Wednesday, July 3, 2013


PILLOWS!  I have pillow love!!!

The symptoms of pillow love are easy to spot! I think I have an advanced case!

 I have a "pillow closet".... pillows need to be removed from every chair or sofa if you want to sit down in my house... I can hear the pillows calling to me as soon as I step foot into a HomeGoods or Pottery Barn...every piece of material, dish towel or napkin is eyed up and considered the makings of a new pillow...I have "show" pillows and "usable" pillows... and fluffing all the pillows around StoneGable an aerobic exercise!!

Yes... I have pillow love... big time!

Here's some summer pillow love...

While scavenging through the clearance bins at my local Pottery Barn Outlet I found a set of blue and white bed pillow shams that were just the right color and pattern for my sofa... and they were cheap!!!!

I thought I could put an 18 inch pillow insert in them, fold over the top and close it with a big button.
Cute idea... huh?

On a whim I stuffed a Euro insert into them instead... and really liked their rotund squat shape.

The blue plays nicely with other touches of the same color in my family room.

They create a fun pillow profile! And my family is thrilled that they are considered "usable" pillows.

Added to my flag pillow (PBO), these new blue and whites bring a star-spangled pop of color to my family room.

Later this month I'm having my sofa slipcovered in a white duck twill... and doing some magic with my paintbrushes to my curtains!

Maybe I'll even make a new pillow or two... or three...

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  1. All the pops of blue just says summer!
    Happy 4th Yvonne.
    Hugs, Gee

  2. All the pops of blue just says summer!
    Happy 4th Yvonne.
    Hugs, Gee

  3. Happy 4th of July Yvonne. Very pretty pillows.

  4. Yvonne I have a slight pillow addiction myself! I love to get ideas in Pottery Barn and they do have great sales.

    ? Would it be worth my while to send an image of my sofa to your slipcover person to basically do the same. White canvas, duck I don't think linen because I don't want wrinkles, more crisp. Since moving back to KC my former lady is gone unfortunately. Please tell me what you think....also did you find you own fabric?

    2013 Design Series

  5. we have the same that great blue print! Happy 4th Yvonne!

  6. OH MY Yvonne, we are going to have to meet one day our taste are so similar! I am slipcovering my sofa and loveseat in white duck twill as we! I'm doing it myself so it is a slow process but I am hoping to have it finished by the end of the month and then I will be on the pillow fabric hunt! lol
    Sharon Geers :-)

  7. Love your pillows Yvonne, add so much color to your beautiful room! Have a blessed 4th of July!


  8. Your pillows are wonderful and so truly summertime festive!

    I love pillows too - but instead of a closet I just use them till I want a change then give them away or sell them if they were $$$.

    I am kinda thinking I wish I had kept a few because I was just thinking yesterday of a few that are long gone I wish I had back. Givers remorse, haha. I like your closet idea.....may have to start.

    The only ones I keep are fall and Christmas ones. May have to change now, haha.

    I just bought two new ones last week - may have to post about them. I never post about my house, do I?

  9. Looks very festive for the month of July!! I am with you love to change out pillows. I did a post today on this very subject. I am getting ready to do a summer look in my family room, so fun to add a few new touches!! Love what you did Yvonne, hope you are feeling better,
    xo Kathysue

  10. Love your pillows and I wonder who has more. Me or you??

  11. Love your pillows. I don't have a couch or sofa in my home, so no place to have pillows....:-(

  12. I have a pillow addiction too! I just changed the pillows on the sofa also and plan to post that soon. LOVE your blue and white ones. I am fascinated by you adding to your drapes with your paintbrush!! XOXO

  13. I so share your love for pillows...and I am going to tell my hubby that you have a pillow closet!...Of course guys do not understand why we love pillows so much...they just make you happy!!...going to the PB outlet this weekend to hopefully find some more great pillows!!!...Have a safe and wonderful 4th Yvonne!!!

  14. Happy 4th of July! Very pretty pillows.

  15. interesting to read thank you I really liked your article I love your beautiful blog and so enjoy your posts.good job

  16. Yvonne,
    I adore your flag and blue & white pillows on your sofa, dear friend!!!
    My pillow love has taken a bit of a "back~seat" lately.
    The lady who made such lovely pillows (where I shop)
    has been over~loaded with custom curtain orders!!!
    Love the vignette on your Family Room coffee table, dear friend!

  17. Love your patriotic and seasonal pillow combo on your sofa Yvonne! Wishing you a Happy Independence Day!

  18. Lovely Yvonne, those are such gorgeous pillows! Happy 4th to you dear lady and family! XO

  19. You can just add red, white, and blue to almost anything and it works! Love the pillow combination....

  20. Do you mind sharing your slipcover source? I live in York, and am in Lancaster all the time. I am intrigued by this idea. Thanks, all your photos and rooms are stunning!
