Friday, July 26, 2013


Hello! I've been waiting for you all week!

I was thrilled to be asked to be part of

Summer 2103 Showcase Of Homes!

Grab a cup of whatever and a snack and settle in... lots and lots of pictures here!

Ready for a tour?

Here are other homes on the tour today... Make sure and visit!


StoneGable is a farmhouse inspired home we built 18 years ago. It sits among the bucolic farmland of Lancaster County Pa... the heart of the Amish country. This land is rich in history and deep in tradition. If you would like to read about StoneGable click HERE.

One of my favorite thing about StoneGable is it's big wrap around porch.

If you like we could sit a little bit and rock... it's a great place to have a good cup of coffee!

Let's go inside...

Today I'll be showing you rooms that have been decorated within the last two years. We are updating and redecorating every room in our home... what a job!

We have lived large at StoneGable and it was beginning to look a little tired!!!!

Here's what we have updated so far...

The Kitchen...

Truly the kitchen is the heart of my home. I love love love to cook and entertain, so this is a kitchen that get tons of use!

It has a real modern farmhouse feel...

We freshened up our kitchen a couple of years ago.  Not huge changes but lots and lots of character.

I keep the countertops pretty clear of clutter...

The island is the "meeting place" in our home!!! Family and guests seem to gravitate here.

Say HI to Earl! He is the guardian of my kitchen! I got him at FARMHOUSE DECOR... what a great online site!!!!

Aprons are a part of my "uniform" around the house!!! This is my  "summer apron collection"!

 Don't you love this fun dish hook? I got it at Luckett's a few years ago.

The Breakfast Room...

Our little breakfast room is where we have family meals. It connects the kitchen to the family room. If only these wall could talk. We are big storytellers so we have had many great laughs at this table!

Zinnias from my garden add to the vignette on the kitchen table.

The Family Room...

I like to call our family room... cozy! That's code for... boy is it dark!!! Taking pictures of this room is a bear!!!!  I don't think I have ever tried to get a shot of the whole (well, almost whole) room. This is a first!

Do you have a room that you are always and forever will be changing and rearranging? This is mine!

I have plans to knock out the exterior wall and add tons of windows. The older I get the more I need light! But that project is down the road a bit.

This room is not done (surprise!)... keep an eye out for some big changes in the fall!!!  Hint... hardwoods and painted furniture!

Last weekend I finished painting my curtains. To see how they turned out, click HERE.

To learn how I painted the curtains, click HERE

 My sofa got a new slipcover!

This is it's debut!
I'll share all the slipcover details next week.

No one is allowed to sit on it until I Scotch Guard it!

The Dining Room...

This is a room that mixes the old and the old!!! Don't you love giving old pieces a second decor life? I sure do!

I was most excited about updating this room!
Getting rid of my 18th Century Mahogany tables and chairs was out of the question... so I painted the chairs and reupholstered them.  What a job!!!!  To see THE SAGA, PART I and THE SAGA, PART II click HERE  and HERE

I also painted the buffet... I used the same paint on the chairs and buffet but applied them using different techniques.  Different techniques equals very different looks! You can see how I painted the buffet by clicking  HERE.

The Living Room...

In making over my living room I wanted a room that was on the formal side but very comfortable. The old living room furniture was pretty but not conducive to plopping down to read a book or have a nice chat.

This furniture is comfortable... and stain resistant! Both very important when you have light colored living room furniture!

My most recent addition to the living room is the Curlacue Chest. You can find out more about it by clicking HERE.

J and J Guest Bedroom...

The J and J stands for Jacquie and Jon... this room was my sweet daughter's bedroom.  It was the very first room we worked on after Jacqueline got married.

Out went the pink and frills and pom-poms. We replaced her girly room with a serene bedroom for any guests... and of course our very favorite's... Jacquie and Jon.

You can read a sentimental post to my daughter about "Mapping Way... Home" by clicking HERE.

And a Tutorial about Aging A Map HERE.

It was important for me to keep this room very uncluttered, giving family and guests lots of space to spread out!!!

When we are expecting guests I put out a luggage rack under the window.

I just bought this bed tray (Pottery Barn Outlet). I can't wait to surprise our guests with a little nosh before breakfast!

Let's go outside. 

When the weather is tolerable you will find me out here...

Puttering around my potting bench...

Or having dinner with Bobby on the side porch...

Or you just might find me in the garden...

I hope you have enjoyed visiting StoneGable and will come back often....I post everyday about American Farmhouse Living!!!!

My door is always open to friends... old and new!

Here is a recap of the other homes on tour this week...






  1. Elegant and gracious as I have long suspected it would be. You've created a wonderful haven for your family and friends. Have a grand day. Blessings...Mary

  2. Thank you for sharing your home. Looks wonderful and I love the clean white rooms. Just a real pretty home for your family in beautiful Pennsylvania

  3. Yvonne...beautiful home! I am always so inspired everytime I come to visit. Everyone room is so tastefully done. Love it all! Thanks for having me over today!

  4. Yvonne -- your HOME is amazing!! Thank you for sharing.


  5. Oh Yvonne, I love your home and that wonderful wrap around porch is amazing. Your new decor is so pretty, I love all the wonderful new touches you are adding. I adore your kitchen, such a beautiful farmhouse style. The fabrics and finishes in the dining room really speak to me too. Thanks tons for the tour, I really enjoyed it. Hugs, Marty

  6. your home is beautiful!!! i love the dining room!

  7. Your home is gorgeous, Yvonne! I love the new painted curtains! Fabulous!
    The surrounding countryside is beautiful as is each and every room of your home. I enjoyed the tour. Thank you for including your home in the showcase.

  8. Your home is warm, comfortable and so inviting, Yvonne! Everyone that enters your door must feel like a big hug has been wrapped around them. Thank you for giving us a peek at your Stonegable style. Happy weekend!!

  9. Gorgeous home and GREAT blog! Yours is one of my favorites!

  10. Yvonne, your home is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. Thank you for the tour! Where did you buy the slipcover for the couch?

  11. What a beautiful home, you have created elegance and comfort all in one. I must say thank you for all the great recipes.

  12. Fabulous! do you take reservations...LOL? Your kitchen is timeless, and I can't believe you had the gumption to paint 18th century chairs white, but LOVE the result. Continue to enjoy your home, and I shall enjoy visiting you online. Jeanne from NE

  13. What an incredibly beautiful home you built and then decorated. It's so bright, airy, interesting and eclectic all blended together so beautifully. Your house looks so inviting. Every detail compliments the next.

  14. Well planned house and all the furniture are well matching to the interior.

  15. Yvonne, I love your home and have been faithfully following your renovations! Your lovely dining room has prompted me to change my own but my husband won't let me paint the chairs!!! Usually I just do what I want when it comes to decorating but they are like new so I think I'll try for slipcovers! I can't wait to see what you do the the family room! I have a lot of dark leather in my living room and have been doing some painting in there to lighten it up!

  16. Beautiful Yvonne as always! We should meet up next time I am visiting family in Pa.

  17. Oh I love EVERY square inch of your warm and welcoming home my friend! Thank you so very much for sharing.

    I know how you love a good Royal themed post and I had three this week. :)

  18. Yvonne...Your home is simply beautiful! I love your dining room but I think your kitchen is my favorite room! I had not seen your little plates as hangers! ♥ So unique! Thank so much for the tour!...hugs...Debbie

  19. Oh my word. I cannot get over your home. It is breathtaking. And now I simply must have a pig's head in my new kitchen.

  20. Yvonne, it is all so beautiful. I could just pack my bags and move right in. Oh, how I want your porch. I would love to sit out there with you and take in the fresh air.

  21. Your home is beautiful, Yvonne! So warm and welcoming both inside and out! Thank you for the tour!~Angela

  22. Yvonne, The tour was just as expected...Wonderful! Throughout all of your posts we get to see bits and pieces of all your ongoing projects and now it's all wrapped up into one lovely home. Thanks for sharing!

  23. Your home is just beautiful.

    Thanks for the heads up about Farmhouse Decor. I already checked them out and found a few fun things I want.

  24. Your home is absolutely gorgeous-of course, I already knew that as yours is a favourite blog of mine :)

  25. AAAwwwww!!! Been waiting for this tour :-) Was itching to see the new bits. Always a joy to peek into your rooms Yvonne. I am totally crushing on your kitchen.
    Hugs, Gee

  26. Yvonne, your home is beautiful inside and your attention to the warmest and welcoming details. You are such a gracious hostess...thank you for sharing.

  27. Yvonne Thank you so much for letting us tour you beautiful room. Throughout are your special warm touches. It is so comfortable and cheering!

    2013 Designer Series

  28. oh Yvonne, I love this home tour!!! I'd missed the post on your amazing chest in the living room. Did I say it's amazing? I could move right in and not change a thing!

  29. My goodness Yvonne, it is just gorgeous!! I know coveting is a sin, so let me just repent now because I want it all, lol! You pay attention to EVERY detail and is still looks so comfy and welcoming. Oh, I love it. Love that your counters are clear of clutter...the sign of a great cook:-) So lovely!!

  30. Your home is beautiful. Very warm and welcoming, I think I could hang out on your porch all day! Thanks for the tour!

  31. I am so, so glad YOU were a part of this amazing tour of homes! Your home is open, inviting, welcoming, serene,and friendly....just like YOU! You are probably the most gracious hostess I know. I am blessed to call you my friend and to have been to StoneGable! I adore your dining room and kitchen and would DIE to have your porch. ALL of your new updates are gorgeous, and perfect! What a slice of Heaven you have there. XOXO

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Yvonne, I ♥♥♥ your beautifully decorated home. It's setting inside and out is ideal. I feel like I would recognize the woman that decorated this home if I just happen to run into her. Great layout and flow to each room both in feel and decor. Your updates are beautiful and I want to steal the bobbin chairs, those have been on my radar for years. Still on my someday list!! My Mom is an apron wearer so I really loved seeing your summer aprons, it just gives your kitchen a special spirit! Thank you for inviting us in to your always, lovely home,
    xo Kathysue

  34. I always love visiting here Yvonne, you've got such an amazing touch when it comes to decorating. I love all your unique paint choices and furniture selections. You've created a gorgeous home that still feels so warm and comfy which I believe is the most important quality in home decorating.

  35. Absolutely stunning and warm and comfortable. Your gardens are beautiful. I wish I had found you last year. We had a family reunion in Lancaster County. My mother in law was born and raised in Bird-In-Hand. Her old homeplace is now owned by the Erwin's who have Bird-In-Hand bakery on that property. They graciously, let us tour the home whenever we come back. They also have pictures of the homestead that I had never seen before.

  36. It's beautiful...just like the rolling countryside of central PA!

  37. What a gorgeous home! I truly enjoyed touring! Your guest bedroom, living room, kitchen and dining room are to die for! Thank you for sharing.

    Jesse at Home on Hidden Oaks

  38. Your home is so beautiful... every room is so lovely and inviting! Thank you for sharing :)

  39. Hi Yvonne! Love your home, our tastes are very similar! I would like to know where you purchased the punched ceramic jars on your living room coffee table?? LOVE them! Also, I wanted to 'Like' you on Facebook, but couldn't find a page for you?

  40. Yvonne, I have always loved your beautiful home. Your kitchen is one of my absolute favorites.

  41. I absolutely adore your home - every element is perfect, Yvonne.

    I was so excited you were asked to be part of this awesome link featured event- it is well deserved.

    One of these days I should hop in the car and come a callin to see the real McCoy - I aboslutely adore your tastes amd blog!

    LOVE it!

  42. Hi Yvonne,
    I've been waiting all week to tour your home and I have to say, I'm absolutely amazed at what you've done with your updates! I like how you said living large made it tired. I know what you mean. With 4 kids and 3 animals, it takes its toll on our stuff. I love your kitchen with the black countertops and white cabinets. Your family room is gorgeous--love those pillows on your newly slipcovered sofa. Your dining room looks amazing with the white chairs and bench--an update without spending a lot. Love J & J's room and that duvet cover. Your kitchen garden is a feast for the eyes! Your love of your home and love of entertaining shows through. You truly inspire me and always have with your fantastic tablescapes and staging. Thanks for sharing your home! ~Delores

  43. Your home is gorgeous and you have decorated it perfectly for an elegant farm house! Great details and although it seems huge, it's so neatly put together that I bet it's easy to cleran it too! I adore your kitchen and breakfast room! Thanks for sharing. Big hugs,

  44. Beautiful home, Yvonne! Love the cabinetry in your kitchen and love the bright and airy feel in your living room. I especially love the photo of your garden with the birdhouse and the bucolic scenery in the background. You're so lucky to have that space around you! Thanks so much for the tour!!

  45. Beautiful Yvonne! So much character, so warm and inviting...perfect!
    Hope you'll add Amaze Me Monday to your list and hope over this week to share your lovely home...

  46. From reading your posts I have seen many parts of your beautiful home, but it was lovely fun seeing all the parts together in a tour! I must say my favorite things are your dining room chairs {fearless and stunning!} and the new curly cue sideboard~ Your home is well lived and well loved, thanks for sharing so many unique ideas every week.

  47. Yvonne, your home is simply gorgeous. I LOVE every detail, and I cannot wait to meet such a talented lady!

  48. Your home is lovely!! Thank you so much for the time and energy spent to let us tour!!
    In RE: to the is a great product, but Rustoleum has one that is much better:

    We are using it and it is GREAT!
    Blessings to you,

  49. Thank you for the tour. You have a beautiful home and I love all the new decorations and updates you have done. Thank you for sharing your beautiful home with us and all the wonderful recipes.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  50. Oh Yvonne - you've done such a lovely job feathering that nest. I love everything!

  51. Yvonne,
    Absolutely gorgeous, dear friend!!!
    I adore your living room. . .
    and the new sofa, chairs and dresser make it an exquisite space, indeed!!!
    The furniture updates in your formal dining room are elegant!
    The upholstery on the chairs and bench are fabulous!!!
    The latest, painted draperies. . .pure genius!!!
    Thank you for sharing your lovely home with us!!!

  52. Absolutely beautiful! So warm, welcoming and comfortable ~


  53. Very lovely.. I really love the colors and beautiful accents. It feels so inviting and warm. You're so talented and gracious to share. Thank you!

    Blessings to you,

  54. Wow! All of that stonework on your home is GORGEOUS! And your kitchen is stunning! Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof

  55. Absolutely fantastic. What a beautiful home and property. Lots of love and care in that house..great job!
    xo Nancy

  56. Hi Yvonne! I have always loved your home and have really enjoyed my tour. Your kitchen is one of my favorites! Everything you've done to it is just perfect! So elegant.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  57. You have a gorgeous home! Love the exterior, the gardens, the kitchen, and the family room. What a designer touch you have, Yvonne!

  58. Yvonne, I certainly enjoyed the tour of your beautiful home. Your home is full of grace and style. Thanks for sharing.

  59. Your home is so beautiful and I love your style. So many gorgeous details!Of course, I love your garden! Hope to meet you next week at Haven.

  60. I've been waiting all week for your tour and here it is 11:45 pm - my first opportunity to sit down & take it all in. Everything is just beautiful & so serene! I totally can relate to the one room constantly being rearranged. Mine's the family room also :)

    Thanks for the tour Yvonne! Loved it :)

  61. your home is really lovely today. I could pull up a chair and sit with you in any room!

  62. Your kitchen looks really great and beautiful and I think you are same like me. Because I am also love to cook and clean my kitchen as compared to other rooms as this is the place where I spend my most of time. But thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. I am very happy to read your post.

  63. So beautiful Yvonne! Every detail!

  64. Wonderful...!! Loved your color scheme that you have chosen for your beautiful house and accessories are perfectly matching with color..!!

  65. Absolutely beautiful Yvonne. Every single room has been done so beautifully. What a treat to visit your home and so many others. A great idea, you must do it again!!

    Thanks for having us over:)

  66. Thank you for the incredible tour of Stone Gable, Yvonne ... I'm in love with it! Your kitchen is one of my favorites and your dining room revamp is stunning! It's all so inviting ... even your backyard view is gorgeous! I still might try my hand at your painted curtains, too!

  67. Thank you for the lovely tour. Every room looks so comfortable and inviting. You've done a great job! Love, love it!
    Mary @ Orphans With MakeUp

  68. While strolling through your home with my eyes wide open...I feel as though I am in a gorgeous 5 star B& amazingly warm and inviting...a home that says a very loving family lives here...Your decorating projects have been fabulous and I always look forward to the next project, the next recipe, and the ways you make a beautiful home for you and your family...I could stay out on your porch all day looking at the magnificent bucolic scenes of Lancaster County. Thanks for the tour Yvonne!

  69. As usual Yvonne, most lovely! Stonegable is a testimonial to a house made home. Not only is it a visual beauty thanks to your good taste and appreciation of many things, but your love of God and family are truly what makes Stonegable a gift. Thank you for sharing on this tour and may you and your family share the wonderful memories yet to be made there! Reading your posts takes me back to when we lived in Lancaster County ... many good memories!

  70. Yvonne - Your home fits beautifully in your surroundings. So peaceful and serene. You've done a masterful job of creating a stunning home. I really loved seeing so much of it all in one post. Can't wait to give you a hug in just a few days!!!

  71. Hi Yvonne, I feel like I’ve just finished looking through a very elegant magazine. Your home is beautiful and your updates and redecorating is spectacular, well done. Of course your photos are amazing. I would love to do here a lot of what you’ve done so I’m bookmarking this post for inspiration. I sure enjoyed the tour!

    The French Hutch

  72. Yvonne, you have such a spectacular home! Thank you so much for sharing it with us! Each and every room is filled with warmth and love!

    Have a fantastic weekend!

  73. So gorgeous Yvonne!! Love all the beautiful flowers you have everywhere, your house is so elegant and charming!

  74. That is one of the most inviting front doors and entries I have seen and I love Earl! You have done a great job!

  75. Absolutely, positively beautiful. STUNNING! What fun to get a look inside your home--thanks so much for sharing it with us!

  76. Oh Yvonne, I just love everything you touch!!! By far you are my favorite blogger! I'm in love with your home and awesome tablescapes. You have fabulous taste and a wonderful eye for detail. Wish I could meet you at Haven next week too, but alas I am not a blogger and will not be there. However, my friend Suzy from Worthing Court is suppose to tell you hello for me : )

  77. Wow!! Your home is right out of a magazine! You are an amazing decorator! I love everything about your house! Absolutely stunning in every way!

  78. I want to come stay at Stone Gable, such a restful serene place. It is beautiful like you, my dear friend Yvonne.

  79. What a beautiful home you have Yvonne. It looks so inviting and comfortable. I enjoyed the tour very much.

  80. Your home is gorgeous - love the kitchen and the light, elegant feel of each room - beautifully photographed and styled. I enjoyed my tour.

  81. What a beautiful and cozy home you have, Yvonne! I love the wrap-around porch. The kitchen is really wonderful too. Thanks so much for sharing your home with us.


  82. What a treat it was to tour your home. I LOVE your dining room transformation!! Your buffet, the chairs, the bench... everything! I, too, find myself decorating with neutrals a lot. I just find them more relaxing to live with.

    Hope to meet you in a few days at Haven!

    Hugs to you,

  83. Your home is just beautiful, Yvonne! I could sit on that porch and never move again! I feel more relaxed just visiting and seeing all your beautiful touches. What a treasure your home is! Thank you for joining us on our tour!

  84. Yvonne:

    You've been doing a great job of making little changes and updating your home. It was beautiful before (and I got to see it!) and lovely now as well.

    - The Tablescaper

  85. Absolutely the most beautiful. I could come there and live and not change a thing!

  86. Your home is just lovely!!! What color paint do you use on the walls? My favorite part is the drapes you painted.

  87. Truly stunning, you've created such an inviting home, Yvonne! Every room exudes a timeless charm! Thank you for the beautiful tour!

  88. Absolutely beautiful Yvonne! Love it all...u would find me on your porch or in the garden for sure!!

  89. Love your projects you have done in your home. It is such a lovely place to come and sit a spell as we say in the South. I sent the rocking chair picture to my daughter. I so this when I see one that I know will make her think of stopping and relaxing 'just a bit'.
    The hydrangeas on your porch speak volumes and love your potting bench...sent that picture to my son and left a 'hugh hint'.
    Sylvia Faye

  90. Thank you for the tour.

    What a glorious home. Well done, indeed!

  91. These beautiful houses are treat to watch. Interior, exterior design and gardens everything is awesome. I wish if I could live there.

  92. Wow! These houses are really fabulous. I would like to stay in one of these houses one day. Luxurious!!!

  93. Yvonne,
    You really have a lovely home...I just love your taste! The wraparound porch is just a dreamy place that surrounds your beautiful home. So tasteful, warm and welcoming! Enjoyed the tour!
    Miss Bloomers

  94. How soon can my daughter and I plus dog named Ringo Starr come and visit, Lol
    Ive seen many farmhouses here on Pinterest, but I have to admit, that yours is truly the BEST so far and very inviting.

  95. Beautiful home! Love the chandelier in your dining room. My husband just got it for me for Christmas! Can't wait to hang it up! When I read the reviews, people sounded disappointed with the electric cord. Did you have yours rewired or were you satisfied with the way it came? Your home is my absolute favorite! Wish I could move right in!

    1. I love my chandy. We did have trouble getting it to work and had to call in an electrician. But the price was so worth the extra cost of the electrician.

  96. Spectacular, spectacular home. I hope you've been featured in national publications....your home is certainly worthy! Warm wishes in the New Year!

  97. How warm and welcoming!! I also love the Dining room chandelier, where was it purchased?

  98. Hi Yvonne, fond you through Pinterest and am enjoying your home and posts!
    Can you tell me where you got the dining room chandelier - love it!

  99. amazinggggggggggg..........

  100. where is your kitchen table from?

  101. It was custom made from a small carpenter's shop called "Lost In The Woods Rustics" in Lancaster Pa. The owner's workmanship is amazing!

  102. Hello Yvonne--
    How do you attach your wreaths to your door??

    1. I found these very cool suction cut hangers at Lowe's called "Power Lock Suctions". They are wonderful!!!! Hope this is helpful!

  103. Hi Yvonne,.
    I have loved stopping by your lovely home. It's like sitting in a patch of warm sunshine! I love the look of using two napkins at a place setting. I noticed you used some netting with a napkin on your bridal brunch tablescape. Would you have suggestions or pictures of napkins that would be pretty for a seated wedding reception? My daughter is getting married in June. Her colors are peach and mint green..I smile every time she says that, as I remember those colors from the 80's...The country club will provide white linens but loved the idea of adding tule or a pop of color at each place setting. Any thoughts? or, a picture of the napkin at your outside "blushing bride" table? would be great. Thanks, your new friend, Sharon

  104. Thank you for the tour of your LOVELY home! I'm currently agonizing over color for our new kitchen. I'm wondering if you recall the color name and manufacturer of your creamy-white kitchen cabinets. It appears as if your trim is a whiter white. Do you also recall that color? At this point I'm pretty certain I'm going with Ben Moore's "Cloud White" for our cabinets and cannot decide if I want to use the same for our trim, etc. Thank you, again, for sharing the beauty of your life.

  105. Viewing pictures of your lovely home is like thumbing through the pages of a magazine! And, you have my style pegged! I am wondering if you would mind sharing the type of kitchen counters you have. We are in the planning stages of a kitchen refresh and love the dark counters contrasting with the white cabinets. Thank you!

    1. Cheryl, we have soapstone countertops and we love them! They are so easy to live with. I tried to find soapstone that had just a small amount of veining.

  106. Wow, your house is so warm and beautiful. I am always inspired by your choices. The first thing I noticed was the pots on the front porch! Hydrangeas!! What a great idea!! Love your kitchen too:)

  107. I could move in right now. Your gift in making your space peaceful and comfortable as well as an exceptional skill at refinishing existing furniture are remarkable. My home looks dated (1996) and I look forward to trying some of your ideas. Thank you!!
