Saturday, June 22, 2013


My favorite time to be in the garden is in the evening... when the shadows are long and the heat of the day is loosing it's grip on the land!

So, June 21st was the perfect time to spend a long evening in the garden.

Come walk with me and see how my garden grows...

Lettuce was first to be planted from seed early in the spring.  We have been harvesting it for a good month.  It is so fresh right from the garden with a sprinkle of homemade dressing!

 Soon it will be too hot for it and it will bolt and get bitter.

Then in August we will plant more seeds for a fall harvest!

If zucchini were worth their weight in gold...

Our zucchini are riotous every year!!!! They are the happiest campers in my garden!

As the sunny blossoms wither tiny zucchini begins to grow from them. 

Some of the tiny zucchini will probably be ready to harvest tomorrow... they grow FAST.

Cucumbers are a relative of zukes. Cucumbers are bed hogs... they like to spread out... and their curly tendrils grab on to anything standing... Their little blossoms will soon be delicious juicy cucumbers ready to eat or be turned into pickles!

Beets are another happy veggie... they are huddled together in one corner of a raised bed.

Their bright stems give away the color of the beet under the earth! I think their veiny leaves are so striking!

Eggplants are one of my very favorite. Their stems are a beautiful purple and their flowers are a lovely lavender.  Here is a bud just a day or two from blooming. Their fruit looks like it is too heavy for the plant.

Later this summer, we will have traditional aubergine eggplants, ones that look like round streaked globes and the long Japanese variety.

Just the thought of garden onions and leeks make me swoon! They are one of the stars of my garden!

There is something so satisfying about pulling them out from the earth.  It's a surprise! You never know exactly how big they have become over the summer.

I plant a variety called "Candy Sweet". Yes, the name suites them well!

Peppers abound at StoneGable. This year I planted several varieties. Green bell, red, yellow, banana, and a new small sweet variety.   

Our garden is organic so I pick them and eat them right in the garden!!!

What is a garden without tomatoes. I wait all year for the couple of months of tomato harvest!!!!

This year we planted Early Girl, Jet Star, Brandywine, Roma, Cherry and Pear tomatoes.

A couple of plants go a long way!

Tomatoes love our soil, but cannot tolerate long periods without rain. In dry July and August we water them regularly.

Our reward is tomatoes dripping with flavor!

Two newcomers to our garden this year are... celery and brussels sprouts.

Celery like tomatoes need lots of water.

We planted just 6 plants to see how they grow. I love watching and learning and experiencing new adventures in the garden.

So far... so good!

Brussels sprouts will stay in the garden long after I have put the rest of the garden to bed in the fall.

They taste best and get sweeter after a good hard frost.

It will be a delight to be harvesting from the garden between Thanksgiving and Christmas!

I cannot forget the only perennial in my veggie garden... rhubarb.

It starts to appear in very early spring. I have been pulling out it's tart strawberry red stalks for a month. When sweetened, it is tangy and delicious and makes scrumptious jam.

This year... so far... has been one of my garden's best. We have had a good amount of rain and nice summer days!

Our sour cherry tree is amazing this year... 

We have never had so much fruit!!!

Bobby and I are heading out again to pick more fruit. This afternoon I am making sour cherry Jam!


As the summer progresses into the long dog days... my garden will start to get out of hand!!!  I'll invite you for another walk when the plants are mature and it becomes hard to keep up with the harvest... and the weeds!

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  1. Your garden was a trip down memory lane for me, reminds me of the gardens we use to grow when I was growing up. Nothing like a tomato picked from the garden...soon I hope!

  2. What a wonderful garden, it makes me long for growing veggies again. Maybe next year, fingers crossed.

  3. Yvonne! Gorgeous images and your garden is an inspiration, makes me want to go and plant something!!
    Happy Saturday!!

  4. those cherries look delicious. I grew up in California with a family garden. Still can't stand green beans because I hated picking them so much.

  5. What a beautiful garden! Thank you so much for sharing it with us! Those cherries look delicious! Have a super weekend!

  6. Wonderful treasures of the earth!

  7. What a wonderful post, Yvonne. I'm really missing a little spot to grow some things. Thanks so much for sharing your garden with us!

    Jeanette @ Creating a Life

  8. Yvonne, your garden grows beautifully and I so enjoyed my walk with you. Your vegetable plants are amazing and look so healthy. I love how you have them in raised beds. We plan on starting a garden soon, maybe prep work late in the fall for next spring. I would love to see you do a tutorial on vegetable gardens. You sure have a green thumb and a creative one too. Everything you do is beautiful! Love the cherry tree.......

    The French Hutch

  9. Oh my gosh Yvonne! Your garden is beautiful and you have done an amazing job! I would love a garden like yours! I am so envious! I cannot wait to see what you cook up with some of those goodies too! Have a lovely weekend and thank you for the Canada Day wishes! Angie xo

  10. Yvonne your garden is looking wonderful! I can't wait to get my raised beds made this summer, so I can have a fall crop planted. Right now I am just container planting and have tomatoes, lettuce and herbs.

  11. Oh my goodness I absolutely love your gardens! Love Lancaster too!!

  12. Yvonne, we have wild rabbits living on our property, and we love them. I've really wanted to plant an above-ground organic garden as we have such great growing seasons with Spring & Fall. But, I'm worried about the rabbits. Will they eat everything ?
    And, it won't be pretty if we fence it off. Oh, what to do, what to do. Your garden is, of course, magnificent. I have finally figured it out, you have a full staff to support all your many endeavors, otherwise, how on Earth would you get all this done?

  13. Your garden is coming along so well and looks so healthy and lush, Yvonne. Ours are just nicely getting started here. In fact, my neighbour is still planting his even this evening. It's been a terribly wet and cool spring here but now it seems that the heat has arrived with summer. I love eating fresh garden produce. Pamela

  14. Yvonne Dear, Your garden, this year, is wonderful. I've eaten your lettuce and
    arugala....wonderful, And rubarb which I made sauce out of....delicious!!
    I'll be by for more. Much Love, Mother

  15. Your garden is lovely, mine didn't fare nearly as well. Everything looks scrumptious and lush!

  16. Oh my gosh, you are such an inspiration to me my friend!!! This is exactly what I want in my garden and my life!!! Its just beautiful, thank you for sharing!!!!!!!

  17. I had so many comments swirling around in my head, but when I was done reading all I wanted to say is would you just please adopt me.


  18. Yvonne your garden not only looks green and lush, the best part is all those delicious fruits and veggies you're growing. You're so lucky to have all that wonderful property. What fun you must have :)

  19. What a bountiful treasure a true reward of hard work, I know only to well. I can't seem to grow lettuce very well. Do you start the seeds before hand or plant directly into the garden? Happy harvesting!

    1. Hi Lisa, I plant my lettuce seed directly in the ground. Lettuce is a cool weather plant. I start it very early in spring and it's done be the first of July. Then I plant seed late in August and have it and harvest it all fall.

  20. Hi Yvonne, your garden looks so lovely and healthy. I never have seen a sour cherry tree, is that something that you can make desserts with too? I tried Brussel sprouts and the heads formed but but never filled out completely. Nothing is better than fresh vegetables in the garden. I love to make ratatouille with the vegetables, it is one of my favorites.

  21. Your garden is lovely and so full of life! It is leaps and bounds ahead of ours! I enjoyed the walk thoroughly!

  22. Oh what a gorgeous garden Yvonne! You will so enjoy the rewards of your hard work!

  23. Your garden is gorgeous! It looks so yummy! Nothing tastes better than freshly grown veggies!

  24. It looks great! My garden is having a good year as well. Being a little further south than you, the lettuce is already gone and other things are coming in! So much fun! My sour cherries have been pitted and frozen or otherwise used. Can't wait to see your jam recipe...I've never made jam from them.

    Thanks for sharing.


  25. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing this magnificence.

    Marilyn in Mt. Vernon, VA

  26. Lovely! I am swooning over your garden! I long to grow all our veggies but am working my way towards that goal slowly. The added challenge is we are an Air Force family and moving around. Currently, we are in the panhandle and I am learning to garden with the intense heat and sandy soil. I am trying to grow organically. We built a frame and I filled it with mushroom compost. We were advised not to put fabric underneath but some of the natural sandy soil has worked to the top. Do you have fabric under your garden boxes? Secondly, caterpillars are eating the leaves on my tomato plants--any advise on how to treat this problem organically? Thanks very much! I LOVE your blog and get lost in the beautiful pictures daydreaming about retiring from the AF and finally building a home of our own.

  27. What a wonderful harvest you are and will be yielding from your garden! I adore the last photo~ such a picturesque and peaceful farm setting!

  28. What a gorgeous garden you have...I just love the leaves of the beets!...and sour cherries?....oh wonderful to be able to make the sour cherry jam right from your garden!....I am swoon over your gorgeous views!!

  29. Yvonne,
    Your Garden is inviting any time of day, dear friend!!!
    The first photo of bibb lettuce had me drooling!!!
    Thank you for sharing all the bounty of your Garden with us!!!

  30. Yvonne,

    Your garden is just wonderful. I can't believe everything is just thriving!


  31. The garden is absolutely beautiful. I am truly inspired to have my own garden just like this one. Sour cherry jam – I have never had this. I would love to know how you make this. Do you mind sharing the recipe?

  32. OH wow!! I am so happy to see your garden!! it really looks awesome with so many delicious fruits and veggies!! :) Good luck!
