135. Like (but would prefer to love :) Ball Canning & Recipes on FB!

  136. Well my friend...I have to tell you that everything is ready and waiting in my kitchen today to make my jalapeno jelly and inspired me to do it and no day like today right! Thank you for being amazing! hugs...

  137. Last fall in started heavy into canning. I can raw pack chicken, navy beans, tomatoes, beans,fire roasted salsa (my first and fabulous),jelly, and jams, peaches, vegetable soup and more. Love your blog, and I love Ball Canning supplies and their fabulous website of recipes.

  138. I love to can! I would also to love to win this giveaway!
    I use canning jars from everything to canning, as a vase for cut flowers, to holding utensils for a cookout and even at times as a drinking glass for sweet tea.

  139. liked BALL CANNING AND RECIPES on Facebook.

  140. I tweeted too-

  141. I am a beginner at canning but anxious to learn more.
    I love using the jars for storing my craft and painting items or as a vase for my fresh cut flowers.

  142. Liked Ball Canning and Recipes on Facebook.

  143. Oh please enter me as I am JUST learning this trade! Found choke cherries on our property and did some jelly...lots of work but how rewarding to use what God has given us with success! Now for apples!?! Maybe some apple pie filling?!?!

  144. I love these jars and even though I consider myself a "fair weather" canner, I had to purchase a box of the commemorative blue jars!
    In the past I did some strawberry jam and bread and butter pickles with the help of my sister in-law. I would like to start canning again, and possibly even add to my repertoire!
    Thanks for the give away chance.

  145. Ball jars are so useful in many ways! One of my favorites is to put home made sweet iced tea, ice cubes, a lemon slice in the ball jars and to use them as down-home glasses. Add a sprig of mint from your garden to the top, of course! If I had the kit, I might attempt to use ball jars in the more traditional way!:-)
    Dotti O.

  146. I "Liked" Ball Canning and Recipes on Facebook.
    Dotti O.

  147. I liked Ball Canning on FB! Also I have used Ball Canning Jars for canning, making candles, storing all kinds of things and of lately I like the layered salads you can make and take with you for a healthy lunch. I even found the perfect little container that fits right on top of everything for my dressing and when ready to eat I pour it in and shake it up! Perfect! and no more excuses for stopping at a drive thru! What is there not to love about Ball Jars!?! Thanks so much for such a wonderful giveaway :)

  148. My email is:

  149. It's been many years since I've tried making home strawberry jam. The other thing I love making is homemade applesauce. After looking at your beautiful photos, it's hard to decide. But I think I would like to make something new. Perhaps the mixed berry pie or the chili and cornbread. Thanks so much for the giveaway opportunity.

  150. I've never canned, but would love to try my grammy's chowchow and some jam with my cornelian cherries. i only do the freezer type now and it would be nice to not HAVE to freeze it. CTD

  151. I canned applesauce this past weekend with my friends in Lancaster Co. PA. I love ball jars and canning!

    For my niece's wedding we are using ball jars as vases and votives.

    From Virginia

  152. I have a friend who works for Ball. Since they sold the jar portion of the business he doesn't have access to the jars but if you look closely at their cans you can still see the Ball logo.

  153. I have used ball jars as decorations and packaging for cookie-in-a-jar gifts. But haven't canned with them yet. This is the first year I have a garden and can do so! Looking forward to it!
