Saturday, July 20, 2013


What's you favorite part of decorating? Conceptualizing a design, the hunt for the perfect pieces, choosing colors and fabric? Mine is adding details.

You could call me the embellishment queen. I love to take something and make it even better! Fussing and fluffing and adding layers of detail.

Here's the newest layer in the living room...

A room at StoneGable is not complete without a few plates on the wall!

Some creamy textured plates found a new home above the Kessler painting.

I was careful not to give too much height or heaviness to the display as they should not complete with the height of the windows... but I grouped them to mimic the window's arched shape.

These came right out of my kitchen cabinet...

My Annebelle hydrangeas are turning from a snowy showy white to a citron green.  They add a pop of color to this very neutral room.

Even though the closest ocean is almost 3 hours away, I still love to display shells in the summer. I am a big shell collector at the beach!!!! So dishes of shells here and there around StoneGable are common summer decor!!!

Of course, the living room needs a touch of the summer beach too!

This beautiful huge carved shell is one of the treasures from my AT HOME site.  Stop by... there are so many sales going on now!

The silver shell dish was a prize I brought home from a spring trip to Savannah!

Is decorating really ever done? Not for me! I'm always and happily adding and editing details... one layer at a time!


  1. Good morning Yvonne
    I love the new look of your blog and all the pictures are of so beautiful. As for me I like it all...the hunt {although I must admit most things just fall right into my lap]. I just wish I had time to do more. Happy weekend.


  2. Beautiful! I love all that you did, the picture/print is very nice also!

  3. Your layers are lovely! I love hunting out wonderful pieces to add character to my home.

  4. You are so talented, Yvonne. Every detail of your home is lovely, and it's obvious that you have a passion for beautiful interiors and gardens, as well as preparing amazing dishes in your kitchen. We are miles inland, but like you, I use a bit of seaside decor here in the summer. My Nantucket baskets are out year round, but in the summer sea shells and a carved mermaid join them tabletop on the sunporch. Thanks for sharing! Your hydrangeas are gorgeous!

  5. I love how you always layer things, it looks so pretty. This new vignette is stunning. Hugs, Marty

  6. Everything is your home is lovely and I always enjoy watching you layer so seamlessly.

  7. Beautiful, Yvonne!! I LOVE the chest and painting and the shells, flowers and plates are just the right touch. Your home is gorgeous and I always take away some inspiration every time I visit your blog. Have a blessed day!

  8. So pretty, Maam Yvonne.

    I love your style. I had revamped my living room and some of the touch was taken from your living room but in a smaller scale, as my house is a very petité, that's why I called it D´Box.

    I will post some photos next week even I am not finish re-doing it.

    Happy w/end.
    /CC girl at D´Box

  9. Love the display on your chest . What a beautiful room. I could spend hours in there just sitting and looking around. Really love your style. Have a great weekend . Yarlette

  10. Love the display on your chest . What a beautiful room. I could spend hours in there just sitting and looking around. Really love your style. Have a great weekend . Yarlette

  11. I like pulling together all the final details, too, Yvonne. The whole room looks just gorgeous and that chest and set up is the perfect finishing touch (well, we all KNOW that we are never really finished)...but it looks beautiful!!! xo Diana

  12. Love the plates and it really is all in the details as you have so beautifully shown. What a beautiful and welcoming room!

  13. All your details are so lovely. I love the seashells, they just make me feel more relaxed. I think you are excellent at arranging objects to highlight their beauty and to work together in a group. Lovely.
    Thanks, Patty

  14. Love the plates too, and I am a detail person X10. I love what you've done, Yvonne. Those windows are absolutely gorgeous, and you already know how I love the painting.
    Now, about those hydrangeas...

  15. Beautiful. I love the neutrals with the pop of natural citron flowers! Thanks for sharing, Yvonne!

  16. Yvonne,
    Just beautiful. I really enjoyed that you gave reasons why you arranged items the way you did. The finished product is easy for us to see in your photos, but hearing the process for achieving the look is invaluable. I can see the implied arch around the dishes that matches the windows' arches, but your description for not competing with the windows' heights and grouping the dishes to echo the arches is excellent.

    Wonderful tutorial.


  17. Everything looks lovely.

  18. Hi Yvonne! How lovely and your layers are so pretty. I just love seeing your beautiful home.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  19. Beautiful!!! My favorite thing with decorating is playing with fabric.

  20. Your layers are just lovely, Yvonne! Thank you for giving us a glimpse into your beautiful home.


  21. That is such a beautiful vignette and in my mind you are the queen of adding layers! Of course you do it in a way that is effortlessly elegant and this room is no exception. :-)

  22. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Your vignette is beautiful!
    My favorite part of decorating is conceptualizing the design. "The hunt" is often frustrating, BUT when the design comes together ~ it brings such happiness!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Have a great weekend,

  23. Yvonne,
    I adore the addition of plates on your wall, dear friend!!!
    This room is stunning!
    I've enjoyed watching the process of your vignette atop the dresser!
    Thanks for sharing and for encouraging us to continue until we feel
    our decor is just right!!!

  24. This is such a lovely room. Very beautiful. The details are so important, and that's why I need a decorator, but you have give us a great tutorial.

  25. Your room looks exceptional. Love the details.
    I love hunting down things for a room like this.

  26. So beautiful!! Love those plates that you have in your kitchen they are so lovely on the wall. They have such great detailing and the hydrangeas are beautiful too! Love the colors. Perfection my dear as always.


  27. What a pretty vignette! It's always nice when you can take things from other rooms and repurpose them, too. I love remodeling more than anything, but now that we're almost done I'm starting to have fun with the accessories and see how they change a room.

  28. So love the vignette and the Kessler painting! are the embellishment queen!....The end result of your attention to detail is always perfection!...So beautiful Yvonne!

  29. Yvonne,
    I'm sure this is a silly question but how did you hang the plates? I don't see those ugly brass plate holders. It's why I don't hang plates!!


  30. So gorgeous! I absolutely love the entire area! Especially the dresser and how it is styled!

    Angela @ Number-Fifty-Three

  31. I love the way you decorate your rooms, those layers are fantastic! The only thing eyes are fixated on that beautiful chest!

  32. Hi from your newest follower! Love the detail on that piece! Also can't wait to see some of your other posts like the home made laundry powder! Come on over and stop by. I am a newer blogger, and would love the support. We are also doing a giveaway right now, so make sure to enter, and send over your friends as well! Here is the link!
