Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I finally put a map over your bed.

 I know it isn't technically YOUR room anymore. Your room is a few hours away... in YOUR own home with YOUR own husband.

I just want the map to remind you that this will always be your home too... you and your husband's...

You have such a wonderful life... several hours away. You have very bright, kind and dear friends, rich and fulfilling work, a church family that you loves you almost as much as we do, and you have each other... and that is THE BEST part!

It's been such a joy to watch you and Jonathan build a life together... and continue your magnificent love story! 

Do you remember all the girl talks we would have together under the covers in this room... how you would share so openly about what you would like your life to be someday? I could have listened for hours and hours to your dreams!

They still play in my head... I can hear your "little birdie voice" haunting this bedroom!

And when you finally met THE ONE... I knew! I knew that your sweet heart, which you had so wisely guarded and protected for so long, would belong to him... forever. And I prayed that he would be worthy of you.

 And WE prayed together in this room... and God answered our prayers!

Those were the days of pink hydrangeas and gingham and every corner of your room filled with girly frills... and cheerleading uniforms and ballet slippers and crowns and chemistry books!  

But when you became a Mrs you grew up and so did your room. It grew to accommodate your new Mr.

And our family grew to accommodate him too... and also grew to love him.

So... I made this map to remind you where you... and Jonathan... are from and to remind you that there is so much love here for both of you...

To say... even though you live in your own home and have your own room several hours away... this will always be your room and your home, too! 

 But you already knew that!

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  1. Beautiful room, love the map and sweet post.

  2. Absolutely beautiful - the room and the post!

  3. Love the words..
    What lovely memories..:)
    It all goes by so fast doesn't it?

  4. What beautiful thoughts from a mother's heart!! The room is so pretty and calming. I'm sure your daughter and SIL will always cherish the thought of going home. The map is genius!! Blessings, Linda

  5. How precious!! You're a sweet mama :)

  6. Love maps and love that bedroom. The sentiment behind why this was done brought tears to my eyes...you are an amazing person and mom, Yvonne!

  7. Precious post! Room is very calming and comfortable. Can I ask where you bought the map from? I live in PA in South Central part of state and would like to have one of these. Thanks for always encouraging us and teaching us. Titus 2 you are Yvonne ...

    1. Stop back tomorrow and I'll have a tutorial and all the details!

  8. Lovely post Yvonne. So sweet and sentimental!

  9. A beautiful post. I cried while reading it because I could hear a mothers' voice so full of love. This has to be the most beautiful and loving post I've ever read. Thank you for sharing your innermost and loving thoughts with us.

  10. Touching post,reminded Me of how I felt as each of My four daughters married and left the home they grew up in.Beautiful room,so inviting :)

  11. This is the sweetest post I have ever seen.

  12. Aww what a sweet post to read, Yvonne. I'm sure your daughter treasures the memories as much as you do.

  13. What a sweet story! She's a lucky girl and you're a lucky Mom!

  14. oh how we love our girlies. such a precious post, and the map looks perfect above the bed!

  15. Yvonne,
    This post touched my heart in such a precious way, dear friend!!!
    My sweet friends daughters is getting married on Friday!
    I'm sending this to her today!
    Thank you for sharing all the meaning behind this Mapping Your Way Home!!!

  16. Yvonne, this is beautiful! Love, pride, memories ... encouragement, longing, God's provision ... all wrapped up in the words spoken from you Mama heart. What a special tribute to the relationship you have with your "little girl" and (now) the man of her dreams.

  17. Beautiful post. Beautiful sentiment. Thanks for sharing. Your daughter and her Mr. are truly blessed to be in your family.

  18. What an truly beautiful post Yvonne! Even though I do not have girls but boys I know that though they are still in elementary school I will blink and they will be moving away as well. Its a bittersweet time for sure.

  19. There's always a place in heart and home for those we love. A beautiful post, Yvonne, full of the love that a mother's heart holds. I love it when my children come home to stay under my roof. It doesn't happen often because 2 of the 3 live in town. The map is a wonderful idea.

  20. Such a beautiful post for your darling daughter! They are the greatest treasure, aren't they? And someday I'm sure you will be squeezing a crib into that room also :)
    xoxo, Andrea

  21. Yvonne, this is my favorite post you have ever posted. Period. End of discussion.

  22. Nothing like starting the morning with tears... oh my. Sweet, sweet post. Had to grab a tissue. What a wonderful, blessed family.

  23. I just love your blog! We are kindred spirits in every way.
    My only daughter is getting married next year and your post today spoke right to my heart. God bless your ministry of this blog.

  24. What a beautiful post about your daughter and her life.
    Just love the map with the heart where you raised your family.
    What a beautiful family you and Mr. StoneGable have raised.


  25. Such a beautiful and moving post. Our eldest just got married 2 months ago and left the nest to start his new life with his luv. I can so share and relate to your post.It speaks to my heart so.
    Hugs, Gee

  26. What a sweet post for your daughter. The room looks warm and welcoming for the young couple. I know they love to return to this home again and again. '-)

  27. Beautiful heart and beautiful room!

  28. Such a sweet post and a beautiful room.

  29. oh my this post brought tears to my eyes!! how incredibly special and sweet and dear! when we bought this old house my children said mom most people downsize when the nest is empty..not us...we want everyone to have their very own room...complete with grade school photos of ponytails and braces

  30. Such a beautiful post. The room is so beautiful too. What a welcoming place for your daughter and son in law to come home too for a visit. Sweet sweet post. Loved this.

  31. Brought tears to my eyes. Really touched me how we feel about our grown up girls. Thank you, Sara, Ohio

  32. My daughter is 3, and I read this as she was walking around the room, humming to herself. I teared when you described the time spent with your daughter under her covers. I hope when my daughter grows, we'll continue to be best friends then, too.

    This was beautiful; a treat to read.

  33. What a sweet sweet post. Maybe I should try a similar approach with CC who is not married but going to Korea to study for a long time.

  34. Oh Yvonne, such a sweet and tender post and the room is just lovely.

  35. Beautiful bedroom and the post and sentiment behind it is even better!

  36. Oh Yvonne, this touched my heart. What a beautiful post, and room. I love the map! Love it. XOXO

  37. Ohmigosh! Made me cry! I had identical twin girls when I was 41. They are 9 now. I so love lying in bed with them... talking about silly things and serious things...and always ending in prayer. I don't want to think of them growing up.... and leaving the house...although I know they'll be headed for college before I know it. What a precious way you've captured such tender memories in your daughter's and your life....and it's all made even more precious by keeping that special love so alive and growing! How blessed you all are!

  38. Love the map and the room. Black, tan, & white are spectacular together!

  39. Hi! I received a tweet from you saying someone started a terrible blog about me. I didn't click the link in case it's spam, but wanted to known if it was real first. Feel free to delete this comment after you look at your twitter. I am prince snow farm on twitter. Thanks!

  40. Hi Yvonne, I've followed your blog for a long time and relished reading each post including the scripture/message. Your post today brought tears to my eyes, such a beautiful tribute. Our children will always have a home, where their parents are! In 2 days time we say bon voyage to our younger twin son who leaves for Lyon France, for further study & work. So we will be empty nesters.

  41. Such a sweet post, Yvonne, and a sweet room too! Reading it brought tears to my eyes since my "little" isn't little any more.

  42. Such a heartwarming post and beautiful room!~~Angela

  43. Oh those days of sweet little girls. Exciting to watch them on their own, and brings a tear to my eye every single time thinking back to when mine were young.

  44. what a lovely sentiment. And a lucky daughter!

  45. Yvonne,
    What a lovely post.

  46. What a sweet post Yvonne! Love the map...love the whole room!!

  47. Yvonne,
    What a sweet post. The map is lovely and makes the room with the pretty bedding.

  48. Yvonne- what a touching and sweet message. You are a gem....and I bet your daughter thinks so too!!

  49. Oh you made me cry......what a sweet project you did and a story to tell your daughter. I live in Maine and my one & only daughter lives in Texas, so far away.....Miss our girls everyday. Thanks Andi

  50. i wish every parent would remind their child - no matter what - know your way home - like the prodigal son alwyas welcome - love this
