Tuesday, July 30, 2013


This started out as a very sad saga... I bought a beautifully made sofa about three years ago. Chose the custom fabric carefully...and was thrilled when I first got it. But, over those three years I changed the decor and colors of the family room so much that I grew more and more unhappy with the piece!

The sofa itself is comfortable and large enough to stretch out on but it's color and pattern were NOT playing nicely with with rest of the room.

So I kept the sofa and changed it's look... with slipcovers! And what a change it was...

Here is the before...

And here is the... Ta-da... After!

I found this AMAZING slipcover lady in my area... she is almost famous for her fabulous work!

Diana came to my house... and taking the 18 yards of Calico Corner Ranger Twill that I washed and dried and ironed for 3 hours...  pinned and cut until she had slipcovered my sofa! 

Albeit, the slipcover was held together by pins... it was still pretty amazing. I had never seen anyone pin together a slipcover before!

 I have to learn this skill. 

She took her white-twill-pinned-masterpiece home and in a week and a half had it back on my sofa... without pins!!!!

A perfect fit!

So snug...

NO ONE is allowed to sit on it!!!! EVER!!!!

No, just kidding!

The nice thing about having slipcovers is that they can be washed. But I am taking the extra precaution of Scotch Guarding them. So, no sitting until I get that done later today.

I have some big plans for finishing this room!!!

It includes words like hardwood floors... and new windows... and wall art... and more slipcovers... and more painted furniture...

You can read about my painted curtains HERE and see a Tutorial about how I painted them HERE.

Next week I'll show you the corner of the family room you can't see in this picture!!!! I've been painting!!!

Here's just a little peek at what I'm working on...

Stop back next week for the reveal!

This is the one room in my house that just keeps evolving and changing!


  1. Yvonne,
    Beautiful!! What a great transformation. The entire room looks different!! I finally have the name of a slipcover lady in my area!
    2013 Design Series

  2. The slip covers look gorgeous - I'd love to learn this skill too - bought a video once on it - but don't think I've ever watched it LOL -
    Can't wait to see your reveal

  3. The slip cover is a work of art. Brightened the entire room as well. Awaiting the reveal of the something blue..
    Hugs, Gee

  4. I am so envious of your slipcovers! I have been looking for years for someone in my area who does slipcovers. I don't sew, but I still haven't found anyone. Maybe an upholsterer would do it? Anyway, your sofa looks just lovely.

  5. Wow oh wow, those are just fabulous Yvonne!
    That is truly a great skill to have.
    Your room is gorgeous, gorgeous!

  6. Your room rates #1 my favorite family room in blogland. I wonder if your slipcovr lady would travel to Ohio? I have a long sofa beckoning a new cover. Your coffee tablescape is the inspiration I've been looking to achieve. I have the same blue dread/fruit bowl. Your stenciled drapes are fabulous!

  7. It's bread not dread bowl. How many times did I tell my eighth grade language arts students to reread their work before hitting "print."

  8. You have gorgeous taste. Love visiting your blog.

  9. Your slipcover is fabulous. I enjoyed seeing the pinning steps. I wish I was that talented and wow was she ever fast. Congrats on the new look:)

  10. The slip covers turned out perfect! Your room is beautiful and I can't wait to see the other reveal!! Have a blessed week ahead!

  11. Your slipcover is wonderful. I wish we had someone like that by us. I have a sofa that's in perfect condition but the pattern just doesn't work anymore too.

  12. Hi Yvonne your slips turned out beautifully!. I live in Lancaster and was wondering if you would share Diana's contact info. I desperately need some new slipcovers and haven't found anyone at this time.
    Warmest regards

    1. Karen, shoot me an email at stonegable333@gmail.com and I'd be happy to share.

  13. Wow!! That is amazing!! I've always wanted a slip covered couch, but have yet to find one I like. I LOVE this one! I wish that lady lived near me! Just awesome!

  14. Just beautiful, Yvonne! That was what I wound up doing with our living room sofa. I had loved the comfort and size of it, but the pattern just wasn't working for me anymore. I remember being amazed while watching my slipcover lady do her magic, too.

  15. I love this look Yvonne. I've had my white slipcovers for years and I finally need to get them re-done because of some shrinkage over the years. But I'm still staying with the white. It's classic! So happy for you.

  16. Just gorgeous Yvonne....I may have to look into doing this too!...so does Diana make house calls to Chapel Hill?....Beautiful room and looking forward to your painting project reveal!

  17. Beautiful! She has done an incredible job! I love white slips.

  18. Most beautiful, Yvonne! I love your slipcovers and your room looks divine!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  19. Don't you love white slipcovers? That's what we have on all 3 upholstered pieces in our living room, and I'm totally enamored. My friends can never believe I live with white with 2 small and messy kiddos, but they clearly don't know the miracle of bleach :)

  20. She did an amazing job! I love, love slipcovers. I went to pottery barn a few months ago, looking to buy a slip covered chair. The sales lady told me that I would hate slipcovers, and always feel the need to wash them. She also said they aren't mature or grown up looking. Well, I bought from Ballard's and Restoration Hardware, both slip covered. I also had a cover for my Grandmothers wingback custom made. Every piece in my living/family room is slipcovered! Important with three young kids and a husband and pets :) your room is progressing beautifully (your whole home is gorgeous)

  21. What a great gift your slipcover lady has, your sofa looks perfect! Sitting in a funk looking at my sofa wishing your lady made house calls to Michigan. Beautiful room Yvonne, I can't wait to see the other corner.

  22. Love your sofa and what a seamstress she is! Beautiful room too!

  23. Love your decor so much. Can't wait to see that blue thing, you know I'm crazy for blue! :)

  24. Everything is beautiful. I wonder if your slipcover maker would want a trip to Virginia? Her work is fabulous.

  25. It's gorgeous, I love it! Isn't it amazing the difference a sofa covering can make!

  26. That is a beautifully made slipcover. I really need new ones, but I'm dreading making them.Your room is so pretty and at the same time warm and welcoming.

  27. I swear by slipcovers! Your seamstress did a really wonderful job and I am sure you will be happy with your covered sofa. Thanks for sharing!

  28. Love the new slipcovers. Your room is turning out so wonderful!

  29. Slipcovers to the rescue! They look great Yvonne, and I love the pillows!

  30. WOW, your slip cover is wonderful. What a terrific job the lady did - looks like a new couch. Looking forward to see what new things you are going to do to your family room.
    Have a terrific week.

  31. WOW!! What an amazing transformation!!

  32. I love how your room is coming together and can't wait to see the additional changes planned. :-)

  33. The slip looks beautiful! I can see why you don't want anyone to sit on it yet!!! You can change the look of your room now all the time! As you know, I love white sofas:). Can't wait to see what you are painting. XO

  34. I love slipcovered pieces. Your sofa is gorgeous.

  35. Love the slipcover, Yvonne! I look forward to see your changes.

  36. The slipcovers look fabulous. Boy how I wish I had the patience to do slipcovers! I have a sofa that could use a new look too. Can't wait to see more changes as you finish projects! Looking good so far :)

  37. Wow...what talent! You can't go wrong with a white slipcover. Still love your sofa as was however, would be nice for fall, winter.

  38. That slicover is amazing! It will be so much easier now to change the pillows on it!

  39. The sofa brightens the room and it looks fabulous.

  40. The slipcovers are beautiful. What talent! Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all your generous tips and information. It is a pleasure to read your blog. Thanks! Valerie

  41. The slipcover is fantastic, man I wish I could find someone to do that. And the sneak peek.... hmmmm I think I like where it's going in the distressed wood grain sack area.

  42. Yvonne,
    The slipcovers are magnificient, dear friend!!!
    The updates throughout your home are fabulous!!!
    Of course, I'll be back soon!!!

  43. What a beautiful room you've created!

  44. Wow absolutely beautifull! Could you give me an idea of what it would cost to have a sofa slipcovered? Thanks!!

  45. Beautiful and the fact you can wash it.....perfect! Like others, I'm envious....I can't find anyone in my area that does this!!

  46. So so jealous of those gorgeous slip covers!!! I have a sticky fingered three year old and I'm constantly washing the cover I have on one of my chairs. I have to wait a bit longer before covering my sectional, but I can't wait! Yours look so crisp and fresh, love them! :)

  47. WOW- she is so talented, we need someone like that around these parts!

    Looks great and I know how happy you must be that it fits with your newer tastes so much better. YAY - so happy for you!!

  48. I just love your style, Yvonne! How great to find a master slip cover person...what a talent!!

  49. Looks amazing. I'll be emailing you for the name since I live in the Central PA area and can always use to have a "slipcover lady" in my arsenal! Thanks!

  50. Just wow means really awesome collection of the cushion covers. I was looking for the covers for my house now I will definitely go for this collection.
