Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I'm pulling out the boxes with shells and summer decor!

Even though we are landlocked it just seems right to decorate with fun beachy elements in the summer...

It's hard to photograph the bar. The kitchen table is in the way!!! But I got a few shots of the easy breezy summer decor...

 Sea shells give my boxwood topiary a summery feel!

This little heavy urn holds some pretty shells too!

My mug rack displays starfish.

The lamp is new... Pottery Barn outlet (of course).  I like the visual weight and light it brings to the bar.

Keeping things simple and fresh is a fun way to lighten up for the summer...

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  1. I just love how you draped the starfish on the bottle dryer. Very whimsical.

  2. I too am landlocked, although I live in Florida, I live in the North Central area... so I am at best 1.5 hours from the water at any given time. But I bring out the shells as well. They just say summer to me. A must :-)
    Luv your vignette on the bar Yvonne.
    Happy Tuesday!!!
    Hugs, Gee

  3. I love how you used the starfish on your mug rack! I might have to "borrow" this idea! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Yes, ocean items just say summer. Love the starfish added to the bottle rack.

  5. I can feel the summer breeze. Looks calming and inviting

  6. The shells are always a great reminder of summer; the starfish are especially cute...I'm going to have to translate some of those recipes for you from the French; there are a few I think you'd really love...

  7. You might be landlocked Yvonne but you have a beachy vibe going on in your home. Love it!

  8. Very pretty, Yvonne! Nothing says Summer like shells!

  9. Yvonne,
    Love all of this. I too love the starfish on the bottle dryer too. Love all your beachy fun vignettes.

  10. Love your mug rack and the new lamp. The starfish do give it a great summer feeling.

  11. Definately a light, pretty summer look!!

    Been eye ballin' that pretty lamp in your shop. It looks even better in your home.

  12. This is gorgeous!! I love it!
    Jamie @ Better With Age

  13. Love your seaside touches Yvonne! The starfish on your mug rack add such whimsy!

  14. Great vignettes Yvonne. Nothing says summer like shells. I love shells so much I have a pinterest board - decorating with shells. You've got some great ideas here.

  15. Nice decoration to the home. All are designed in cells. I like these things very much.

  16. You and I think alike as I also started bringing out my 'summer' look of shells and starfish. It's such a short season and I love the seaside even though we're 1 1/2 to 2 hours away from it. We try to get to it at least once a summer. Your summer decor looks really pretty. Enjoy!

  17. Since we have house guests all week, (they are all still asleep) I have to wait til next week to pull out the shells. I love the TOTALLY new look on the bar! XO

  18. Ooh...loving this a lot! Thanks for sharing. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  19. What a beautiful vignette, I love that bottle dryer with all the starfish!! I really like the shells in the topiary pot too!


  20. Oh Yvonne...I so adore the vignette and what a great idea to place the starfish on the bottle drying rack!!!...just love that!...and you are so right...it is so refreshing...and I hope they have some of those great lamps left when I go to the outlet next month!!! I have never seen those in my PB stores...love it!!!

  21. Lovely home. I like this home very much. I also collect shells. Now I have a large collection of shells.

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  23. Its make really beautiful view with shells pots
